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Boon to the PS3? Warner Bros goes Blu-Ray

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Lord Error

Insane For Sony
NekoFever said:
That's what they said about DVD. How it doesn't deteriorate like VHS so your collection will last forever in all its digital glory. And if you think they'll stop when everyone has HDTVs and Blu-ray sales reach a plateau so that the consumer electronics companies need to push you're just wrong.
I don't care who said what about DVD, important thing is that what I'm saying about HD media is actually true. You are getting a copy that is so close to the original master that even if someone decides to make an even higher resolution version of it in the future, it simply won't matter, unless maybe you happen to be a proud owner of a 100 foot projection screen or something alike :p

The only thing that could ostensibly be pushed as a future format that would sensibly be "better" than BRD would be something like 3D movie format, or something of that kind, that completely supersedes the 2D medium as we have it today.


HiVision said:
Anyway, maybe it does depend on the content you watch? Or the distance you sit from the TV, or the size of the TV etc., /shrugs
As I said, I haven't bought into a HD format, all my my viewing content is at a friends who was silly enough to buy into HDDVD. He is a collector and has over 1200 DVDs and an entire wall of VHS. I'm pretty sure he has most of the HDDVDs released to date and his exact words are "I can count on 1 hand the number of HDDVDs that really impressed me enough to say "this is worth abandoning DVD for".

He has a $7000 projector a 109" screen, theatre seats and the whole she-bang.

You don't want to hear the language that came out of his mouth when he found out WB was gonzo.


Post Count: 9999
Marconelly said:
The only thing that could ostensibly be pushed as a future format that would sensibly be "better" than BRD would be something like 3D movie format, or something of that kind, that completely supersedes the 2D medium as we have it today.

Actually, Matsushita is developing that technology ... and signs point to them trying to get it to work with BD.


Post Count: 9999
pr0cs said:
As I said, I haven't bought into a HD format, all my my viewing content is at a friends who was silly enough to buy into HDDVD. He is a collector and has over 1200 DVDs and an entire wall of VHS. I'm pretty sure he has most of the HDDVDs released to date and his exact words are "I can count on 1 hand the number of HDDVDs that really impressed me enough to say "this is worth abandoning DVD for".

He has a $7000 projector a 109" screen, theatre seats and the whole she-bang.

You don't want to hear the language that came out of his mouth when he found out WB was gonzo.

I can't imagine his projector is 1080p then ... because the difference between DVD and HD DVD / BD on that size screen is VERY pronounced.


Onix said:
I can't imagine his projector is 1080p then ... because the difference between DVD and HD DVD / BD on that size screen is VERY pronounced.
It isn't.
So now he needs a new projector to get any benefit from BD?
Good HD projectors can cost you 3k to 9k. Depending on how old his is, he may need to buy a new one to tell the difference... maybe. Don't know since I don't have any idea what projecter he owns.

Onix said:
I can't imagine his projector is 1080p then ... because the difference between DVD and HD DVD / BD on that size screen is VERY pronounced.
That would be an understatement.


pr0cs said:
As I said, I haven't bought into a HD format, all my my viewing content is at a friends who was silly enough to buy into HDDVD. He is a collector and has over 1200 DVDs and an entire wall of VHS. I'm pretty sure he has most of the HDDVDs released to date and his exact words are "I can count on 1 hand the number of HDDVDs that really impressed me enough to say "this is worth abandoning DVD for".

He has a $7000 projector a 109" screen, theatre seats and the whole she-bang.

You don't want to hear the language that came out of his mouth when he found out WB was gonzo.
Was he using composite cables? ;p

edit: oh, the projector. Hot damn, $7000 for a projector and it's not even 1080p? Ouch ;O


moku said:
I dont know, everyone else with an HD-DVD player that will throw thier hands up, and be pissed off, and give up on high-def players that are in no way a nessecity to watch high-def content?

The fact remains that I can watch any movie, in high-def without a high-def player. I ended up with an HD-DVD player, as a gift. Now that its dead, the whole format thing dies with it. When I end up with a PS3, I guess I will begin anew. Man my brother is pissed off right now.

Good intentions. :(

Not trying to sound like a dick, but why don't you just return this HD DVD player and put the rest of the money towards a PS3?

I mean, Warner was already on Blu Ray anyway before this deal went down. Besides, this is the chance people took jumping in early before the format war was decided. What Warner did might be bad for your situation, but as they say in Hot Fuzz, Warner did it for the greater good! You still have time to rectify the situation.


Awntawn said:
Was he using composite cables? ;p

edit: oh, the projector. Hot damn, $7000 for a projector and it's not even 1080p? Ouch ;O
It's a few years old. It's connected via DVI.
At one time HD projectors were pretty crazy expensive. It's an Optoma H79.


