Yeah I can't wait to see what my Semira will be like at 6*. Just got Ultor to 6* and lol that base attack. Starts with 2415 at level 1, higher than most units' final atk stat.
Funny, I pulled a Ciara as well when trying to get Ultor
Just evolved her to 5* today thanks to evo dungeons all being up! Sadly she lost her BB levels when evolving, I wonder what's up with that.
Units lose half their bb lvls when evolving. That's why you shouldn't level bb until a unit is 6* as to not waste fodder, unless the unit is part of your main squad than lvl that unit up.
there is a guide on reddit for arena AI.Arena AI is so stupid. I have full SBB on a unit and it doesn't do it. It just attacks and gets me killed. So ass -_-
It ends tonight at 23:59 pst
Btw has this happened to anyone else? I was grinding Honor points too and now none of my friends show up on the list for helper in quests. I do not mean they no longer give honor, I mean they aren't on the list at all, I only get 5 random non friends to choose from. I tried closing and restarting the game, tried finishing a few quests with non friends, they still don't show up.
TimeKillr, when raids are released you may want dupes. If you really want to save the space though these are the ones I would still keep dupes of for sure:
Darvanshel (two mitigators is really nice for some battles where it's hard to keep one Dshel's BB up every turn, like single target bosses with BB drain)
Others you may consider keeping if you want to run extra crit squads in case your first one dies in battles where you can bring multiple squads:
I think you can safe fuse away all other dupes.
I actually still use Zelnite as leader for harder content instead of Elza. His BC generation is just as good if not better with his SBB buff, plus he can charge the team's BB's mid turn, and he also brings pseudo healing so you can save Ulkina for her SBB most of the time. Still bring Elza for Spark buff, and leave SGX out unless you need the Dark attribute. Mariudeth provides a sufficient crit buff anyway on top of being a heavy hitter.
I use Zelnite as my Arena leader as well, because even before Halloween spheres I was getting pretty much everyone to full BB by Turn 2, especially when Zelnite used his BB. Now with Halloween spheres I not only guaranteed have full BB with everyone by turn 2, I sometimes have SBB by turn 2, again especially after Zelnite uses his S/BB.
For these reasons I gave Zelnite my first sphere frog with no regrets. If you don't want to use Zelnite though I'd recommend Darvanshel. Having Dandelga + Ishir's Guise or other BC gen spheres on him makes keeping his BB up a lot easier.
Ah, makes sense. Yeah that's the team i use unless it's a seriously difficult fight and I can't OTK them with a crit squad + Maxwell friend either, in which case I bring my Lilly.
If you need a Lilly friend you can add me: 8979856094. I don't use her often but if you let me know you need her I can leave her as leader when I'm not playing. She's level 100 but still only BB 2, no SBB yet.
How long was it before you guys got the Facebook gift on your account? I made one to connect last night and haven't gotten anything.
I just sent you a request, thanks!
I think I'll mostly focus on my Zelnite, now. My 2 next big goals are beating Grah (I think I have a good squad for that, and I would probably replace Mariudeath with a Rowgen for extra damage + guaranteed SBB every turn) and building a team for the next FH.
Well for any boss who ignores def he's gonna be useless. Unless you pair him with a mitigator maybe.
You should get it right away. You can contact their customer service using Facebook and they're decent at replying. I wouldn't feel so bad if I didn't get the free unit though. They are practically worthless later on.
He is a gimmick unit and a stand in for instances where reaching the crit cap isn't viable otherwise (IE maxwell friend/w no sgx). Arena he seems fairly strong too since the defense bonus from the LS is worth roughly +16% hp, while also giving crit chance, +50% atk, and elemental weakness bonus damage should it apply.
Consider how we have damage reflect items. Then also consider that he will absorb all damage for 1 turn. With an angel idol, he won't die that round.
Folks have used a similar strategy against Garaham, but with the entire party equipped to reflect damage. Also think about EX dungeon 5 with the 1 instant death round, then 2 instant death rounds. Redirect the damage to Ultor and reflect the damage back to the boss while protected by the idol. That should make the fight essentially trivial. For something like maxwell, you could do the same on a destiny round, but I'm not sure about the long term math on that in terms of damage dealt over time vs. the damage potential of double destiny rounds.
