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Blue Dragon (Xbox360) |OT|


Hunahan said:
Yeah, I was keying in on this part:

"Though Blue Dragon has the voice of Baird, we're pretty sure we won't get the same curt and curse heavy dialogue we heard in Gears of War"

Although that could simply be referring to the game title instead of the character. My bad.

Chalk it up to IGN's poor writing skills again. :lol

I can confirm that the "Blue Dragon" in the game never speaks, so it's not really a character in that sense. I think Zabo would be a good role for Fred, unless he's playing Destroy...


this lost odyssey tidbit seem interesting:

...We know lots of gamers love Japanese games, so taking too much of the original flavor out would be a disservice." Wherever possible, the direct Japanese translation was left as it was. She even gave us a little story highlighting such cultural and lingual barriers...

The funny example I have is actually from "Lost Odyssey." There's a scene where one of the characters is fondly remembering her deceased mother. She mentions how her mother collected pot holders but would never use them. She'd pick up hot pots with her bare hands and end up burning her fingers. She would then touch her burned fingers to her ear lobes. In the audio studio, all the native English speakers just looked at one another in confusion. It was a cultural reference that didn't make sense to us. Our Localization PM (Yumiko) explained to us that, in Japan, if you burn your fingers, you touch them to the coolest part of your body (your ear lobes). It was a very funny moment when I explained that, in the U.S., we jump up and down and shake our hands going "Ow! Ow! Ow!" then run for the sink to run our aching fingers under cold water. I think, in the end, we decided to leave the dialog as written because it had a charming quality to it, but there's an example of a cultural action that didn't cross the Japanese/English barrier accurately.


Some new info from Gamespot's Q&A:

GS: You're showing the localized English version for the first time here [at GDC]. Aside from the standard voice acting and text changes, are you making any updates to the game for the American market?

HS: There's no change. There are actually two songs out of the total five that we're modifying, localizing into English. So those two songs in the game are the only things that we're making any changes to.

[in English] And we fixed some bugs. [laughs]

Hees Kyung: We also adjusted the difficulty level around the mechat shooting. That was one of the [pieces of] downloadable content in Japan. But we're actually including that as part of the [North American] game.

GS: Speaking of downloadable content, do you have plans to release more content after the game comes out in the US?

HK: There are plans, and I can speak to that on behalf of Sakaguchi-san. Over the course of five to six months, postlaunch there will be more downloadable content: a set of three [pieces of] downloadable content, the last of which is going to be a dungeon with a lot of randomized patterns. By randomized patterns, I mean each time you enter into the dungeon, you encounter a different environment, a set of new characters, and monsters. So there are eight-plus patterns that have actually been set for the dungeon. So it is a completely new experience, in addition to this great game that we have.

Also, when you go to the start screen, you see [a new difficulty level] "impossible." This is for the gamers who have completed the game, know the game backward and forward, and have their character's levels above 50 points. A lot of other bosses and new items appear in this impossible mode.

GS: Will we see a playable demo on Xbox Live Marketplace?

HS: [in English] Yeah, we are making a playable demo--maybe for June or July.



I guess that confirms it 100%. No difficulty changes, just the lame useless mechat update. All the other DLC will stay the same as the JP version. :/


September /cry
I bought my 360 because of that game and despite many great games thus far the waiting is becoming unbearable :/


Jcgamer60 said:
I was wondering what importers who have played this game think about milkys perspective? http://www.1up.com/do/blogEntry?bId=8024624&publicUserId=4549175

I think he has absolutely no idea what he's talking about. His description of the game suggests that he watched it out of the corner of his eye for a few minutes, not that he was playing along with his little Famitsu friend. (And by the way, Famitsu gave it 9's and 10's... this guy is no reviewer, and no RPG fan if he's just getting around to Blue Dragon now.)

