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Borderlands 2 |OT| Opening Pandora's Box (of Guns!)

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I don't really know, but I have Inconceivable at level 5 (50% chance) and 5 shots or 6, with 700 machine gun bullets in inventory and I never get out of bullets. Or any sort of ammo really, expect launchers sometimes (18 in inventory).

I've also found an orange infinite ammo pistol after killing
the boss in the Dr. Zed
. Too bad the quest bugged on me, so when I went back to it and got the gun it was useless.

Thanks, all I needed to hear, really. Filled to the Brim seemed more appealing since you can carry more ammo, but if as you say you never run out of bullets, there's no need for that extra space. Great. :)
I wish I had health regen...I hate running around with 15 health and full shield. I get into "Fight For Your Life" on purpose all the time, haha.

Yeah, I've quickly come to find that health regen, even just a little bit, is really, really nice. There's not a ton of health in this game to find - especially when you need it.
Thanks, all I needed to hear, really. Filled to the Brim seemed more appealing since you can carry more ammo, but if as you say you never run out of bullets, there's no need for that extra space. Great. :)

Yeah, Inconcievable at level 5 and 5 shots or 6 shots at level 1, along with an irridium investment to expand the amount of ammo you can carry is all you need. I'm focusing on cutting the gunzerking time, since I've already gotten the +15s time extention for it. Gunzerking also replenishes your ammo, so you really have to try hard to spend it all with this kind of a build.
Oh shit, totally didn't realize recharge delay didn't take into account incoming damage. Wow, no wonder some of my "better" shields seemed to do fuck all in challenging combat situations.

Anyone get three vault hunter logos in the slot machine yet? I have to the three big stacks of Euridum and it is great. Played the shit of of some slots last night in co op. Good fun. Got a decent sniper too.
I've died wayyyyyyy more in this than in BL1. I love that enemies move around and are harder to kill now. I think I'll have to spec into health regen for my Gunzerker.


Am I the only one playing SP only my first time to 50?

I'm doing that.

The game is ok but it really is just more Borderlands with some minor changes and improvements. It's nothing mindblowing but it's still a good and fun game. I'm sure co-op would make it slightly more fun.


I don't want to go to my classes today.... I just want to sit in my room and play BL2 for 20 hours :(

y i got skool

I feel your pain. The night it released I played for so long that when I went to bed I slept right through 3 alarms and didn't go to class.

This game, man.


Man, playing this game in co-op is really something. I didn't play the first with anyone except near the end with a friend that was well above my level and it just was not enjoyable watching him kill everything.

That said, the game is merciless with friends. Free-for-all loot, duels that consume ammo and health and unshared quest rewards make it really important you're with friends. Though, I'm a little disappointed with the difficulty so far. Maybe we're just too early in the game, but with three people we're pretty much breezing through everything.

I do have one complaint though - the writing. Oh my god. The first one was pretty unobtrusive and the trailers seemed inoffensive but my god is the dialogue obnoxious. Claptrap could get annoying in the first but at least it was reserved for one character and while he's still pretty entertaining, so many of the other characters are so cringe-worthy. The main offender has to be Handsome Jack. I know what they're trying to go for here, but it's like the poor man's Glados. His lines aren't funny, his contribution is practically negligible and he doesn't even provide and motivation to push onward. I don't want to kill, I just want to mute him. I'm also getting tired of every single NPC trying to spout one-liners like it's amateur hour at the local comedy club.

Winners so far are Claptrap, Hammerlock and Tannis. The rest I wouldn't mind if they never opened their mouths again.

The guns in this are so awesome though.
hoooly shit this game is awesome! i did not expect this, i only played a bit of the first one on ps3 and wasn't feeling it. playing this on PC and its a blast :D


What I'm currently using atm: Mobility focused Salvador.
VOD for today: http://www.twitch.tv/vggaming/b/332682352

Items list: http://imgur.com/a/EVbiy
Crown jewel being this 'Sniper Rifle' that has carried me super hard. Mod fires 3 bullets instead of 1 in a tri shape. Dem stats. Almost no recoil. Perfect accuracy. Hits like a truck crits or not. Triple damage vs close targets from the extra bullets.

