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BEYOND: Two Souls (Ellen Page, Willem Dafoe) |OT| Press Triangle to Aiden

So the game is going to get a lot of "low" scores?, as long as I enjoy it, I don't care, but it could be a problem for QD, and for the sales numbers.

I hope they stay strong and keep doing what they want and not what some players and media want.
So the game is going to get a lot of "low" scores?, as long as I enjoy it, I don't care, but it could be a problem for QD, and for the sales numbers.

I hope they stay strong and keep doing what they want and not what some players and media want.

It will, i would have given it a 6 at best personally.

And for comparision, i would have given Heavy Rain an 8.5 or so. Maybe even a 9.


So the game is going to get a lot of "low" scores?, as long as I enjoy it, I don't care, but it could be a problem for QD, and for the sales numbers.

I hope they stay strong and keep doing what they want and not what some players and media want.

Pre-order numbers look pretty good from what I've seen, and outside of a few people on forums, nobody is going to cancel their pre-orders because of low review scores.

It will sell just fine.
So the game is going to get a lot of "low" scores?, as long as I enjoy it, I don't care, but it could be a problem for QD, and for the sales numbers.

I hope they stay strong and keep doing what they want and not what some players and media want.
It will. If you liked Heavy Rain you will probably enjoy this game. Maybe not as much, but you likely will. But it won't review well. It will sell decently, because no one is able to cancel his/her pre-order after the embargo lifts. Overall it will do worse than Heavy Rain and may not break even, but it won't be a huge bomb. QD is fine for now, because Sony is in desperate need of PS4 exclusives and they have a 3 games contract running with them.

However, their PS4 game probably has to be a success again, or else the relationship might be over. Luckily Cage steps down from writing for the most part and focuses on what he does best (directing and having ideas), so I see no reason why they shouldn't be able to have success again on PS4. Especially since they probably move into a different direction, maybe a comedy or something instead of a serious drama.
Ugh, just canceled my preorder. 10 hours for $60 + so extra gameplay for buying from gamestop when I only buy from Amazon just pushed me =\ I'll pick it up in a few weeks for $20 =\ Was really looking forward to this game.
I hope that's not the case for me.

I'd give Heavy Rain a 6.5/10, so I really don't want this to be worse :p
I think you are right actually. I suspect people that hated the idea of Heavy Rain will hate Beyond, people who loved Heavy Rain will enjoy Beyond (but many not as much) and guys like you who appreciated the concept of Heavy Rain, but had many problems with the execution are going to enjoy Beyond more just because of the better voice acting, no tearing and improved controls.

I think most of the reviewers will go down, but I'm still unsure about Sterling. He might go slightly up. 7.5 maybe.

26 chapters

Does everyone else who beat it have the same number?
Looks like it. I hope there is some serious branching inside the chapters at least.


guys like you who appreciated the concept of Heavy Rain, but had many problems with the execution are going to enjoy Beyond more just because of the better voice acting, no tearing and improved controls.

Yep, that's definitely me. I actually thought the gameplay was the best part of Heavy Rain, despite its simplicity. So, if Beyond has managed to improve on the gameplay foundations set by Fahrenheit and Heavy Rain, I'll be pleased.

Jim Sterling's opinion of Heavy Rain is very similar to mine. He enjoyed the gameplay, but had major issues with the story. I'm guessing his opinion of Beyond will be the same.


The graphics are amazing :eek:

Demo graphics are kinda mind blowing for a PS3. On the fence about this game for 60 bucks. I watched Heavy Rain be played and it was honestly pretty cool. Sort of didn't know I wanted this game until it snuck up on me.....
Yep, that's definitely me. I actually thought the gameplay was the best part of Heavy Rain, despite its simplicity. So, if Beyond has managed to improve on the gameplay foundations set by Fahrenheit and Heavy Rain, I'll be pleased.
Honestly it looks like it is going to be for the best to not pay too much attention to the story/writing. Just enjoy the stunning looking environments and take in all the details. I'm sure many of the sequences for themselves are going to be enjoyable to play and very atmospheric. Maybe no "finger" scene among them, but still good stuff. I think this is going to be enjoyable just for the ride.

One of the trophies has confirmed my greatest fear (not story related).

Stealth sections. Nooooooooooooooooo!!
Probably Somalia, which easily looks like the worst scene gameplay and graphics wise I have seen so far.
One of the trophies has confirmed my greatest fear (not story related).

