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Borderlands 2 |OT2| You missed the Conference Call, next time don't Bee late.


Who is this W4R D3N guy? I'm level 17
So you probably should have fought him not that long ago. He's the boss at the end of the A Dam Fine Rescue mission where you save Roland. I didn't have a lot of trouble with him, but I was also level 15 by the time I got to him due to having to run through the entire Bloodshot base and Ramparts thing twice. I can see how it would be rough for somebody lower leveled.
You already played it. It's the name of the Constructor on the Dam mission.
Who you have to rescue Roland from.

So you probably should have fought him not that long ago. He's the boss at the end of the A Dam Fine Rescue mission where you save Roland. I didn't have a lot of trouble with him, but I was also level 15 by the time I got to him due to having to run through the entire Bloodshot base and Ramparts thing twice. I can see how it would be rough for somebody lower leveled.

Holy shit at my memory lol. :eek:

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Are you mad, you sound mad.

That battle was really simple sounds like you are underleveled if your having issues with that early in

It wasn't the fight, it was the whole entire level. You spend the entire game fighting enemies that are super easy to get rid of, then all of a sudden they toss you into a clusterfuck of robots that can very easily wipe the floor with you if you're not careful. And if that wasn't enough, they then throw you up against a boss that respawns enemies every time you approach him. And you have a time limit for killing him, which they never actually tell you about.

It's just terrible level design.
The only problem with warden is that caustic weapons are in short supply around that area in the game. In normal mode I wiped the floor with warden because I found a purple caustic smg that I raped his face with. Just held down the trigger on his eye and it was easy money. In tvhm I didn't have any good weapons around that time so even I lost to warden and had to go to the gulag to spring my buddy. If you have a shock weapon and a caustic weapon he is a snap, if you don't, its a real fucking chore. I wouldn't say its bad design, just that there should maybe be a chest near the end with some guaranteed caustics in it.


°Temp. member
After killing Jack on playthrough 2, I got this awesome gun called Critical Conference Call (lv 50). Instantly my new favorite gun. :)
After killing Jack on playthrough 2, I got this awesome gun called Critical Conference Call (lv 50). Instantly my new favorite gun. :)

Make sure you get the bee from hunter hellquist. If you combine those two guns you can now solo the raid bosses no problem.

So far I've gotten two vlad shields, a gunerang and a bunch of decent relics as well as a great purple sniper from farming the treasure room. Not sure which vlad to keep, one has an extra 8k shield and an extra thousand points in shield regen, but the other has a full second off its delay and does a full 10000 extra for the return volley of spikes vlad shoots out. My guess is that the one with better shield capacity is better simply due ti the fact that if someone is shooting my shield in tvhm its probably gone pretty quickly anyways...


Make sure you get the bee from hunter hellquist. If you combine those two guns you can now solo the raid bosses no problem.

So far I've gotten two vlad shields, a gunerang and a bunch of decent relics as well as a great purple sniper from farming the treasure room. Not sure which vlad to keep, one has an extra 8k shield and an extra thousand points in shield regen, but the other has a full second off its delay and does a full 10000 extra for the return volley of spikes vlad shoots out. My guess is that the one with better shield capacity is better simply due ti the fact that if someone is shooting my shield in tvhm its probably gone pretty quickly anyways...
Bee's going to be nerfed soon if not later. Still useful, but not 'solo raid bosses' useful. Besides, you can't really solo Hyperius and Gee with the CC/Bee combination. The Tediore reload technique, which will also be nerfed because of the Bee nerf, is much more effective.

As for the Impaler, the best one is the one that does more damage. It's a great shield if you like being in the forefront of firefights.


°Temp. member
Make sure you get the bee from hunter hellquist. If you combine those two guns you can now solo the raid bosses no problem.

What are the chances of him dropping it?

Just finished Captain Scarlett's DLC and really enjoyed it. Next up, Mr. Torgue...


Btw, has anyone read about the Tiny Tina mission that didn't make the final cut? Read it here: spoiler (you need to have done Where Angels Fear to Tread).

What are the chances of him dropping it?

Just finished Captain Scarlett's DLC and really enjoyed it. Next up, Mr. Torgue...
Rarely, just like most legendary loot.
Just tried 4 play co-op, its mad fun, but I'm kinda confused with how much xp monsters give though. Some give 2000xp and some 200-30xp? Do you get the most points by shooting the lethal bullet?