He is wrong almost every time he cites a specific fact, like how the items you search for are "pointless" (I'm not going to correct him, since it's a bit of a spoiler) and the utility of the DLC that helps with that. He apparently hates Uematsu's music, and says it has the worst battle music ever, but he's surely talking about the boss music, which suggests how little he was paying attention. Then he complains about how far apart the destinations are from each other, and how he wishes they were some sort of vehicle to take you from point to point. Which THERE IS. And yes, you only get it late in the game, but I've never met anyone who didn't enjoy walking over new areas of a world map for a minute or two to reach new destinations—you don't have to walk far at all and you never ever have to retrace your steps if you don't want to.

Every one of his complaints is either about something he does not understand or is an aspect of every traditional RPG ever made.


Jonnyram said:
What a load of horseshit. Boring? The guy has two lv 75 jobs in FFXI. How can he possibly comment on a JRPG being boring.

Actually, that's four level 75 jobs.

Takuhi said:
Blah blah blah...that he was playing along with his little Famitsu friend. (And by the way, Famitsu gave it 9's and 10's... this guy is no reviewer, and no RPG fan if he's just getting around to Blue Dragon now.)

Way to be condescending to my 'little Famitsu friend.' He's been traveling abroad studying English. Guess you can't read blogs too well, either.


whoa, really uninformative write up.
random encounter ? oshima director ?
and to me seem he don't like jrpg either.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Reilly said:
This game will make me buy a 360. I still want to wait for the quieter, cooler system.

The fact that Sakaguchi wants to make more games in the series gives me incentive to buy an XBOX 360 also when it gets more reliable.

There is no way in hell he will make it for the PS3, and the Wii can't do it justice.


*FOUR* Lv. 75 jobs? I mean I liked FFXI quite a damn bit at the time(mostly for superficial aspects and friends) but... Jesus Christ.

What a load of horseshit. Boring? The guy has two lv 75 jobs in FFXI. How can he possibly comment on a JRPG being boring.

Screw that noise, non-stop grinding of identical crabs that they're too lazy to even reskin, for hours at a time for weeks on end is the peak of quality gaming.


BenjaminBirdie said:
This might be old, but I was happy to see the Blue Dragon presale box at GameStop had a $49.99 price tag. Not bad for a hefty-ass next gen RPG.

Here's to hoping. I need to squeeze it in my August schedule with Bioshock as #1. But I want to buy it, not my favorite genre I admit. However, I want to support the effort and I may end up liking it in the end. It looks really nice.


Alex said:
Screw that noise, non-stop grinding of identical crabs that they're too lazy to even reskin, for hours at a time for weeks on end is the peak of quality gaming.
I often found myself soloing crabs a few levels above me. It was a lot more fun than partying, but the experience was shit, obviously (120 exp for a 20 minute fight, uhhhh). RDM was the suckiest job for partying though. I dunno how anyone can tolerate levelling to 75 with it.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Jcgamer60 said:
I was wondering what importers who have played this game think about milkys perspective? http://www.1up.com/do/blogEntry?bId=8024624&publicUserId=4549175

This is the opinion of a guy who didn't even play the game, but only watched someone else play it. Also judging from the tone of his article, he seems to have a predisposition against Blue Dragon, JRPGs, and especially Toriyama / Matsuo.

I have finished the game two times now and am working through it again on the "new game ++" option where it recommends you start no lower than level 50. I had a blast with the game, but I definitely can't recommend it to everyone. If you like traditional JRPGs with some twists and a very standard (yet entertaining) story then you will love this game. Its like an extreme refinement of the SNES/Super Famicom Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy games with really pretty graphics.

The comments in the article are really off base or simply wrong. As a previous poster already stated the whole "item search" thing is not pointless at all. Of course if you hate searching every nook and cranny for things then you don't need to because it is completely optional. I rather enjoyed it, though. There is also no point in the game where you need to run across really long distances to get to where you need to go. It will never take you more than a couple of minutes to get to your next destination. There is also a teleportation system in the game that lets you instantly warp to major locations you already visited so its a breeze to go back to old areas if you want to.

I thoroughly enjoyed the game and recommend it to anyone who likes JRPGs. I would hope that "Milky" would at least play some of the game before condeming it, especially considering that he gets paid to write about and review video games.


