Massive Duck. C.M.
Try again.
Henley, Adams, it's all the same
Anyway, police just shot someone in Ferguson, so time to switch lanes
Try again.
Henley, Adams, it's all the same
Anyway, police just shot someone in Ferguson, so time to switch lanes
some Bernie supporters remind me a hell of alot like Ron Paul supports back in 2012
Some Bernie supporters are actually ex Ron Paul supporters. And some of them are quite prone to be racially ignorant. A really sad affair but Sanders has no control over it.
But thankfully they are just a tiny fraction of his supporting base, just like the two protesters do not represent anything but themselves and a very extreme, small, super charged ideologically part of left politics.
How is Martin fucking O'Malley showing up The Leader Blacks Need™ on the importance of implementing a racial justice plank into his campaign? Didn't both these guys get lit up at NetRoots?
I wonder why he's not getting interrupted?
How is Martin fucking O'Malley showing up The Leader Blacks Need on the importance of implementing a racial justice plank into his campaign? Didn't both these guys get lit up at NetRoots?
I wonder why he's not getting interrupted?
I don't think you can call someone who was a Sarah Palin & GOP supporter till last month a leftist.
Now it all makes sense, why the Seattle BLM page just got made 2 days ago and why there isn't any indication of her participating in BLM before.
How is Martin fucking O'Malley showing up The Leader Blacks Need on the importance of implementing a racial justice plank into his campaign? Didn't both these guys get lit up at NetRoots?
I wonder why he's not getting interrupted?
Some Bernie supporters are actually ex Ron Paul supporters. And some of them are quite prone to be racially ignorant. A really sad affair but Sanders has no control over it.
But thankfully they are just a tiny fraction of his supporting base, just like the two protesters do not represent anything but themselves and a very extreme, small, super charged ideologically part of left politics.
But thankfully they are just a tiny fraction of his supporting base, just like the two protesters do not represent anything but themselves and a very extreme, small, super charged ideologically part of left politics.
Neat. O'Malley had this up at the end of July. Today is August 9th.Bernie did just that in today's rally, and had it up on his webpage also.
Highly telling that you went straight to "his cop friends kept those loud blacks away" as opposed to "he learned from NetRoots, met with members of the community and made the appropriate changes to his platform posthaste".As for why O'malley isn't getting interrupted, probably hired all his zero tolerance buddies from Baltimore to keep BLM away.
I see one politico learning how to earn and the other resting on his laurels, refusing to provide specifics. I know who's going to be easier to hold accountable, and it isn't The One Sent To Save Us If We'd Just Shut Up AlreadyDo you really believe O'Malley would be anywhere near as big a champion for these issues as president as Sanders would?
Do you really believe O'Malley would be anywhere near as big a champion for these issues as president as Sanders would?
Neat. O'Malley had this up at the end of July. Today is August 9th.
Highly telling that you went straight to "his cop friends kept those loud blacks away" as opposed to "he learned from NetRoots, met with members of the community and made the appropriate changes to his platform posthaste".
You people are in for such a rude awakening and it's going to be so good
Neat. O'Malley had this up at the end of July. Today is August 9th.
How is Martin fucking O'Malley showing up The Leader Blacks Need on the importance of implementing a racial justice plank into his campaign? Didn't both these guys get lit up at NetRoots?
I wonder why he's not getting interrupted?
Dear /r/SandersForPresident and reddit at large,
As many of you know, on Saturday, August 8th, an event at which Bernie Sanders was to speak was disrupted by activists and, as a result, a great deal of drama has occurred on our subreddit and in other communities across the web. We would like to address some of this activity, as it reflects poorly upon both our community, on Bernie Sanders, on and his campaign.
