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Boon to the PS3? Warner Bros goes Blu-Ray

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SolidSnakex said:
It's not a matter of them letting those studios go, its a matter of what do they have to offer to make them want to stay?
that sound quiet odd, what is sony doing to keep disney and other major studios on their side? Hd-dvd have cheaper movies and cheaper players. :/


topsyturvy said:

dvd >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hddvd/bluray

this is why YOUR argument fails.

why does this argument fail?

DVD can be surpassed, its not an unstoppable force.

Read a few posts back on research done, DVD sales are softening, and one of the reasons stated, and a very TRUE reason is people want the HD versions, and the format war has delayed them from making those purchases.

do us all a favor and piss off until you can think rationally. Cause you know, records can NEVER be topped, oh wait tapes, TAPES will NEVER be topped, oh wait CDs, OH CDS WILL NEVER BE TOPPED, oh crap hi ipod.


topsyturvy said:
they cancelled their CES conference because they gonna let the studios go? you're right, there is no logic here. :/


topsyturvy said:
that sound quiet odd, what is sony doing to keep disney and other major studios on their side? Hd-dvd have cheaper movies and cheaper players. :/

You can't possibly be serious.
B-Ri said:
PGR3 and 4 arent that hot. Forza 2 did nothign for me. At $30 Halo 3 is still my most regretted purchase, lost planet is coming to ps3, even then i never did beat it, i love dead rising but i hit a wall and couldnt beat it, i absolutely loved bioshock, mass effect was a dissapointment (the reason i bought a 360, and it didnt deliver), never touched condemned and saints row and crackdown are overhyped.
Oh come on now...


ndiicm said:
...but do you think microsoft was capable of building an elite with the hd-drive built in and still have met their launch deadline. I mean they missed the ship at the initial launch and a later elite launch might have made them even harder to move/sell.

The xbox360 elite was basically just a revised xbox360 board. They threw in hdmi 1.2 and eventually started producing one configuration. The only difference turned out to be the over priced hard drive and black case. All ready plagued with the shoddy manufacturing problems rrod, scratched disks, flimsy drive tray etc. I bet trying to throw in hd-dvd would have been a tough task for microsoft a company who makes money selling the windows software brand.

The overly proprietized nature of the system is a major turn off as well. I also think that's why the ps3 is outselling it worldwide.

Sure I don't see why they couldn't have put a drive in. Why not? I doubt they cost that much more and it might actually allow the Elite to justify its name rather than just being an XBox in a different colour and a larger HDD. Things like HDMI are features of all new 360s.

Anyway its too late for that now. My thoughts are that Toshiba actually planned to announce some kind of Tosh branded HD DVD / 360 device at CES but may have second thoughts now. Such a device would probably stillborn in light of recent developments.

This announcement really must have been a real kick in the balls for HD DVD especially as it was timed to shit all over their CES presence and any announcements (such as HD DVD 360s) they might have been going to make.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
pswii60 said:
This thread has unsurprisingly derailed.

Going back to the OP, this is a bigger boon to Blu-Ray than it is to the PS3. The Wii is selling like gangbusters without even a DVD drive, and Blu-Ray player prices are dropping. Many people (ie the mainstream) will rather have a standalone under their TV than use the PS3 - I mean how many people really ever ended up using their PS2 as their primary DVD player?

Having said that, I'm happy as I only have Blu-Ray via the PS3 and I didn't fancy buying the HDDVD drive for my 360. On the down side, two of my mates just bought an HDDVD drive for Christmas - even after I warned them something like that would happen and advised them to put their pennies towards a PS3 instead. Some people just don't listen :lol

Well, the more Blu-Ray discs and players are purchased, the faster the technology price drops meaning more room for future PS3 price drops and more income from software sales (cost less to burn).
Pristine_Condition said:
You may bury your head in the sand, don't assume others will follow your lead though.
umm, i don't recall me being in the mainstream. but its obvious that the hd format doesn't have the mainstream interest.
Dante said:
People are still doing the PS3 has no games schtick?
well its the only remaining mud that the hd-dvd supporters can sling at PS3 at this point....that and keep spouting that a single format will kill HDM lol


Hellraizer said:
Oh come on now...

so your going to come and tell me that the color palette swaps and exact same floorplans for nearly EVERY sidequest was amazing?

That the freedom of the galaxy map was used at its full potential, oh wait there was 1 planet to search into, the rest were just press A and get an item for a fetch quest you could care less about.

The game suffered identity crisis, and it didnt deliver to what microsoft and bioware had told me on when i saw all the footage and put money down months early for a 360.
Dante said:
People are still doing the PS3 has no games schtick?

Well the dingbat in question lists a bunch of 360 exclusives, so it makes you wonder why he wasted his money on a PS3 in the first place?