Stealth sections. Nooooooooooooooooo!!

The only stealth sections are during CIA training and when you are in Africa. The one in Africa is pretty fun actually and not really hard. Basically just using Aiden to choke out a bunch of dudes and possessing them to kill each other.
After playing the demo, this screams rental. There will be no reason to revisit after playing it. If I couldn't rent, I wouldn't even give it a second look. It's not a game; it's an interactive movie.
After playing the demo, this screams rental. There will be no reason to revisit after playing it. If I couldn't rent, I wouldn't even give it a second look. It's not a game; it's an interactive movie.
"It's not a game" is a bannable offence in this thread. Better delete that. The rules specifically state that no one cares about what do you think what is a game or not.
Back seat modding is too :p
I'm reminding him of the OT rules. Nothing more. Besides, I'm in a bad mood right now. This happens when DukeBobby comes in and a single review makes the hype go from 120% to 0%. I better get to sleep and see how I can get a copy on Monday, so I can finish this before the reviews are coming in. At least I haven't played GTA V yet, going to be a welcome distraction.


I'm reminding him of the OT rules. Nothing more. Besides, I'm in a bad mood right now. This happens when DukeBobby comes in and a single review makes the hype go from 120% to 0%. I better get to sleep and see how I can get a copy on Monday, so I can finish this before the reviews are coming in. At least I haven't played GTA V yet, going to be a welcome distraction.

Sorry about that. I didn't mean for that to happen.
Sorry about that. I didn't mean for that to happen.
That was seriously the worst F5 button press of my life :D 3 years patiently waited for this shit and then this. I'm sure I will enjoy it more than enough, but I hoped there was a chance to get something that would please everybody (that likes this type of game). I seriously thought he would get it right this time. Damnit Cage.
Ugh, just canceled my preorder. 10 hours for $60 + so extra gameplay for buying from gamestop when I only buy from Amazon just pushed me =\ I'll pick it up in a few weeks for $20 =\ Was really looking forward to this game.

so gamestop having a 30-min extra practice gameplay which has no bearing on the story pushed you to not only cancel your preorder, but pick up the game for $20?


That was seriously the worst F5 button press of my life :D 3 years patiently waited for this shit and then this. I'm sure I will enjoy it more than enough, but I hoped there was a chance to get something that would please everybody (that likes this type of game). I seriously thought he would get it right this time. Damnit Cage.

Don't lose hope just yet. The reviews were always going to be mixed, so don't let one low score bother you too much.

We'll see what happens on Tuesday.
Sony will be interested in continuing this partnership and this game will be a financial success. It had a relatively low budget and I can see it moving 2-3 million copies easily and 4 million copies would be its ceiling. Reviews are irrelevant to me because the nature of the game itself is so divisive its going to be a sea of drastically different opinions.


Neo Member
I'd like to see more games get mixed scores. Too many games are all are nothing these days. The wolf pack mentality has to stop. It's okay to have differing opinions!


Sony will be interested in continuing this partnership and this game will be a financial success. It had a relatively low budget and I can see it moving 2-3 million copies easily and 4 million copies would be its ceiling. Reviews are irrelevant to me because the nature of the game itself is so divisive its going to be a sea of drastically different opinions.

That's too much.
Probably 1.5/2M LTD (more if there is a PS4 version in 2014)
I'm reminding him of the OT rules. Nothing more. Besides, I'm in a bad mood right now. This happens when DukeBobby comes in and a single review makes the hype go from 120% to 0%. I better get to sleep and see how I can get a copy on Monday, so I can finish this before the reviews are coming in. At least I haven't played GTA V yet, going to be a welcome distraction.

Which is ridiculous, because it's silencing legitimate debate. You know how I felt playing the demo? "Gee, I totally feel what's going on here, but I don't feel like I really have much input. I guess we're at a cross-roads when it comes to gaming."

Then I realised the difference between a game and Beyond is that a game doesn't tell me when I have to push a button; it's up for me to figure it out myself.

Banning people for saying "This isn't actually a game," only serves the industry a disservice at a point where Beyond represents a future direction for the medium.

Or we only allowed to say that about iOS games now?