First of all, we would like to address an issue affecting several subreddits: brigading. Starting last night, our subreddit (as well as many others) was attacked by brigadiers. We do not know where these attacks came from. We do not know why they happened. But, they came in droves, and they brought with them an amount of racism, hate, and toxicity that made my skin crawl. Some attacked the pro-Sanders crowd; some attacked activists, including those from yesterday; and some simply attacked anyone and anything they could get their typing-fingers on. So. In light of all that, we want to be perfectly clear:
We condemn brigading of all kinds.
Especially kinds that originate from our ranks. We don't care if you don't like what some other people did. You need to talk about it in a mature manner without any harrassment. Which brings me to my next point...
We condemn harassment of all kinds.
That is what we are all about here: providing our readers with a place to talk about the issues central to the campaign, and to talk about those issues in an open, transparent, and welcoming environment. If caught, those that brigaded our subreddit and other subreddits, and that harassed the users of reddit will be subjected to permanent bans. We will not entertain requests to reverse these bans, and we will lodge complaints with the Reddit Admins, who are already conducting their own investigation into the brigade. We have also been working with other subreddits over the last 24 hours to identify these users and deal with them accordingly. This condemnation of harassment is not limited to the walls of this sub. There exist spaces where people are ferociously harassing people and flooding online communities like r/all with negative energy and vitriol about yesterday's disruption. Many of them have never interacted with this community in an identifiable matter. We cannot control the actions of others, but we wish to make it known that we do not condone them.
Additionally, we have seen more racism than we would wish to see. And by that, we mean any racism at all. Though it needn't ever be said...
We condemn racism of all kinds.
We have always had zero tolerance for racism on our subreddit, but consider this an official warning for everyone. If you submit racist rhetoric, you will be banned. We understand some of you may get upset, irritated, even confused by this decision. However, we need to make sure we channel our feelings in constructive, positive, and mature ways, not ones that are demeaning and destructive. It may seem like a simple line or two won't do much, but it will. Media outlets, passerbys, and even long-time members may see this and become disillusioned and frustrated with our community. It could even turn them off of Bernie Sanders altogether! "Why would I vote for someone with these kinds of supporters?" one may ask. Please consider that question before speaking. We need to make sure we think things out and maintain a constructive dialog going forward.
To put it simply: What Would Bernie Do?
For the most part, the SandersForPresident community has been respectful, and we personally commend those of you who have stayed so positive in trying times. We hope you keep up the positivity, good work, and thank you for participating.
The Mods
Neat. O'Malley had this up at the end of July. Today is August 9th.
Highly telling that you went straight to "his cop friends kept those loud blacks away" as opposed to "he learned from NetRoots, met with members of the community and made the appropriate changes to his platform posthaste".
You people are in for such a rude awakening and it's going to be so good
Easily convinced with pleasing rhetoric, obsessively zealous, and emotionally-driven with the belief that everyone is against them?
That should be the takeaway here. I know I don't have any ill will towards BLM because of this, and I doubt most reasonable Bernie supporters, Seattleites, or Democrats do either. At worst, this was a couple of passionate, yet misguided activists with salient points, grabbing the limelight when they could. There's been nothing from BLM's official social media about what happened, at least nothing I've been able to find. Same goes for the overzealous people speaking out against BLM on behalf of Bernie - they don't actually speak for Bernie or his campaign.
Neat. O'Malley had this up at the end of July. Today is August 9th.
Highly telling that you went straight to "his cop friends kept those loud blacks away" as opposed to "he learned from NetRoots, met with members of the community and made the appropriate changes to his platform posthaste".
You people are in for such a rude awakening and it's going to be so good
I see one politico learning how to earn and the other resting on his laurels, refusing to provide specifics. I know who's going to be easier to hold accountable, and it isn't The One Sent To Save Us If We'd Just Shut Up Already™
How is Martin fucking O'Malley showing up The Leader Blacks Need on the importance of implementing a racial justice plank into his campaign? Didn't both these guys get lit up at NetRoots?
I wonder why he's not getting interrupted?
Easily convinced with pleasing rhetoric, obsessively zealous, and emotionally-driven with the belief that everyone is against them?