I'm content to wait on software, even if I flare up and bitch about it on here until it gets here, but yeah - there are just things the PS3 doesn't do that the Xbox does at the moment.

I'm hoping Army of Two or . . . what the hell is that other game I saw the other day??? Anyhow, I'm hoping Army of Two fills the Gears shaped hole in my heart.

Honestly though. I don't see this having much impact on the PS3 in the short term. Perhaps long term if consumers start flocking to HD, but yeah. . .

I'm eyeballing Rockband at the moment. Ever since I suffered through a shit game of Mario Party wii version (WAGGLE! WAGGLE!) and pissed off my Nintendrone friends (sorry man, I'm just not down with Nintendo games, or games which are basically Nintendo mascot fan wank fodder) I need a game we can all play that is actually a game and that everyone can play - so Rockband it is.
topsyturvy said:
that sound quiet odd, what is sony doing to keep disney and other major studios on their side? Hd-dvd have cheaper movies and cheaper players. :/

Yeah the movies are cheaper and the players are cheaper yet BR movies outsell HDDVD movies every single week. Seems like a good enough reason for a company like Disney to not jump ship, especially when a company like the WB is coming over without having to be paid off which is what had to happen with Paramount.
topsyturvy said:
wow, i'm not getting this thread at all. Warner is dual supporting both formats until may. Then just go bluray afterwards....Whats the impact here for the hd era? If warner didn't supported neither format THEN supported bluray, that would be a big deal. But something tells me that the mainstream won't catch on.
i think media bias has already given people the mindset that hd-dvd is now the "dead" format (see the cnbc article).....dont underestimate how mass media like this can influence gullible sheep that is the public
Riddick said:
jebus, you really think hd-dvd is bailing out of the market because a studio decided to jump ship? I agree with you that the bailed out on the conference. But the market as a whole? not so much dude.
SolidSnakex said:
Yeah the movies are cheaper and the players are cheaper yet BR movies outsell HDDVD movies every single week. Seems like a good enough reason for a company like Disney to not jump ship, especially when a company like the WB is coming over without having to be paid off which is what had to happen with Paramount.
someone would say the same with the ps3 gaming support. No?


topsyturvy said:
umm, i don't recall me being in the mainstream. but its obvious that the hd format doesn't have the mainstream interest.
But Warner and the filmcompanies think otherwise, which is proved by declining DVD sales


topsyturvy said:
that sound quiet odd, what is sony doing to keep disney and other major studios on their side? Hd-dvd have cheaper movies and cheaper players. :/

HD DVD doesnt have cheaper movies, neither in retail or necessarily in production.

As for the price of players, HD DVD has an advantage that Blu Ray doesn't. Toshiba is HD DVD. It can heavily subsidize the players to make them appear cheaper than Blu Ray equivalents. Blu Ray is a consortium and the likes of Sharp, Panasonic etc. aren't going to subsidize their players - they want to make a profit. Its doubtful that Sony would want to undercut them either.

The price of Blu Ray players is dropping. They're already under $300 and you can expect they'll be under $200 well before this year is out.


The Take Out Bandit said:
I'm eyeballing Rockband at the moment. Ever since I suffered through a shit game of Mario Party wii version (WAGGLE! WAGGLE!) and pissed off my Nintendrone friends (sorry man, I'm just not down with Nintendo games, or games which are basically Nintendo mascot fan wank fodder) I need a game we can all play that is actually a game and that everyone can play - so Rockband it is.

rock band is fucking amazing, thanks to EA i now have a second stratocaster for my ps3 version, and its been almost nonstop playing it with a whooooole bunch of my friends.

Fady K

topsyturvy said:
someone would say the same with the ps3 gaming support. No?

Not really. With the exception of Paramount, HD DVD support has been dwindling continuously. PS3 gaming support has actually been increasing continuously. Its actually never been better in fact. Now its earned a spot where it actually has exclusive titles people would want to pick up, and unlike before, the multiplatform titles are starting to hit day and date with the 360s with equivalent quality.

Though I would have agreed with your statement a few months ago.
DrXym said:
Sure I don't see why they couldn't have put a drive in. Why not? I doubt they cost that much more and it might actually allow the Elite to justify its name rather than just being an XBox in a different colour and a larger HDD. Things like HDMI are features of all new 360s.

Anyway its too late for that now. My thoughts are that Toshiba actually planned to announce some kind of Tosh branded HD DVD / 360 device at CES but may have second thoughts now. Such a device would probably stillborn in light of recent developments.

This announcement really must have been a real kick in the balls for HD DVD especially as it was timed to shit all over their CES presence and any announcements (such as HD DVD 360s) they might have been going to make.

The point is moot now.

If I were in charge of Microsoft, as soon as this news leaked, I'd have had my guys in Korea talking to Samsung about getting a deal in place to put a Blu-ray add-on together for the 360 ASAP. You might not have the hardware ready to go for a while, but at least get the agreement in place to announce at CES.

