Nor was it BLMs
ok? I never said that.
Nor was it BLMs
It wasn't his rally, he was invited to speak there.
Let me guess, you're either nineteen or twenty one.
+studying at a liberal arts college
I know you're poking fun at the conspiracy theories, but it doesn't really work because Sanders isn't actively provoking Bernie secretly working for Donald Trump? the way he's been handling things the past few months only seems to be dividing normally democratic allies into warring factions...
31 year-old law student. Are their any more ad homonyms to distract from the fact that you have no counter argument?
People are never more vicious than when fighting to protect the illusion that their government is an actual democracy.
31 year-old law student. Are their any more ad homonyms to distract from the fact that you have no counter argument?
People are never more vicious than when fighting to protect the illusion that their government is an actual democracy.
I know you're poking fun at the conspiracy theories, but it doesn't really work because Sanders isn't actively provoking anyone.
31 year-old law student. Are their any more ad homonyms to distract from the fact that you have no counter argument?
People are never more vicious than when fighting to protect the illusion that their government is an actual democracy.
How does he provoke people? "How dare he not being an exact representation of my political goals?!"no, i'm serious here. his political... i dunno if you can call is strategy... is provoking the ire of one camp and they respond and that provokes the people in his camp. who does it really benefit?
ad hominems (lit. "to the man")
homonym is another word for homophone.
So what the BLM movement is doing today holding rallies for the one year anniversary of Mike Browns death is harming the movement as well?
I'm all for BLM being a disrupting force and taking Democrats to task. Democrats can't just rest on their laurels as the unsupportive moderates and expect people who have to deal with racism to vote for them because the republican option is so monstrously awful.
That said Bernie has a pretty good track record, but I think he handled this poorly. Hopefully the hiring of Sanders will improve things.
is Bernie secretly working for Donald Trump? the way he's been handling things the past few months only seems to be dividing normally democratic allies into warring factions...
I agree. But they don't careShe seems nice. Bunch of idiots really, Sanders is the last candidate they should be targeting.
You mean Bernie is working for Donald Trump who is working for Clinton who is working for Soros.
I feel bad for Bernie...
These people are idiots.
I mean, we have reasonably good evidence to believe that Sanders presidency will undermine the structural aspects that make US politics inaccessible to those outside of a niche group.
That's not say it will become accessible overnight, but we make progress. Thirty years ago it would have been inconceivable that a black man or a woman would be elected to the White House. The class background of United State Senators is more diverse and includes more from low income backgrounds than it has done at any other time in American history. If you think that it remains structurally the same as it did thirty or even ten years ago, you're just wrong.
The US is a ship, even if it's masts are manned by the Oligarchy doesn't mean the captain supports it. Obama had to steer the ship he was left with. If you read anything about Obama's rise in politics it was about him being as effective as he could given the limitations of the machine around him.
You act like it's a bad thing to somehow engage with the midnight of our politics. But in reality it's commendable and necessary. The truly naive thing is thinking you can burn down ship and rebuild it whilst at sea.
The system is crappy and built to be gamed, but it is not an oligarchy. Or rather it is far less so than it has ever been in history.
She seems nice. Bunch of idiots really, Sanders is the last candidate they should be targeting.
Sue me. I'm sorry you misinterpreted the joke about your propoganda as a defense of the government.31 year-old law student. Are their any more ad homonyms to distract from the fact that you have no counter argument?
People are never more vicious than when fighting to protect the illusion that their government is an actual democracy.
I traced it to.......#followthemoney
#BLM matters a lot less today with idiots like that representing the movement.
She seems nice. Bunch of idiots really, Sanders is the last candidate they should be targeting.
Kind of like how Bernie's supporters are pushing Bernie into irrelevance.
LOL, because Bernie had so much traction when he announced his candidacy. Lets not act like he hasnt been written off by the mainstream from day one. His supporters are the only thing keeping him alive.
You don't get to benefit from 400 years of white supremacy AND not have a sense of humor about it.
Ah, well I'm sure a lot of campaign funds were spent to get him and his crew there, etc, but that's just a technicality.
To be honost, Sanders could have stepped in and helped lead the BLM protesters in calming down the crowd, having the moment of silence. He could have taken the opportunity to help lead the discussion and get their message out too. I haven't seen the whole encounter, on a few on youtube, so maybe he did try to. Mostly what I saw was him being quiet and respectable while off to the side on stage.
You also don't get to campaign for an end to racism against black people AND be hypocritical about it.
#BLM matters a lot less today with idiots like that representing the movement.
NeoGAF, I need to know
If a BLM protester didn't tip, would you lose respect for the movement?
NeoGAF, I need to know
If a BLM protester didn't tip, would you lose respect for the movement?
Beats me. But it's like watching Pixels and calling it a poor attempt at making a film.How did you want him to handle it exactly?
You should really watch the whole video then. The microphone was going to be offered to the protesters as soon as he finished speaking. The protesters didn't want to be silenced and demanded the microphone immediately.
#BLM matters a lot less today with idiots like that representing the movement.
BLM makes themselves look like idiots yet again. Keep yelling those hashtags over the one candidate who might help you reach the goals you hope the accomplish
Only if they're circumcised.
Ofcourse, us non-black liberals are looking for any reason to discredit BLM. Don't you know that we represent the greatest threat to BLM and will be the reason BLM fails?
This is the only acceptable reply.
How does it matter any more or less? Is BLM an organization to you? Must the actions of anyone who uses the hashtag be sanctioned or disavowed by some nebulous form of central command?
Yes, some people who agree that black and minority life matters and should be protected are also the sort of people who would rudely commandeer a Bernie Sanders rally. You can intuit no more than that. BLM is a movement - a reaction to injustice.
Kind of like how Bernie's supporters are pushing Bernie into irrelevance.
A sexist one. Why am I not surprised?
When loud ignorant people are headlining your movement looking loud, ignorant, and classless that's the message it sends to everyone else.
I don't see the comparison here.
When loud ignorant people are headlining your movement looking loud, ignorant, and classless that's the message it sends to everyone else.
Women can get circumcised though, sorry :v
And you dismissed an entire, often disconnected voting demographic for literally no other reason than a single post.This is the only acceptable reply.
Well I mean, someone DID just dismiss an entire, often disconnected movement for literally no other reason than a single protest.
It's a decentralized movement. Why in the world would you devalue the basic sentiments of fighting against police brutality against blacks, just because a few people lacked the ability to effectively champion their cause in a constructive manner.
Lol, did you just compare male circumcision to female genital mutilation?Women can get circumcised though, sorry :v
And you dismissed an entire, often disconnected voting demographic for literally no other reason than a single post.
Lol, did you just compare male circumcision to female genital mutilation?