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Borderlands |OT| More guns than the population of the Netherlands

Don't know if anyone posted this... New DLC coming soon:
Mad Moxxi’s Underdome Riot is an intense single-player or cooperative experience that expands the mayhem by adding three new Riot Mode arenas where players will endure an onslaught of Pandora’s baddest enemies. Working together, players will fend off the masses as they fight for fame, honor, and more importantly, loot. Mad Moxxi’s Underdome Riot also adds a new bank feature, which allows players extra storage capacity for when they encounter one of the more than 16 million weapons that Borderlands has to offer; and the ability to acquire two additional skill points as quest rewards, making their characters even more powerful than before.

The pack will be on sale for $9.99, arriving on 360 on December 29th, with the PS3 version coming January 7th. It'll also come to PC, but no date has been set for that.

More info via the link.


PuMa said:
Same here! If you get it (or anyone else here and willing has it) let me know.

I will be online around 9pm PST, Just msg me and I will help anyone get it. I could use some help with the duel trophies.

New loot in the DLC makes it insta-buy!


rc213 said:
I will be online around 9pm PST, Just msg me and I will help anyone get it. I could use some help with the duel trophies.

New loot in the DLC makes it insta-buy!

Didn't say new loot... just loot.


More paid DLC? What are these people smoking? Maybe if they could get the base game to work properly I'd be interested. But until I can get online to work on the PC (yes I know how to port forward, and online still doesn't work) then I'd be interested.

Until then, fuck off Gearbox.


That new DLC doesnt look that impresive. Bunch of Arenas and a Bank mehhh. Pales in comparison to zombie island.

Ill still buy it tho


Cornballer said:
Don't know if anyone posted this... New DLC coming soon:More info via the link.
No level cap increase and no real incentive for 50's to keep playing still.....

I'm actually shocked that Gearbox doesn't release some higher end content that bumps the cap up another 15-20 levels.


notworksafe said:
More paid DLC? What are these people smoking? Maybe if they could get the base game to work properly I'd be interested. But until I can get online to work on the PC (yes I know how to port forward, and online still doesn't work) then I'd be interested.

Until then, fuck off Gearbox.

Basically this. Fix the shit you're advertising about the game (co-op with friends), and THEN do extra content. And quit screwing over PC people.
The bank and skill points are nice, but not worth the cost. I think the bank should have been there from the start or at least patched in for free for everyone. Don't see myself buying any of the DLC at this point. The lackluster PC support is also a factor in my decision to not continue giving Gearbox $$$ for this game.
I still need to finish my first play through of this game. All of my friends I was playing co-op with have started playing other games and it is making it a pain in the ass to schedule a time to finish it up. Hopefully we'll get around to it soon. I was having quite a bit of fun before they all bailed.
finished playthrough 1. went for mostly infantry skills and planning to go with some medic ones for the rest.

Boss fight was ok but not great. Didn't get any good loot from it but now I'm on playtrhough 2 I'm getting awesome weapons but not ones for my class(soldier), 300-400+ damage revolvers and sniper rifles, no good LMG, CR, shotty yet.

enemies are tough now also. good thing my LMG holds 100+ ammo and has a high rate of fire so I can put a lot of bullets in area while I back away from skags.


notworksafe said:
More paid DLC? What are these people smoking? Maybe if they could get the base game to work properly I'd be interested. But until I can get online to work on the PC (yes I know how to port forward, and online still doesn't work) then I'd be interested.

Until then, fuck off Gearbox.


I just sorta put this game down and never picked it up again. I wanted to but everytime I thought about where i was at or what it would be like to just play online with random people it was never appealing. The couple times I tried to connect to play online with others, it never worked for me.

Then they want me to pay $10 for zombie expansion which I never reached end of game to enjoy this. Sorry but no thank you and goodbye.


zugzug said:

I just sorta put this game down and never picked it up again. I wanted to but everytime I thought about where i was at or what it would be like to just play online with random people it was never appealing. The couple times I tried to connect to play online with others, it never worked for me.

Then they want me to pay $10 for zombie expansion which I never reached end of game to enjoy this. Sorry but no thank you and goodbye.

01:25 PM

Heads up - This isn't "three new arenas".


Think ODST's "Firefight" or Gears of War's "Horde Mode".

Cash, prizes and competition!

It's like Smash TV in coop FPS, but in the Borderlands.

Randy Pitchford just posted this on a comment on Kotaku.

Consider me sold.


relies on auto-aim
Gearbox delivering on fan requests. I don't care if it comes in DLC.
Bought the game for $25 anyway, plus inevitable GOTY edition + all this stuff will be in Borderlands 2.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Shogun PaiN said:


I... I guess.. don't understand the point that graphic is making? :lol

For the amount of hate being spewed at Gearbox here, I feel like I should be having way more problems with the game than I am. But I guess I just got lucky.

