I mistakenly opened the gold chest in sanctuary, and then immediately turned off my system. It saved the key being used however... Am I totally screwed?![]()
"OK guys, I have 30 minutes left to play. Lets do one of those small side quests"
*three hours later*
"That was fun. Lets head to Sanctuary to sell stuff."
Jesus, this game is too addictive, and its criminal to call most of those things "side missions". Once you go into the rabbit hole you have no idea how deep it goes. That's a compliment BTW.
Also, for co-op, how are people managing distributing loot among friends? We've settled on giving each player a dibbs on either a single weapon type or single manufacturer. Its not perfect, since our Sniper Zero and my Elemental Siren both want that blue Corrosive Sniper we just found, but it makes things easier the other 90% of the time.
Any system you guys are using that works? Or what absolutely doesn't work?
Just had this drop from my first final boss kill on the second playthrough. Thought it was neat that they remade one of the Borderlands 1 oranges for Borderlands 2. I'm not sure what the special effect is, but the game certainly thinks it's valuable (sells for 5x what otherwise superior rifles sell for).
Rocket pods on Sabre turrets is just wow, shreds most mobs into bits! Currently lvl 25 and haven't found a decent Assault Rifle yet, whats everyone else using?
hey guys i signed up for that shift program through BL2 but i still only have one key, what's up with that?
PC? Didn't work for me on PC but I got it to work on PS3.
Lvl 12 mission:I failed to rescue Roland at Bloodshot Ramparts, now I have to go to Friendship Gulad to rescue him.
I didn't lose anything, right?
Anyone wanna play with me? I just started Chapter 11, but I'm willing to go back a few chapters to help out.
Keep getting pink guns... What's so special about them anyway.
Keep getting pink guns... What's so special about them anyway.
That's what always happens, there's no branching in this game.
hey guys i signed up for that shift program through BL2 but i still only have one key, what's up with that?
Yeah. You're right. The one I have is a massive shield remover. Doesn't really do much health damage though. But I have a fire shotgun for thatthey're usually stronger than most at a given level, and they come with a lot of elemental damage/chance.
PC? I can play now.
Don't take the story too seriously and enjoy a pretty awesome game!
Two questions:
* How does picking up ammo work in co-op? In single player you pick up only the ammo you need, but in co-op you grab everything whether you need that particular ammo or not. Does the game distribute ammo among each player? Whats going on here and whats the best way to deal with ammo in a group?
* None of us use the trade window because it doesn't seem to allow you to compare an item against your backpack and equipped items. Are we missing something? Because otherwise its mostly pointless.
So I bought the season pass when it was mispriced for £7.99 and stored it as a gift in my inventory but when I try to redeem it, it says "This item requires you own the base game "Borderlands 2 RU" before it can be added to your library.".
Anyone else get this?
That's what always happens, there's no branching in this game.
Which Borderlands 2 you got? RU version or regular?
That's what always happens, there's no branching in this game.
Regular, no idea why it would think I need the RU version. I'm from the UK.
Wait, what's going on here? I've gone past that point twice on two characters and never had that happen. I've only had to go there for a side mission.
Regular, no idea why it would think I need the RU version. I'm from the UK.
So I bought the season pass when it was mispriced for £7.99 and stored it as a gift in my inventory but when I try to redeem it, it says "This item requires you own the base game "Borderlands 2 RU" before it can be added to your library.".
Anyone else get this?
Do you have RU version of the season pass. Did you buy it straight from Steam or from somewhere else?
Maybe contact the place where you bought the season pass.
That's what always happens, there's no branching in this game.
Wait, what's going on here? I've gone past that point twice on two characters and never had that happen. I've only had to go there for a side mission.
YesRegarding tipping Moxxi, is two the max number of guns she gives?
Why? It gets it for everyone.This annoys the hell out of me.
Appears to be two, more info here http://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/showthread.php?t=150900Regarding tipping Moxxi, is two the max number of guns she gives?
I lol'd so hard on theside-quest. Played a few quests on Steam with GAF'er catabarez - fun times.TMNT