Crumpet Trumpet
whats wrong with sipping semen?
Since Gamergate was brought up, the girl on the right of that image was their most vocal female member
Since Gamergate was brought up, the girl on the right of that image was their most vocal female member
Since Gamergate was brought up, the girl on the right of that image was their most vocal female member
whats wrong with sipping semen?
On topic, I think everybody knows that if multiple videos of black people being killed wasn't enough to sway someone, it's over.
Status quo is too profitable to too many people to change any time soon.
I keep thinking more and more what Bernie could do, but I can't imagine there's any good way to tell a big group of people they're fucking idiots and protesting a Bernie Sanders rally is about as useful as staging a protest about how much Fox News sucks, at the Democratic National Convention.
status quo doesn't change unless you get a little crazy.
oh no. we'll never survive. unless we get a little.
I've seen this said, but is it true?
First protest, he hires Symone Sanders as his new press secretary. Second protest, he adds racial justice as one of his issues on his official platform. (An archive capture from the day before.)
That's as close to cause and effect as you're going to get. If anything, those moves have illustrated that protesting Sanders was the right course of action.
I've seen this said, but is it true?
First protest, he hires Symone Sanders as his new press secretary. Second protest, he adds racial justice as one of his issues on his official platform. (An archive capture from the day before.)
That's as close to cause and effect as you're going to get. I didn't agree with either protest, but tf anything, those moves have illustrated that protesting Sanders was the right course of action.
Sure, we can say they're the right moves. It's long term that will see noticeable benefits. Then you have to ask yourself (which has been asked many times in this thread without answer) what will Bernie do that he doesn't already do?
I live in Seattle and almost went to that rally. It's fucking embarrassing that this happened in my city.
We need more independent candidates and less republicans and democrats, but this is how we treat candidates who try something different.
GJ protesters for making all of Seattle look bad.
dont fuck with jon stewart or bernie sanders the cac liberal icons girls
otherwise u hurting ya own community by not bowing down
Well again, making racial issues as a major, highly-visible part of his platform is already a noticeable change. Having a press secretary that looks to and understands those issues is another.
Those are literally things Bernie was not doing that he is now doing.
That's your answer.
EDIT: And they still might not be happy. Obama has babystepped through LGBT issues for his Presidency. People still continue to ask for more. The same will be true of any candidate. As it stands, this has benefited Sanders greatly in turnout and showed others that he's willing to listen and change.
Yes. There are some legit scary people harassing minorities on Twitter and other social media over this, but it's still legit to say their protest is poorly targeted and maybe they should crash a Hillary campaign or something. Heck, go sit outside whatever office she is at.
The Clinton oligarchy offends me.I'm curious, if BLM did pull this on Hillary would you and others support it?
I'm curious, if BLM did pull this on Hillary would you and others support it?
How could that possibly fascinate you? I see it right here on this sight where so many are lumped into one catagory.It fascinates me that people can witness the actions of a few trollish people attaching themselves to a movement and find logic in thinking that they rep the whole.
I'm curious, if BLM did pull this on Hillary would you and others support it?
No. Hillary is on their side so it would be silly to protest her.
No. Hillary is on their side so it would be silly to protest her.
No. Hillary is on their side so it would be silly to protest her.
Visibility doesn't seem to be the issue since his record on minorities is easily accessible. It's good it's more visible but this is really the weakest reason to protest someone. Do you not agree?
This still doesn't answer the question: what will Bernie Sanders do that he doesn't already do? His track record speaks for itself, so you always come back to the same question: what will Bernie do differently that affects you? Simple googling reveals he's been doing this for a long time and has been with BLM probably since it was coined. It seems odd this is their target of protest.
Yes. There are some legit scary people harassing minorities on Twitter and other social media over this, but it's still legit to say their protest is poorly targeted and maybe they should crash a Hillary campaign or something. Heck, go sit outside whatever office she is at.