Whoever designed this bullshit ass W4R-D3N mission needs to have someone drive a nail through his balls. That is the amount of fun I am having right now.


Edit: So wait a minute. After slogging through all the bullshit that was that mission, at the end I don't even get to kill this boss because I took too long and I have to go chase him in another base?

Finally managed to kill it. Seriously, fuck whoever did the difficulty testing on this game.

I had about the same reaction on my first playthrough.

For my second playthrough with Gaige, it was a bit easier. I think the bonuses from my badass ranks made the difference, and I think I had better weapons too.
What are the chances of him dropping it?

Just finished Captain Scarlett's DLC and really enjoyed it. Next up, Mr. Torgue...
Hunter hellquist is the guarAnteed source for the bee. It might take you a few tries, but he is super easy to kill and its a quick trip to spawn him so not labour intensive, it took me about half an hour and that was to find a bad one (lvl 48) Ibut when combined with the CC you have, it honestly won't matter, the thing is beast mode when combined. Its like combining the megazord with tommys dragonzord. Real talk.

Also the torgue dlc is amazing, so funny. Way better than cap Scarlett, you're in for a treat.



What are the chances of him dropping it?
Around 1-5 %. It's a very rare gun, so you can feel good about having a level 50 version of it.
I've played through that part on solo with 3 different characters, and I haven't had any problems going through that part first time with any of them.

Then again, Maya is one of the worst characters for soloing bosses with, since her Phaselock can't lift most bosses. (although it should work on constructors?)


I don't know if any of you guys have had this problem but it's driving me crazy. Apparently, turning on FXAA for some odd reason causes this glowy line of what look like dead pixels at the bottom of the screen, like the very bottom edge. It doesn't happen all of the time, though it seems to happen more frequently when a liquid/fire/explosion effect goes off in close proximity. Once it happen this really distracting bright line of pixels stays across the bottom of the screen until I alt+tab out and back into the game. It's annoying as hell.

If I turn off FXAA it doesn't come back, but the game looks like garbage.

I'm using the latest drivers 306.97 (and physx drivers as well) on a 680GTX. I've seen several other people have the issue and have since launch but no mention of it ever getting fixed either by video drivers or a patch from gearbox.

Doesn't happen in any other game (including lots of other UE3 games).

Has anyone found a solution?

EDIT: I think I found the solution on my own. It seems the in game FXAA setting is screwy on 6xx and some 5xx nvidia cards. If you disable it in game and then just force it through the nvidia control panel it works without error, so far. I'll post back if the issue isn't fixed by forcing it through the control panel.
I played all night on a friend's game and now I'm taking my character back and I'm... not up to date progress wise ? I have to do everything again even if I'm 10 level over these quests ?
So I got three legendaries tonight farming the treasure room

1: the infinity pistol: at first I thought the gun was a piece of shit, until I realised that it basically had no recoil and hip firing it creates no spread. It fires in an infinity pattern with many bullets flying around, but the fact is I will do more damage because you never have to reload and the spread is so godlike, really liking the gun now that I played with it.

2: Mongol: I haven't tried it out yet, but apparently the thing does tons of damage, my version is a slagged version so I'm not sure what kind of dps I'm looking at, especially since it does 80k (base, without the rockets that fly off) and my deep a durp is at about 280k. I'll do some testing and figure it out

Lastly, the piece de résistance
If I had gotten another class I might have killed myself, but the mod is mine and its fucking amazing. My turret cool down time is insanely low as I'm combining it with a 35% reduction relic, and the extra damage applies to tediore reloads so now I'm doing millions of damage with my baby maker and a bee equipped. And that's without my tediire allegiance relic. To be fair the allegiance relic I have has a big clip increase but not the damage increase, if it did, I can't even fathom my dps. Still gonna farm for that conference call, but as of right now I'm a very happy camper. Saved and backed up the save for great justice.

Fittingly enough, it was the bottom hidden chest in the temple, the one everyone says to skip, the one I never, EVER got a worthwhile piece of loot from. Persistence pays off :)


I played all night on a friend's game and now I'm taking my character back and I'm... not up to date progress wise ? I have to do everything again even if I'm 10 level over these quests ?

