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Better Call Saul S3 |OT| Gus Who's Back - Mondays 10/9c on AMC

I assume she did out of exhaustion from overworking herself
Mixed with lack of sleep. I've been there a couple times where I'm driving at night and as soon as one starts to ease their head back to the headrest of the car seat, that's bad news. You can seem Kim easing her head getting comfortable and then..bam, wake up in a car accident.
I have a long history of predicting things will happen in this show and BB-- both in the moment and long term-- that turn out wrong.

For once, I was right (Kim's going to have an accident).

As far as Jimmy's character, I can see him rationalizing this as helping people get their money sooner. Even if he did hurt Irene to do it. He wasn't Full Saul yet.

And as far as how his payday is going to get wrecked, I suspect Chuck's assault on HMM may play into that. (See note about my having been wrong most of the time in my predictions).

Ahh, Chuck. It's funny, but I can feel the urge to root for Chuck because it's fun to see him in his strength, but fuck him trying to tear down his own company (and presumably put a lot of people out of work) just because he can't accept retirement after publicly humiliating the firm and costing it god-knows-how-much in insurance. So Fuck Chuck, even with Fuck Jimmy in ascendance and passing him by.

Lastly, back to Kim-- I wonder if we see a darker side of her after this.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Chris Mulkey Best known for Twin Peaks(?) but he shows up in a lot of different places.
Ah, thanks! I think I remember him from Boardwalk Empire, but yeah he's been a guest in a bunch of shows too. One of those "guys" you see every now and then. Weird how IMDB doesn't credit him for BCS yet though.

Also, Howard is so sick of everyone's shit at this point, lol.
Haha yeah, Howard was done taking anyone's shit. I'm kind of rooting for him now, even if he was a dick to Kim.

They're certainly making Jimmy completely pathetic and unlikable as this season ends. Poor Irene. :(

He also seemed like kind of a dense shithead when he was aggressively trying to distract Kim from her work. Yes, she needs a break, but he's coming off like a carefree jackass.
Yeah, he was really obnoxious in that scene. Had I been Kim I would have snapped at him and gone "fucking hell, not now, Jimmy!" and stormed off, lol. He was totally inconsiderate.

Kim is just a punching bag for the writers.
What are you talking about?


What happened to Kim scares the crap out of me.

I've been in that same situation except that I managed to wake up just as I was about to crash into a cement structure... and no airbags in my car.

I vowed to never, ever be in that situation again.
Jesus what a miserable episode.

Chuck's ready to burn everything down.
Saul is a goddamn monster

Howard is the MVP of the episode.
One question I have. The main reason I didn't think Lydia's cameo earlier in the season didn't make sense was because I thought Madrigal was based in Texas. They came back to it well, but the same thing from earlier applies. Did Mike end up driving/flying out to Texas?

Nacho's dad. :(

Fuck, this scene too.


I didn't see that ending at all. Hopefully, Kim will be alright, though presumably, that means the oil job will be a bust.

Chuck's ego once again is his biggest hurdle. Going to the mats with Howard is going to end in disaster and undoubtedly have repercussions regarding any settlement Jimmy might be hoping for.

I'm hoping Nacho makes it, though I fear for his long term future.


Junior Member
Seeing old people cry always breaks my heart, and Irene's actress did a superb job in portraying that innocent old lady breaking down after being rejected by her only friends. Jimmy is full on Saul Goodman now. And I nearly have a heart attack at Kim's scenes at the end. Holy fuck she better be okay!
One question I have. The main reason I didn't think Lydia's cameo earlier in the season didn't make sense was because I thought Madrigal was based in Texas. They came back to it well, but the same thing from earlier applies. Did Mike end up driving/flying out to Texas?

According to the BB wiki, that office is in Houston. So yeah.

He's got $200,000 to launder, I guess it's worth the trip.


That was an outstanding episode up until the car crash. I expected it as soon as Kim started driving. Maybe the writers have interesting events in store, but right now the crash portends a frustrating obstacle to Kim's progress. I wanted to see her kick ass and succeed for her new client. Her trajectory up until the end of this episode was engaging. It's satisfying to watch her hustle pay off.

Hasn't she struggled enough already, without a freak accident derailing it all?

Hopefully the finale does something good with this.
That was an outstanding episode up until the car crash. I expected it as soon as Kim started driving. Maybe the writers have interesting events in store, but right now the crash portends a frustrating obstacle to Kim's progress. I wanted to see her kick ass and succeed for her new client. Her trajectory up until the end of this episode was engaging. It's satisfying to watch her hustle pay off.

Hasn't she struggled enough already?

I saw it coming too, but I didn't expect them to handle it as well as they did.

I'm guessing the next episode is going to have Jimmy turn on Kim because she didn't trust that he could come up with the money. We already saw a bit of that when he decide to open the bottle and celebrate right after she left.


I saw it coming too, but I didn't expect them to handle it as well as they did.

