Blackpilled produces some excellent content. I have seen some of his videos before but I was unaware that he also has a website that contains very excellent write ups of his videos, with images.
I thought this was a pretty good critical look at Pleasantville, here's the write up if you don't feel like watching the video but are interested.
A few lines from the introduction:
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I thought this was a pretty good critical look at Pleasantville, here's the write up if you don't feel like watching the video but are interested.
A few lines from the introduction:
As much as the baby boomers fought to overturn, and rebel against, (and eventually destroy), the American culture that existed before them, one thing that I have always found interesting is how much these same champions of the counterculture that sadistically dismembered their heritage and mocked every tradition their parents had gifted them would at the same time romanticize this very culture they worked so hard to undo. In the 1980’s and 90’s there was a flurry of television shows and movies that seemed to acknowledge a yearning for something. There was a not so quiet acknowledgement of a loss that nobody could put their finger on and a bitter regret that was much more than what could be explained away by the phenomenon of nostalgia.
It must have been terrifying indeed for the baby boomers, standing over the corpse of this lost culture, the murder weapon still in their hands dripping with blood, as generation X, dazzled by this wonderful paradise that so starkly contrasted the reality they knew, began to slowly piece together what it was that had happened. So, out of self preservation, the baby boomers, fearing what would happen if they didn’t, decided to hide the body.
The movie Pleasantville was part of that disinformation campaign. The campaign weaponized against generation X.
The boomers...told generation X that the 1940’s and 50’s, despite what it might look like on TV, was really a nightmarish hellscape full of misogyny and patriarchy, oppressive Christianity, and worst of all, whiteness. The baby boomers often explained how they had brought revolution, and “fought the man,” and now these times were the real utopia.
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