In an interview, Symone Sanders said she first connected with the senator about three weeks ago, offering him advice on how to better understand the message of Black Lives Matter activists in an hour-long chat.
“One of my suggestions, he took it and ran with it on Meet the Press, is that racial inequality and economic inequality are parallel issues,” she said. “I [told him,] you know, economic equality is an issue. It’s something we need to address. But for some people it doesn’t matter how much money you make, it doesn’t matter where you went to school, it doesn’t matter what your parents do. It doesn’t matter that Sandra Bland had a job and was on her way to teach for her alma mater. It doesn’t matter. None of that matters.”
Bernie Sanders took to the advice, Symone Sanders said. She also confronted him with one of the criticisms he faced earlier in the summer, when Black Lives Matter activists rejected his statements about his past Civil Rights Movement work.
“Educating America, the community, letting people know who Bernie Sanders is and what he’s about,” she said. “And not just, ‘Oh, I fought for civil rights and I protested and I sat at the lunch counters.’ That’s important and that’s great but that was 50 years ago and he has a lot more to stand on than just what he did 50 years ago.”
At the end of the meeting, Bernie Sanders offered her a job.
The contrast at the National Urban League's annual conference highlighted the divergent approaches Republicans and Democrats are generally taking when talking about the raging national debate over race, violence and law enforcement in America.
"Young people have taken to the streets, dignified and determined, urging us to affirm the basic fact that black lives matter," said Clinton, whose campaign kickoff speech left a major Black Lives Matter organizer unimpressed. "And because of people across this country sharing their stories with courage and strength, a growing number of Americans are realizing what many of you have been saying for a long time: we can’t go on like this; we are better than this; things must change."
After taking heat from Black Lives Matter activists at a gathering of liberals earlier this month, Sanders and O'Malley each made a point, in their own ways, to avoid a repeat.
"Every year we buried 300 young black man who died violent deaths on our streets. And black lives matter," said O'Malley, who focused heavily in his remarks on criminal justice reform and issued a nine-page paper outlining his plan for doing so.
Sanders, a self-described socialist senator from Vermont, also called for revamping those laws.
"We must reform our criminal justice system. Black lives do matter and we must value black lives," said Sanders.
You chose not to speak at Netroots Nation [This was the first protest] this weekend, two of your Democratic primary rivals did -- both were interrupted by Black Lives Matter protesters, who asked: "As the leader of this nation, will you advance a racial justice agenda that will dismantle -- not reform, not make progress -- but will begin to dismantle structural racism in the United States?"
How would you have answered?
Second protest? Once again, here's the change in the website and notice the placement.Black lives matter. Everyone in this country should stand firmly behind that. We need to acknowledge some hard truths about race and justice in this country, and one of those hard truths is that that racial inequality is not merely a symptom of economic inequality. Black people across America still experience racism every day. Since this campaign started, I've been talking about the work we must do to address the systemic inequities that persist in education, in economic opportunity, in our justice system. But we have to do more than talk - we have to take action. For example - we should make sure every police department in the US has body cameras. We should provide alternatives to incarceration for low-level offenders. We should invest in early childhood education for every child. We should fight for voting rights and universal voter registration. You will continue to hear me talking about these issues throughout this campaign and pushing for real solutions.
I'm curious, if BLM did pull this on Hillary would you and others support it?
Whats a cac liberal? This an American thing?
I'm curious, if BLM did pull this on Hillary would you and others support it?
Changes acronyms craftily.conveniently apathetic centrist
Aknowledging Bernie's past is difficult because it also brings up Hillary and O'malley's past record. It's difficult to champion those two as the model Bernie should follow since they championed policies that put hundreds of thousands of black youth in prison.Visibility doesn't seem to be the issue since his record on minorities is easily accessible. It's good it's more visible but this is really the weakest reason to protest someone. Do you not agree?