He has such a unique skill that I think players will find ways to abuse that skill on certain maps. With an angel idol, you can do some cool tricks probably.
He is a gimmick unit and a stand in for instances where reaching the crit cap isn't viable otherwise (IE maxwell friend/w no sgx). Arena he seems fairly strong too since the defense bonus from the LS is worth roughly +16% hp, while also giving crit chance, +50% atk, and elemental weakness bonus damage should it apply.
Consider how we have damage reflect items. Then also consider that he will absorb all damage for 1 turn. With an angel idol, he won't die that round.
Did my first "real" attempt at Maxwell... but I was on the subway, so I couldn't count turns. I was able to power through to the endless loop but RNG failed me and she took out my SBB spammers. Oh well.
Edit: Got her on the second try. Didn't even need to count any turns. Team was: Grah lead/Darv/Lilith/Rowgen/Ulkina/Lily lead
What's annoying is that I leveled up and prepared my lily to lead... only to have not a single friend using Grah! Lily wasted.
Oh I already put my Providence Ring on my Ultor. The damage reflected isn't very much though. I think it calculates the reflect damage after the damage is reduced by his massive Def. Though against def ignore attacks that he's surviving with Angel Idol... yeah that could be big.
I wouldn't call him a gimmick unit. He makes bosses way easier unless all they do is spam aoe (or have def ignore), he hits pretty hard with his ridiculous atk and 450% dmg mod on his BB, and his LS is stupid good, especially if you double up on it. I cleared Lance's GGC vol. 2 dungeon with ease thanks to Ultor lead + Ultor friend and nearly mono fire team (Mariudeth for crit buff was only non fire unit). I'm going to see how the same set up goes with the vol. 3 dungeon later today probably.
Careful with the tree on round 2 of that GGC lance level 3 with a fire team. It will use stupid strong water AOEs if you put lance down first.
I'm trying to use Cyclopean Ultor instead of Grah lead. I think it might be useful with the 50% attack and defense buff and his high attack and BB.
I tried it once yesterday and got farther than I have yet. I think I'll get it today. Using Cyclopean Ultor, Lily, Zelnite, Darv, Tree, Lilith
Did my first "real" attempt at Maxwell... but I was on the subway, so I couldn't count turns. I was able to power through to the endless loop but RNG failed me and she took out my SBB spammers. Oh well.
Edit: Got her on the second try. Didn't even need to count any turns. Team was: Grah lead/Darv/Lilith/Rowgen/Ulkina/Lily lead
What's annoying is that I leveled up and prepared my lily to lead... only to have not a single friend using Grah! Lily wasted.
grah's 15% mitigation + 20% health is vital with how important hp is for maxwell.
def ignore makes def not matter much for her fight.
that feel when you pull an oracle of a unit during rates up, and max that unit... then weeks later pull the anima of the same unit randomly from trying to pull another unit.
I guess having 2 rowgens can't hurt![]()
Got 2 Lilith 2 rowgen lol.hurray for my Anima Rowgen, i guess? Only one I have. =o
that feel when you pull an oracle of a unit during rates up, and max that unit... then weeks later pull the anima of the same unit randomly from trying to pull another unit.
I guess having 2 rowgens can't hurt![]()
Request accepted and Lilly is up. Good luck with Grah!
Well, that was.. easy...
I went in to do Grahs. Basically had Zelnite lead + Ulkina + Darvanshel + Rowgen + Elza + friend Grahdens.
Rowgen is SBB1 and even then was *annihilating* Grahdens' gauge. Taking off huge chunks of it at once even without sparking, that was kinda simple.
I'm just a bit unsure for Maxwell now (if I should use dual Grahdens or not) and see what I can do.
Ushi did it like 4 hrs after maxwell hit global lol.Congrats! Yeah Grah's only threat is his scripted aoe attacks, other than that he's pretty easy. For Maxwell you could try your Grah and my Lilly. I haven't heard of anyone using dual Grah successfully, but let us know how it goes if you try it.
Ushi did it like 4 hrs after maxwell hit global lol.
Lol shows what i know. Well then. I guess with constant 30% dmg reduction and 40% hp boost who needs BB spam eh?