I'm level 20 and always have a ton of cash, I've been doing slots but do you ever get anything good in vending machines to buy? I rarely see oranges and only a few purples in the world.
Oh, also, before the patch on shields that took some health away it would show the number, now it doesn't. What's up with that?
anyone is free to powerlevel my zero on PS3? I would like to hit level 31 or so.
I can't install the new DLC. Steam says that I already own it and no there is no install-button.
I've never seen him. Then again, I just ignore a lot of shit that isn't quest related.
I haven't seen him since the game came out period. And I'm approaching 100 hours played.
Has anyone seen Michael since the patch came out?
Yes, PC here. Saw him early on in my Gaige playthrough.
Registered to post I'm having the exact same issue on 360.
I had no problems with the Mechro DLC. As soon as I booted up after the Pirate DLC I checked all of my Challenges when I was in Oasis, and everything was fine. I've got a small list going of the Challenges I have left to complete or max (it's not many) so I'm positive I wasn't glossing over anything.
I just checked my Challenges now, and my Badass Rank is still the same, but I am now showing a ton of Level-specific Challenges as not completed. NONE of the other Challenges are affected, it's only the Area/Level specific ones. Seeing as how I was fine 3 hours ago and now I'm not, and I haven't reloaded or turned off the game, I'm wondering if as I've been completing the new Challenges from the DLC it's somehow taking away from older Challenges I had completed.
I'm about to make a list of the Challenges I show now, and then later today compare to see if it's continuing to detract from already completed ones or not. The "good" news is that it's only taking away level-specific challenges, and none of the super messed up/hard to get ones like Jackpot, Pimon/Tumbaa, etc so if I have to re-do these it's not the absolute end of the world, but it's still concerning. I'll post back if I notice a further change.
You guys playing the PC version by chance?
"Michael Mamaril was previously bugged on consoles. He was set to appear 10% of the time on all systems, but for the Xbox 360 and the PS3 he was appearing 100% of the time. "
The Bee seems to still behave the same way if anybody was wondering. I wonder if the change can't be applied to existing Bee shields.
what did they change?
what level would you guys recommend using your first golden key?
what level would you guys recommend using your first golden key?
restart steam and that should fix it.hmm, I see that the dlc is available for purchase on steam and I've already have the season pass bought but can't seem to access the dlc
Whenever you need it the most, I was pretty under leveled during TVHM from not doing side quests so I used mine then. Don't bother waiting for lvl.50 at that point you'll be farming for Oranges.
The Bee is fine people.
Is there a consensus on a Gunzerker build for playthrough 2?
Oven the name and ability, I'm led to believe the amp shot is supposed to completely drain your shields not keep them at full.The Bee is fine people.
what level would you guys recommend using your first golden key?
Oven the name and ability, I'm led to believe the amp shot is supposed to completely drain your shields not keep them at full.
nope, that would fuck over the value of all the other shields when the cap is raised.NICE PARKING lol.
Anyway, one easy way to nerf the bee without nerfing it is raising the level cap and like, and keep the bee no higher than level 50, then really ramp the fuck out of the HP of new enemies.
Level 50
Just finished killing off warrior on pt1 with mechro. The rakks are in some infinite spawn loop (don't remember this happening before). So I'm just sitting here while my death rap refuses to disappear as he just farms xp for me. Its at 200 charges and counting
Does only one person need to have the DLC? I have the season pass, but my buddy refuses to buy it, if I download it can he play with me and at least do/see the new content? I don't care if he can get the new weapons, I'd just like his cheap ass to be able to play with me. Also, how's the steam release? Not too buggy I hope.
Best way to nerf The Bee would be to reduce the shielding it offers or the recharge rate. Or both.
I haven't seen him since the game came out period. And I'm approaching 100 hours played.
what level would you guys recommend using your first golden key?
That wouldn't change anything for the boss farming, which is what most people are whining about. You can kill Terramorphous within seconds after he first appears, and the Warrior isn't much better in that regard.
+850% weapon damage?
where did this come from.