M3wThr33 said:
:lol :lol
So sad.

It's not so sad. It's obvious that each group wanted their format to win. Studios wanted the war to be over. And money changing hands was part of it. There are reports of millions of dollars floating around the net now. Price doesn't matter. It happened. Unless something extreme happens soon, HD-DVD has lost.

What's funny how moneyhats accusations were thrown around after the Paramount HD-DVD deal, and were easily believed. This time, when people mention the cash payouts to move to other formats completely, it's laughed at and called sour grapes.


This self pity party being played by HD-DVD only owners is getting tired already. The market was not going to sustain two formats no matter how much anyone wants to try to spin it right now. One had to fall, end of story, close the book. You still have your HD-DVD player and the movies you have are not going to stop playing. Shit, you only payed 99 bucks for it and are getting 5 free movies. Enjoy what you got and paid for and get a Blu-ray player now and be happy knowing that now that we are going into a one format future we can start seeing movies released that studios would have otherwise been holding back.


Incredibly Naive
I agree with the above. Seriously I'm not trying to be a dick here and I hate to say we told you so... they told you so... everyone told you so? I dunno it seems arrogant, but it's been pretty much set in this way for a LONG time, HD-DVD didn't even win the transformers week, hasn't won a week all year. Even after all the FUD and the problems with the ps3 bad publicity also it still was holding a steady 60/40 sometimes 65/35 hold and we had yet to see anything from the big studios.
pr0cs said:
It's a few years old. It's connected via DVI.
At one time HD projectors were pretty crazy expensive. It's an Optoma H79.
I've seen that one before. It's 720p native, I think. He should be using a HDMI to DVI connection, right?

If it's only 720p, you and he should notice a large difference between HD-DVD and DVD. However, if it was 1080p, the difference would be astounding.

But yeah, it should look great, regardless... although, at that size (107 inches?), 1080p would be a requirement IMO.


gamerx said:
This self pity party being played by HD-DVD only owners is getting tired already. The market was not going to sustain two formats no matter how much anyone wants to try to spin it right now. One had to fall, end of story, close the book. You still have your HD-DVD player and the movies you have are not going to stop playing. Shit, you only payed 99 bucks for it and are getting 5 free movies. Enjoy what you got and paid for and get a Blu-ray player now and be happy knowing that now that we are going into a one format future we can start seeing movies released that studios would have otherwise been holding back.
99$ where? My brother payed 180$ for the damn thing.

"As I said, I haven't bought into a HD format, all my my viewing content is at a friends who was silly enough to buy into HDDVD. He is a collector and has over 1200 DVDs and an entire wall of VHS. I'm pretty sure he has most of the HDDVDs released to date and his exact words are "I can count on 1 hand the number of HDDVDs that really impressed me enough to say "this is worth abandoning DVD for".

He has a $7000 projector a 109" screen, theatre seats and the whole she-bang.

You don't want to hear the language that came out of his mouth when he found out WB was gonzo."

Some thing has to hooked up wrong or he's projecting against a shitty background or something. That projector can apparently do 1080i and 720p and there's no way you can say there's no real difference unless something is wrong. It probably won't be as pronounced as a smaller screen but it still has a lot more pop to it than regular old dvd.


watership said:
It's not so sad. It's obvious that each group wanted their format to win. Studios wanted the war to be over. And money changing hands was part of it. There are reports of millions of dollars floating around the net now. Price doesn't matter. It happened. Unless something extreme happens soon, HD-DVD has lost.

What's funny how moneyhats accusations were thrown around after the Paramount HD-DVD deal, and were easily believed. This time, when people mention the cash payouts to move to other formats completely, it's laughed at and called sour grapes.

Probably due to the fact that Paramount jumped ships to the loser side that has been outsold by blu-ray software 60 to 40, even though HD-DVD had a year head start to the market and is way cheaper than Blu-ray players. The move made absolutely no sense financially unless they were paid to do so.

On the other hand, Warner B. moving to blu-ray exclusively DOES make alot of sense since it is the market leader and has the most support from the movie studios and electronic manufactures and the consumers approval since they voted by their dollars which is apparent when looking at software sales figures.Numbers don't lie, however, bitter fanboys do and their conspiracy theories.


Ok I just bought two of the Die Hard movies on Blu,(Amazon BOGO) I figure I better get in before the BoGo's die. Here is a question though, since I ALREADY have two HD DVD drives( that I am stuck with) I was thinking of getting the four Harry Potters on HD DVD and a bunch of catalog stuff, now I know the format is DOA, but I feel if I get some use out of the drives (and it doesn't cost much)my anger over this situation would be greatly reduced. but my head says Blu all the way, Now another factor is that I'm not going to be able to afford a PS3 for three Months. serious thoughts?

