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Big Brother 18 |OT| It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere

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i dont know what the other care packages will be but i think natalie should never be a have not again


the site lists them out.

yea, natalie should be a never have not

next week is eliminate 2 people from voting

then week guaranteed safety

then co-hoh (picks 1 nom and safe)

final listed is 5k to bribe another HG with


I'm already seeing people say give to to Michelle so she can continue her nervous eating habit ways lol
Michelle or Victor are the best picks.
Victor will clean out the pantry and Michelle will eat 18 hours of the day and be too busy to talk and say ugly things.

That said, it would also be amusing to see Michelle have to suffer on slop. So I'm pro-Victor here.

i dont know what the other care packages will be but i think natalie should never be a have not again


the site lists them out.

yea, natalie should be a never have not
Nat loves the Have-Not room. That's her little bumper car love nest with James.
Frank looking at random objects in the house lmao. Productiob tipped him off probably

Frank can still benefit from this twist. Paul just gets first dibs, nothing certain.

highly likely frank has the round trip card

So what are the approximate odds Frank is coming right back in the house tonight? 85%? 90%?

What happened, guys? It's almost like the "production rigs everything!" nonsense that literally fills every online discussion about BB is just that.


What happened, guys? It's almost like the "production rigs everything!" nonsense that literally fills every online discussion about BB is just that.
They rigged the twist. They just didn't rig it for Frank.
Nor should they have. There was no salvaging his terrible game. His rep in the house was as damaged and toxic as his farts.
What happened, guys? It's almost like the "production rigs everything!" nonsense that literally fills every online discussion about BB is just that.

I'm not in the "everything is rigged" camp, but to play Devil's Advocate, having it be the first person evicted while the twist is active means they get effectively zero mileage out of the twist. Ideally they'd want to get at least two or three evictions out of it.


It's straight bullshit they haven't turned the feeds back on yet. They used to show the HOH's.
And now they don't.
They've got your money. Up yours if you want to watch comps outside of the edited broadcast.
At least that's the message CBS is putting forward.
What happened, guys? It's almost like the "production rigs everything!" nonsense that literally fills every online discussion about BB is just that.
lol even the houseguest were calling out production for constantly introducing twists to help Frank. It's not my fault fucking Grodner herself decided to like tweets clearly biased against Michelle and showing favoritism towards Frank, it's obvious that production does shit behind the scenes but there's a limit to how obvious you can make it before you catch a shitstorm.


The Paul power trip this week is going to be his end. Lol

I want to feel sorry for Bridgette but I cant, she had two weeks to fix her game just like Paul and Natalie did. Instead she just sulked with Frank and argued with people. Instead of finding a way to fit into the crowd she distanced herself. I bet she wont even try this week. I had high hopes for her but she sucks at this game.


Sigh. Why even bother commenting. All I want for, this season is Michelle to be booed when she eventually gets evicted.

If Day'Vonne wins, I'm done with this show. Looks like she is back to playing the "loud angry black stereotype" role this show seems to always have and eventually vote out. Terrible player.


What happened, guys? It's almost like the "production rigs everything!" nonsense that literally fills every online discussion about BB is just that.

You may have missed it, but michelle straight up said see you in five minutes when frank was evicted. the house pretty much believed he would be right back in the door.


You may have missed it, but michelle straight up said see you in five minutes when frank was evicted. the house pretty much believed he would be right back in the door.
Cynism is a bitch. But so is Michelle, so that works out!
What happened, guys? It's almost like the "production rigs everything!" nonsense that literally fills every online discussion about BB is just that.
My post still holds true. Frank could have benefited from that twist if he got the roundtrip ticket, but he didn't.

Production still interferes to help create "ideal" TV moments, though.


I can't believe I actually read that they are going to make Bridgette feel like she's not leaving but she is.

Fuck this cast up their collective poop holes.


I can't believe I actually read that they are going to make Bridgette feel like she's not leaving but she is.

Fuck this cast up their collective poop holes.
To be fair, Paulie believes he can rope in Bridgette as a backup Victoria he can have wrapped around his finger now that he's tried of how clingy Z is.

So as far as he's concerned, Bridge isn't leaving. He's doing what he can to monopolize Paul's HOH and get Day up on the block.
Odds are she'll have the round-trip ticket if she gets evicted.


Looks like Natalie got sabotaged by receiving the first (and worst) of the care packages.
She is now the recipient of a worthless prize and hated by the rest of the house for her popularity. How unfortunate!
Almost immediately after they came inside Michelle, Nicole and Corey were shitting on Nat for it.

Michelle said for Reddit to send her something good. I don't think she's going to react very well to how fans are perceiving her, especially those on Reddit (where she's an active member of the community and they know her account).


Bridgette has decided to snuggle up to Paulie and have him be her Frank replacement and make unquestioned game decisions on her behalf.

Victor has now decided that Frank was the only one who got him evicted and that it had nothing to do with the HOH that week - aka Paulie.

Everybody loves Paulie! Enjoy the next two months, folks.


Bridgette has decided to snuggle up to Paulie and have him be her Frank replacement and make unquestioned game decisions on her behalf.

Victor has now decided that Frank was the only one who got him evicted and that it had nothing to do with the HOH that week - aka Paulie.

Everybody loves Paulie! Enjoy the next two months, folks.
At least if he wins, we actually have a game move or two to go off of. Nepotism sucks, but whatever, this season is trash anyways so a trash winner is fitting.

I can't believe he is at the bottom of Jokers HG ratings now tho. Like, he is bad, but not THAT bad.



