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Bomba? Mirror's Edge Catalyst PS4/XB1 $40 ($32 with GCU) at Best Buy, $42 at Amazon

I'm still surprised it even got made. At most it should have been a lower budget downloadable only title for the hardcore fans that just wanted more ME.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I remember calling this the instant I saw the first real unedited gameplay.

Absolutely not what this game needed. Was this DICE'S decision or EA's?

I've heard people say the open city itself is the only thing it has going for it though
I swear there were a lot of people on gaming forums asking for a sequel. Now where are all those people?

Fixing to put Yu Suzuki out of a job is where they are


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
I don't think this game was big budget title anyway, it wasn't hyped or marketed that well

however, this past week. Everytime I opened a fucking youtube video, I was greeted with 15sec ad of Mirror's Edge


As someone who played through the first one a few times, I expected more of the same from the sequel. Instead, I was bored of the dialogue and fetch quests after 2 hours and haven't played in a few days. On a positive note: It looks pretty on my PC? I think...


Question, how the hell do I know if I have Gamers Club Unlocked? I can't really tell on the account website. I personally didn't buy it, but one of the associates at the store said I had it before but I don't want to go there telling them I have it when I really don't.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Such a shame. It's a really good game and we'll probably never get another one.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
why do price drops like this, even on amazon, never apply to the digital copies?
Question, how the hell do I know if I have Gamers Club Unlocked? I can't really tell on the account website. I personally didn't buy it, but one of the associates at the store said I had it before but I don't want to go there telling them I have it when I really don't.

If you add a game to your cart on the website, the discount would be applied during the checkout process (if you have GCU).


I enjoyed the first game but I'm holding on the second because of the reception it got. Guess I can live without it for a few more months.


Wow, did EA even market this? I didn't know it was out. Way to go, EA.

Reading the comments here about its quality, though, I guess even the publishers couldn't get too excited pushing out a 'soulless open world'? EA...
I thought the beta was terrible; I didn't even bother finishing it. I think I'd rather just play the original again.

why do price drops like this, even on amazon, never apply to the digital copies?
I would guess because digital copies aren't taking up warehouse space and costing the retailers money every day.


I was one of the people crying for a sequel and now I'm unsure about buying it at $40, not sure why people are acting like assholes for not blind buying the sequel.

It's between this and a full-priced Doom for me (happy father's day to me) and I'm leaning hard toward Doom. I just didn't agree with the open world, unlock skills through mini quest shit. The first game was about intense speed running and maybe the new one is? I just didn't see it in the demo.
Okay guys, you all need to go buy Mirror's Edge Catalyst now. There's no excuse anymore. It's really good!

I just didn't agree with the open world, unlock skills through mini quest shit. The first game was about intense speed running and maybe the new one is? I just didn't see it in the demo.

I was worried about the skill unlocks too, but you can unlock almost all of the free running moves within the first hour (including everything that was in the original ME), and the rest within a second hour, so it's hard to complain.

You can completely ignore the open world if you want to and just treat it like a linear game. I don't understand why it bothers so many people.

Edit: Also, while nobody should feel obligated to buy a product, I do think it's a bit of a shame when the people who've been crying for a sequel for almost a decade don't buy said sequel when it finally releases. It would be one thing if the sequel was awful, but it's not.
I was one of the people crying for a sequel and now I'm unsure about buying it at $40, not sure why people are acting like assholes for not blind buying the sequel.

It's between this and a full-priced Doom for me (happy father's day to me) and I'm leaning hard toward Doom. I just didn't agree with the open world, unlock skills through mini quest shit. The first game was about intense speed running and maybe the new one is? I just didn't see it in the demo.

The new one still is.


It broke my heart that this E3, they didn't even mention it in a "this games do we have now" trailer.

I even enjoying the fetch quests because running just is soooo fucking fun.

This is a game I will never sell/trade in and I'm carefully playing this to 100% to get the most out of it.

I don't know why EA even bothered making it (I'm fucking glad they did though) when it seems that they doesn't care to just mentioning it.


Maybe. But a rather soulless open world with busywork tasks is not what I wanted from a ME sequel. To me it seems it is also missing that certain charm that the first game had.

Surely there must be a version of that duck comic strip with "everything was open-world"?

Yes I pretty much just found myself running to the missions and wishing I could just skip the open world.
I can almost see the executives of EA talking about ME Catalyst in their next meeting:

"See? We told you nobody wanted a Mirror's Edge sequel. This is what happens when you listen to NeoGAF."
What exactly is everyone's problem with the open world? That you have to run between missions?

Running is the point of the game! That's why the open world works so well—when you traverse the world, you're doing the same thing you would be in a mission. Sure, moving through the open city is a bit less exciting than the main missions, but it's good for a game to have quieter moments.

There are some times when you end up retreading the same ground, but if you're focused solely on the story missions, this shouldn't happen too often. And since you can move so fast, these retreads don't take very long.
What exactly is everyone's problem with the open world? That you have to run between missions?

Running is the point of the game! That's why the open world works so well—when you traverse the world, you're doing the same thing you would be in a mission. Sure, moving through the open city is a bit less exciting than the main missions, but it isn't such a bad thing for a game to have quieter moments.

There are some times when you end up retreading the same ground, but if you're focused solely on the story missions, this shouldn't happen to often. And you can move pretty darn fast, so the retreads don't last that long.

Yeah, I don't understand the issue about an open world in a free running game. Back tracking in this game is fun. Especially as you get better the more you play/find faster routes.


What exactly is everyone's problem with the open world? That you have to run between missions?