You can get it from
some quest about digging up a buried guy in an unmarked grave
Unless I was lucky and it's random?

Whoa! Dude, I'm almost 20 and I can't find a freakin' sniper that even cracks 150 damage! I'm totally jelly!

Rechard delay > rechard speed > capacity.

Yep, just like borderlands 1. They made it super simple this time by just telling you the numbers. I never pick a shield if it's over 2.5 delay. It's useless then.


Saint Nic
I'm curious about something...

Why did Gearbox go the route of D2 loot vs D3 loot?

If the chance to get better loot is increased with more players, but ninja-looters ruin this and solo play becomes standard, what's the point?

Even with friends, let's be honest...If you get a gun that's a reasonably large improvement over your current load-out, you're going to keep it. A rare is a rare. You found an orange sniper with 2 elements, huge clip size, 50% damage boost? You don't use snipers? It's cool, I'll just give it away....Right?

No, I'd use it. If I found something that awesome, I WILL use it. I'll adjust my play-style a little bit in order to take full advantage of it. I am LOVING BL2 with everything you can love it with, but the way the game works, any class can make great use of any gun type. It requires a slight adjustment to how you play, sure, but I can rock snipers, pistols, and SMGs on my Siren and not really notice a decline in stopping power.

Am I a dick for saying that? Maybe, but I'm positive most of us would do the exact same.

PS - I bolded the above statement to make clear that I have no complaints with the game outside of the fact that the loot whore in all of us is wary of multiplayer and ninja-looting. ;)


Just hopping in here (trying to keep myself as insulated on the game as I can with my own experiences) - Is there a way to increase backpack space? Will I have some type of storage place eventually to transfer items into or will I always have to just compare on the fly?

Just a yes or no is appreciated :).
I'm curious about something...

Why did Gearbox go the route of D2 loot vs D3 loot?

If the chance to get better loot is increased with more players, but ninja-looters ruin this and solo play becomes standard, what's the point?

Even with friends, let's be honest...If you get a gun that's a reasonably large improvement over your current load-out, you're going to keep it. A rare is a rare. You found an orange sniper with 2 elements, huge clip size, 50% damage boost? You don't use snipers? It's cool, I'll just give it away....Right?

No, I'd use it. If I found something that awesome, I WILL use it. I'll adjust my play-style a little bit in order to take full advantage of it. I am LOVING BL2 with everything you can love it with, but the way the game works, any class can make great use of any gun type. It requires a slight adjustment to how you play, sure, but I can rock snipers, pistols, and SMGs on my Siren and not really notice a decline in stopping power.

Am I a dick for saying that? Maybe, but I'm positive most of us would do the exact same.

PS - I bolded the above statement to make clear that I have no complaints with the game outside of the fact that the loot whore in all of us is ware of multiplayer and ninja-looting. ;)

I was wondering how loot was being handled in my online game yesterday and I quickly noticed it was D2 style. Very disappointing.
Just hopping in here (trying to keep myself as insulated on the game as I can with my own experiences) - Is there a way to increase backpack space? Will I have some type of storage place eventually to transfer items into or will I always have to just compare on the fly?

Just a yes or no is appreciated :).

Yes and yes


My favorite vocal callout so far is when you're in the inventory, it get's all quiet, you're deep in thought about your guns and Salvador goes: "One of you has to go..."

lol, it's always so true!
Although my friends and I seem to be pretty accommodating and fair with the loot, I do wish it was D3 style just to simplify things. No matter, what people have the tendency to run ahead to be the first one to crates even if they end up sharing some of the loot. I have zero desire to every play with randoms, seems like a giant cluster fuck that ruins the entire appeal of co-op.

