Welp, i'm impressed at how a couple of idiots have rendered the entire movement into a joke
Yeah, fuck it. Let's just watch as police continue to kill with impunity. No reason to care because of a couple of idiots.
You win, police. Kill away.
Welp, i'm impressed at how a couple of idiots have rendered the entire movement into a joke
I would, will, and am. She might not be the face of BLM but she's the face of that picture.Do you know enough to make that claim? I think she serious lacked tact over her own attempt to get a platform. That was after she upheaved Bernie. But I wouldn't in a thousands years start tearing her down as a person. She isn't the face of BLM, Bernie shouldn't seek affirmation of the BLM movement by placating her as his judge. We shouldn't tear her down for a single moment in her life. It's clear she was fighting for something good, it merely got off the rails and developed into her feeling victimized for not being allowed to speak. While everyone else just stood around with their thumbs up their asses.
Maybe it's time to take the issues seriously, and not every imperfect human that tries to contribute. Maybe it's time to see this event for what it is. Maybe it's time to not hold black people hostage until the movement is devoid of human err. Because that's exactly what this sort of angle to the situation is.
I wonder if anyone is still camped out. I assume they left because it was annual phone upgrade time.Occupy Wall Street sends their regards
I would, will, and am. She might not be the face of BLM but she's the face of that picture.
I am not going to defend that image or the message behind it. Not going to rationalize it, excuse it, look for a way to justify it. If a white person wore a shirt like that I'd find it just as disgusting and she does not get a pass because she's black. If anything, I'm more pissed. Hypocrisy grinds my gears.
Don't presume to speak for me or black people when you're just as much as a racist asshole as the people who rally behind the Confederate Flag. White tears? Kindly fuck off, thanks.
"But it's just one bad apple..." Sorry, are we in a cop thread here? Why is it so hard for members of a group to call out people of said group instead of circling the wagons?
"But it's just one bad apple..." Sorry, are we in a cop thread here? Why is it so hard for members of a group to call out people of said group instead of circling the wagons?
I would, will, and am. She might not be the face of BLM but she's the face of that picture.
I am not going to defend that image or the message behind it. Not going to rationalize it, excuse it, look for a way to justify it. If a white person wore a shirt like that I'd find it just as disgusting and she does not get a pass because she's black. If anything, I'm more pissed. Hypocrisy grinds my gears.
Don't presume to speak for me or black people when you're just as much as a racist asshole as the people who rally behind the Confederate Flag. White tears? Kindly fuck off, thanks.
"But it's just one bad apple..." Sorry, are we in a cop thread here? Why is it so hard for members of a group to call out people of said group instead of circling the wagons?
Seriously. The hypocrisy surrounding this is hilarious.I would, will, and am. She might not be the face of BLM but she's the face of that picture.
I am not going to defend that image or the message behind it. Not going to rationalize it, excuse it, look for a way to justify it. If a white person wore a shirt like that I'd find it just as disgusting and she does not get a pass because she's black. If anything, I'm more pissed. Hypocrisy grinds my gears.
Don't presume to speak for me or black people when you're just as much as a racist asshole as the people who rally behind the Confederate Flag. White tears? Kindly fuck off, thanks.
"But it's just one bad apple..." Sorry, are we in a cop thread here? Why is it so hard for members of a group to call out people of said group instead of circling the wagons?
Here's a mental exercise, royalan: Imagine a white person is wearing a black shirt with the words, "drinking black tears" while haughtily staring at the camera and sipping a glass of water.I'm confused. Can you tell me why the phrase "white tears" is so offensive to you? Do you know what it means? What it's referencing?
I'm confused. Can you tell me why the phrase "white tears" is so offensive to you? Do you know what it means? What it's referencing?
Is there a reason why you entirely ignored that I was talking about trans people? Is it that you're just trying to be outraged, and don't want to acknowledge when it turns out that your outrage is because you constantly assume that people are saying things that they didn't actually say?
