You know what's funny about all of this to me?
Before ANY of this happened, I was taking that online test to see which candidate I most aligned with along with some friends of mine. And I got like 97% Bernie and 93% Hillary. And my friends were like, "Oh, so are you going to support Sanders now?" And I was like Hell to the naw!
And I explained to them that my issue with Bernie is that whenever I hear him speak, I just sense weakness. I see a man who's hitting all his liberal talking points, but I don't hear passion or a commitment to really fight for his goals. It's one thing to just cast a vote. It's another when it's YOU at the forefront having to push YOUR agenda. I just have no faith in Bernie on the level. Whereas with Hillary, 93% alignment on the issues is fine with me, and on top of that she's proven herself to be a fighter. She's not going to get steamrolled; she's going to push her agenda. I may technically agree more with Bernie, but I have way more faith in Hillary to get things done.
And I said all of this WEEKS before Netroots, and since then Bernie has done nothing but prove me exactly right. I mean, you're really going to let this KEEP happening to you, Bernie? You're really going to be that stubborn? You REALLY can't contain and engage 3 people who hopped up on your stage? Damn...if that's too much for you to handle, I don't even want to bother seeing how you handle a Republican-controlled congress that will literally exist to oppose EVERYTHING you do.