Edit: I wonder if it is even conceivable to patch in instanced D3 style loot. I have no idea how complicated that is as a mechanic online. It seems that the golden chest loot is unique to one player. Hell, if even just enemy dropped loot was D3 style and the crates remained shared. That would be a help.


God, I hate Axton "Cool Story bro"..

I'm playing with a Zero that spams his distraction ability. Been getting a lot of "you've activated my trap card" spam. I really don't know why they didn't give the classes larger dialogue pools for these actions like in Dota 2.

PS - I bolded the above statement to make clear that I have no complaints with the game outside of the fact that the loot whore in all of us is ware of multiplayer and ninja-looting. ;)

When my group finds a sniper rifle, we run it past the Assassin first to make sure he has the best one. Other than that, it's pretty free for all since the Commando and Siren (probably Gunzerker too) are pretty item independent for effectiveness.
I'm waiting on my copy and I can't decide between Axton and Salvador. I enjoyed the first game only playing as Roland. I really have no interest in Sirens or sniping. I just enjoy big ass revolvers, smg's and assault rifles. I'm also glad they upgraded the turret ability. I imagine they made it both FUN and useful this time around instead of just useful.lol



Every time I try to verify my game cache on Steam, it tells me one file failed to validate and will redownload. Problem is, it does that every time I verify the cache. Google search didn't really turn up much. Anyone know what's up?


So the consensus: better than BLands?

BLands is one of my favorites of all time. I'm just curious.

It's way better than borderlands 1. It fixes nearly all the gameplay flaws of the first. The only actual instance of something being worse in this one are the sidequests. They are boring, run around doing nothing, extreme fetch quests with bad rewards. Only play the side quests for the funny dialog. Don't do it expecting something good or looking for a challenge.


Saint Nic
So is the Golden Chest loot some of the best in the game? With the exploit out there, I'm worried that it will trivialize the loot experience. :|

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I've warmed up to the game a lot. I'll admit the first few areas I just felt were more the same, but loving these areas that started popping up after chapter 7. Just reached Chapter 11, though spent a lot of time doing side-quest before this point.

Still trying to figure out the point of those vault symbols though. I've figured out there's more than one set of symbols, and they seem to be hidden all over Pandora. Just some quest for badass rank like a collectible? But then why do they come in pairs? Does that mean how many there are in an area?

Also, going with a few different parties into Caustic Cavern has handed me a pretty good haul. Prior to going here, I was on level 17, had $6000, and only some decent weapons. After raiding that place three times with three different groups, and then doing the Slaughterhouse arena matches (all five of them) with a constant party, I now am at level 21, with almost $50,000, and picked up two magneto weapons and an orange one, all of which are great.

Easter Egg spoiler from Caustic Cavern and weapon question:
I picked up the Orange Weapon from a Creeper in the Minecraft hidden area. Is this rifle supposed to look like it's shooting 2D block bullets? XD That's what it looks like to me, even the steam is blocky.
I had the same conversation about loot last night with my cousin. we really do share everything but its still a pain in the ass. Should have been like D3.


Unconfirmed Member
Playing Salvador and for whatever reason I'm feeling kind of weak thus far in the game (though I'm admittedly not very far, just beat Flynt). Reload speed on anything except pistols seems too slow for the weapon to be of much use at all (sniper rifles isn't too bad just because you're out of harm's way). Don't feel like Gunzerking is all that great either. I guess it just feels like with this class I should be going in guns blazing but in reality when I do that I get my ass kicked. Maybe I just need to wait until I get more skill points and buff a bit? For now I'm relying on the sniper rifle a lot.

Also, there isn't a storage chest or anything like that that I'm missing, is there? I don't want to get rid of the Gearbox bonus weapons completely (just for collector reasons) but they're way too weak to use and it's rough having them take up 3 inventory slots out of only 12 total.


So I'm tinkering around with the idea of making a Siren build for use with assault weapons (Assault rifles, rocket launchers, and repeaters). Thoughts?