Btw: When does the Blu 5 free with PS3 end?


M3wThr33 said:
Also, how would have Fox handled a switch to HD-DVD? There's no region protection, something they seem to love.
It doesn't look like Fox was ever going to switch. Just look at their website "The future of home entertainment" How could they just completely change their minds? That wouldn't be very credible. Disney was never going to switch either

and they have a more impressive site http://disney.go.com/disneyvideos/bluray/ And of course Sony Pictures was going down the road no matter what.

Universal and Paramount's HD DVD fronts are pathetic at best, like the format doesn't even exist. This Warner decision was coming miles away, not even going into sales of actual movies.


I was on the fence in regards to the whole High Def stuff before but now that it turns like this, I feel that I can buy that laptop with Blu-ray drive in it without having to worry much about it.


Why is everyone acting as if the war was brought to an end ? We still have to see how the avdverse camp will react...well...maybe...


Watched Ratatouille (BD) on PS3 this evening, absolutely immaculate audio and PQ.

Anyone that wants to check out Blu-ray, use this as your intro to the format, you will not be disappointed.


JCBossman said:
Ok I just bought two of the Die Hard movies on Blu,(Amazon BOGO) I figure I better get in before the BoGo's die. Here is a question though, since I ALREADY have two HD DVD drives( that I am stuck with) I was thinking of getting the four Harry Potters on HD DVD and a bunch of catalog stuff, now I know the format is DOA, but I feel if I get some use out of the drives (and it doesn't cost much)my anger over this situation would be greatly reduced. but my head says Blu all the way, Now another factor is that I'm not going to be able to afford a PS3 for three Months. serious thoughts?

Btw: When does the Blu 5 free with PS3 end?


If this is the deal you are talking about, clicking on the printable coupon shows that it seems to end on Jan. 31 2008


"GAF's biggest wanker"
JCBossman said:
serious thoughts?
Unless you're afraid that your HDDVD players aren't going to last long on a mechanical level, there's no reason why you can't keep buying HDDVDs if you want to. Obviously the risk you take is in how long your HDDVD players continue to work without breaking down, but even if that were to occur, you'd still be likely to at least be able to find a replacement player on the secondhand market.

There's no need to make a dramatic gesture of kicking it to the curb right now. WB still will provide new movies on HDDVD through May (albeit delayed) and Universal and Paramount are still wild cards. You can continue to watch how the situation develops over the next few months and delay a decision until later.
sakuragi said:
Numbers don't lie, however, bitter fanboys do and their conspiracy theories.

What conspiracy theory? They obviously need some sort of contract to make BD, it's hardly difficult to believe that it's sweet on them should they decide not to renew their HDDVD pact.


Pistolero said:
Why is everyone acting as if the war was brought to an end ? We still have to see how the avdverse camp will react...well...maybe...

In 2007, Blu-Ray outsold HD-DVD every single week
PS3 keeps on selling
Firesales on the HD-DVD Players didn't help
1 of the 3 major HD-DVD studios is now no longer involved

Basically there's no good news for HD-DVD's future. This is just the straw to break the camel's back. All that they had going for it earlier was swaying Paramount, but that wasn't going to END the war, it was just going to DELAY it by leveling the field.


JCBossman said:
Ok I just bought two of the Die Hard movies on Blu,(Amazon BOGO) I figure I better get in before the BoGo's die. Here is a question though, since I ALREADY have two HD DVD drives( that I am stuck with) I was thinking of getting the four Harry Potters on HD DVD and a bunch of catalog stuff, now I know the format is DOA, but I feel if I get some use out of the drives (and it doesn't cost much)my anger over this situation would be greatly reduced. but my head says Blu all the way, Now another factor is that I'm not going to be able to afford a PS3 for three Months. serious thoughts?

Btw: When does the Blu 5 free with PS3 end?

Harry Potter on Blu-ray is having a BOGO right now on Amazon. I think HD-DVD's was last week, so you should probably get the Blu-ray versions.


JCBossman said:
OK thanks

BTW: The one serious bad thing I heard about Blu is that supposedly alot of movies have 5-10 mins of UNSKIPABLE Trailers and such?

Aside from the usual crap of not being able to skip the FBI warnings and stuff, I've never had a problem skipping trailers that I can recall.

While watching Ratatouille tonight, there's like a million trailers before the main menu appears, but by simply pressing the Square button on my controller, it took me directly to the menu, didn't even have to skip the trailers, it just bypassed them completely.


As soon as Sony include BR into PS3, the race was decided. Even if PS3 ends up last in console sales, it's still 20-40 million more BR players. Is that a wise move for Sony, only time will tell.

