Up until PT2 I was fully in rampage tree. I switched over to Brawn for PT2. I have a purple version of my mod but it doesn't boost Last Longer/Yippi Ki Yay as much (and has a random skill boost in Lay Waste which I don't find useful).
What do you guys think of my potential tree? I really want "Nuke" and spread the rest of the points around so that I can throw my turret to walls.
Yup...it's REALLY annoying that everytime I restart the game I have to rewatch the Marcus and Zed intro in sanctuary...
Yup...it's REALLY annoying that everytime I restart the game I have to rewatch the Marcus and Zed intro in sanctuary...
I don't really care for Marcus as a character, but I really enjoy Dr. Zed. I enjoyed his zombie island DLC in the first game too.
Alright I'm starting to get really annoyed.
There is this one undiscovered mission I've literally spent over an hour on on two different occasions and can't find the solution to it.
So afteran undiscovered quest in the sanctuary area pops up telling me "mordecai buried some treasure a while back -- if you can find it, it's yours."the sanctuary up and leaves
Well I can't fucking find it and it's really beginning to irritate me... Any help?
Alright I'm starting to get really annoyed.
There is this one undiscovered mission I've literally spent over an hour on on two different occasions and can't find the solution to it.
So afteran undiscovered quest in the sanctuary area pops up telling me "mordecai buried some treasure a while back -- if you can find it, it's yours."the sanctuary up and leaves
Well I can't fucking find it and it's really beginning to irritate me... Any help?
Ok. Maybe that explains things. I was assuming that they meant it was buried in the locationThe actual location of. To get it it you have to follow a fairly simple quest line. There's nothing special about the quest so I'm not sure why you're stuck here. It's not like you have to find the thing randomly in the game world.the treasure is in a graveyard that you reach by following the path behind Ellie's garage
I started PT2 will a full rampage build but I'm finding it pretty hard. I've already died more times before reaching Sanctuary than I did in PT1 more or less. Guess I'll have to drop the gunzerker build and go in for a more defensive one. Any suggestions on must have abilities? I use a class mod with +1000 health and 25% reload speed odd, not properties that add to the skill tree.
The actual location of. To get it it you have to follow a fairly simple quest line. There's nothing special about the quest so I'm not sure why you're stuck here. It's not like you have to find the thing randomly in the game world.the treasure is in a graveyard that you reach by following the path behind Ellie's garage
How does this tipping Moxxi stuff work?
I've been tipping her and she's twice said, "I think it's time your generosity was rewarded."
But nothing happens. Do I need to keep going?
It's glitched sometimes, like everything else in the game.How does this tipping Moxxi stuff work?
I've been tipping her and she's twice said, "I think it's time your generosity was rewarded."
But nothing happens. Do I need to keep going?
They probably only edited the relic description. 5 % is not much of a difference but it works for me. Have had three legendaries (shotgun, shield and a sniper) drop with no grinding at all. Also close to seventy pink drops and I'm at level 30, 40 hours into the game.
The final skill in brawn is much better than the one in rampage IMO which is mainly why I switched. I like rampage a lot because gunzerking is fun and the longer you gunzerk the better but the final skill in brawn basically recharges your HP to max with one press of a button (almost instantly). You can really take advantage of this by grabbing
* Hard to Kill (+20% max health +0.5% Max health regen per sec)
* Sexual Tyrannosaurus (+2% health regen for 5 sec on hit)
Get a shield that gives +health and a mod that gives +hp% and you'd destroy stuff w/ really high regen and high HP and an ohshit button w/ "come at me bro".
One thing to keep in mind is that in solo, come at me bro doesn't change anything except max out your HP. In coop you want to get to safety before popping it because it'll aggro everything close to you.
I also recommend all the speed buffs. It's great being able to run around really fast. In coop you can take your time at vending machines and stuff and still catch up to people just by popping gunzerk.
I think you can go gunlust+brawn but I chose to go rampage because I wanted longer gunzerk duration so I could run fast for longer. Having the ability to toss two grenades is really nice as well if you get a good grenade mod. Inconceivable (+50% chance for shots not to consome ammo) is literally a life saver too so I'd get that no matter what build you have. I've shot off like 10 shotgun rounds in a row in FFYL on a shotgun that can only shoot twice before reloading before lmao
Is that how you get there? Dang. I had two quests that took me to that same place, and each time I ended up glitching my way up the rocks behind it.
