Finished The Rithmatist. This is one of the books where, as you are reading you, you think "hmm, this is a pretty good book. Good, not great, but I guess I would read the next." And then when you finish it, it's firmly in the "let me google the release date of the next book ASAP." Sanderson always ends books in a way that leaves me wanting more immediately.
I guess light, non-plot spoilers....
Sanderson will never be able to convincingly capture relationships in his books - it just never clicks. I never really bought into the MC and Melody, and it often felt so forced. There was a bit too much Harry Potter in it for me - magic school, evil teacher who hates the MC, kindly old man who believes in the MC and helps him, dead parent(s), etc.
I'm also not really sold on the magic system. If a bucket of acids negates the magic, then it seems like it would be pretty easy to stop the bad guys at Nebrask. Just create moats of acid? Use hoses? I don't know. Just seems like cool but weak magic.
Anyway, overall I really enjoyed the book and it should be another fun series to follow.
I loved the Rithmatist, the magic concept (once again) felt fresh, and the characters grew on me (though they were weaker then most Sanderson characters).
Don't let the feelings of Harry Potter similarities weigh on you, especially since i had the same feelings when reading harry potter, I swear i read that story before in A Wizard of Earthsea and A Spell for Chameleon