I'm getting really annoyed with this Gearbox Shift problem :/ I cannot seem to be able to get past the authenticating screen. Does anyone know a way to fix this?
And I had two before level 10, hahaha.Orange drop rate has not been kind to me.
Over 50 hours in and nothing
this is a weird gun, it does insane damage. i'm lvl 37 and this lvl 27 pistol still shits on current level pistols.
Orange rarity guns show up randomly right?
I got some purple guns, but they weren't as good as the ones I had on so I sold them. Was this a bad decision?
Kids these days, can't find anything without quest markers and full GPS. Back in my day you were lucky if they even told you what you were looking for in the place. I mean, come on, it is a quest, not a babysitting service.
What you might notice in Borderlands 2 that wasn't in the first is that if you're at a different elevation than the quest marker the quest marker will have an arrow inside it showing you that.
Oh, and btw, I found that item hanging from the chain all by myself. I also felt a minor sense of accomplishment when doing so, something you never get when they hand it all to you on a silver platter.
Some of the stuff enemies say is funny as hell. Killed one of those Nomads and he shouted something like. "Don't steal my loot!"
I find the game awesome but pretty damn hard if you choose not to do side-quests and just carry on the story route. Still with Axton currency and I have not found many amazing weapons just yet but I am still only 15ish. Might try Zero next.
bought it on amazon, I should be able to start playing next week.
basically siren is broken as fuck, am I right.
In a nutshell, yep. God help my free time.This game fixed everything!
Thanks Gearbox![]()
I'm a level 30 commando, and these people I play with are around level 45ish... is it possible for me to catch up to them somehow? if I keep playing with them will I level quick enough?
What do I do here? It says light it with a fire gun but my gun with fire damage does nothing and I see no other fire gun? :s
What do I do here? It says light it with a fire gun but my gun with fire damage does nothing and I see no other fire gun? :s
well you have to shoot the net with a fire gun and light it on fire. If you don´t have a fire gun you have to go and buy one unfortunatly.
The game is phenomenal.
I hated the first game due to lack of variety and boring quests/story.
This game fixed everything!
The weapons are so satisfying. The characters all interesting and have their own personality.
The quest lines are varying and entertaining.
I hardly ever laugh at video games, but this one has me cracking up all the time!
Thequest was SO good!TMNT parody
Also the achievement for beating the game namedhahaha!Cool story, bro
On my second play through now and getting some amazing guns!
Thanks Gearbox![]()
One of my fire guns wouldn't set it on fire either, I switched to another fire weapon and it worked.
I really hate the first game for this. I played it alone and it bored me a lot.
Does it solve those things?, is it good enough if you played it alone?
The story, the quests and the spawn bubble were the worst things of the first. And that the game was totally coop-orientated
It's difficult to focus because of diminishing returns and you don't get the same upgrade options for each token. I just went for a more balanced approach, I pretty much distribute into everything aside from melee damage since I so rarely use it.What stat bonus is everyone spending their Badass tokens on?
I'm playing a melee build Zero at the moment, tempted to spend all my tokens on melee damage but don't know if it's all that useful since I get lots of melee bonus from my skill tree anyway, and the bonus applies to all characters on my profile so I want to pick one that is useful for my other characters as well. Which one do you guys think is the best?
Agreed. I don't actually think the combat or encounter design is "good" or deep, but running around with a crew and "having a laugh" is good fun.cant recommend this for solo play. at least i personally and the people i play with would never be able to play it like that. would be too dull and boring
the fun in this game is (like the first one) with a full 4 person level 50 party playing on new game plus where you need everyone to contribute and play their class, trading guns, running through different stages to fight dumb raid bosses with stupid amounts of hp laughing at movie references.
i could never imagine running through this game by myself doing fetch quests. on co-op, i can lose 7/8 hours without blinking and call it goty
- Recoil Speed
The customization is between head swaps and predefined colour schemes. You start with a couple heads and about two dozen colours and unlock more as you play.What's the character customisation like? I'm picking this up tomorrow but I'm curious whether there are alternate outfits if they're just recolours.
The customization is between head swaps and predefined colour schemes. You start with a couple heads and about two dozen colours and unlock more as you play.
I melted this one nomad and with his dying gasp he pleaded "Nooo! Please don't scavenge all my stuff!"lmao, I am at some shanty town in Three Horns - Valley and there are currently a bunch of Nomads versus some Rakk.
"Give me your damn loot!" SQUEEEEEEEEEEAK "Hahaha running away!" SQUEEEEEEEEEEAK
I love this game.