What's actually bad about the image is that it suggests that she may be basking in her ignorance and unwilling to consider any critique of her protest.I'm white and I don't think that white tears picture is terribly racist. I'm not upset or offended by it. Just throwing that out there. The context makes a difference.
Sure, i'll engage your bullshit.
Vulcano's assistant: A sexist one. Why am I not surprised?
A Link to the Snitch: Women can get circumcised though, sorry :v
werks: Lol, did you just compare male circumcision to female genital mutilation?
A Link to the Snitch: No, I'm discussing trans people. I don't know why you're trying to get into fights. The last time I talked to you, you tried to call me a Hillary supporter for no other reason than I criticized Bernie.
So what you said isn't sexist because females can get circumcision. You weren't talking about FGM but rather pre-op trans. So that excludes 50% of the population and still is sexist.
Here's a mental exercise, royalan: Imagine a white person is wearing a black shirt with the words, "drinking black tears" while haughtily staring at the camera and sipping a glass of water.
Would you hesitate labeling this person a racist and a bigot? Would there be any doubt of their opinion of black people?
Presumably it's racist for the same reason a white person proclaiming to enjoy drinking black tears would be racist.
What would the context of a "drinking black tears" t-shirt be?
He isn't my horse in this race and I'm not a Bernie "stan" as you all are so respectfully calling people who disagree with you elsewhere. For the record my lot is thrown in with Clinton for entirely practical reasons, and I very much would hate to see Bernie get the nomination.I don't know. Why don't you Sanders supporters tell us about it?
He isn't my horse in this race and I'm not a Bernie "stan" as you all are so respectfully calling people who disagree with you elsewhere. For the record my lot is thrown in with Clinton for entirely practical reasons, and I very much would hate to see Bernie get the nomination.
You're making the mistake of assuming anyone offended by these protests are in Sanders' camp. Stop.
It's not racist or offensive. It's stupid and signals that the wearer is an unintelligent, immature person. But it's not racist. Doesn't have to be both.I'm white and I don't think that white tears picture is terribly racist. I'm not upset or offended by it. Just throwing that out there. The context makes a difference.
...or you could just not talk shit, period. Especially when it involves something you care so deeply about and know won't help in the long-run.Continuing to run up the scoreboard would be my guess. I guess they don't see the difference between talking shit when you're far ahead as opposed to far behind but making strides.
...or you could just not talk shit, period.
You are turning into a cartoon character. Can I ask you though, do you do much or talk much about FGM?
The shirt wearer implies that he or she enjoys the pain and grief symbolized through the tears of a group, specified through the colour so much he or she is enjoying drinking it. You could enjoy the suffering of republicans watching Trump burning Rome by drinking "repulican tears". You can enjoy the tears of upset immigrants because their refugees homes were burned down by "drinking immigrant tears". And you could enjoy the suffering of everyone that happens to be born in a certain skin colour by drinking that tears. You show that you dislike a while group of people specified by the adjective for having that adjective. Being a republican, be a immigrant or happen to be born with the wrong skin colour. And this shouldn't be cool with any. White people didn't choose to be white and didn't choose who else is white. Why should white people be responsible for everything other white people did? Same for black people and all other people.What would the context of a "drinking black tears" t-shirt be?
"But it's just one bad apple..." Sorry, are we in a cop thread here?
Are you going to post a real response?
If i say that I'm for female integration to combat roles in the military as long as they have a penis, it would be sexist against cis-females.
The shirt wearer implies that he or she enjoys the pain and grief symbolized through the tears of a group, specified through the colour so much he or she is enjoying drinking it. You could enjoy the suffering of republicans watching Trump burning Rome by drinking "repulican tears". You can enjoy the tears of upset immigrants because their refugees homes were burned down by "drinking immigrant tears". And you could enjoy the suffering of everyone that happens to be born in a certain skin colour by drinking that tears. You show that you dislike a while group of people specified by the adjective for having that adjective. Being a republican, be a immigrant or happen to be born with the wrong skin colour. And this shouldn't be cool with any. White people didn't choose to be white and didn't choose who else is white. Why should white people be responsible for everything other white people did? Same for black people and all other people.
