You're a lucky guy Elder. At least you had grandparents.
I never met any grandparents because they all died eons before I was born as they were killed or committed suicide during wars. All I've seen of them are old black and white photos. Both my parents had their parents all die by the time they were I'd say around 10 years old tops. One of my great grandparents lived with us for a stretch and died when I was around 12. I think she was about 90 and didnt even know English, so I couldnt even communicate with her without my mom or dad translating. The only thing we understood was universal hi and bye.
Sorry to hear that man.
My dad's father died before I was born and I never seen or met him.
Was close with my mom's grandparents, but when I left my country to go to USA I didn't see them till 5 years later (paid a visit), then when I came back to USA that was the last i saw of them, they died in their 80s and were sick. If they would of came to USA they would still be alive thanks to medical care.
My dad's mom lived in the USA so I did see her frequently.
I was born and raised in Russia came to USA when I was 10.