The drama continues

The drama continues
The drama continues
What I am reading here is we need to let synthetic man review scores be allowed in Metacritic and open critic.It's actually pretty boring in all honesty.
Real drama would have arisen if you could have produced a review that is at the opposite end of the spectrum compared to the ones which have been heavily discussed in this thread.
Still wild to me that numbers will dictate people's decisions. If one person said 82% and the other said 80%, some would go batshit crazy lol.
I always say this: Watch a youtube video and see if a game is in your wheelhouse. If you like it enough based on that, give it a go. And if you're too cheap, wait for a sale.
I always take reviewers with a grain of salt AFTER my own thoughts.
That...actually sounds intriguing. I love little touches like using the music box on Father G in Bloodborne. Seems like it may have some elements in that vein.
Day 1Monke wants dat pussy
It’s not a Soulslike.As much as I'd like to support the game I'm just not in the mood for a soulslike ATM
Hell I can barely play anything that doesn't take much thought or effort lately and just sit on the title screen
Nope, not until its released.Second hand journalists and reviewers in China/Weibo are all giving this game a 9/10, stating that despite technical issues and other caveats from lack of AAA development experience Game Science did the impossible for their first release.
I think it's safe to say that 82/100 does not represent this game quality.
Second hand journalists and reviewers in China/Weibo are all giving this game a 9/10, stating that despite technical issues and other caveats from lack of AAA development experience Game Science did the impossible for their first release.
I think it's safe to say that 82/100 does not represent this game quality.
Oh my god. Is an 8 the kiss of death these days? Jfc. No one has played the game except reviewers and we’re harassing them because of an 8? My favourite game of this generation Returnal is an 8 - so fucking what. Grow up.
Agreed, very much. The obsession with numbers are ridiculous.
The other day I saw a tweet with a picture of what IGN gave to Alien Isolation back in the day. I think it was a 5? So at the end of the day it doesn't mean shit.
Good. Fuck the CCP meddling.Some creators are rejecting codes due to terms:
Some creators are rejecting codes due to terms:
No covid-19 quarantine terms?But these same guys agree to ridiculous terms when it's a big Western publisher.
No covid-19 quarantine terms?
Because it smells of CCP control. I’ll probably buy the game at some point but I’m totally fine with reviewers not wanting to do it and not follow the required terms.Why draw the line there?
Why not look out for the customers you're supposed to be serving by saying no when they say "no console footage allowed" or "you're only allowed to use our bug free b-roll footage for the reviews" etc, etc?
It was just a terrible self-own with these terms.
Because it smells of CCP control. I’ll probably buy the game at some point but I’m totally fine with reviewers not wanting to do it and not follow the required terms.
China is free to politically control their media and content creators are free to say fuck off.
And you think there's no political control in the west when there are "diversity" consultancies openly blackmailing businesses?
You can draw the line where you like, if these content creators are going to grow a spine now then I'd like them to at least be consistent about it going forwards. These guys have been complicit in quite literally screwing over tens of millions of consumers in the past by aiding publishers in misleading the buying public and they didn't so much as to say sorry.
It's easy for them to try and look like the good guys now because "'China/CCP bad", but they aren't fooling anyone.
It's easy for them to try and look like the good guys now because "'China/CCP bad", but they aren't fooling anyone.
Show me a list of dos and don’ts from a western publisher/dev sent to content creators with anything remotely close to Covid-19, quarantine, isolation.
I think we should all just be willing to accept that people are free to not engage with whatever if the terms stink, for them.
Reviewers are free to disagree with the terms and not accept codes, just like we're free to disagree with someone's review score.
It's not really that big of an issue.
Compare the gameplay of this game, their first AAA game, to this Assassins Creed junk by veteran devs.
If its not that big of an issue then people wouldn't be talking about it at all. Since it's out in the open then it's here to be discussed. There's far more to all of this than "CCP bad".
but this is the first one where a publisher is specifically asking not to talk about feminism or covid, which are very odd things to say in themselves.
I'm pretty sure if CDPR sent out review guidelines with points like that, the outrage would be even bigger.
What have those things got to do with the game and given who they have handed keys out to, why do you think they felt the need to specifically single those things out?
But these same guys agree to ridiculous terms when it's a big Western publisher.
Yes, why indeed.
They are specifically sending out those messages to certain outlets and streamers, let's assume it's the streamers and outlets who generally like to report on those subjects.
Not having the foresight of this blowing up in their face is a massive oversight from the publishers point of view. Either don't single out places to send those terms to, or don't send codes to those folks.
Tell me what exactly you typed to get those generated!If these were dlc skins would you guys bite?
(Blacky Myth Wukong Insomniac version.) JK. I got it off twitter. Can't find the post though.Tell me what exactly you typed to get those generated!