*shrug* SecuROM is the only true disappointment they've provided me with so far, but it's not enough for me to avoid a Steam download. I've had way more problems with the initial releases of other PC games. There has already been a patch and I expect more.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
-PXG- said:
Except for the Jakobs vending machine glitch, I haven't had any issues with this game.
Same here.

2 skill points makes all the difference, the impact of class mods x 10
elrechazao said:
Does being wrong so hard make your toes hurt?
all 9 of them and my 3 balls.

sheesh the guy asked if the story and singleplayer of this game is good. Seeing as this is a 4-player coop game, the singleplayer is not as good.

The only thing that stood out in the story to me is that is was non-existant.

heheh claptrap is sooooo funny, oh lol the boss had 3 balls! this game has the best narrative ever!
crimsonheadGCN said:
From a quick search, the DLC is already available on torrent sites. SecuROM does very little in actually preventing piracy.

It's true; wasn't Spore cracked even before it was released? SecuROM is also the best way to get a heaping spoonful of consumer backlash (again look at Spore).
More from MTV Multiplayer:
Just completed a lightning round phone interview with Gearbox regarding the next DLC pack of "Borderlands," entitled "Mad Moxxi’s Underdome Riot." The initial press release mentioned a focus on arena-based play, and, based on the few arena quests that were in the original release, I didn't think that sounded tremendously interesting. Gearbox's Jon Hemingway, the designer on the next DLC pack, was happy to clarify just what we can expect.

I started off by mentioning the arena quests from the first game, and Hemingway was quick to correct me:

"This is totally different...basically the idea is that we have this character, Moxxi. She's running this underground coliseum tournament arena thing. The best thing you could compare it to is either Horde mode in 'Gears of War 2' or Firefight mode in 'ODST.' But even those don't quite sum it up.

"It's all about this crazy Moxxi character, and she's running these tournaments. You go in and fight waves and rounds of monsters, and then she starts changing it all up. She throws out what are called 'Moxxi Maxims,' these rules that dramatically change the way the game play. She'll be like, 'Vampire Rule!' which makes it so that the player's health is constantly draining, but every time you get a kill you get a whole bunch of health back. Now all the players are like, 'Holy crap, I have to play amazingly aggressive,' so you have to charge in before you basically bleed out. Another example, she'll go 'Shotgun Challenge,' where all shotguns do bonus damage and all other guns take a penalty."
The comparisons to "Firefight" seem pretty apt, but in terms of the scale and length, it seems like these battles will go considerably longer. Regarding the play time:
"There's a small tournament and a big tournament. The small tournament takes probably about an hour, and most people will be able to get through that. The big tournament...one of the things people have been asking for is for something that challenges them, and that's what the big tournament is. I think the last time I went through it, it took me six hours to get through a big tournament. You can't save your progress, you have to do it in one sitting, but you can stop, walk away from it and come back [Ed note: You just can't turn the system off]. It's really hardcore. To get through the big tournament, you'll have to get some friends who are very good and you'll all have to plan out what people are going to do and what weapons you're bringing."
The complaints that "Borderlands" may have been too easy will probably be put to rest once people spend an entire Saturday trying to complete one of these big tournaments. Hardcore indeed.

Oh, and while we're at it, here's official, unedited pitch from Gearbox's Randy Pitchford:
Think ODST's "Firefight" or Gears of War's "Horde Mode".
Cash, prizes and competition!
It's like Smash TV in coop FPS, but in the Borderlands.

This DLC expands greatly on the possibilities of combat as well adding a ton of new rules such as vampire mode or low gravity mode etc. This is not just deathmatch arenas [sic].

These are not just new deathmatch areas.
Yes, he said that twice. His rabid enthusiasm even comes through in email form.


That DLC sounded interesting until Randy said "Our game designers are horrible idiots out of touch with reality". 6 hours in one sitting? Really? Really? There would at least need to be a QuickSave option to let you turn off the game and continue later.
BMX Bandit said:
Yikes. Six hours without being able to walk away/save your progress. I don't think I'd ever be able to arrange that.
Jesus. What the fuck is the point of that? "Hardcore" now means up to 6 hours straight to complete an objective?

Edit: Stuff like this makes me think some devs fall into the trap of tunnel vision. The idea that your average gaming audience has access to a full party of the same players every night to put a bunch of hours into the same game is the exception not the rule. What happens in dev playtests under optimal conditions is a rarity for most gamers, and catering to this specific niche at the expense of your main audience seems just nutso to me.