This still doesn't answer the question: what will Bernie Sanders do that he doesn't already do? His track record speaks for itself, so you always come back to the same question: what will Bernie do differently that affects you? Simple googling reveals he's been doing this for a long time and has been with BLM probably since it was coined. It seems odd this is their target of protest.
No. Hillary is on their side so it would be silly to protest her.
The intersection doesn't exactly surprise meSince Gamergate was brought up, the girl on the right of that image was their most vocal female member
cac getting thrown around in here now?
When did GAF become the coli?
conveniently apathetic centrist
He's just adding more visibility. His stances, speeches, and voting history isn't something that's hidden or hard to find.Visibility is enough. A number of successful protest actions throughout history have been about visibility. Letting a wider populace know "Hey, this is an issue that needs to be taken seriously."
You decry the idea of visibility as useful, but again, after the first protest happens:
Sanders reaches out to a person he feels to be an expert to understand why it happened and what he can do to improve.
That's a change in the words of someone currently in Sanders' campaign.
And the visibility of the movement itself increased in all Democratic candidates.
This question posed to Hillary on her Facebook page.
Her answer:
Second protest? Once again, here's the change in the website and notice the placement.
Once it's on Bernie's platform, then perhaps racial issues become something brought up at national debates. It becomes a larger and more visible issue on a national stage.
Visibility is important, so why is that not enough of a concrete result?
I'd agree with it as much as I agreed with the protest on Sanders.
cac getting thrown around in here now?
When did GAF become the coli?
He's just adding more visibility. His stances, speeches, and voting history isn't something that's hidden or hard to find.
Visibility brings attention, attention doesn't necessarily bring change:
Being more aware doesn't make policy, it makes you more aware. You have to look at actions taken and that record shows Bernie is on your side and has been probably well before most of these protestors have been alive.
October 2014.cac getting thrown around in here now?
When did GAF become the coli?
And yet, sometimes visibility does bring change.
So again: Increased visbility and the causes Black Lives Matter supports are now a larger part of Bernie's platform. Potentially, they've started to become a larger part of all Democratic candidate's platforms. I've shown you concrete change, you just believe it's not enough.
That's fine, but let's not act like there's been no change. You just feel it wasn't worth the protests, others may disagree with you.
Yes. It isn't enough. They're band-aids. It's restating his stance. His stances have been public record for a long time.
So, where is the discussion at now?
Bernie's attempting to become more visible(which is really his major issue) in regards to his platform and his actual history on record issues, and that's a good thing.
I just think that its sad that people think Bernie in the march on Washington is the only thing he's done for us minorities. His entire career has been that, and i just think its unfair he's the one getting shit for that.
Maybe if more people knew about his platform before he became president, he'd actually have more black supporters, and then the "all of his supporters are white liberals" nonsense would die down. I think that's what he needs to do as top priority
Whats a cac liberal? This an American thing?
How could that possibly fascinate you? I see it right here on this sight where so many are lumped into one catagory.
I'm white with 3 black friends who will 100% vote the opposite of me. Yes they will ALL vote republican.
Not sure where I'm going with this but I'm pretty sure I've read every post here and don't see a post yet that makes me side with "OK yeah this WAS the right place to barge in and protest.".
About the worst candidate to do it to IMO but what do I know. No, really, I'm not quite sure what I know about this*.
Because visibility is important. I'm not sure why people don't understand this.
What are you talking about? What was Bernies Plan to reform the criminal justice system and address police brutality prior to netroots? What is his actual plan now?This is true, but its unfortunate that the entire struggle so far with Bernie has been with people who don't seem to know how to google or research basic facts in order to come to a substantiated conclusion about the candidate or what he or her(in the case of hillary) may stand for.
I don't appeal to emotion, that's more conservatives gig, and so when i see this kind of thing brought up in the face of actual practical policy measures it gets me really frustrated.
What are you talking about? What was Bernies Plan to reform the criminal justice system and address police brutality prior to netroots? What is his actual plan now?
Yeah I'm not quite sure. LolWhat are you going on about?