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Blade Runner 2049 Review Thread


Yes given his clear talent with heady sci-fi with Arrival.

So he needed blade runner? He was already an established director before he joined

And Arrival isn't a clear indication that he could make a great character centric SW film?

My point is that needing is irrelevant. If he wants to make a SW film, it could be both entirely original and captivating.

Wanting to keep him away makes little sense at all, unless you just personally hate SW. He makes too much sense to not eventually join that universe.
Well.. They don't NEED each other but that's a really bizarre argument to make

"He shouldn't play in this universe because he doesn't need to"

Buy him playing in the blade runner sequel universe

That's fine

And totally different than having the creative freedom to do a SW film

Did blade runner NEED him, and he needed blade runner? Like there was no one else who could have done a good job?

Comparing Star Wars and Blade Runner is different though. One is pulpy science fantasy and the other is a slow burn cyberpunk noir. Very few directors could make a near 3 hour sequel that's still a slow detective noir to this much critical acclaim. JJ Abrams wouldn't do a Blade Runner sequel justice. A Villeneuve directed Star Wars simply doesn't interest me. I mean, I'd be curious to see what that would even be in the same vein as what would happen if David Lynch had agreed to direct a Star Wars film, but it's not what I'm looking for from those directors.


Comparing Star Wars and Blade Runner is different though. One is pulpy science fantasy and the other is a slow burn cyberpunk noir. Very few directors could make a near 3 hour sequel that's still a slow detective noir to this much critical acclaim. JJ Abrams wouldn't do a Blade Runner sequel justice. A Villeneuve directed Star Wars simply doesn't interest me. I mean, I'd be curious to see what that would even be in the same vein as what would happen if David Lynch had agreed to direct a Star Wars film, but it's not what I'm looking for from those directors.
I mean

Dude could eventually did a sci fi horror IN the SW universe. The obi wan film, for example, is probably going to have an incredibly different feel than the main episodes. Think the difference between Logan and X-Men

Sure, I would love for him to have directed EP9, but there are so many possibilities for him within that universe in the anthology films as well.


there is joy in sucking dick
A cold exacting take on the SW universe would be interesting. As long as he's allowed his vision for the film and is creatively motivated, I'd be down. Basically what I wished Rogue One turned out to be. I'd rather see him on Dune though.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Villeneuve next film will be a biopic about the life and works of Christopher Nolan. Dream bigger.
I mean

Dude could eventually did a sci fi horror IN the SW universe. The obi wan film, for example, is probably going to have an incredibly different feel than the main episodes. Think the difference between Logan and X-Men
Rogue One was supposed to have a different feel too, and look what we ended up with

I mean, everyone dying was kind of unexpected, but overall, it felt like there was a darker movie peeking out from the final product


A cold exacting take on the SW universe would be interesting. As long as he's allowed his vision for the film and is creatively motivated, id be down. I'd rather see him on Dune.
I wanna see him on Dune AND SW. He's a pretty young dude, right?

Imagine a slummy bounty hunter style film and the incredible world building that could be accomplished

He's got a bright future with lots of films to make!


This Denis Villeneuve could be "wasted" on in the next few years instead of doing another original film:
- Bond
- Cleopatra
- Dune

Why do we want to add Star Wars to that list? Dune is the only one there which is remotely interesting to see him attempt.

his best films have been adaptions of novels or plays, so not really original stories. I don't think that really matters.


Rogue One was supposed to have a different feel too, and look what we ended up withI mean, everyone dying was kind of unexpected, but overall, it felt like there was a darker movie peeking out from the final product

In all fairness, they seem to be having trouble figuring out what they want from the spinoffs. I think once the dust settles a bit, they'll be able to make different stuff that stays further from the usual formula

Down the road I could see it happening


sparkle this bitch
I mean

Dude could eventually did a sci fi horror IN the SW universe. The obi wan film, for example, is probably going to have an incredibly different feel than the main episodes. Think the difference between Logan and X-Men

Sure, I would love for him to have directed EP9, but there are so many possibilities for him within that universe in the anthology films as well.

There is absolutely no fucking indication they will do any of what you said for SW. Exact opposite. Logan was a thank you to Jackman and Stewart retiring on half the budget. And the biggest factor is Fox having no ties with merchandising. They aren't going to put out a horror SW film for the biggest licensing name in the country and one of the biggest in the world. They didn't even like Phil and Matt turning Han's movie into more of a comedy.