EDIT: This is also the first topic that appears in search, the most active topic, and I'm sure a topic dedicated to "BEYOND ISN'T EVEN A GAME!" would also fetch a ban. End of the day, all I wanted to chime in was that there wasn't enough for me to consider this a purchase in a time where I (and I'm sure many others) are being a little more picky about where their dollars are going. If there's nothing for me to return to in a month, it's a rental. Period.
Also, I find Ellen Page sooooooooo much creepier than Dafoe. Maybe it's because I first saw her in Hard Candy, but when I look at her she just sends shivers down my spine.

EDIT: And shit like this doesn't help..



Which is ridiculous, because it's silencing legitimate debate. You know how I felt playing the demo? "Gee, I totally feel what's going on here, but I don't feel like I really have much input. I guess we're at a cross-roads when it comes to gaming."

Then I realised the difference between a game and Beyond is that a game doesn't tell me when I have to push a button; it's up for me to figure it out myself.

Banning people for saying "This isn't actually a game," only serves the industry a disservice at a point where Beyond represents a future direction for the medium.

Or we only allowed to say that about iOS games now?

EDIT: This is also the first topic that appears in search, the most active topic, and I'm sure a topic dedicated to "BEYOND ISN'T EVEN A GAME!" would also fetch a ban. End of the day, all I wanted to chime in was that there wasn't enough for me to consider this a purchase in a time where I (and I'm sure many others) are being a little more picky about where their dollars are going. If there's nothing for me to return to in a month, it's a rental. Period.

You're making an assumption that making a separate thread about what constitute a game or not would get you banned. So instead you go to a thread where it's explicitly stated that people don't want to hear the usual trolling drivel about how this game is not a game. The reason the rule is there in the first place because many have done drive-by trolling by saying the same BS that you said. We then end up with a long argument which completely ruin a thread which is dedicated to helping others with the gameplay and storyline.

You want to discuss what constitute a game, go ahead and make a thread of your own and maybe instead of calling it "BEYOND ISN'T EVEN A GAME!" like you suggested, you can go with a more tactful and less flame-baiting title like "What constitute a game in your opinion?" I know! What shocker! It's actually possible to create a title thread that doesn't suggest that the thread creator is an ass who tries to anger others. On that note, there are other BEYOND thread you can use to also discuss the issue if you lack the courage to make a reasonably-titled thread of your own.

Also, it's been repeatedly stated that one game alone is not going to change the face of the industry. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool or just full of shit. I don't see anyone suddenly adopting Cage's gameplay mechanics post Heavy Rain and I doubt many would suddenly adopt the same thing as well post Beyond. The mentality of "I don't like this so everyone else shouldn't like it either" is also childish. So you don't like it, what big deal. I don't like FPS either and yet you don't see me coming to those FPS threads and saying "FPS is a shitty genre that should not be made". If I have that kind of close-minded attitude, I wouldn't be exposed to once in a while FPS gems like Deus Ex: HR or Bioshock Infinite.
Just installed the demo. Hopefully it's good. Just wanted to quickly post how amazing the menu song is. I love Video Game OST's and if the rest of the game is anything like this I am going to have a very very good time.
Wait, what the hell just happened? I don't have time to read through the pages I missed. Anticipation is suddenly dying in this thread?
We then end up with a long argument which completely ruin a thread which is dedicated to helping others with the gameplay and storyline.

So maybe the thread should be more accurately called "The Beyond Appreciation Thread"? Because your response seems more that it's dissent that's not allowed.

I also disagree with your assessment that Heavy Rain and Beyond are unique in their approach. Even Uncharted 3 and The Last of Us are channeling this idea that if an experience is cinematic then it's preferable. My problem isn't even that these games exist; it's that we're expected to pay so much for a one time romp.

I'm sorry if this is seen as pissing on the parade, but I enjoyed the demo and considered pre-ordering until I realised a $15 rental would achieve the same as a $110 purchase.
"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." (Winston Churchill)

First review score leaked and it's only 6/10. Cue panic.

Who cares? Review scores are garbage. I liked lots of games which got low scores and many of the '10/10 everywhere' games were actually bad. If Beyond got perfect or near-perfect scores I would actually be afraid. Nothing is worse than a game that tries to please everyone (while everyone likes the same old shit, sequels, remakes and plagiarism of other successful games).

