Don't forget your sphere frog in the mail. I have 2 now that I'm not sure what to do with.
I can't decide who to sphere frog next. I already did Zelnite, Darvanshel, and Ulkina. Could do Ultor, Elza or Grah. Or I could save it for Maxwell.
I didn't even realize the halloween dungeon required a 5* Ciara
I got her when pulling for Ultor and evolved her back then, and only just recently put her in my squad.
That final boss in the dungeon is kind of gnarly though. Doubt I'll be able to beat it, since I only have two 5* units so far lol.
edit: Uhhh 10/60 cursed bones for the Hallowed Skull. Drop rate doesn't seem great.
I am very disappointed. I got Ciara out of the door. I try to run the Halloween mission and whoops, requires a 5* Ciara minimum. No problem I will evolve. Whoops again I have no fire totem. The Halloween event ends wednesday. What the hell Gumi?
BB10 - 250% and ATK Buff of 95%, but note that the ATK buff does not apply on Ciara's BB. 22 BC
SBB10 - 420% and ATK Buff of 110% also does not apply to herself, and the DEF ignore is now 2 turns and applies on her own SBB. 42 BC
BB10 - 250%, 20 BC
SBB10 - 370%, 38 BC
Also their BB/SBB costs got rescaled so that increasing BB levels do not increase in BC cost.
after players complaining to the smithereens about Ciara and Semira, looks like they will be getting buffs. (source: /r/bravefrontier)
Those are some very nice buffs. Definitely going to use her as my leader now.
I never could farm enough bones for the halloween item, since I've been busy and it's probably way too late now, but maybe I should get those two fire bulbs so I can eventually evolve my Ciara to 6*.
The best place to farm the bones is in the level 1 mission which only costs 10 energy/run. You could easily get 3x the number of bones you need just today if you had to.
probably kajah. Not even sure zephyr's sbb attack up stacks with kuda's.Question for someone that likes to do math: on a OTK squad with Maxwell leader, Kuda, Elza, and Kajah, who would add more total 1st turn damage, Zephyr or another Kajah?
probably kajah. Not even sure zephyr's sbb attack up stacks with kuda's.
Also there really isn't an ideal OTK for maxwell party. replace your other guys besides kuda for weakness will definitely do the most damage.
Question for someone that likes to do math: on a OTK squad with Maxwell leader, Kuda, Elza, and Kajah, who would add more total 1st turn damage, Zephyr or another Kajah?
Should be Kajah. Zephyr attack boost is additive and you'd probably use him 3rd in your sbb order so his buff would only apply to him and Kajah for the first turn. At least that's how I think it works.
According to one of the mods on reddit spark buffs can apply to hits from attack that started before them, so I could actually use Zephyr 2nd after Kuda and Elza 3rd. Not sure if that's enough to make a difference?
The 2 Kajah scenario wins by like 6k damage. Good to know, definitely keeping at least one of my dupes.Simplified comparison using base lord stats and no multipliers and not including Kuda's 100% attack buff or spheres
With Zephyr
Zephyr - 1850 attack, 430% sbb + 40% dark 470%
Elza - 2083 attack, 450% sbb + 40% dark 490%
Kajah - 2232 attack, 720% sbb + 40% dark 760%
2 Kajah
Elza - 2083 attack, 450% sbb
Kajah - 2232 attack, 720% sbb
Kajah - 2232 attack, 720% sbb
Zephyr does add a defense ignore buff which we can't really calculate which would also apply to both maxwells
I farmed the first stage for bones using my Zelnite. On average, I got between 6-8 each run, so it didn't take too long at all [I now have both Halloween spheres crafted!].
Haha, yea. I guess it's easy to forget how item drops can be when you're used to running with a Zelnite. :/Zelnite is too OP though lol. Wish I had him. I get an average of 0-1 bones when I run the first stage without a Zel, and it's about 6-8 when I use your Zelnite as a buddy.
Too bad I can only use it every 3 hours or I'd have this sphere in the bag already!
6 hours left and 9 bones to go. This is gonna be close.
Haha, yea. I guess it's easy to forget how item drops can be when you're used to running with a Zelnite. :/
I wish you luck!
Haha, yea. I guess it's easy to forget how item drops can be when you're used to running with a Zelnite. :/
I wish you luck!
fml. got metal mimic to evolve Ciara but accidentally sold my bat mimics,
Ultor team in Arena is just so OP. Strategy is typically kill 2-3 (4 can happen but extremely rare) in first turn. The other team will be lucky to kill 1 because of defense buff (unlike Zurg teams). 2nd turn can finish the rest off even without BB if there's 2-3 remaining. Also using light units increases the odds because the current meta encourages everybody to use dark units. Never felt so worry free about losing cause of RNG in Arena until now lol
I always gift what people ask for. So no worries there!Thanks! Managed to get the bones by farming the second stage, which seemed to consistently drop at least 2 cursed bones for me. 2,5 hours left, so I had some room for bad RNG.
I couldn't get the friend list to refresh the support units though, which was weird. Pretty sure I waited for over 4 hours and restarted the app. Maybe it's more, or maybe it's random. I'm not sure.
Now I just need 1 honor bone as a friend gift to be able to make the Hallowed Skull. Maybe someone is kind enough to gift one for me later![]()
It can get irritating. :/Zelnite is almost unusable for day to day questing. He gets too much crap and clogs up my item box.
does this work without amajaiofjewoajfo spheres or murmasa or other 1st turn attack boosts?
I've cleared out my Item Box a lot too, only focusing on keeping the essential/hard-to-get items. The other stuff I can just farm later if I need to and, with a Zelnite, it won't take long at all.Yeah, I think I'm just gonna sell every item I have other than honor ones then finish up questing lol.
does this work without amajaiofjewoajfo spheres or murmasa or other 1st turn attack boosts?
Ultor team in Arena is just so OP. Strategy is typically kill 2-3 (4 can happen but extremely rare) in first turn. The other team will be lucky to kill 1 because of defense buff (unlike Zurg teams). 2nd turn can finish the rest off even without BB if there's 2-3 remaining. Also using light units increases the odds because the current meta encourages everybody to use dark units. Never felt so worry free about losing cause of RNG in Arena until now lol
Game seriously needs content/difficulty bump.
I have zero reason or motivation to farm imps or sphere mat because... well I don't need them for anything.