Firestorm said:
That DLC sounded interesting until Randy said "Our game designers are horrible idiots out of touch with reality". 6 hours in one sitting? Really? Really? There would at least need to be a QuickSave option to let you turn off the game and continue later.

That's one of the dumbest things I've read recently.

EDIT: The DLC, not you Firestorm. :D


out0v0rder said:
all 9 of them and my 3 balls.

sheesh the guy asked if the story and singleplayer of this game is good. Seeing as this is a 4-player coop game, the singleplayer is not as good.

The only thing that stood out in the story to me is that is was non-existant.

heheh claptrap is sooooo funny, oh lol the boss had 3 balls! this game has the best narrative ever!

Fuck having fun. Video game narratives, SERIOUS BUSINESS!!!
Firestorm said:
That DLC sounded interesting until Randy said "Our game designers are horrible idiots out of touch with reality". 6 hours in one sitting? Really? Really? There would at least need to be a QuickSave option to let you turn off the game and continue later.
Seriously. Its almost like they learned the wrong lessons from Horde and Firefight.

Whats wrong with including a quick save, or start at wave x option, and just including an achievement/trophy (that I'll never pursue) that rewards you for doing it all in one sitting?
NullPointer said:
Seriously. Its almost like they learned the wrong lessons from Horde and Firefight.

Whats wrong with including a quick save, or start at wave x option, and just including an achievement/trophy (that I'll never pursue) that rewards you for doing it all in one sitting?
I agree. I just can't foresee being able to arrange it to get three people online to play a six hour setting of any game. We all have different jobs with different schedules. Like you said, if this is some hardcore/bragging rights crap, make it an achievement/trophy. Seems like they've already limited the amount of people who are going to be interested in this to me.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Randy Pitchford just posted this on a comment on Kotaku.

Consider me sold.
Well slap me in the face and squirt lemon juice on my wounds.... this sounds very entertaining now! :D


All of you still having problems with connecting using the PC version, why not post in the PC tech support forums at Gearbox's website? Would help to drive the point that there are still a decent amount of people who cant connect, regardless of port forwarding.


I'd think the more people that post, the more likely they would be to either post a statement or if they are going to do anything at all.

Really its probably just the decision to go with gamespy for the PC version...but still...it should help.

EDIT: Just saw this was posted:

Issue: PC players experiencing difficulty connecting to multiplayer games

Status: a solution to NAT and connectivity problems for many users has been found and is pending deployment.

Also finally...sort of off for break, so now I need to catch up to Hawkian and the rest.
Always thought a bank or locker storage thing should have been in the game right from the start. >_> But whatever, I'm down for it now at least.

Day 1.
NullPointer said:
Jesus. What the fuck is the point of that? "Hardcore" now means up to 6 hours straight to complete an objective?

Edit: Stuff like this makes me think some devs fall into the trap of tunnel vision. The idea that your average gaming audience has access to a full party of the same players every night to put a bunch of hours into the same game is the exception not the rule. What happens in dev playtests under optimal conditions is a rarity for most gamers, and catering to this specific niche at the expense of your main audience seems just nutso to me.
THIS. This is why PC multiplayer failed. Gearbox are idealists who are out of touch with the community. They (and a whole lot of other developers) should learn a thing or two from Valve.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Tekno! Let's hook up, I've been playing solo for too long (got some badass weapons from it, but I miss the company)!

And wow. I for one think it's basically awesome in an absurdist way that there is a challenge that could take an entire day. I don't imagine I'll ever be hardcore enough for it... but I don't think that means I won't be able to get any enjoyment out of the DLC. And I'm sure there are those out there who will complete it- the ones who said they were never challenged by the entire game. Wouldn't you be able to have a good time with just the "small tournament?"

Edit: btw confirmed that there is a "deauth" tool for the icky SecuROM install limit, just fyi


Hawkian said:
Tekno! Let's hook up, I've been playing solo for too long (got some badass weapons from it, but I miss the company)!

And wow. I for one think it's basically awesome in an absurdist way that there is a challenge that could take an entire day. I don't imagine I'll ever be hardcore enough for it... but I don't think that means I won't be able to get any enjoyment out of the DLC. And I'm sure there are those out there who will complete it- the ones who said they were never challenged by the entire game. Wouldn't you be able to have a good time with just the "small tournament?"

Edit: btw confirmed that there is a "deauth" tool for the icky SecuROM install limit, just fyi

I'll play with you as long as there are no more leeroy jenkins. And I'm still only 23.


Mrs. Harvey
If Baha were blind, why did he say "You should have seen the look on your face", when he first meets you?

I'm nearing completion of the game. I need the kill trophies for the other classes which should take no more than an hour for them all.

Do you have to get the DLC trophies to get platinum? Or are they separate?
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