I'm guessing the next episode is going to have Jimmy turn on Kim because she didn't trust that he could come up with the money. We already saw a bit of that when he decide to open the bottle and celebrate right after she left.
I guess I should suspend my judgment until the next episode, but when it happened I felt disappointed. If it leads the characters to dramatically satisfying places, it might be fine after all.

I'm definitely getting the sense that some kind of falling out is brewing between Kim and Jimmy. They are very different people with conflicting drives. A darker side has surfaced in Jimmy this season. There's no way Kim would be fine with what Jimmy's done to Chuck and Irene.

Seeing old people cry always breaks my heart, and Irene's actress did a superb job in portraying that innocent old lady breaking down after being rejected by her only friends. Jimmy is full on Saul Goodman now. And I nearly have a heart attack at Kim's scenes at the end. Holy fuck she better be okay!
Yeah I felt so bad for her. That series of scenes showed just how deeply Jimmy's conscience is compromised.
That was an outstanding episode up until the car crash. I expected it as soon as Kim started driving. Maybe the writers have interesting events in store, but right now the crash portends a frustrating obstacle to Kim's progress. I wanted to see her kick ass and succeed for her new client. Her trajectory up until the end of this episode was engaging. It's satisfying to watch her hustle pay off.

Hasn't she struggled enough already, without a freak accident derailing it all?

Hopefully the finale does something good with this.

Although they have been telegraphing several times this season that Kim's overworking herself. Mesa Verde alone is arguably more than enough work for one lawyer alone, and they've shown her working day and night, sleeping in her office, stressing out about formatting minutiae, getting short with her clients. Plus on top of that she's taken time to defend Jimmy both with his criminal case and with his bar association hearing.

I knew last episode when she was taking on this new oil client that something was going to give by the end of the season. I didn't know it would be so violent, but they have been building to something snapping.


semen stains the mountaintops
When Jimmy found her crying, it kinda seemed like MAYBE he realized how fucked up what he did was, and then he just went for the finisher. Ice fucking cold. Not even a hint of remorse, and then you see him happy as can be with a bottle of liquor ready to celebrate after he ruined every friendship that poor woman had.
Him Jimmy found her crying, it kinda seemed like MAYBE he realized how fucked up what he did was, and then he just went for the finisher. Ice fucking cold. Not even a hint of remorse, and then you see him happy as can be with a bottle of liquor ready to celebrate after he ruined every friendship that poor woman had.

Yeah, he didn't even feel any self-loathing or emotional wreckage after doing that. He just wanted to celebrate.

I hope Kim finds out and she dumps his ass.
That was an outstanding episode up until the car crash. I expected it as soon as Kim started driving. Maybe the writers have interesting events in store, but right now the crash portends a frustrating obstacle to Kim's progress. I wanted to see her kick ass and succeed for her new client. Her trajectory up until the end of this episode was engaging. It's satisfying to watch her hustle pay off.

Hasn't she struggled enough already, without a freak accident derailing it all?

Hopefully the finale does something good with this.

There is absolutely nothing "freak" about that accident. Kim's been pushing past her limits for a while, even before she took a second client. She's needed to slow down or hire help for a long time now, and this is a logical consequence.


semen stains the mountaintops
Yeah, Kim was so overworked that she had resorted to taking 5 minute power naps to get some rest. It was clear this was going to catch up to her at some point, and more so after last week's episode when she took on the second client.
sneaky sneaky



Wow, kinda saw it coming that Kim would crash. After what Jimmy said about her pulling an all-nighter and how stressed she seemed, pretty clear she wasn't exactly in the best state to drive. Just glad she didn't randomly die or have her car explode, was sorta expecting that as a lazy/shocking way to explain her absence in BB. You could still spin it as realism too, car accidents happen all the time.

Regarding the rest of the episode, wow, Jimmy shows what an awful person he can be. Dude coulda just explained his situation to Irene, explained how his brother hates him and got his license suspended and explained he desperately needs the money. A woman like Irene would probably just settle then and there if he asked her honestly, she'd be sympathetic and helpful. Instead Jimmy turns all her friends against her and makes her feel hated, totally psychopathic
The lack of confirmation for next season combined with how much they've closed the gap between BCS and Breaking Bad makes me think next season will be the last one unless they spend significant time in the present, which I don't think they will.

sneaky sneaky


The second one took a minute to click. That's pretty good.


Regarding the rest of the episode, wow, Jimmy shows what an awful person he can be. Dude coulda just explained his situation to Irene, explained how his brother hates him and got his license suspended and explained he desperately needs the money.

Jimmy needed it to appear that he didn't coerce her in any way, lest it get back to the guys at HHM that he was meddling with their case (while on probation no less). Even when she asked him straight up if she should settle, Jimmy was careful to subtly imply she should without directly advising her to do so.