I see one politico learning how to earn and the other resting on his laurels, refusing to provide specifics. I know who's going to be easier to hold accountable, and it isn't The One Sent To Save Us If We'd Just Shut Up Already
Holy shit, posts are straight up getting deleted now?
Is it not relevant that one of the main BLM protesters was a self described Sarah Palin supporter till last month?
Bookmarked for tomorrow - but nobody has answered my question yet.That page on Bernie's site was based on a speech he gave for the SLCL in July, where he brought up all those points. It's a good listen.
His supporters are making a much longer shot than it needs to be. That's not up for debate.I'm not in for a rude awakening, I know sanders is a long shot.
/r/SandersForPresident mods setting it straight
Bookmarked for tomorrow - but nobody has answered my question yet.
Martin fucking O'Malley (I refer to him because I'm full aware of his policies in Baltimore and how they've disproportionately affected minorities, the poor and disenfranchised) is kicking the crap out of I Marched With MLK™ on an issue that should be a home fucking run. How is this happening? I don't see O'Malley supporters wailing about lusty-throated Negroes post-NetRoots.
Personally, I find the idea that the guy whose backers like to throw out his protest bonafides like they're playing Vanguard shudder at that same element of protest being used by those same obsidian-hued people 50 years later.
What post was deleted?
Someone posted a link to the picture of Marissa Jenae where she talks about being a Sarah Palin supporter. Deleted.
I replied that to it. Deleted.
It's pretty apparent that some people in this thread refuse to acknowledge the double standard that Bernie is being held to. The poster calling the comparison to Hillary a "deflection" is proof of that. He doesn't want people talking about Hillary because it's obvious she doesn't live up to what is being expected of Bernie.Yes, O'Malley and Hillary are both running a tighter ship than Sanders. Their messaging is better attuned and reacts to changes faster. Still doesn't change the fact that their records are abhorrent. It's pretty telling that slicker messaging is more important than action that resulted in "Zero Tolerance" in Baltimore and "3 strikes and you are out" nationwide.
I'm not in for a rude awakening, I know sanders is a long shot. You might be in for a ruder awakening when Hillary realizes after the election that her private prison lobby buddies are more important that BLM.
Posting pictures of average citizens' real name social media is probably not the best idea. Especially in a case like this when people are already brigading/harassing
Neat. O'Malley had this up at the end of July. Today is August 9th.
Highly telling that you went straight to "his cop friends kept those loud blacks away" as opposed to "he learned from NetRoots, met with members of the community and made the appropriate changes to his platform posthaste".
You people are in for such a rude awakening and it's going to be so good
I see one politico learning how to earn and the other resting on his laurels, refusing to provide specifics. I know who's going to be easier to hold accountable, and it isn't The One Sent To Save Us If We'd Just Shut Up Already
Why did the thread title never get changed? It's my understanding that the people involved in this incident acted on their own and are loosely, if at all, involved with the local, organized BLM movement. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Good. Reddit has been a disgusting shitshow today. Really sad to see how some people will unleash their suppressed racial stupidity as soon as they feel a little justified by other people´s (the 2 protesters in this case) not so great behavior.
bishop clearly has an anti-Bernie agenda for some reason I can't understand. He's not holding other candidates to the same standard he holds Bernie to.Maybe I'm blind, but O'Malley doesn't seem to have anything addressing the BLM concerns on his website, and the article you linked is far from what I would consider to be specifics on the issue.
O'Malley was saying "white lives matter" during the netroots incident and seems to have wisened up since. Good for him, but "most improved" doesn't equate to MVP. Now, I absolutely don't think Bernie deserves the BLM vote just because he's the best choice. Candidates should work to be the ideal choice for a constituency they wish to win over. Between the detailed page on his site about racial justice, his voting record, what he's been saying in stump speeches and Symone Sanders working as his press secretary, I see no argument that O'Malley has put forth a more comprehensive plan of action and his record in Maryland suggests that he's a "tough on crime" blue dog.