The reason why Logan and Deadpool won't of happened in Marvel's CU. The same reason why the equivalent will not happen in Star Wars. Maybe 5, 10, 15 years from now, if they experience decay. But till now, they have to work within a box that is per-approved.
Rogue One was supposed to have a different feel too, and look what we ended up with

I mean, everyone dying was kind of unexpected, but overall, it felt like there was a darker movie peeking out from the final product

I loved Rogue One, but I do agree that the Star Wars franchise right now is trying to reestablish a strong consistent brand identity that I think most directors wouldn't be able to break from. I don't think it's a matter of Star Wars needing Villeneuve, but rather a matter of Disney even wanting his directorial style that is in stark contrast to the tone they have been trying to establish. A return to the fun fast paced adventurous romp through space instead of the slow political chess of the prequels.


Of course this is turning into a Star Wars thread. :/

Anyway, I can't wait to watch this. And I honestly can't think of a more fitting director working today that could do this universe justice.


When do the next batch of reviews drop?

There is absolutely no fucking indication they will do any of what you said for SW. Exact opposite. Logan was a thank you to Jackman and Stewart retiring on half the budget. And the biggest factor is Fox having no ties with merchandising. They aren't going to put out a horror SW film for the biggest licensing name in the country and one of the biggest in the world. They didn't even like Phil and Matt turning Han's movie into more of a comedy.

The reason why Logan and Deadpool won't of happened in Marvel's CU. The same reason why the equivalent will not happen in Star Wars. Maybe 5, 10, 15 years from now, if they experience decay. But till now, they have to work within a box that is per-approved.
Down the road, after they do some anthology films and get their feet under them. Clearly their not doing a horror sci fi right after Han Solo. But you can be sure that there will be different genres eventually. And he's a young dude as far as directors go

But anyway, yeah, let's get back to how great this movie looks


I'd rather not see Villeneuve waste his time and energy on something as awful as Star Wars. He deserves much better

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
If anyone finds it in a review or sees the film, can you share the level of blood/torture/graphic violence or intensity is in the film?

Trying to gauge age appropriateness


Neo Member
Wow, those are some fantastic reviews. I might just check this after all, Prisoners and Arrival are incredible films.


Villeneuve doing Star Wars could result in a very good Star Wars movie. But I don't think it's weird to prefer him doing his own stuff. I'd rather see him do something original rather than Bond as well, but hey, if it is going to happen, at least there's a good Bond movie coming out of it.

I don't blame him at all for taking the opportunities (and money) that come with these big franchises. He's in a position most directors can only dream of. I would jump at those chances as well. But for my personal tastes I hope he doesn't get stuck making too many sequels/reboots/adaptions/etc to other people's works. I think he's too interesting a director for that. Not that any of those rumored projects would be bad films, more that Hollywood investing in creators rather than franchises is a thing that should be supported as much as possible. IMO of course.


After Arrival i watch everything this man directs he's a genius. I had no doubt he's going to do a great job with this. I hope it makes good money at the boxoffice because i want Villeneuve to have the privilege to do whatever he wants with his next movies.


Just got my tickets for next Sunday. Seeing this in IMAX should be incredible.

Blade Runner's like a top 5 movie of all time for me, so I'm really glad that it seems the movie's turned out very well. Villeneuve can do wrong.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
So he needed blade runner? He was already an established director before he joined

And Arrival isn't a clear indication that he could make a great character centric SW film?

My point is that needing is irrelevant. If he wants to make a SW film, it could be both entirely original and captivating.

Wanting to keep him away makes little sense at all, unless you just personally hate SW. He makes too much sense to not eventually join that universe.
No one is keeping him away. But I don't see how he makes sense other than that you want him to make a Star Wars film or why it's an inevitability that because he is good at sci-fi that he has to want to make Star Wars. I don't see anything Star Wars in Arrival either.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
here's hoping he gets to work on more not-sequels
Hollywood already took Duncan Jones from me
Planning to see this with friends next week, and re-watching the original with them tomorrow over lunch.

Fired up my copy to check it looks OK ... 20 minutes later had to remind myself to turn it off. Jesus Christ what a spectacle.

Your move, Mr Villeneuve


Yeah Denis is a better director than Nolan.
I feel Denis executes better than Nolan however Nolan is a bit more ambitious. Of course that doesn't seem to be the case here as both the ambition and execution in 2049 seem stellar. lol
He could take one for the team and make it so this Cleopatra actually takes down the studio producing it.
Why is Denis even doing Cleopatra? Has he expressed interest in even wanting to make this?


I feel Denis executes better than Nolan however Nolan is a bit more ambitious. Of course that doesn't seem to be the case here as both the ambition and execution in 2049 seem stellar. lol

Why is Denis even doing Cleopatra? Has he expressed interest in even wanting to make this?