You should be able to have the option to skip the missions once you accept them.
How can you see how much hours you played with a character? The only way I know is when you join a co-op game, but is there any other way?


°Temp. member
Finished the Torgue dlc last night and enjoyed it; that last boss was awesome lol. Next up is farming the Bee and taking on Terramorpheous solo.

Also, does Moxxi's name have 2 X's or 3? I've seen it spelled both ways in game lol.


°Temp. member
People weren't kidding about the Bee being amazing @_@; I wonder what it like before it got nerfed. I just got a lv 48 Bee, then went to Terramorphous by myself (holding the conference call) and killed him within 30 seconds lol.
Now I'm wondering if it's worth it to keep trying to farm for the lv 50 version. Luckily I got this one on my 3rd attempt :)


People weren't kidding about the Bee being amazing @_@; I wonder what it like before it got nerfed. I just got a lv 48 Bee, then went to Terramorphous by myself (holding the conference call) and killed him within 30 seconds lol.
Now I'm wondering if it's worth it to keep trying to farm for the lv 50 version. Luckily I got this one on my 3rd attempt :)

Are you playing PC? If not, the console versions have not been patched with the nerf yet.
People weren't kidding about the Bee being amazing @_@; I wonder what it like before it got nerfed. I just got a lv 48 Bee, then went to Terramorphous by myself (holding the conference call) and killed him within 30 seconds lol.
Now I'm wondering if it's worth it to keep trying to farm for the lv 50 version. Luckily I got this one on my 3rd attempt :)

At this point in time you can basically farm any boss you want, so I wouldnt bother. However, if you did want to farm the bee there are some cool versions that have things like full corrosion resistance or flame resistance in addition to a higher damager per shot modifier.

Fuck I can't wait until I get a cc and combine it with all of my trinkets and stuff. I actually found a great Hyperion allegiance relic that when combined with it can make it even more overpowered, if that's even possible.
The game has serious issues displaying my gametime correctly, it now says over 1,000 hours. Also my backpack says 29/27? I took pics of it, will post them tomorrow.



I'm fairly new to this game, I died in a quest (near the end of one, after an HOUR of playing) and when I respawned by one of those orangey things, it jammed me next to the orangey thing and a rock and I'm stuck between them now!

I started jamming on jump and duck and the analogs but no dice.. I'm a bit stuck inside the geometry or something.

What do I do? I don't know how the save system works, can I just exit the game and come back in, and I'll start EXACTLY where I am (minus the stuck part hopefully)? Or is there a no-clip cheat? Or will I lose my progress and have to start the whole quest over?

For reference, I just
met Lilith and she was helping me fight Psychos in an Ice Cave looking for Roland I think.


Henry is being such a douche, I must have killed her 100 times last night (on first playthrough) and still no gaige head. Of course the one head that drops is for the zerker, of which I have none...


Finally finished my first playthrough. Had the game since launch and have only gotten this far. And instead of continuing with TVHM with my Gunzerker, I went to a game with my mechromancer. Think I'll use all my gold keys on this build.
Up to level 32 now with Zero on my first play through, one thing I've noticed is that I haven't come across one Orange weapon yet. I'm guessing that playing on my own is reducing the amount of cool loot I get....?

Also, I'm finding Zero a lot harder than Mordecai, all his cool sniper skills are way up the skill tree. Also no pistol skills. :-(

Enjoying it on the whole though, I'm finding some missions/bosses pretty infuriating, more so than B1. (War-D3N springs to mind, Badass Fire Threshers also piss me off)


Up to level 32 now with Zero on my first play through, one thing I've noticed is that I haven't come across one Orange weapon yet. I'm guessing that playing on my own is reducing the amount of cool loot I get....?
Playing on my own, level 16 and I've found 2 orange pick-ups already.


Awwww....so its not necessarily the game, just my stinking luck!

I found a Maggie and a Flakker (both oranges) in my first playthrough with my Gunzerker. The Maggie is only lvl 24 or something like that, but it was used up to lvl 30 or so. Great gun.

Cat Party

Just tried 4 play co-op, its mad fun, but I'm kinda confused with how much xp monsters give though. Some give 2000xp and some 200-30xp? Do you get the most points by shooting the lethal bullet?

Everyone gets the same XP, but XP scales based on your level. Some enemies of course give a lot more XP than others.
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