Another question, do any stores ever sell relics? Any tips on how to farm em? I've been doing the arena.
Well don't tell us how to farm that gun or anything...
You have to kill all the rats. Also, large amounts of money aren't auto-pickup.I lost like half of my money and had no idea what happened to it. Turns out that in Lynch wood there are rats called thief rats. If they touch you they can take a large amount of money from you. I was losing 7 grand each time. The worst part was that when I killed them I would only get a couple hundred back from them.
I lost like half of my money and had no idea what happened to it. Turns out that in Lynch wood there are rats called thief rats. If they touch you they can take a large amount of money from you. I was losing 7 grand each time. The worst part was that when I killed them I would only get a couple hundred back from them.
Well don't tell us how to farm that gun or anything...
I lost like half of my money and had no idea what happened to it. Turns out that in Lynch wood there are rats called thief rats. If they touch you they can take a large amount of money from you. I was losing 7 grand each time. The worst part was that when I killed them I would only get a couple hundred back from them.
"Midget lover..."
It says blocked for me since I kinda went straight to the main mission for that area. BoooooI'm not sure on the level. Probably 25ish. In ascending order of spoilishness: the enemy is, in theHunter Hellquist, first encountered as a side quest on the main quest line to find thetalk radio tower, in the areaInfostack.Arid Nexus - Boneyard
I'm going to look. I think I have one SMG relic and a Shotgun relic.
Thing is, I MIGHT have sold it off. Will get back to you as soon as I have checked.
I've gotten most of mine out of enemy drops.
And yeah, I had sold it. Can't fight it in either the bank or stash. Sorry dude.
Well don't tell us how to farm that gun or anything...
Or you can just ask normally...
Anyways it's a rare drop from Mick Zaford. So in the mission where you choose a side between Zaford and Hodunks, you need to have sided with the Hodunks. Pretty much what I did was fast travel to Lynchwood, then go the the Dust, and Zaford and his men will be there. Then just kill everyone (this goes much quicker with Zero because he can melee him to death with a Law and Order build without having to deal with his henchmen). If he doesn't drop the rare gun, just save and quit. When you reload, you spawn right back in front of Zaford.
Also, the pc patch today is a godsend. 4/4 in joining games, not timeouts or unable to connect from friends either. Thank you, Gearbox.
Or you can just ask normally...
Anyways it's a rare drop from Mick Zaford. So in the mission where you choose a side between Zaford and Hodunks, you need to have sided with the Hodunks. Pretty much what I did was fast travel to Lynchwood, then go the the Dust, and Zaford and his men will be there. Then just kill everyone (this goes much quicker with Zero because he can melee him to death with a Law and Order build without having to deal with his henchmen). If he doesn't drop the rare gun, just save and quit. When you reload, you spawn right back in front of Zaford.
So what's the highest level binder mod?
Yeah, me too. I hate fighting them, but taken down a flying enemy hasn't been this satisfying sense taking out Banshees in Halo 1.Edit: Also had one of those Buzzard things singing Flight of the Valkyries. Gave me a good laugh when I exploded them over the landscape. Love how they explode.
It took me a while to find one, but not that late. Just keep looking. Also, look at the rewards that each quest offers, and go for ones that give relics.Do relics first show up late game (or second play through)? I'm I think level 22 and the only relic I've seen is the one I started with.
PSN+ duping theories.
- back up your save to psn+
- load the game, transfer gear to a friend
- restore save from psn+ (no 24 hour limit)
- load your game, have your friend give you the gear back
Treasure chest keys (might not work):
- Back up two saves - the character save as well as your profile save
- load game, use key on treasure chest, get gear
- give gear to friend, restore both saves, load game again, take items back, rinse repeat*
* i tried this by just backing up my character save. I opened the chest twice using my premier club as well as shift key, and got 3 items (i was level 24). Then i saved, quit, downloaded by earlier save and loaded the game. Not only did my keys get used up, but i lost the gear too since i overwrote the earlier save with a new one. Thats why i think you should duplicate your profile save too. Im out of keys now so cant confirm. I guess thats the price of experimentation. Sorry for trying to cheese your game GBX
Beat the NG+ game, went to get The Bee. 1st try dropIt says blocked for me since I kinda went straight to the main mission for that area. Booooo
Tiny Tina makes me cringe every time she speaks, but I just found out she's voiced by Ashly Burch and I find her show quite enjoyable, so conflicted.
Yeah it was the epitome of "trying too hard". It's like hiring James Earl Jones for your villain and making him only do Darth Vader voices and lines.
What's the Law and Order build?
Yeah exactly, I suppose Tiny Tina doesn't have too many dialogues so perhaps they're trying to make every line a quote-worthy one liner, but it really came across as trying way too hard. Claptrap on the other hand, I find genuinely funny, I'm up to Chapter 10 so far and there are quite a few laugh out loud moments involving him.Yeah it was the epitome of "trying too hard". It's like hiring James Earl Jones for your villain and making him only do Darth Vader voices and lines.
Zafords or Hodunks?
Holy shit at the burn DPS.Some random dude came into a game I was playing and started dumping a bunch of purple guns, and this one orange... beastly gun.
Notes anywhere?Patch is ace, all is well with the world.
Zafords gave me a pretty crappy smg that seems to slag me.
Zafords gave me a pretty crappy smg that seems to slag me.
Meh, went to the Hodunks and they gave a crappy shotty.
Also, my level gains are moving at a snail's pace. We did a bunch of side missions before hitting up the Wildlife Preserve and gained maybe one level. I'm itching to get my Siren to level 35. I can almost taste it - the beast will get unleashed around that level. At level 23 I feel like my Siren is crazy good already. The Cataclysm tree is just crazy.
Meh, went to the Hodunks and they gave a crappy shotty.
Also, my level gains are moving at a snail's pace. We did a bunch of side missions before hitting up the Wildlife Preserve and gained maybe one level. I'm itching to get my Siren to level 35. I can almost taste it - the beast will get unleashed around that level. At level 23 I feel like my Siren is crazy good already. The Cataclysm tree is just crazy.
Yeah I thought I'd like the Motion tree but at level 25 I'm going to go back to Cata. Motion probably becomes incredible once you get the chain reaction ability that phase locks another enemy when you've killed one in phase lock.
Sometimes, you just gotta make the hard calls.I hate that my game has basically become a what do I put in the bank and what do I sell simulation. Why did Gearbox limit the amount of space you can get? How did this pass any kind of Q&A especially after the first game?
My final build is looking similar, but I don't care about Flicker all that much and Sweet Release is pretty nice.Chain Reaction + Converge + Ruin = @_@
This is what my final build should look like:
Since I primarily use SMGs, that Chain Reaction is going to be a real pain for mobs.
Chain Reaction + Converge + Ruin = @_@
This is what my final build should look like:
Since I primarily use SMGs, that Chain Reaction is going to be a real pain for mobs.
Tip Moxxi 20kI have yet to find a decent incendiary SMG, or any good SMGs really.
Are there any quests that reward one that I can look forward to? My luck has been terrible.
Tip Moxxi 20k![]()
In one go, or accumulated over time?