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Big Brother 18 |OT| It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere

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He's grown on me. It's good that he's been laying low.
Paul's game has been perfect since Jozea's eviction. He does need to cultivate genuine trust with someone other than the boys keeping him around to ensure they don't get overwhelmed but, beyond that, he's doing just fine.

He also needs James to be the next guy to leave because he's literally the only person in the house with Paul on their radar.


Bridgette needs to start working this house instead of staying attached to Frank's hip. Its never too late to get in the trenches and make some deals get some information. She seems like a decent person but that doesnt win you 500k in this game.

Frank is a sinking ship.



She needs to stay if only for the faces.


The team shit is so stupid.

I had a thing for Vanessa last year, and now I have a thing for her sister. :O Too bad she's not as good at the game as Vanessa though.
The team shit is so stupid.

I had a thing for Vanessa last year, and now I have a thing for her sister. :O Too bad she's not as good at the game as Vanessa though.
Yeah, and I think Dae's playing a good game too as she's highly aware of her surroundings. Vanessa saw that early on and that's why Dae was evicted.


Tiffany done exploded tonight! Threw her lot in with Team Frank and tore a strip off of everyone that saved her.

Good for her! They had it coming!



So am I to understand that Paulie and Crew now want Tiff out next?
Yep... just like last week. It's pretty much The Entire House vs. Frank / Bridgette / Tiffany / Natalie right now.
Da'Vonne and James are on the bottom of their alliance and the Showmance alliance along with Paul and Michelle are house bitches in charge.
That's the current dynamic.

Provided that the top group does not win Roadkill this week (most of the Production favorites are underdogs right now), the talk is to put Corey on the block and vote him out. Day has committed to it and James will to protect Nat with her on the block. Frank and Bridgette will as well. It's getting that 5th vote that's tricky. Might be easier if Tiff got pulled down with the veto as both Michelle and Z could be swung if Day was on the block instead of Tiff. Then again, Day being on the block might also tempt Frank w/ Bridgette to take her out.

Lots of fun variables in play. There's also talk of Paulie being foolish enough to use Paul as a pawn because his cocky "I'm always on the block anyhow" self thought it would be a good idea to volunteer to go up. I think Paulie will think better of doing that (he truly despises Tiffany and Natalie) but he may well make that mistake.


Good. Deserved. They both suck as players. Da'Vonne is one of the worst players ever and I would bet one of the worst returnees ever.
Day does good work in the DR. And I would call her "good casting" in terms of making good TV. But otherwise, you're completely right.

James has an exceptionally strong social game. His grasp of Big Brother is stronger this time around thanks to having been through it once before and not having Meg pollute his thought process. So I wouldn't say he sucks as a player... but I wouldn't say he's an especially good one. He's incapable of thinking more than one move ahead at all times.

All of this season's returnees have noteworthy flaws.


Yeah, and I think Dae's playing a good game too as she's highly aware of her surroundings. Vanessa saw that early on and that's why Dae was evicted.
Mmm....the same woman who blew up and freaked out, on two separate occasions, to her alliance members in front of everyone, was evicted last year because she was playing a good game.

Mmm....the same woman who blew up and freaked out, on two separate occasions, to her alliance members in front of everyone, was evicted last year because she was playing a good game.


He didn't say she was playing a good game. He's saying she's intuitive, which isn't false.


Corey is the Roadkill nominee.

The unfortunate dilemma that now presents itself to the underdogs is Paulie is desperate not to lose another guy in the house... so Paul isn't going up as a replacement nom if Nat or Tiff come down. Da'Vonne is.

The eviction vote breakdown right now is...

Votes to Evict Corey - Frank / Bridgette / Da'Vonne / James
Votes to Evict Tiffany - Nicole / Zakiyah / Michelle / Paul

Paulie would break the tie to send Tiffany home. There's no getting around this unless the veto changes things up.

Now if Tiffany were to come down off the block courtesy of her winning veto or Frank/Bridgette pulling her down, Day would go up as the replacement nominee and presumably the target for the Showmances would switch to Natalie or Day. Tiffany would become an eligible voter but we'd still have a 4:4 split. That said, there's a possibility that Paul could be swung (not likely - but it would be in his self-interest), that Michelle could be swung (doubtful) or that Zakiyah would not want to vote out Da'Vonne. Frank and Bridgette would have the potential of wavering as Frank probably wouldn't be all that put out by a Day eviction if he felt the votes were there.

If Natalie wins veto, Day would go up as a pawn but Tiff would still be the target. If James wins veto and pulls Natalie down, same deal.