He's in talks. That's he has said about it. Deadline says he would work on developing it while directing Dune. It seems Dune isn't set in stone either. I bet if BR is a success he will be getting locked down quickly one way or another.
I feel Denis executes better than Nolan however Nolan is a bit more ambitious. Of course that doesn't seem to be the case here as both the ambition and execution in 2049 seem stellar. lol

Why is Denis even doing Cleopatra? Has he expressed interest in even wanting to make this?

I hope that a Cleopatra movie doesn't get made. There is Cleopatra tv show getting made at Amazon from the people who did Black Sails. I want to see do his passion project Dune.
Okay this is getting really weird. It's morphing from a Star Wars thread, which was bad enough, into a thread for people who inexplicably regard Inception as a terrible film. That would be Inception the failed film that grossed $825 million and achieved 8 Oscar nominations of which it won 4. At that rate, I think Nolan needs to stop failing at being a film maker, before Hollywood runs out of bathtubs to carry the cash he rakes in.
Okay this is getting really weird. It's morphing from a Star Wars thread, which was bad enough, into a thread for people who inexplicably regard Inception as a terrible film. That would be Inception the failed film that grossed $825 million and achieved 8 Oscar nominations of which it won 4. At that rate, I think Nolan needs to stop failing at being a film maker, before Hollywood runs out of bathtubs to carry the cash he rakes in.

GAF really hates Nolan lol


I feel Denis executes better than Nolan however Nolan is a bit more ambitious. Of course that doesn't seem to be the case here as both the ambition and execution in 2049 seem stellar. lol
Well we're still going off Rottentomatoes for 2049. Nolan is no slouch when it comes to that. Dunkirk was critically acclaimed to the high heavens.
I'm sure Villeneuve is just dying to work under Kathleen Kennedy's thumb.

Forreal. When the director reaches Nolan and now Villeneuve status I don't think they'll ever want to work for one of the Disney production brands

Well we're still going off Rottentomatoes for 2049. Nolan is no slouch when it comes to that. Dunkirk was critically acclaimed to the high heavens.

Yeah Dunkirk was amazing. Plus I'd still put memento and prestige over anything Villeneuve has made yet (we'll see with 2049 tho).

Also tbh I liked interstellar more than arrival. It gets incredibly stupid at times for sure but the sense of awe in the space scenes and the emotional center of the movie on Mcconaughey was great. That video messages scene is one of the strongest things Nolan or Zimmer have done

Kind of look at Contact/Interstellar/Arrival as a sort of thematically related trilogy considering the plots of all of them haha.
Dennis can do whatever the fuck he wants if this takes off and is as good as it apparently is.

I’d rather it be anything but big franchises already humming away without him though. Let him continue to do OG shit like Sicario, Prisoners, Arrival with the occasional Hail Mary blockbuster like Blade Runner.

I mean if he made something for one of those huge brands I would certainly show up because he always executes well (so far) but Bond, Star Wars, etc would just end up being genre/franchise exercises most likely.

I’d plant my ass in a seat right now if he did a JP miniseries though.


These days, I'm actually more skeptical of a film the more unanimous praise is. A good film needs a jagged edge or two. But Vilenueve has yet to lead me astray. I wonder how influenced it will be by his usual themes and preoccupations (i.e. war on terror and general post-9/11).

the universe of Blade Runner seems ripe for that kind of exploration.

(plus, the Idea of Blade Runner has always been better than the Film Blade Runner) /lukewarm take


No one is keeping him away. But I don't see how he makes sense other than that you want him to make a Star Wars film or why it's an inevitability that because he is good at sci-fi that he has to want to make Star Wars. I don't see anything Star Wars in Arrival either.

Plenty of people want to keep him away (stated in this very thread). But, you know, there IS a reason why lots of people have been talking about him for SW. Because he makes sense. He did an excellent job with the characters in Arrival. Rian Johnson's TLJ is literally ALL ABOUT the characters and how they handle the situations they've been dropped into.

After watching Arrival and seeing how he handled specific themes/that sort of drama (ie dealing with hardships, overcoming challenges, struggling with the past, analyzing a challenging future), yes, he does make a lot of sense.

It's not just HE'S A GOOD DIRECTOR! It's more like "he makes a lot of sense for the type of film they could potentially make".


its bad enough that a kids franchise like star wars poached one of the most interesting scifi directors working today with rian johnson. if they took dennis i would be so mad


If Episode 7 and Rogue One weren't so fucking dull and uninspired, I'd be interested in great directors taking a crack at delivering a unique vision to the franchise. I would've loved to see a Fincher take a stab at Star Wars. He's someone who's always done commercial films, but carved his own path along the way.

Clearly, the suits aren't interested in that. So why bother.
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