Really impressed with this so far. The visuals are blowing me away, it looks as amazing as some of the best graphics this gen. Every single thing looks fucking beautiful, I can't take my finger off F12 snapping awesome shots.
Gameplay wise, yeah, it's plays exactly like Half-Life 2. I do like how the weapons feel a bit more powerful, and I really love the headbob stuff, though I know most won't.
I was initially extremely skeptical about the changes to some of the level design, but now that I've played a couple hours, I honestly think it has been improved. 90% of the stuff that's been changed are random rooms and halls that even I only remember because of how many times I've played the original.
The rest were to some of the more iconic rooms, which I was of course bothered by at first, but I've realized the things changed in those rooms was always for the better, like adding more space in an area above a ladder.
Speaking of ladders, they sucked in Half-Life, they sucked worse in 2, and in this they're worse than ever before. I'm stuck on the jumping across the elevator and grabbing ladders part because the ladders keep fucking up even though I'm passing right through them.
All in all, so far, incredible! I really hope lots of people who haven't played the game or have just played Half-Life 2 play this, because now that most of 2's improvements have been folded into this mod, and a second dev team have had some years to iron out a couple of level design wrinkles, it's clear that 1 is all-around the superior game except in the character department.