As for my personal setup, currently watching BR on old Samsung 61" at 1080i. Most people who comes over notice a difference, but aren't remotely wow. Would 1080p make that much more of a difference?


former Navy SEAL
I for one am glad most of my HD movies are on BRD. Although parting ways with my Planet Earth HD-DVDs will be a hard one to swallow.


knitoe said:
As soon as Sony include BR into PS3, the race was decided. Even if PS3 ends up last in console sales, it's still 20-40 million more BR players. Is that a wise move for Sony, only time will tell.

As for my personal setup, currently watching BR on old Samsung 61" at 1080i. Most people who comes over notice a difference, but aren't remotely wow. Would 1080p make that much more of a difference?

For a TV that size, you really do need 1080p to notice the difference.
knitoe said:
As soon as Sony include BR into PS3, the race was decided. Even if PS3 ends up last in console sales, it's still 20-40 million more BR players. Is that a wise move for Sony, only time will tell.

As for my personal setup, currently watching BR on old Samsung 61" at 1080i. Most people who comes over notice a difference, but aren't remotely wow. Would 1080p make that much more of a difference?
Hell to the yeah.

I watch my Blu-Ray movies on a 32" LCD and a 65" 1080p DLP. Yeah, the LCD looks great but the 65" is amazing. Please get one. Thanks.
I bought Reservoir Dogs 15th Anniversary on DVD last week. Today i realized that it's on blu-ray so i'll return it and buy it on blu ($5 difference). I also want to get all 3 Terminator movies, but i have a feeling they will release it bundled up together as a Trilogy with extras when Sarah Connor Chronicles is half-way through the first season.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
If I had my way, the two competing factions would compromise and continue with the Blu Ray tech but just call it "HD DVD". "Blu Ray" or "BD" is just such a clumsy name.


Minotauro said:
If I had my way, the two competing factions would compromise and continue with the Blu Ray tech but just call it "HD DVD". "Blu Ray" or "BD" is just such a clumsy name.


you already said this,

pr0cs said:
As I said, I haven't bought into a HD format, all my my viewing content is at a friends who was silly enough to buy into HDDVD. He is a collector and has over 1200 DVDs and an entire wall of VHS. I'm pretty sure he has most of the HDDVDs released to date and his exact words are "I can count on 1 hand the number of HDDVDs that really impressed me enough to say "this is worth abandoning DVD for".

He has a $7000 projector a 109" screen, theatre seats and the whole she-bang.

You don't want to hear the language that came out of his mouth when he found out WB was gonzo.

So he would say the same about bluray too then?? seeing as they are the same pq and aq.
M3wThr33 said:
In 2007, Blu-Ray outsold HD-DVD every single week
PS3 keeps on selling
Firesales on the HD-DVD Players didn't help
1 of the 3 major HD-DVD studios is now no longer involved

Basically there's no good news for HD-DVD's future. This is just the straw to break the camel's back. All that they had going for it earlier was swaying Paramount, but that wasn't going to END the war, it was just going to DELAY it by leveling the field.

Would you care about this if you didnt own a ps3. This format war has no place in the console war but sony dragged it into it.:lol


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
B-Ri said:

you already said this,


I already said that? Seriously? Where?

Also, I know it won't happen but I just think that that's something standing in the way of true mainstream market penetration. Names are incredibly important when it comes to consumer products. "HD DVD" plays on the already accepted DVD nomenclature and is straightforward and to the point. "Blu Ray" is less evocative and means absolutely nothing to the average consumer.
Speaking as someone who was staying the heck out of this until it got settled officially, I'm surprised anyone is shocked or hurt at the outcome. The minute Sony put BRD in the PS3, it really did call the winner of this format war. Maybe some people thought it would go on a little longer or whatever, but even in a worst-case sales scenario for the PS3 (cough) it was still going to push enough units to absolutely dwarf HD-DVD player sales.

BRD was going to beat HD-DVD, Sony ensured it. Hell, they were willing to burn their console business to the fucking ground to achieve it.


supermackem said:
Would you care about this if you didnt own a ps3. This format war has no place in the console war but sony dragged it into it.:lol
I would care less, but I'd still be happy a winner was decided. Less confusion = more sales = more releases.

I missed a LOT of Disney releases on DVD because of my VHS collection. BRD means that I can effectively get right back into getting them and collect them for my future kids to get hooked on.


Minotauro said:
If I had my way, the two competing factions would compromise and continue with the Blu Ray tech but just call it "HD DVD". "Blu Ray" or "BD" is just such a clumsy name.

Blu-Ray is catchy, like Sugar Ray, like Jimmy Ray, like Sting Ray, who wants to know, who wants to know?
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