Question for importers:

Is it safe to say that people who didn't enjoy Dragon Quest VIII (for it's old-school gameplay) should pass on Blue Dragon?


And even i am moderately surprised
I can't agree with everything said in the blog about the game , but
Milky does point out one VERY important thing though.

"let me tell you that my house-guest is an editor for Famitsu, and if he's bored, then you might end up being bored as well."


will still give the game 10,9 (or 8s)

Again - Famitsu scores are , basically, unreliable at best.

As much as i love weekly news in print form, you have to ask whether being editor is a plus or minus when opinion on games is concerned (when in print form).

If he's bored by the game, and the editor is not prepared to mark the game as he sees fit, then the whole review section is basically a sham and a slap in the face to the readers.


Gub'mint Researcher
Awesome thread. 40 pages but very nice.
This game look fantastic.:D
Hope microsoft release a 65mn version before blue dragon release in Na.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Blader5489 said:
Question for importers:

Is it safe to say that people who didn't enjoy Dragon Quest VIII (for it's old-school gameplay) should pass on Blue Dragon?

They are quite different in my opinion. I enjoyed Dragon Quest VIII as well as Blue Dragon, but Blue Dragon is a much better paced game and its gameplay is more akin to Final Fantasy (III - VI) as opposed to Dragon Quest.


Jonnyram said:
sorry not 5, but 4.5 ...
anyway, what he say :

You guys must be season-ticket holders to the local high school's theater productions, 'cause you obviously crave cheese with that whine. I haven't encountered so many boring prerendered backgrounds, talking heads, bleh voice acting, laughably inept cut-scenes, and, um, card battles since...the last Baten Kaitos. As if the formula weren't tedious enough, wading your way through its convoluted plot is barely enough to keep interest high as you assemble your custom card deck. If you followed the first game, you'll undoubtedly enjoy what's offered here. (Really, do GameCube RPG fans have any other choice?) But gamers looking for ways to fill the empty void in the gaping maw of their Cubes would do well to just sit still until the arrival of Twilight Princess.


The Inside Track
New content for Blue Dragon to be released on April 27, 300 MS points:

Mega Kero!


Ahhh, it's pretty depressing that they're charging money for the best part of the DLC, but I guess it's to be expected with all the BOHICA that's been going on recently :(
Anyone know if this'll bump the gamerscore up to 1250?


Jonnyram said:
Ahhh, it's pretty depressing that they're charging money for the best part of the DLC, but I guess it's to be expected with all the BOHICA that's been going on recently :(
Anyone know if this'll bump the gamerscore up to 1250?


Yeah, I was expressing disappointment when Blim updated me on this. Kinda sad, especially after Sakaguchi promised all the DLC would be free for the fans. :(


Fair-weather, with pride!
duckroll said:

Yeah, I was expressing disappointment when Blim updated me on this. Kinda sad, especially after Sakaguchi promised all the DLC would be free for the fans. :(

Its still half the price of 3 songs on Guitar Hero 2 for infinite random dungeon play which appeals to a lot of people.


The Inside Track
I finally got my new HD capture hardware, and wow it makes an incredible difference with the old one. As always Blue Dragon is my choice game for testing since it's beautiful and it also had lots of small stuff only visible if the capture good.













All straight from the 720p captured file with no touch up. And it's using a compression codec for the video so it could be even better I guess.


This game is absolutely gorgeous, thanks alot for the sweet screens Blim, I can't wait till this hits North America (can't believe they are making us wait 8months...wtf)


The Inside Track
BenjaminBirdie said:
Oh yeah, this game is going to sell TERRIBLY. :p

Hey Blim, what does Kluke have equipped that made such an AWESOME little icon?

:D ?:D ?:D ?:D ?:D ?:D ?:D ?
You might not want to read my reply since it's a pretty funny surprise.
It's a bracelet that seems ultra powerful when you equip it, BUT it turns the one wearing it into a frog character as soon as a fight starts. Whoops


Gosh this game just looks plain gorgeous!

I do think they overdo the depth of a field a little bit, is it very noticable in-game?
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