Just offering the option would steal a substantial bit of whatever advantage the PS3 could hope to gain with all this news.


Liara T'Soni said:
Sure maybe, but he had a straight up, gaf-esque, internet meltdown the day after his movie was going to HD-DVD....I believe he even "stealth edited" his post a few hours later.

I have don't have a big problem with anyone taking sides, it's their industry, I was merely pointing out that Michael Bay acted exactly as I would expect a 13 year old nerdy child to over this, and that his movies are indeed, rather bad.

Like I said, I don't have the HD-add on, no PS3/blu-ray player, and really could care less about a tech "war", I just can't see how a 40 something year old man could be so Gamefaqish about it.
I think the word you're missing is PASSION. At least the man is passionate about his field of work and shows heart. He isn't some mindless drone that's going to fold to money hats.


frAntic_Frog said:
i think media bias has already given people the mindset that hd-dvd is now the "dead" format (see the cnbc article).....dont underestimate how mass media like this can influence gullible sheep that is the public

Sales are 2:1 in Blu Rays favour virtually every single week. There hasn't been a week in 2007 where HD DVD outsold Blu Ray.

I don't believe media bias is even required to understand why people thought it was the dying format. It could have turned the other way if Microsoft had paid off Warner but it didnt. So it seems like the end is finally in sight. Thankfully.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Wait, what?!

HD-DVD cancelled their CES press event?

I hope hope hope hope this is a sign that it really is "over". Please Toshiba, just do it.


pswii60 said:
This thread has unsurprisingly derailed.
Going back to the OP, this is a bigger boon to Blu-Ray than it is to the PS3. The Wii is selling like gangbusters without even a DVD drive, and Blu-Ray player prices are dropping. Many people (ie the mainstream) will rather have a standalone under their TV than use the PS3 - I mean how many people really ever ended up using their PS2 as their primary DVD player?

For the first 4 years or so of DVD I used the ps2 solely, I'm sure there are plenty of other people out there who did the same. On top of that though, the ps3 is actually one of the best quality BD players and will get better with the firmware updates. (unlike the ps2)
It seems like a pretty good BD player solution to me... until the re-writable blu-ray/HDD recorders come out cheaply, which is going to be quite a while yet.


Pristine_Condition said:
The point is moot now.

If I were in charge of Microsoft, as soon as this news leaked, I'd have had my guys in Korea talking to Samsung about getting a deal in place to put a Blu-ray add-on together for the 360 ASAP. You might not have the hardware ready to go for a while, but at least get the agreement in place to announce at CES.

Just offering the option would steal a substantial bit of whatever advantage the PS3 could hope to gain with all this news.

There are already USB Blu Ray players so I doubt it would take long to put the hardware in a new 360 branded shell. Its probably the software and the public perception that MS is flip flopping that might be more problematic and require more time.

Fady K

gofreak said:
Wait, what?!

HD-DVD cancelled their CES press event?

I hope hope hope hope this is a sign that it really is "over". Please Toshiba, just do it.

Yeah its official man. While it may not be over for now, its gotten pretty damn close to the climax ;)
DrXym said:
Sales are 2:1 in Blu Rays favour virtually every single week. There hasn't been a week in 2007 where HD DVD outsold Blu Ray.

I don't believe media bias is even required to understand why people thought it was the dying format. It could have turned the other way if Microsoft had paid off Warner but it didnt. So it seems like the end is finally in sight. Thankfully.
to be honest the split up til now had been 60-40 which meant that a 10% slip by blu-ray or 10% gain by hd-dvd would've put it at 50-50 roughly. Plus a lot of the sales had been from BOGO for stat padding. Im just saying that public confidence in hd-dvd has now been further and severely damaged by media reports such as cnbc's article, even though this is one studio switching sides (yes i know its the biggest studio giving bluray 70% exclusive titles, but still.....)


The Bookerman said:
Is this a first for a Sony-developped format to win?
how much do you people actually know about anything non-gaming?

In summary, Sony has over the years introduced these standards:
Umatic (~1968)
Betamax (1975)
Betacam (81)
Compact Disc (82)
3.5 inch Floppy Disk (82)
Video8 (85)
DAT (87)
Hi8 (88)
Minidisc (~90)
Digital Betacam (~90)
miniDV (92)
Memory Stick (98)
Digital8 (99)
PSP Universal Media Disc (~2003)
HighDV (~2004)
Blu-ray Disc (2006).
guess how many of those succeeded and how many failed.
and yes, Sony will be making more. this is what they do.
been lurking around avsforum/hidefdigest forums and its amusing to see hd-dvd supporters now swearing off hi-def media as a whole and relegate it to "LASER DISC NICHE" status lol

i think the major consensus by those supporters is that they will now wait for digital movie downloads (LOL) and regress back to sd-dvds for their physical media haha




topsyturvy said:
that sound quiet odd, what is sony doing to keep disney and other major studios on their side? Hd-dvd have cheaper movies and cheaper players. :/

But Blu-ray movies sell more...