Up until PT2 I was fully in rampage tree. I switched over to Brawn for PT2. I have a purple version of my mod but it doesn't boost Last Longer/Yippi Ki Yay as much (and has a random skill boost in Lay Waste which I don't find useful).
Basically the mod is +35% cooldown rate, boosts me to +30s gunzerking duration, +4.2s duration per kill while gunzerking. Then the skills I have in brawn allow me to run 50% faster while gunzerking and +30% when I get hit (I'm not sure if this stacks) so I'm pretty much running super fast all the time lol.
I'll probably respec and move bubble gum to max Juggernaut (damage reduction kill skill) or Aint got time to bleed (health regen in gunzerker). I might remove fistfull too since it isn't that great.
edit: I have a bunch of random skills allocated and stuff not maxed out because I switch class mods sometimes*
I'm gonna give this a shot. Just hit sanctuary in PT2 and I feel really squishy.
Reload. It took 7-8 tries for me to get mine.
Can someone please tell me how to stop the incessant voice that spouts nothing but insults. It keeps mentioning that there are "promethean children without ammo" and how I'm wasting mine. I don't know what item I picked up to make this happen, but I need it to stop. It's grating. Is it because I'm in Fyrestone? That's when it started.
How are so many people getting the Bee so quickly? I farmed him for 2 hours straight, probably killed him at least 100 times, probably closer to 120 times since you can do it fast enough to make it once per minute.
You just walk in and kill him and he drops it right? Are there steps I have to do first?
Can someone please tell me how to stop the incessant voice that spouts nothing but insults. It keeps mentioning that there are "promethean children without ammo" and how I'm wasting mine. I don't know what item I picked up to make this happen, but I need it to stop. It's grating. Is it because I'm in Fyrestone? That's when it started.
Got it the first try.How are so many people getting the Bee so quickly? I farmed him for 2 hours straight, probably killed him at least 100 times, probably closer to 120 times since you can do it fast enough to make it once per minute.
You just walk in and kill him and he drops it right? Are there steps I have to do first?
Can someone please tell me how to stop the incessant voice that spouts nothing but insults. It keeps mentioning that there are "promethean children without ammo" and how I'm wasting mine. I don't know what item I picked up to make this happen, but I need it to stop. It's grating. Is it because I'm in Fyrestone? That's when it started.
Can someone please tell me how to stop the incessant voice that spouts nothing but insults. It keeps mentioning that there are "promethean children without ammo" and how I'm wasting mine. I don't know what item I picked up to make this happen, but I need it to stop. It's grating. Is it because I'm in Fyrestone? That's when it started.
If you're on the Glorious PC Gaming System, if that's a cutscene you can just rename the .bik file while flipping the bird.Yup...it's REALLY annoying that everytime I restart the game I have to rewatch the Marcus and Zed intro in sanctuary...
How can you go back to the Vault of the Warrior?
How are so many people getting the Bee so quickly? I farmed him for 2 hours straight, probably killed him at least 100 times, probably closer to 120 times since you can do it fast enough to make it once per minute.
You just walk in and kill him and he drops it right? Are there steps I have to do first?
Can anyone on PC confirm that they have gotten both Pimon and Tumbaa to spawn in the wildlife preservation?
Can anyone on PC confirm that they have gotten both Pimon and Tumbaa to spawn in the wildlife preserve?
Yup and they're really easy to farm them if you have the Creature Slaughter Dome. Speaking of which I've gotten the shield off Pimon first and 6th try or so lol. Tumbaa hasn't given me his shotty yet though.
I think you're the first person to actually get trolled by those guns lol. Just stop using that weapon.
So looking at the drop lists no one knows where the Fire Bee grenade mod drops from well in that case....
Also has anyone else found an e-tech weapon with no elemental property?
A Jakobs sniper or shotgun fixes everything.Oh great...I got the The Fridge in TVHM. I'm level 37 and suddenly all the ennemies are level 40... I guess I don't have a choice to go back and do side missions now.
It makes you play smarter and use your slag and elemental weapons.TVHM is definitely not "too hard"
This isn't anywhere close to the Diablo 3's bullshit. Its great. Even better if you have a full group.
Those exist?
I'm trying to get the crouching assault rifle challenge done. Besides the last area with rakks can anybody think of a place with infinite respawns?
What's TVHM?