Holy shit! it would make sense that
Gale would be a Madrigal employee and that Lydia found him for Gus. Maybe we'll see him soon? But it is till too early given the laundry is years from being up and running.

Gale was a recipient of a chemistry scholarship sponsored by Gus; so if Gale worked for Madrigal it's most likely because Gus recommended him.


I happen to have this soft spot in my heart about the elderly and you did that, Jimmy? Really? I don't know how we can move on from this.

Amazing episode, but heartwrenching at that.
Gale was a recipient of a chemistry scholarship sponsored by Gus; so if Gale worked for Madrigal it's most likely because Gus recommended him.

That's what I thought....

I assume we are going to see that happen at some point.

And if they do, you KNOW they are going to stick his karaoke in there as well.
I'm thinking a 2-season renewal after this one, along with the announcement that season 5 will be the last. or maybe just one "season" but longer than 10 eps and split over two years, Breaking Bad/Mad Men style.
That wouldn't surprise me at all. They've mentioned five seasons a few times and that feels like about the right amount of time. Would make sense that AMC wants to package it that way, too.


Jimmy needed it to appear that he didn't coerce her in any way, lest it get back to the guys at HHM that he was meddling with their case (while on probation no less). Even when she asked him straight up if she should settle, Jimmy was careful to subtly imply she should without directly advising her to do so.

I think he also could've explained this to her =)
He just has to tell her that he would get in trouble if she told anyone that she was acting on Jimmy's behalf, beg her to keep mum or else he would lose his livelihood forever

Also, there seems to be a clear path for how Jimmy and Kim split now. When he hears about the early settlement Howard will instantly realise that Jimmy's behind it. He'll do a little investigation and Irene will tell him how all her friends randomly turned against her, she might even mention that Jimmy 'helped' her regain her friends by subtly implying she should settle early. Howard will want to get back at Jimmy for the trouble he has caused for Chuck and HHM, so he'll tell Kim that Jimmy ruined the social life of an old lady for money. Kim will remember how Jimmy was celebrating and realise what a monster he is, so she'll cut ties
Also, was Gale ever mentioned as having worked for Madrigal at any point during BB?

It feels like the kind of thing Hank would have found or it would have come up as a former employee.
Whether it's five seasons or more, I do kinda hope it overlaps and extends beyond BB like Vince has mused about a bit (well, I guess it already HAS extended beyond BB in the flash forwards, but you know what I mean).


I think he also could've explained this to her =)
He just has to tell her that he would get in trouble if she told anyone that she was acting on Jimmy's behalf, beg her to keep mum or else he would lose his livelihood forever

Maybe, but that would have been significantly less dramatic/fun, and also wouldn't have pushed Jimmy farther down his path of ambiguous morality. I like that we, as the audience, have to be uncomfortable with Jimmy at this point and can't continue to categorically root for him. It sort of parallels the similar progression of Walt in Breaking Bad, and gets us closer to what this character obviously becomes.

There's still a ways to go between ostracizing an old woman and recommending business partners take a trip to Belize.

Also, was Gale ever mentioned as having worked for Madrigal at any point during BB?

It feels like the kind of thing Hank would have found or it would have come up as a former employee.

Closest connection I can think of was the air filter for the lab being purchased from Madrigal and Gale signing for the delivery. If there was a connection thicker than that, Hank would have found it. I think they might be hinting at Gale showing up, or maybe just winking at the audience -- "Remember this character?" -- but I don't necessarily think Madrigal will be the avenue through which he's introduced if he is.
Whether it's five seasons or more, I do kinda hope it overlaps and extends beyond BB like Vince has mused about a bit (well, I guess it already HAS extended beyond BB in the flash forwards, but you know what I mean).

I worry about this if it does.

I do not want to see Jessie or Walt/Heisenberg appear in BCS at all.

Lydia was pushing it but i get her role in the show as Gus and Mike are present.

This is very much its own show with its own characters.


So not worth it
Just when I thought this show couldn’t possibly get any fucking better, they play a great cover of Popcorn over a Jimmy montage scene. I held a dear love for that song ever since I got a record player back in the 90s and salvaged the single LP of Hot Butter’s original from my dad’s collection in our attic. So good.


Him Jimmy found her crying, it kinda seemed like MAYBE he realized how fucked up what he did was, and then he just went for the finisher. Ice fucking cold. Not even a hint of remorse, and then you see him happy as can be with a bottle of liquor ready to celebrate after he ruined every friendship that poor woman had.
That is completely Saul Goodman.

In earlier seasons/episodes we saw that Jimmy actually cares about the people.

Now he starts to not giving a fuck anymore.
Just thinking aloud here--

Gus owns Pollos. I assume at this point, Madrigal doesn't, or maybe just bought it. They buy it because Lydia and that German dude somehow meet Gus and broker this as a way to get them into the drug trade, and Gus out of the hands of the Cartel. Yes? I don't think Lydia's time on this show is over, I assume we see a lot more of her going forward.
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