The Take Out Bandit said:
Win or lose, Minidisc was an awesome device. Compact, recordable, optical music sans skipping?! HELLS YES!

I only regret not buying one sooner.

For me and my buddies in the late 90's DJ-ing MD was perfect. Replaced unreliable tapes for a good three or four years where DAT was too expensive and niche and computers just didn't have the storage to easily play around with 700-800Mb chunks of uncompressed WAV data to burn to CD.

MD you could turn up with your tiny player, plug a line in from the mixer, record your set and you were away. Awesome format.


that sound quiet odd, what is sony doing to keep disney and other major studios on their side? Hd-dvd have cheaper movies and cheaper players.

So far do you see any of that helping HD-DVD? cheaper movies? So what, if they don't sale, whats the point?
cilonen said:
Toshiba has to be hurting right now. Rewind three or four years and had things worked out just a tiny bit differently they would have dominated the HD market from media player (HD-DVD) through to display (SED technology).

SED is stillborn through litigation, with Toshiba abandoning it earlier this year ( http://www.tech.co.uk/home-entertainment/tv/tvs-displays/sed/features/whatever-happened-to-sed-tv ) , and now it looks like the player side is going down the tubes too.

Toshiba's semiconductor business is pretty amazing right now. IIRC, they jumped something like 20% quarter to quarter last year. They're still going to make money, but they will need to adjust, which I'm sure they will.

The SED pull-out was disappointing, especially when they tried to blame the failure on Canon. I thought there was a real future for that tech, but it looks like OLED might get off the ground well ahead of it now.


topsyturvy said:
that sound quiet odd, what is sony doing to keep disney and other major studios on their side? Hd-dvd have cheaper movies and cheaper players. :/
Hd-DVD do not have cheaper movies...a quick look on Amazon will help you out there.

HD-DVD have never particularly had a cheaper final product - even though they say their disc is cheaper at manufacturing. Fact is - most HD-DVD's are double-layer, and most Blu-ray discs are single-layer - guess which is cheaper to manufacture. Blu-ray.



Prices have always been comparable, and not an advantage to either.
B-Ri said:
so your going to come and tell me that the color palette swaps and exact same floorplans for nearly EVERY sidequest was amazing?

That the freedom of the galaxy map was used at its full potential, oh wait there was 1 planet to search into, the rest were just press A and get an item for a fetch quest you could care less about.

The game suffered identity crisis, and it didnt deliver to what microsoft and bioware had told me on when i saw all the footage and put money down months early for a 360.
Your opinion, and based on what you are posting here, I really dont give a damn...


The Take Out Bandit said:
Win or lose, Minidisc was an awesome device. Compact, recordable, optical music sans skipping?! HELLS YES!

I only regret not buying one sooner.
We have a minidisc player - it's ok. But useless with mp3 players.
The Take Out Bandit said:
Win or lose, Minidisc was an awesome device. Compact, recordable, optical music sans skipping?! HELLS YES!

I only regret not buying one sooner.

Yeah, MD was pretty cool. It never appealed to me enough to buy one, but my friends who bootlegged concerts all loved them. DAT was badass too. It succeeded on the professional front. You couldn't swing a cat in any good recording studio without hitting a DAT machine. Most studios still have them somewhere.


TOSHIBA acted as if they were caught by surprise...I mean, they couldn't have been in the dark, could they ?

Just to clarify, I'm referring to Warner Bros announcement.


Pristine_Condition said:
Toshiba's semiconductor business is pretty amazing right now. IIRC, they jumped something like 20% quarter to quarter last year. They're still going to make money, but they will need to adjust, which I'm sure they will.

The SED pull-out was disappointing, especially when they tried to blame the failure on Canon. I thought there was a real future for that tech, but it looks like OLED might get off the ground well ahead of it now.

Hope so for OLED - I've seen some small (8 inch or so) Sony OLED displays that look neat, I'm more gutted about SED than HD-DVD though, two years ago I was advising people to wait for SED displays, heh. We all bought LCD over the summer pretty much.


SolidSnakex said:
Yeah the movies are cheaper and the players are cheaper yet BR movies outsell HDDVD movies every single week. Seems like a good enough reason for a company like Disney to not jump ship, especially when a company like the WB is coming over without having to be paid off which is what had to happen with Paramount.

Do you ACTUALLY believe Warner wasn't paid?


JCBossman said:
Do you ACTUALLY believe Warner wasn't paid?

Why would they need to be paid? Is BRD a format they aren't making money on? Is BRD a format that isn't outselling the competition?
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