I don't picture Kaladin like the cover at all, haha.
Unsure about the uniform. Shorter, more military style hair. Should have kinda worn, maybe weathered, facial features, kinda grim. Also should have the scar visible.
I don't picture Kaladin like the cover at all, haha.
...BUT there's a novella about Lift coming out in less than a month!Late 2017. I think November.When's the next Stormlight Archive book coming out?
Unsure about the uniform. Shorter, more military style hair. Should have kinda worn, maybe weathered, facial features, kinda grim. Also should have the scar visible.
He has long hair though!![]()
...BUT there's a novella about Lift coming out in less than a month!
My least favorite part of WoR hahah
Sanderson has a way of taking your least favorite characters and giving you something to like, or at least a reason to care about them. Other authors struggle with this. I'm looking at you Martin.
Martin used to be good at this, back in the Clash of Kings and Storm of Swords era. Jaime comes to mind as a pretty classic example of a dude you go from hating to loving in the span of a couple books.
One of his underrated story arcs too, IMO. I was more thinking of like Catelyn Stark who I never liked and.welcomed her death
I'd bet that is exactly what we will have to go through. Other than The Emperors Soul, I have yet to read a Sanderson book that didn't have a lot of unnecessary repetition.Yeah. I largely just felt bad for her, but I think Martin's aim through the first 3 books was to make you care about pretty much every character's motivations, with some small exceptions. Like, Gregor Clegane and Ramsay Bolton are probably the only characters I could really point to as just irredeemably bad dudes in the first few books, with a couple characters you're pretty clearly designed to root for, like Dany, Jon, and Tyrion. The one thing I liked about ASOIAF was the fact that you got multiple sides of every story, like I mentioned with Jaime, but I think you got to see the "well I guess I can understand that" aspect of generally unlikable characters like Stannis, Tywin, and Cersei.
That said, his storytelling is in a totally different style than Sanderson's.To keep it on topic, since this isn't a GRRM thread, I personally had this feeling primarily with Kaladin. I went from loving him when he was first introduced, to being reeeallly annoyed with him, to cheering for him again, to being reeeallly annoyed with him again, to cheering for him again. I really hope that we don't have to deal with another 500 pages ofHe also went into a damn tailspin with books 4 and 5, and I don't really care about how the damn thing ends anymore.in book 3.how much Kaladin hates everything
There was some website that casted all of the Stromlight characters a few weeks back and Sanderson retweeted it so I checked it out.
They casted Dalinar, Adolin, and the rest of the Alethi as Asians - mostly Chinese actors/actresses from what I remember - but I always pictured them as being more Arabic ethnically.
Only physical descriptions were tanned skin and dark hair - that plus the desert like setting of the Shattered Plains, I guess I imagined them as Arabic.
Anybody else in the same boat? Or am I the outlier?
I really hope that we don't have to deal with another 500 pages ofin book 3.how much Kaladin hates everything
There was some website that casted all of the Stromlight characters a few weeks back and Sanderson retweeted it so I checked it out.
They casted Dalinar, Adolin, and the rest of the Alethi as Asians - mostly Chinese actors/actresses from what I remember - but I always pictured them as being more Arabic ethnically.
Only physical descriptions were tanned skin and dark hair - that plus the desert like setting of the Shattered Plains, I guess I imagined them as Arabic.
Anybody else in the same boat? Or am I the outlier?
Sanderson has a way of taking your least favorite characters and giving you something to like, or at least a reason to care about them. Other authors struggle with this. I'm looking at you Martin.
Alethi peoples' eyes have epicanthic folds. So I imagined them as a mix of Arabic and East Asian, with a darker tan.
I think Horneaters are probably the most white-looking people in that world. lol
That's cool. I was close.
So Shallan is basically a Eurasian red-head thing, hah.
I also read Shallan like Sanderson.
From the horses mouth.
Alethi = Hawaiian Asian (But he says some people would describe them as Arab) Also that's Asian in the American sense rather than the English perspective where Asian = Indian/Pakistani etc
Shin are Caucasian.
Horneaters are "bizarre redhead things!"
Also i hate his pronunciation of Shallan hah.
What was the tumblr?
Half way through the Alloy Of Law book. I'm burning through this one like I did the first Mistborn title (the last two were slower reads). I'm loving the Wax and Wayne characters. They're going to make it hard for me to put off the other two books and move onto something else before continuing after I'm done.
All 4 of the Wax and Wayne books are freaking awesome and have so many great characters.
4? Counting Secret History?
There will be one more (4th, Secret History is not part of 2nd Era) Wax/Wayne book but that'll take till.. what, after Stormlight 3?
Yeah. Knowing Sanderson he'll do something crazy like get Stormlight 3 out and then be all "yo, so I wrote this other book while Oathkeeper was being edited.... Wax and Wayne book 4 coming next month!!!"
Ok probably not but a little wishful thinking mixed with how he's had surprises up his sleeves on the last several books like that. We'll probably be lucky to get it late 2018.
I'm predicting the future obviously. Don't rain on my parade!
tumblr links are banned right? It sure but won't risk it. Name of it was "he really isn't".
And I'll clarify that by decent I mean it had helpful information with links, but it was pretty typically tumblr in language and attitude, though I've certainly seen worse.
tumblr links are banned right? It sure but won't risk it. Name of it was "he really isn't".
And I'll clarify that by decent I mean it had helpful information with links, but it was pretty typically tumblr in language and attitude, though I've certainly seen worse.
Never heard about any tumblr ban here. If it's a nsfw link, then yeah don't post it. lol
Yeah, I don't think there's a Tumblr ban on GAF - I've seen links to Tumblr blogs/content in many threads.
I assume Faiz is talking about this: https://kaladinisntwhite.tumblr.com/
At one point, I was a really active participant in the Cosmere Tumblr fandom (mostly contributing art). From my experience, it's on the smaller side but the fans are super passionate and I've made a lot of friends around the world through it. They're just as thorough and detail-obsessed as 17s (so many of them have been RAFOed, hehe) while also writing well about topics like diversity, neurodiversity, etc. Hell, Sanderson has even consulted with fans from the Tumblr side to make sure he got depictions of certain characters right (like Renarin and Steris, who are both on the spectrum).
So if you find something cool and Cosmere-related on Tumblr, share away.Honestly it's just another venue for people to talk about the books and share fanwork.
Tumblr links aren't banned, lol.
Fair enough. I honestly can't keep track lol.
I'd be interested in some of the stuff regarding Renarin and Steris - my son has an ASD diagnosis.
There's not much else outside of the books except a few confirmations from Brandon (transcripts of fans asking "are Renarin and Steris on the autism spectrum?" and him answering "yes"). Though for example, I do know that the box that Renarin uses as a stim toy came about because of discussion with one Tumblr fan who is thanked as a consultant in the forward to WoR.
I'm predicting the future obviously. Don't rain on my parade!
damn I read books so weird sometimes
was reading the second stormlight book and took me 3 weeks to read the first half then I randomly read the rest of it in one sitting
any of the non cosmere stuff worth reading? i'll read warbreaker then move to some other authors for a while but will hit up a series or two later if they are worthwhile
I have heard that some of them are super YA which I don't really care for as a general rule so that puts me off a bit
I have heard that some of them are super YA which I don't really care for as a general rule so that puts me off a bit
In Arcanum Unbounded, do we know how the White Sand excerpt is going to work? Given how White Sand (as published) is a graphic novel and all...
No idea. I've been working on the assumption that it's an excerpt of the original text or part of the script. Could be actual pages from the GN but it would surprise me. Might be some info on 17s or something. If not, only one week till we find out.