Running is the point of the game! That's why the open world works so well—when you traverse the world, you're doing the same thing you would be in a mission. Sure, moving through the open city is a bit less exciting than the main missions, but it isn't such a bad thing for a game to have quieter moments.

There are some times when you end up retreading the same ground, but if you're focused solely on the story missions, this shouldn't happen to often. And you can move pretty darn fast, so the retreads don't last that long.

Indeed. There's also fast travel to each neighborhood. And it's not as though the open world is just a path between main missions: there are side missions, time trials, gridNodes, etc.


I do agree that the game is kinda soulless... Didn't excite me as much as the original Mirror's Edge did.

Locking abilities was an extremely stupid decision. So Faith as a runner doesn't know how to roll? Open world doesn't bother me, but missions and side missions are kinda dull.
The first game was very niche and was a cult classic, rare do these type of games get sequel. Mirror's Edge was lucky but the sequel was destined to be very niche as well, no matter the marketing. It just doesn't appeal to the masses IMO.
And it's not as though the open world is just a path between main missions: there are side missions, time trials, gridNodes, etc.

This too, and I happen to like (many of) the side missions a lot, but the point I'm trying to make is that you can play Catalyst as a linear game if you feel so inclined. Even if you don't like the open world, it doesn't get in the way unless you purposefully go exploring.
This too, and I happen to like (many of) the side missions a lot, but the I'm point I'm trying to make is that you can play Catalyst as a linear game if you feel so inclined. Even if you don't like the open world, it doesn't get in the way unless you purposefully go exploring.

Also agreeing with this. I played through the game in a linear fashion and the open world was not intrusive. It's only after I finished the main story that I came to love the open world.
There were dozen of them before. Dozens!

Well that's what I find most strange about this—there seemed to be a lot of people (aka several orders of magnitude more than "dozens") who were collectively cheering when this game first announced. There's a reason EA made the teaser the very last thing it showed at its press conference that year.

I don't understand where all that enthusiasm went.
This game isn't even a sequel, it's a reboot. They basically abandoned almost everything from the last game except for the main character.


Well that's what I find most strange about this—there seemed to be a lot of people (aka several orders of magnitude more than "dozens") who were collectively cheering when this game first announced. There's a reason EA made the teaser the very last thing it showed at its press conference that year.

I don't understand where all that enthusiasm went.

Literally when they uttered "open world" for me it went away and was replaced with skepticism and a lot of wait and see.


I do agree that the game is kinda soulless... Didn't excite me as much as the original Mirror's Edge did.

Locking abilities was an extremely stupid decision. So Faith as a runner doesn't know how to roll? Open world doesn't bother me, but missions and side missions are kinda dull.

What do you mean by soulless? The game fails to have an identity of its own? It is a generic open world game?


Yeah, I don't understand the issue about an open world in a free running game. Back tracking in this game is fun. Especially as you get better the more you play/find faster routes.

I think a part of it, at least to me, is that traversal isn't as exciting as it was in the original. Here it's more sort of... normal parkour, most of the time? Faith is faster, nimbler, but the speed doesn't feel as dangerous and thrilling as it used to.

Sometimes the parkour gets really good when you're deep in a kinetic puzzle and you're doing lots of quickturns and ledge grabs. I loved the gridnode side quests, the giant computer world challenges, and one particular "arena" in the construction zone that was a blast to climb and jump around in, but... there were definitely times I was playing this game where the excitement just wasn't there. Running across rooftops should be more exciting than this.

Time trials were rarely fun because it felt like you were trying to beat the open world system instead of the challenge at hand. And the open world style is a detriment to the Solar Fields-composed soundtrack, limiting it to a neutral jogging ambiance instead of the deep cosmic soundscapes and pulse-pounding danger anthems of the first game, with emotional peaks coming only once or twice in the entire playthrough. By the end, I muted the music and put on any number of other songs from Solar Fields's albums and they got me excited to run.

The XP system is a negative, in a long burn sort of way. The skills really should have been opened from the beginning, and the XP system done away with. The things that are good about this game do not need a tacked on RPG-esque grind.

I give this game a lot of shit, though. It does some things right. It's just fundamentally at odds with itself. DOOM is two times truer to its own soul than Mirror's Edge Catalyst is.

Mr Git

It's an okay, but soulless version of Mirror's Edge. The missions (so far, I am not too far into it) are good, but the open world does it no favors at all. I completed the first game like 5 times, got all achievements and competed in the Time Trials until the meta became bunny hops and kick-glitches, and I am very dissapointed.

The open nature of the world makes me more inclined to follow the red markers because otherwise I'll end up at a dead end or on the wrong side of the district. And half the time when I try to go freestyle mode, jumps that I feel like I should be able to make gets me killed.

And the first hours are boring because you have a god damn upgrade tree and XP is required to unlock basic moves that were in the first game.

And then the most dissapointing moment comes - you get a fucking grappling hook. I loved Mirror's Edge because it forced me to get creative to reach my destination. Now time trials just becomes "find the hidden grappling point" to get the fastest time.

Really? Wow that's.. damning. You've basically articulated why I loved the first game. This is now completely off my radar.
Literally when they uttered "open world" for me it went away and was replaced with skepticism and a lot of wait and see.

Well if that's really all it takes to go from enthusiasm to indifference, I think that a lot of people are being awfully close-minded. See my comments above on how ignorable the open world is.


What do you mean by soulless? The game fails to have an identity of its own? It is a generic open world game?

It feels like a generic open world game. I havent gone very far so hoping it'll change but it's not blowing me away like the original did.
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