If Day wins veto (unlikely seeing how she's never won a comp in her life - and would have to get drawn to play in it), she would have the option to pull Tiff down (and declare war against the showmances instead of ride the middle) or she could pull Nat down (as a favor to James) and force Paul to go up. I think that's the best scenario for a 5:3 vote split to manifest itself. But that, like I said, requires the unlikely scenario of Da'Vonne winning a competition.


I feel like I'm going to be using this a lot

Why is Nicole dressed in some ugly bathroom wallpaper?

Also, my bet as of right now is that Tiffany gets evicted next Thursday and wins the pre-jury Battle Back comp to return to the house with safety for the week.
This will prompt Paulie to blow a gasket which I'm entirely in favor of.


James and Day are down to get Corey out of the house this week, with the thought that 1) Tiffany will stay as a target, 2) Nicole will come to work with them since she won't have Corey.

That'd be James, Natalie by extension, Day, Tiffany, Frank, Bridgette.


James and Day are down to get Corey out of the house this week, with the thought that 1) Tiffany will stay as a target, 2) Nicole will come to work with them since she won't have Corey.

That'd be James, Natalie by extension, Day, Tiffany, Frank, Bridgette.
They're correct about #1. They're dead wrong about #2.
Nicole will run and hide behind Paulie. OR... she would flip sides but then hide behind Frank and attempt to sabotage Day and James from there.

Which path Nicole would go would depend on which side won HOH the next week post-Corey eviction.


Oh I was talking about UberTag, not that other person.
Day may be observant (although some of those observations are likely fueled by hints from Production) but she's entirely clueless how to act on those observations more times than not. She has a legitimate chance of getting evicted this week although she's playing for veto so it won't be a backdoor.

One thing she has gotten better at is picking her spots. She's dialed back her gameplay considerably from when the HOH noms are set to after the POV ceremony. So she learned that lesson from her first season. Lay low until you have safety and then make the moves you need to make to steer the game in the direction you want.

Contrast that with Tiffany, who, while she FINALLY justified her placement on the show with her aggressive-style cross-examinations of people on Thursday night, didn't know when to dial it down. She was recklessly divulging the information she had left and right with no real purpose apart from to just do it to whomever would listen. She weirded out many of the few connections she had made with Nat and Day who are equally on the outs when she really should have confided in Frank and not blown shit up. She's an awful player and one bout of entertainment after getting pushed over the edge doesn't make up for a month of bad TV and atrocious social game. (She was perfectly justified in feeling upset; she just chose the wrong approach to vent said frustration.)


Corey won veto. Tiffany plans to replace him with Day post-veto ceremony.
Up for eviction on Thursday will be Tiffany, Natalie and Da'Vonne.
Corey won veto. Tiffany plans to replace him with Day post-veto ceremony.
Up for eviction on Thursday will be Tiffany, Natalie and Da'Vonne.
That's a much better choice than Nicole. That's one less vote for Tiffany to worry about now, and Dae has a possibility of leaving over her.


Her entire game relies on her being quiet and not being emotionally crazy and she can't do both at the same time.
The real risk will come from whether or not Day does anything to sink her game once she goes up on the block as the replacement nominee. She's already sold herself on it happening so she shouldn't react any different but... she's not a good player. Then again, neither is anyone else really.

The rest of the girls aren't doing Day any favors this week. Nicole, Z and Michelle are letting Tiff go around sinking all of their games unimpeded while preoccupying themselves with silly distractions like "Does Corey still like me?", "Is Natalie flirting with my man? That slut", "Am I getting fat?" and "I don't trust Paul... do you guys trust Paul?"

They also waste far too much time trashing Bridgette.

The path to a Day eviction is relatively clear-cut. Frank and Bridgette make a truce with Corey and Nicole and they dupe Paul into his "I'm a mole for Frank and will vote to evict Day to show I have his back when I really don't" plan and Da'Vonne will get evicted 5-3 (with only James, Michelle and Zakiyah voting to evict Tiffany).



They definately spend way too much time bashing Natalie and Bridgette. Its usually the nicest people that gets the most shit talked about them in these shows. I think it comes from jealousy.


Well, at least the Corey/Paulie showmance seems to be blossoming.
Shame those girls think they have anything special going on... but hey, so long as they're content to throw their shot at 500K down the drain for them, I won't judge them harshly.
Just caught up from being behind about a week of the show and through the entire dumb ass fart joke of a roadkill competition I struggled the entire time to think of who the fuck uncle Austin was.

God damn BB, you actively try to make the dumbest piece of shit for television don't you?
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