Did they ever say what they're testing in regards to the key redemption?
how the servers handle a bunch of redemptions, i suppose?
Did they ever say what they're testing in regards to the key redemption?
I've been away for a while, what's this 2.5 people are talking about?
If you go back and kill a boss and he drops an orange in PT1, does it scale to your level, or is that just PT2.5?
Post True Vault Hunter Mode everything scales to 50 and bosses to 52.
I thought people might be interested in knowing that the last story mission boss will always drop a legendary when killed during the last quest. I've done the fight by myself on three separate occasions and four more times with other people. The boss has always dropped an orange when the kill was specifically done for the purpose of finishing the story.
Do you mean?Jack and the Warrior
Three of us beat em for the first time last night and got no legendary. I was kinda mad thatwas a drop and not a quest reward also..Jack's mask
It could have been under the corpse or in the lava. I've done that battle about 30 times now and loot flies EVERYWHERE.
If I ever see a legendary trapped under the body where I can't get to it I might just crack. Bad enough that I've taken to swimming in magma for blues and purples.
i went in to a random game and as soon as everyone ninja the shit out of these blue items i just left....how hard would it be for gearbox to implement the feature for instance loot?
When you say quit do you mean save/quit or are you reloading your prebattle save?
I tried to farm them but messed it up somehow.
i went in to a random game and as soon as everyone ninja the shit out of these blue items i just left....how hard would it be for gearbox to implement the feature for instance loot?
i went in to a random game and as soon as everyone ninja the shit out of these blue items i just left....how hard would it be for gearbox to implement the feature for instance loot?
This should be required for loot games going forward now. My friends and I were very disappointed this wasn't done.
Not a very good friend then.Yep, friend of mine tends to loot everything in his path. It makes for a very frustrating coop experience.
I get that every time there's a new patch.Also, why the fuck does my copy try to install itself everytime I try to play the game. You're already installed. Now it hangs at 1% and comes back with a "server too busy" error. WTF is this garbage? >=(
Not a very good friend then.
I mean don't quit your specific instance of the game. If you go back into the main menu where you can select a character and join matchmaking then all the items dropped will be gone forever. In this instance I specifically mean take the door back toand then run throughEridium Blight. When you get back to the boss room the body will be gone, but the loot still there.Hero's Pass
I don't know how far you are in the game, but at some point blues stop mattering for a lot of people. I basically just loot whatever I run into unless its a purple,e-tech, or orange. There exception of course I tend to go over blues before I vendor them in case somebody might need them. It seems that's how most people behave on PC at least. My point is maybe just mention what it is exactly you are looking for and people will probably let you know if they find something. In regards to adding some kind of need before greed system I imagine it would be kind of hard since its kind of difficult to determine what exactly a specific class and build requires. For example I play a Cunning Zer0 and a lot of the Cunning mods have pistol modifiers, but I don't really use pistols with that build I mostly stick to shotguns.
Yep, friend of mine tends to loot everything in his path. It makes for a very frustrating coop experience.
Yeah. It was weird. The guy who picked it up got 17 Million, one friend got 4, I got 1.7, and the final friend got a grand total of fuck all.
The first guy topped me and the latter dude up to 4M a piece but now he's rolling around with 10M.
We are level 20.
If only there was a way to store currency in the bank.![]()
Yes I do. Then you missed the legendary or somebody picked it up and didn't realize what they had. I've tested the theory out and its been confirmed by several people on the gearbox forums. Considering the nature of how the loot spreads out all over the place it can be really easy to miss, but I promise this is the case.
Where do I need to go for the Monster Mash Part 3 quest? I'm right on the spot where the map tells me to go in Frostburn Canyon but there's nothing there.
Hmm. proceeding smoothly through TVHM...and I can't say it's any more difficult than Normal mode. Yea, enemy damage has scaled up, but my shields, health and weapons have scaled equally.
I'm not complaining. I just expected it would be a wee bit more difficult for some reason. Maybe I'm wrong and enemies are taking more time to kill...but the only times I've landed in Fight-4-yer-life mode has been when I've been surrounded and not paying attention. Those rapid skags drop XP like candy, man. I feel like I could just farm those for a couple more levels. lol
You have to go off to the left in the cave, down the path with the shallow water. Once you get to the end you do a U-turn and its straight ahead
It gets harder near the end of the story missions if you are skipping all of the side quests. I am right at thefight and everything is three levels above me. I might have to complete a couple side quests or grind somewhere to level up. Constructors are a royal pain in the ass at this point.BNK3R
WTF... So I'm in the Arid Nexus and I have to.go to the Pumping Station
Why does suddenly all the ennemis two shot me? They also kill me during my second wind? Like the bar doesn't have time to go all the way down and I just respawn... I didn't even knew it was possible to do that.
Seriously wtf!? I died 5 times just to get from the checkpoint to the pump controls...
are you a lower level than the mission?
can you snipe them from afar?
how hard would it be for you to play with/make some friends?
I don't know how far you are in the game, but at some point blues stop mattering for a lot of people. I basically just loot whatever I run into unless its a purple,e-tech, or orange. There exception of course I tend to go over blues before I vendor them in case somebody might need them. It seems that's how most people behave on PC at least. My point is maybe just mention what it is exactly you are looking for and people will probably let you know if they find something. In regards to adding some kind of need before greed system I imagine it would be kind of hard since its kind of difficult to determine what exactly a specific class and build requires. For example I play a Cunning Zer0 and a lot of the Cunning mods have pistol modifiers, but I don't really use pistols with that build I mostly stick to shotguns.
This should be required for loot games going forward now. My friends and I were very disappointed this wasn't done.
well it is kinda hard none of my friends have got the game yet....do you want to be friends *puppy eyes*
well it is kinda hard none of my friends have got the game yet....do you want to be friends *puppy eyes*
i try but noone replies or says anything, now i have gotten in a game were people did talk and yes i said to the zero guy if he is using snipers anything i find i will trade.
i have a feeling they will add it in! please!
Sure, if you have a level 50.![]()
Are you playing on PC?
I've noticed that the PC crowd tends to foster a more mature crowd. Usually, as long as you state up front what your intentions are, most people play nice. I wouldn't play this without voice chat with my team mates(via in game, mumble, ventrillo, etc).
This honestly makes no sense. If you want to share, then share. The game isn't forcing you to be greedy.I concur. For a co-op game it sure feels like I have to do a lot of competing with my friends for a fair share of the loot.
It's funny as I play with 2 people regularly and 1 is fine. We'll leave shit on the ground clear out the are and divvy out the loot. The other? He loots everything blue and up instantly. I asked him who has turned him into such a loot grubbing sourpuss? He said, a friend and him played BL1 and he learned from there.no level 33 axton
yes sir i am on pc and yes i do notice pc crowds are nicer people. but the loot whore in us all cant be stopped! lol
my name is zulfate on steam by the way