Playing Salvador and for whatever reason I'm feeling kind of weak thus far in the game (though I'm admittedly not very far, just beat Flynt). Reload speed on anything except pistols seems too slow for the weapon to be of much use at all (sniper rifles isn't too bad just because you're out of harm's way). Don't feel like Gunzerking is all that great either. I guess it just feels like with this class I should be going in guns blazing but in reality when I do that I get my ass kicked. Maybe I just need to wait until I get more skill points and buff a bit? For now I'm relying on the sniper rifle a lot.

Also, there isn't a storage chest or anything like that that I'm missing, is there? I don't want to get rid of the Gearbox bonus weapons completely (just for collector reasons) but they're way too weak to use and it's rough having them take up 3 inventory slots out of only 12 total.

Can't you just make a second character and give them to that character?
Playing Salvador and for whatever reason I'm feeling kind of weak thus far in the game (though I'm admittedly not very far, just beat Flynt). Reload speed on anything except pistols seems too slow for the weapon to be of much use at all (sniper rifles isn't too bad just because you're out of harm's way). Don't feel like Gunzerking is all that great either. I guess it just feels like with this class I should be going in guns blazing but in reality when I do that I get my ass kicked. Maybe I just need to wait until I get more skill points and buff a bit? For now I'm relying on the sniper rifle a lot.

Also, there isn't a storage chest or anything like that that I'm missing, is there? I don't want to get rid of the Gearbox bonus weapons completely (just for collector reasons) but they're way too weak to use and it's rough having them take up 3 inventory slots out of only 12 total.

Yeah, I am really disappointed in Gunzerking. I didn't look up a lot on this game beforehand (I like going into my games fresh), so I was under the impression that Salvador was permanently duel wielding. Then it just turns out that you're given 5 seconds to aim really shittily and kill one enemy.

I'm sure it gets better later on, but it really sucks right now.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Playing Salvador and for whatever reason I'm feeling kind of weak thus far in the game (though I'm admittedly not very far, just beat Flynt). Reload speed on anything except pistols seems too slow for the weapon to be of much use at all (sniper rifles isn't too bad just because you're out of harm's way). Don't feel like Gunzerking is all that great either. I guess it just feels like with this class I should be going in guns blazing but in reality when I do that I get my ass kicked. Maybe I just need to wait until I get more skill points and buff a bit? For now I'm relying on the sniper rifle a lot.

Also, there isn't a storage chest or anything like that that I'm missing, is there? I don't want to get rid of the Gearbox bonus weapons completely (just for collector reasons) but they're way too weak to use and it's rough having them take up 3 inventory slots out of only 12 total.

Once you get to Sanctuary, the game's main hub, you can store items there at the Vault (or ClapTrap's secret stash).

And you're still really early in the game. I should mention you'll be getting a lot of upgrades pretty soon, and ways to expand your backpack inventory, your abilities, better guns, and the likes.


Saint Nic
Playing Salvador and for whatever reason I'm feeling kind of weak thus far in the game (though I'm admittedly not very far, just beat Flynt). Reload speed on anything except pistols seems too slow for the weapon to be of much use at all (sniper rifles isn't too bad just because you're out of harm's way). Don't feel like Gunzerking is all that great either. I guess it just feels like with this class I should be going in guns blazing but in reality when I do that I get my ass kicked. Maybe I just need to wait until I get more skill points and buff a bit? For now I'm relying on the sniper rifle a lot.

Also, there isn't a storage chest or anything like that that I'm missing, is there? I don't want to get rid of the Gearbox bonus weapons completely (just for collector reasons) but they're way too weak to use and it's rough having them take up 3 inventory slots out of only 12 total.

I guess I don't have to spoiler tag that...But I didn't know. D: SAFE > SORRY

Once you get the Sanctuary, find Claptrap. He'll give you a quest to find his secret stash (which is a shared locker).
Does the scrollwheel not always work in your bag for anyone else? PC version, obviously.

It will highlight something and just keep sticking there. Only PgUp/PgDn works at that point.
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