Got an email from play-asia asking me to confirm that I still want it, since it's JP text only.
Got an email from play-asia asking me to confirm that I still want it, since it's JP text only.
Just curious, but is there any particular reason people are using the JPN store instead of the HK store when buying it from the HK store is cheaper even with play-asia's markup on cards?
Jeez, some of these day 1 players already look better than I will ever be.
Shipment is...go!
Jeez, some of these day 1 players already look better than I will ever be.
Got an email from play-asia asking me to confirm that I still want it, since it's JP text only.
Got an email from play-asia asking me to confirm that I still want it, since it's JP text only.
Anyone here a casual player? Or are you all pretty hardcore into fighting games? I don't even bother learning the moves for the most part... >_<
Anyway, I actually played this in arcades when I was in Japan and made it through arcade mode with a few different characters. Amane's definitely my new favorite :3
I think mos of the people who'll import the game are hardcore players who can't risk waiting 5(?) months for the US release of the game. They can perform insane combos and have prediction skills that border on telepathy.
I think mos of the people who'll import the game are hardcore players who can't risk waiting 5(?) months for the US release of the game. They can perform insane combos and have prediction skills that border on telepathy.
I think mos of the people who'll import the game are hardcore players who can't risk waiting 5(?) months for the US release of the game. They can perform insane combos and have prediction skills that border on telepathy.
I don't think I'll be ordering physical copies from play-asia again anytime soon
When did you pre-order, how did you pay, and did you order the Japanese or Asian version?
No one was at home to receive my copy which was delivered at 11:15 AM, so I'll probably have to wait until Monday. Also have to pay $22 in import fees, which sucks.
Damn, I'll probably have to pay the same.... It'll come to over 100 bucks then.... How much is the digital version if buying jpn cards off play-asia?
It's about 98 canadian dollars for two 1000 Yen Cards and one 5000 Yen Card.
If you have paypal, you can always get a GAFfer to help get you cards. I have a friend that helps me get mine without the mark ups.Thanks. My order is still on hold so I'm gonna email them again to cancel it. I'll just get the digital version instead.
Does anyone know how many characters are locked and what their requirements are?
If you have paypal, you can always get a GAFfer to help get you cards. I have a friend that helps me get mine without the mark ups.
Kagura is the story mode unlock. Terumi is just a preorder bonus DLC that can also be bought on PSN.
Kokonoe's DLC only, releasing on the 7th.
Edit: For Fluxwave and any aspiring Terumi mains. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wD6KDdF099g
Yup, I have paypal. Who would be able to hook me up?
Paypal. It's more that I've just been really frustrated today with my laptop(have had to reformat it twice now) and then me finding out that even after I sent them the confirmation email yesterday(I got the Asian version) they're still sitting on the order just added to my frustration. I'll probably buy from again, it just sucks I have to wait until possibly Wednesday to play this.
Damn, I'll probably have to pay the same.... It'll come to over 100 bucks then.... How much is the digital version if buying jpn cards off play-asia?
Edit: For Fluxwave and any aspiring Terumi mains. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wD6KDdF099g
Delivered. Now to sit here waiting to play it until after work. T_T
Did you order the Asian version? I guess that's why they're notifying people. The original CT had English text, but every import version I played after that was Japanese-only.
Got my LE. It's so pretty. Will play later today... after a bit of AA5.
Ah, OK. I wouldn't expect to get Asian versions at release unless they specifically list that as the stock date. Most of the time Asian releases just the month of release. That's usually why I pay that extra cash for the Japanese versions, plus it makes it easier to sell stuff off when I'm over there.
^nice, thanks
So I ordered this yesterday and the status at play-asia still says "Preparing order".. is this normal?
it also says "The order is not paid yet. If you made the payment already please confirm the payment." wtf? i got a confirmation email and already saw the charge on my credit card.
Hope my codes get sent to me by tomorrow. I wasn't planning on importing this, but now that it's out I don't think I can wait. `-`