At least if he wins, we actually have a game move or two to go off of. Nepotism sucks, but whatever, this season is trash anyways so a trash winner is fitting.

I can't believe he is at the bottom of Jokers HG ratings tho. Like, he is bad, but not THAT bad.
Paulie's best game move was winning HOH back in Week 2.
He pretty much won the game during the three weeks of immunity that followed.

Paulie playing chess with his only competition in the house... on a Friday, the day when feeds should be brimming with game talk and activity...


Velcro Fly

the cat ladies that live and die for this shit are fickle

I'd say the ones openly bragging about bullying Bridgette are worse but what do i know


the cat ladies that live and die for this shit are fickle

I'd say the ones openly bragging about bullying Bridgette are worse but what do i know
Paulie's actually playing the game. You're absolutely right that most of the other houseguests being absolute wastes and doing nothing but trashing other people in the house are worse.

The animosity from the fans stems from the fact that Paulie is benefiting from a manufactured season where he had pre-established alliances and knowledge heading into the house and is the only one playing the game in the most arrogant, transparent, sloppy and brash fashion possible and getting away with it with little effort. It's like BB16 redux except you can't even entertain the delusion that Paulie is a good player (which Derrick was). He doesn't even need to be. His aggression and endless bullshit is all he needs to succeed. Fan resentment is understandable.

Despite all of these advantages, Paulie is still the most deserving winner in a house full of terrible players and shallow people. But he will never be respected for it.
I can't really blame Bridgette for buying into Paulie this week. She effectively has no other choice if she wants to stay. If Paulie gets pulled off and Day put up, she just needs to stay quiet and be a good little soldier this week. She needs a week or two of being a good little soldier to hopefully improve her position in the house. If that means being one of Paulie's many sidekicks for a bit, then so be it. Nobody else will even talk to her.

If for some reason the final noms are her and Paulie, then yeah, blow everything up.

Everybody else though. James even flat out called Paulie his leader and saw nothing wrong with that. Everybody's just cool with him calling all the shots. He flaunts his power and is always confident. These should all be red flags. If he's on the block at the end of the week a semi-competent player should jump at voting him out.

But they won't. If they do, then good on them. Damn. Proved me wrong.

Velcro Fly

That is awful

My first impression of her was that she had one of those kind faces and I thought she would be the type to get along with everyone. Guess I really overestimated the people in this game :(


Tonight's group bonding exercise in the BB18 house is to run the gauntlet of ways to insult Natalie both to her face and behind her back about her breast implants and what a slut she must be for having got them.


Although both are bad, I have to say that BB15 was better than this season. So many ugly people in this house... I wish no one would win.
BB15 was easily a better season in terms of gameplay and momentum shifts.
I'm not prepared to say the BB18 cast is uglier in terms of their rhetoric, however. The BB15 crew were downright malicious and hurtful at times.

I am happy that Bronte was able to get out of this toxic environment before the house went to town on her like they have her fellow Spy Girls. She should consider herself lucky.




Yea Michelle and Zakiyah are nutcases. Petty insecure people.
Zakiyah was just crying because Paulie was in the HOH room chilling and not sleeping with her. Zakiyah hasnt played a second of Big Brother yet.


Yea Michelle and Zakiyah are awful people Petty insecure people.
Zakiyah was just crying because Paulie was in the HOH room chilling and not sleeping with her. Zakiyah hasnt played a second of Big Brother yet.
Zakiyah's on a different show called "Showmancing Paulie". All of these other annoying women are hanging around and she's not sure what to make of them so she just hurls insults whenever they get in the way of her primary objective.

Except, of course, when she's throwing birthday celebrations for either herself or her stuffed giraffe, Raffy.
I don't think they will address it on the show much. In 15 they were forced to because the racism was showing up on mainstream sites. The Bridgette stuff likely won't get that sort of traction.

If they do address it, it will be like 15. Make it about Michelle (Aaryn) and effectively give the rest of the cast (Amanda, GM etc) a free pass. Can't paint most of your cast as unlikable.

Although both are bad, I have to say that BB15 was better than this season. So many ugly people in this house... I wish no one would win.

The BB15 cast was more toxic for sure. But they were also much better at the game. It's a season where I can appreciate the gameplay (and I think Andy is a top tier winner) but I also remember having to turn off the feeds in disgust.
I don't think they will address it on the show much. In 15 they were forced to because the racism was showing up on mainstream sites. The Bridgette stuff likely won't get that sort of traction.

If they do address it, it will be like 15. Make it about Michelle (Aaryn) and effectively give the rest of the cast (Amanda, GM etc) a free pass. Can't paint most of your cast as unlikable.

The BB15 cast was more toxic for sure. But they were also much better at the game. It's a season where I can appreciate the gameplay (and I think Andy is a top tier winner) but I also remember having to turn off the feeds in disgust.

What ever happened with the fallout with that terrible cast. Have they expressed any remorse or regret for their actions?

That was a brutal summer. Links?

I tend to forget about these people once the show ends.


This is trending with some vets like Ian on Twitter as they try to get the word out.

Someone on Reddit posted a full history of the blatant bullying of Bridgette and how it hasn't been shown on the show. Pretty chilling stuff - fuck these people.



reading the comments with peeps defending Corey is just... mind numbing. Peeps like Corey who are not joining in but standing by are just as bad! I mean you know these peeps are treating someone terribly, all in the name of $500k, and you don't agree w/ it but you do nothing... all in the name of $500k (or do you just not care, tbh?)? Pretty awful. -__-
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