No doubt it's easier to get into situations where you are guilty by associatin when you're white by just doing or saying nothing. However this certainly not the case for every white person by default.
Continuing to run up the scoreboard would be my guess. I guess they don't see the difference between talking shit when you're far ahead as opposed to far behind but making strides.
He isn't my horse in this race and I'm not a Bernie "stan" as you all are so respectfully calling people who disagree with you elsewhere. For the record my lot is thrown in with Clinton for entirely practical reasons, and I very much would hate to see Bernie get the nomination.
You're making the mistake of assuming anyone offended by these protests are in Sanders' camp. Stop.
Ah, my mistake then sorry.
Still, it's funny to watch that get brought up when I see just as many of his supporters resorting to the same sort of logic.
Why are people taking link to snitch seriously? He admitted earlier in the thread that all he does is troll in these threads. He's a troll, he's clearly not interested in actually debating something.
You ...
Are you trying to compare trained members of law enforcement paid for by the people to a movement?
Had a whole thing typed out but fuck it
I'm not going to post a response because you're looking to make a fight. I was basically playing along with a pretty silly narrative, but you have serious issues controlling anger. I used to have problems w/ that too, and it probably shows a bit in this thread, but I'm trying to not let things get to me as much. All I can say is that I hope that you figure out that this kind of discussion is neither conductive or healthy sooner rather than later.
Sorry, royalan, I have not seen this. And even if I had and this were true I would not consider it a legit defense. The shirt is meant to offend and directly calls out a group of people by their race to do so. If you don't see the problem with that coming from a group of people who ostensibly are against racism... well, then we're at quite the impasse.I understand your point of view, but this doesn't really answer my question.
As offensive as the phrase "white tears" does sound initially (it's not my perspective but I can agree with that), what the phrase "white tears" references is actually a real thing that occurs in discussions on racial issues. In that sense, it's very similar to the phrase "white guilt".
Are you guys offended by the phrase "white guilt" as well?
Who are these supporters you keep bringing up? This is starting to feel like the backlash threads we have about twitter where there's two tweets on all of twitter and people saying that people are calling for the death of someone.
Ah, the angry minority defense. You are right, your post was a joke. That's why I didn't respond. Not sure why you would call me out to respond only to fall back on "But i was being silly."
So all white people are killing people and all black people are struggling to get a message across?Yep. People are losing the plot.
One group is killing people. The other group is struggling to get a message across.
But let us compare the two.
It's kind of like a trans person "drinking cis tears" - or even if they say "fuck cis people". It's an oppressed group being angry about another group that is disproportionately powerful over them. "Drinking white tears" and "drinking cis tears" aren't things people say because they hate white and/or cis people (not usually anyway), they're said because people hate what they do and say to them.
Sorry, royalan, I have not seen this. And even if I had and this were true I would not consider it a legit defense. The shirt is meant to offend and directly calls out a group of people by their race to do so. If you don't see the problem with that coming from a group of people who ostensibly are against racism... well, then we're at quite the impasse.
You don't garner support via divisiveness.
I don't want "fuck cis people" anywhere near me or my issues, k thx.
Remember when the gamergate movement was saying a decentralized movement can't control a few "bad apples" that want to associate with it?
Remember when the gamergate movement was saying a decentralized movement can't control a few "bad apples" that want to associate with it?
Remember when false equivalencies weren't the go to tactic?
Pepperidge Farm remembers
Remember when the gamergate movement was saying a decentralized movement can't control a few "bad apples" that want to associate with it?
I understand your point of view, but this doesn't really answer my question.
As offensive as the phrase "white tears" does sound initially (it's not my perspective but I can agree with that), what the phrase "white tears" references is actually a real thing that occurs in discussions on racial issues. In that sense, it's very similar to the phrase "white guilt".
Are you guys offended by the phrase "white guilt" as well?
As for the bold, I think the big confusion in this thread is this issue of support. The BLM movement isn't really looking for white support...