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Big Brother 18 |OT| It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere

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According to Twitter account BB18 Leaks ‏@BB17_Leaks (which previously leaked last year's twin twist and the returning players for this season), the results of tonight's Battle Back competition and subsequent endurance HOH are as follows...

Jozea won his way back into the house via the BattleBack comp and also managed to win HOH by besting the house in an endurance comp. Natalie was apparently the last person to drop out.

Oh, worst news ever, if true.
Now that Teams/immunity and Road Kill is over, production won't be able to directly protect their pets anymore, right? HA! Not so fast. Julie was on Jeff's aftershow and said that "fan votes" will start impacting the game starting next Thursday.


Now that Teams/immunity and Road Kill is over, production won't be able to directly protect their pets anymore, right? HA! Not so fast. Julie was on Jeff's aftershow and said that "fan votes" will start impacting the game starting next Thursday.
This should come as no surprise to anyone. They will protect Nicole and her untarnished edit and Frank's underdog run through as many artificial means as necessary. The only saving grace will be that this should all frustrate Paulie - and that will be fun to see.
I am pretty tired of 90% of this thread just talking about how production is controlling everything.
Production does have a lot of control, though. Even if we don't look at it in a literal sense, for example them messing with votes to favour a particular HG, they can still strongly influence outcomes. They can edit programming to make a certain HG look like an innocent victim in need of help, and then put up a poll that would grant America the ability to help said unfortunate HG. It goes beyond hints in the DR and bias comps. Big Brother is no longer just a little social experiment, it's a prime time cable show that pulls in millions of viewers. Executives and producers want the show to continue to pull in viewers, and the best way to do that is through drama and pandering. I mean, just look at the veterans that were brought back. From the perspective of someone that enjoys the game, they don't really make sense. However, from an executive position, getting those fan favourites in the house, no matter how terrible their game, is the perfect way to grab viewers. Keeping them in the house is also very important.

Of course, there are certain things that are out of productions control. No one is saying that Big Brother is scripted or anything. I can't count the number of times I've cackled at events that I knew were going to bring Grodner to her knees. But seriously, can you look at stuff like the Coup d'Etat, MVP, coach immunity, Diamond POV, and Golden Keys, and tell me that they weren't put in place [attempt] to help certain beloved HGs? Even the HGs know that production favours certain people over others. It's no secret.


Of course, there are certain things that are out of productions control. No one is saying that Big Brother is scripted or anything.
Technically, many of the DRs are scripted. Forcibly so in some cases and only a few people like Day (with her acting background) and Frank (with his natural charm) can really pull that forcible scripting off. Contrast that with the non-scripted DRs before Arnold Shapiro left and it's like night and day.

It was the social experiment aspect of Big Brother that initially won me over on the show and half the time I barely recognize the person talking in the diary room on the show as the same person I'm watching in the house on the live feeds. That's a problem.

As for last night's spoiler intel, I'm not entirely buying it as accurate but I'm more confident in its accuracy than some others. If only because of how precise it was in its timeline and that I assumed the BattleBack comp would be something that someone could get better at the more times they do it (thus giving them an inherent advantage over their opponents).
so, did they put the evicted HGs at different houses to keep them confused on who was evicted after them?
I think they are playing the HOH games after the other HGs go back inside. No two people are in the jury house at the same time, since the previous HG would have just been evicted and waiting in sequester for the HOH to be over.


I think they are playing the HOH games after the other HGs go back inside. No two people are in the jury house at the same time, since the previous HG would have just been evicted and waiting in sequester for the HOH to be over.

that makes sense


That leak is false!!


Glad to see that spoiler debunked.
There was no way Glenn was winning that first comp if they had run it two dozen times. Poor guy got screwed.

Let's see how Victor fares against Bronte.


smh at just switching. Anyone with a basic probability course should know there were hundreds of possible combinations/permutations.
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