A Link to the Past
I understand the meaning and how you're using it but I think it diminishes her argument before even speaking a word. If you want an "opposing" side to listen, do not put something right in their face that they could take offense to before you start any type of discussion. Though she has the right to wear that message on her chest but it is only making her goals harder.
If I was one of those protesters and wanted to get my message across to, in this case, white people, I wouldn't insult them from the start. Even if half of the white people there understood the real meaning, that's still another 50% who will turn against before you started pleading your case. The negativity doesn't help when you're asking the "other side" to sit down and take you seriously. If I was a protester there and before we rushed the stage I saw that shirt, I would ask her to change it or cover it. If she refused, I'd tell her she's fucking things up before we even started and would probably recluse myself knowing the message would be lost before it began.
If we want change in this country for our people, that shirt isn't going to help, especially if you're going for national recognition. Stupid move by people who are not thinking this through.
But her shirt didn't predate her words. In this situation, people were mad about what she said and then used the shirt to justify getting more mad.