Satisfying people's expectations, giving them what they want is no virtue. A creator's goal should be to surprise people -hell- even challenge them. Going against your own audience, leaving your comfort zone and trying new ideas, that takes balls and that I can respect. I want to be surprised and I want to be shocked. People will necessarily dislike the result but that's the only way creativity can live. Getting Demon's Souls/Uncharted/Bioshock/Pokemon/Metal Gear 20,923,292 HD, even with perfect 10/10s is the most boring thing to me.

It's OK to get bad reviews. The important thing is to try doing something original. It took Deadly Premonition a lot of 5/10s (or even worse) to be one of the best games of this generation.



Incredibly Naive
Sounds like this is no longer a day 1 purchase for me... guess I'll wait for more reviews and impressions, this may just end up a rental.


So maybe the thread should be more accurately called "The Beyond Appreciation Thread"? Because your response seems more that it's dissent that's not allowed.

I also disagree with your assessment that Heavy Rain and Beyond are unique in their approach. Even Uncharted 3 and The Last of Us are channeling this idea that if an experience is cinematic then it's preferable. My problem isn't even that these games exist; it's that we're expected to pay so much for a one time romp.

No one said dissent is not allowed. We just don't want to hear the old trolling "This game is not a game" BS. You want to criticize the story, go ahead. Oh wait, the game is not even out yet! You want to criticize the gameplay? Go ahead and criticize the control but don't resort to the old "I hate QTEs and this is not a game". YOU KNEW DAMN WELL that this game involves QTEs. It's incredibly dumb to play a game that has one then complains about it. If your intention is to create a discussion of what can be called a game and what can't be called a game then that's outside the scope of this thread.

Here's an example of criticism of the gameplay which I had written myself:

Replicant said:
I find the control a bit harder to understand because often I'm not sure if I have to press left or right or front or back. I actually prefer Heavy Rain's QTEs where it's obvious which button you need to press.

I'm sorry if this is seen as pissing on the parade, but I enjoyed the demo and considered pre-ordering until I realised a $15 rental would achieve the same as a $110 purchase.

If you think $15 rental would do the job, then do so. No one really gives a shit how you play the game. You sound like you have entitlement issue as well. It's not like you don't have access to other type of games that you can play if Last of Us or Uncharted type of games are not up your alley. Expected to pay so much? LOL. Who expect you to do so? Go buy Ass Cred IV, go buy Watch_Dogs or GTA V. There are so many games you can purchase and yet you chose to whine about a game that you're not going to purchase in the first place.


Which is ridiculous, because it's silencing legitimate debate. You know how I felt playing the demo? "Gee, I totally feel what's going on here, but I don't feel like I really have much input. I guess we're at a cross-roads when it comes to gaming."

Then I realised the difference between a game and Beyond is that a game doesn't tell me when I have to push a button; it's up for me to figure it out myself.

Quick-time events, tutorials and other action-prompts say hello. Is that seriously the best difference you could think up?

Banning people for saying "This isn't actually a game," only serves the industry a disservice at a point where Beyond represents a future direction for the medium.

Or we only allowed to say that about iOS games now?

That is a strange statement. If this isn't a game, how the hell can it be a future direction for the medium ('gaming')? You've given yourself a reason why it won't interfere with other games already; interactive movies, no matter if it's a specific genre or another medium, are something entirely different from regular games or games of other genres thus won't change those other games (which already contain many quick-time events and cinematic aspects, but that trend started before interactive movies even became this big so don't blame them).

EDIT: This is also the first topic that appears in search, the most active topic, and I'm sure a topic dedicated to "BEYOND ISN'T EVEN A GAME!" would also fetch a ban. End of the day, all I wanted to chime in was that there wasn't enough for me to consider this a purchase in a time where I (and I'm sure many others) are being a little more picky about where their dollars are going. If there's nothing for me to return to in a month, it's a rental. Period.

Statements like "This isn't a game" are banned in this thread because we've had that discussion a million times already by now and mostly ends up in an "I don't like what you like, stop having fun!" stance from the people who agree with you. It wouldn't make sense to go into a Call of Duty OT to say 'I don't like FPS-games' either. It simply has nothing to do with the game itself.

There is always a place and time for legitimate discussion about what makes games 'games', like indeed maybe a topic on its own (of which we've also already had many), but the only purpose that debate will serve in this topic is derailing the thread.

