Wow if that Gub pistol is still available I could really use it. I'm only 2-3 bubbles away from 40 and I need a good corosive weapon.
They let you open the golden chest in Sanctuary.
Wow if that Gub pistol is still available I could really use it. I'm only 2-3 bubbles away from 40 and I need a good corosive weapon.
Im 50 on TVHM and haven't had the Hunter Hellquist quest yet, should I get to him anyway and farm the shield, or do I have to wait until I have that quest?
You cant get to him until you do the quest once. If you're level 50, there's no reason Mordechai wouldnt give it to you now.
ok, thank you. I looked all over The Fridge and nothing popped up, I must have missed it. It doesnt even show a "!" on my map for that side quest.
I have a lvl 36 Corrosive veruc(AR) if you want it.
Could Tiny Tina be an even more annoy character than Claptrap? Maybe!
Could Tiny Tina be an even more annoy character than Claptrap? Maybe!
Kind of mixed on Zero. Still on my first playthrough, nearing level 20, and I'm finding a few encounters were needlessly tough simply because of my class. I'm going to assume Anton and the Gunzerker are the better solo classes.
Also, is the loot currency value completely bust? I've had two artefacts of exact same stats at different variables, and the better artefact was less expensive than the worse one.
If any of you guys on PC are around level 35-40 and want any of the following, let me know. Trying to clear up some space and I'd rather someone put these to use than to just vendor them.
Could Tiny Tina be an even more annoy character than Claptrap? Maybe!
Kind of mixed on Zero. Still on my first playthrough, nearing level 20, and I'm finding a few encounters were needlessly tough simply because of my class. I'm going to assume Anton and the Gunzerker are the better solo classes.
Also, is the loot currency value completely bust? I've had two artefacts of exact same stats at different variables, and the better artefact was less expensive than the worse one.
Siren army.
How practical is the Banshee playstyle? I like moving fast and everything, its huge in this game actually - but I like having shields too. Also, Backdraft kinda sucks.
This is my current build. And I love it. Phaselock > Wreck + Reaper + Chain Reaction + Flicker + Foresight means that I'm dropping off a ridiculous amount of elemental rounds into my target (Torque rounds means that I'll cause two explosions on ricochet) and I can paint an entire mob in two or three colors at once if I tie it to my grenades right. Each Phaselock is an orbital bombardment. With cooldown reductions too? shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
But I don't want to get stuck in just this one playstyle and miss out anything.
What are some good caustic (preferably SMG) weapons I could farm? They are so good against robots.
What are some good caustic (preferably SMG) weapons I could farm? They are so good against robots.
Unfortunately there aren't any legendaries with a fixed caustic effect and I don't think I've ever seen any of the SMGs with a casutic effect. Your best bet would probably be a Veruc from Mobley in Dust or a Shredifier from Bonehead 2.0 in the Badlands.
I've been trying to get a new Conference Call, but I keep getting one with the scalable prefix. I'm so annoyed.
What are some good caustic (preferably SMG) weapons I could farm? They are so good against robots.
Unfortunately there aren't any legendaries with a fixed caustic effect and I don't think I've ever seen any of the SMGs with a casutic effect. Your best bet would probably be a Veruc from Mobley in Dust or a Shredifier from Bonehead 2.0 in the Badlands.
I've been trying to get a new Conference Call, but I keep getting one with the scalable prefix. I'm so annoyed.
How many times can you tip Moxxi for her guns? Is it a one and done for each gun, or do you get a random one every 10-15k?
Should you wait until you're higher level to do it?
Emperor, babymaker and Bitch can all have Corrosive.
How many times can you tip Moxxi for her guns? Is it a one and done for each gun, or do you get a random one every 10-15k?
Should you wait until you're higher level to do it?
You can tip her at any level and get a new gun. Just save and quit and she resets just like bosses.
So if I quit and reset, and tip her another 10-15k, she'll give me another Bad Touch. Then after another 10-15k, the Good Touch? Then I can do it again at a later date as long as I've quite and re-loaded?
Kind of mixed on Zero. Still on my first playthrough, nearing level 20, and I'm finding a few encounters were needlessly tough simply because of my class. I'm going to assume Anton and the Gunzerker are the better solo classes.
Pretty much you can tip her as much as you want at any time and she resets anytime you save and quit then rejoin. So if you want an smg at 10 then want the level 11, 12, 13 etc version you can go ahead and do that.
Did you even look?
First link is somebody praising gearbox's decision to maintain shared loot, the next two links are both polls where D3 loot fans get swept and still continue complaining even when it's clear they are just a vocal minority expounding an unwanted idea.
I ran into this as well with my first character -- kept getting fire gun after fire gun. On my second character, I waited until I was level 50 to use her tip jar, and the first gun she gave me was the Bad Touch (the corrosive one).At level 50 on TVHM with the main quest line finished, Moxxi only gives me the fire gun after tipping her ~250k. I've never been able to get another corrosive gun out of her.
You should ditch Suspension and go for Ward. Shields and Shield Delay are far more important then 1.5 extra seconds in Phaselock. Otherwise, my build is the same. A corrosive rapid fire weapon + Wreck + Ruin destroy Badass and Super Badass Loaders in seconds.
I ran into this as well with my first character -- kept getting fire gun after fire gun. On my second character, I waited until I was level 50 to use her tip jar, and the first gun she gave me was the Bad Touch (the corrosive one).
On another note, in retrospect, the fact thatshould have been a clue that something unfortunate was going to happen to him.Roland's only quest (which is available to you as soon as you enter Sanctuary) is posted on the bulletin board instead of being given out by Roland himself (like with the other three Vault Hunters) later
Where are the codes? I thought they said 6?
Is Blight Phoenix as useless as it feels or is it doing something I don't see?
whats the twitter account again?
PC SHiFT Code for a Golden Key in Borderlands 2: WBK3T-TSH6Z-633B3-BT3TT-Z6SR5 [Active 6PM-9PM CT on 10/5]
Xbox 360 SHiFT Code for a Golden Key in Borderlands 2: C3CBJ-CW5CR-3R6TR-5F33T-5RXZX [Active 6PM-9PM CT on 10/5]
PlayStation 3 SHiFT Code for a Golden Key in Borderlands 2: C3CBJ-CW5HJ-6S3WJ-9B53T-5RX6C [Active 6PM-9PM CT on 10/5]
Is Blight Phoenix as useless as it feels or is it doing something I don't see?