Bookmarked for tomorrow - but nobody has answered my question yet.
Martin fucking O'Malley (I refer to him because I'm full aware of his policies in Baltimore and how they've disproportionately affected minorities, the poor and disenfranchised) is kicking the crap out of I Marched With MLK on an issue that should be a home fucking run. How is this happening? I don't see O'Malley supporters wailing about lusty-throated Negroes post-NetRoots.
Personally, I find the idea that the guy whose backers like to throw out his protest bonafides like they're playing Vanguard shudder at that same element of protest being used by those same obsidian-hued people 50 years later.
Bookmarked for tomorrow - but nobody has answered my question yet.
Martin fucking O'Malley (I refer to him because I'm full aware of his policies in Baltimore and how they've disproportionately affected minorities, the poor and disenfranchised) is kicking the crap out of I Marched With MLK™ on an issue that should be a home fucking run. How is this happening? I don't see O'Malley supporters wailing about lusty-throated Negroes post-NetRoots.
Personally, I find the idea that the guy whose backers like to throw out his protest bonafides like they're playing Vanguard shudder at that same element of protest being used by those same obsidian-hued people 50 years later.
There's also how this wasn't a "Bernie Sanders rally." It was a Medicare/Social Security rally in which he was invited to speak. His people weren't in charge of it. His involvement with the protest began and ended with his decision to let the demonstrators speak their mind.Why did the thread title never get changed? It's my understanding that the people involved in this incident acted on their own and are loosely, if at all, involved with the local, organized BLM movement. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Are you sorting by worst or something? Whenever people talk about how reddit is terrible I go to /r/all and try to find it, but I don't see it or have to dig really deep before I start finding the racism/sexism. Otherwise that shit gets downvoted pretty hard pretty fast.
The entire site has like 5 million unique pageviews or something a day, that shit isn't 100% moderated, nor is it niche.
bishop clearly has an anti-Bernie agenda for some reason I can't understand. He's not holding other candidates to the same standard he holds Bernie to.
It's pretty apparent that some people in this thread refuse to acknowledge the double standard that Bernie is being held to. The poster calling the comparison to Hillary a "deflection" is proof of that. He doesn't want people talking about Hillary because it's obvious she doesn't live up to what is being expected of Bernie.
bishop clearly has an anti-Bernie agenda for some reason I can't understand. He's not holding other candidates to the same standard he holds Bernie to.
There were four threads in /all a couple of hours ago talking about the protesters. A lot of ugly stuff with tons of upvotes. Go to /ShitRedditSays (not the best place, I know) and see for yourself.
1) No, not everything is a Hillary-related conspiracy to me.I don't give a shit about Hillary dude. I'm just laughing at Bernie's supporters and how they deflect every time they get called out on shitty behavior. I understand that everything is a Hillary related conspiracy to you though.
Typical right wing talking point of how progressives are the true racists.I was going to tell Bernie how racist this city is with all of its progressives but youve already done that for me. Thank you.
If you care about Black Lives Matter, as you say you do, you will hold Bernie Sanders specifically accountable for his actions.
1) Slow to add a message versus being a proponent of the policies that served as a catalyst to the problems in the first place... one got called out and the other not.I think that's a bit unfair. Bernie was slow to add racial issues to his message so I think its fair to criticize him on those grounds. Doesn't mean he's anti bernie, it justs mean he wants bernie to be more pro active about it.
Slow to add a message versus being a proponent of the policies that served as a catalyst to the problems in the first place... one got called out and the other not.
1) No, not everything is a Hillary-related conspiracy to me.
2) Comparing two candidates isn't deflecting. Deflecting is when you try to focus on something irrelevant to distract from a topic. Comparing Bernie to Hillary is fully on-topic, as the presidential campaign is the only reason Bernie is being talked about.