My problem isn't even that these games exist; it's that we're expected to pay so much for a one time romp.

Now with that I can somewhat agree, but the problem is the fact you said this wasn't a game and not the fact that you indeed pay a lot for what you actually get. Then again, the latter might be more of a problem with game prices in general these days.


'Game' is a very outdated term for what it is we're 'playing'. Games have rule sets and player actions, they're goal orientated. Beyond is not a game, in the traditional sense, but nor is lots of the things we discuss on GAF and run on our game consoles. The medium is just digital interactive entertainment now, and Beyond is very much that.


there are a few games coming out I'm on the fence about - this, ACIV and the new 3DS Zelda. Demos help, but also hearing impressions on GAF, from which I can filter those from people with similar desires from the game and help me come to a conclusion.

I'm fine with it being at the more 'cinematic experience' end of the gaming spectrum.
So maybe the thread should be more accurately called "The Beyond Appreciation Thread"? Because your response seems more that it's dissent that's not allowed.

Huh? I think we can still comment on what we think about the storyline, the characters etc pp. so I don't see what you are implying here.

What you wrote here could start a 'let's agree to disagree'-discussion no one (at least in this thread) is interested in imo.


Who cares? It baffles me to see the Hype declining here just because it received a mixed review. Shocking News, the game wasn't expected to be everyone's darling to begin with ;)
First review score leaked and it's only 6/10. Cue panic.

for me it's just the poor demo. it was just clunky for me. killed my interest.

I was worried after Heavy Rain anyway as that didn't play that well for me either.

shame as these adventures are full of ideas.

I think it's one to pick up when cheap just to try it.
You sound like you have entitlement issue as well. It's not like you don't have access to other type of games that you can play if Last of Us or Uncharted type of games are not up your alley. Expected to pay so much? LOL. Who expect you to do so? Go buy Ass Cred IV, go buy Watch_Dogs or GTA V. There are so many games you can purchase and yet you chose to whine about a game that you're not going to purchase in the first place.

See this I don't get, and it's overly defensive. I've already mentioned that I enjoyed the demo, but these directed affairs don't seem to offer the value. To answer your snide question: I'm sure Sony expect me to as they've set RRP at $120. Also, again, I'd considered buying the game but the replay value seems non-existent.

For the record, I own Heavy Rain.

Quick-time events, tutorials and other action-prompts say hello. Is that seriously the best difference you could think up?

Yeah and they suck too. One of my favorite games drives me nuts with its useless QTEs (just make it a cutscene!) and AC3 cannot be revisited because of the 4-hour hand-holding tutorial.

But it's clear that people just want to discuss the game in a vacuum, so I'll apologise and take my leave.


See this I don't get, and it's overly defensive. I've already mentioned that I enjoyed the demo, but these directed affairs don't seem to offer the value. To answer your snide question: I'm sure Sony expect me to as they've set RRP at $120. Also, again, I'd considered buying the game but the replay value seems non-existent.

For the record, I own Heavy Rain.

For you, it doesn't offer the value. For me and others, it does. When I see something that doesn't offer a value, what do I do? I skip it and buy other games. It's simple as that. I'm sure Sony isn't going to cry that you don't spend $120 on it because you're not interested.

So do I! What does that mean anyway? To be honest, I like the characters in Heavy Rain more from what I can see so far but I'm not going to dismiss this game just because of that.


Since the game is already out in many stores, maybe it's time to start a spoiler thread? And keep this one clean?
Since the game is already out in many stores, maybe it's time to start a spoiler thread? And keep this one clean?

I'll second this. Isn't out in the UK until Friday and as I've avoided any major spoilers so far, I'll be extremely pissed if I accidentally happen across them in this thread...


Since the game is already out in many stores, maybe it's time to start a spoiler thread? And keep this one clean?

I'd do it but the mods already told us not to do it before the release date to minimize spoilers. Even if we create one, it'd just be closed until release date.

I'll contact Y2Kev to see if we can speed it up though.


First review score leaked and it's only 6/10. Cue panic.

Wasn't that score from a shitty mag though? =) And it wouldn't suprise me if they also gave TWD 9/10. Don't get me wrong, I loved that game too, but inconsistencies in review scores annoy me to no end.


Do you get the normal ps3 box with the special edition? Or is the ps3 box plus the steelcase? Honestly I prefer the art in the normal edition.
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