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Brave Frontier |OT| No puzzles, just dragons

I don't think Dark is just flat preferable.

I believe that it is preferable in Arena, but still close enough in questing to make there be no real reason to have a separate Arena party to your questing party.

When it comes to questing, both Dark and Light have to be at the high end to survive the opposite quests. Before I had Kikuri and better leveled healers Cordellica's Light regions just demolished my dark party, and no amount of healing items could keep up with all the aoe light damage. When it comes right down to it for questing Lava and Mega are right there with Alice, and since their counter areas are easier, they are actually better for questing.

The problem with the entire Kikuri line (as they are all really good), is that content can't be challenging enough to test them without making it impossible for lesser units to play at all. As a "Special" thing Frontier Hunter did, but it also annoyed the heck out of people. I don't think people would want regular quests to be that hard.


I'm having a tough time getting through the St Lamia dungeons (currently at Blood Woods). I always have to use potions, and it may be because I lead with Royal Elimo to get more heart crystals.

I'm thinking about switching my leader to Nemia (four star) or Zeln (untouched level 2) because their leader skills are good (15% extra attack), but I really don't like Nemias BB skill.

Kikuri has a really nice leader skill as well, but I only have two dark types, so it's not that useful as of right now

Any suggestions? Here's what I have:

Fencer Vargas
Burning Vargas
Lava Phoenix
Professor Lorand

Ice Queen Selena
Royal Elimo

Vine Pike Lance
Gaia Fist Nemia

Thunder King Eze

Knight Atro

Ninja Zoboro
Goth Kikuri


How their attacks hit and how their BB trigger and cover, I'm having a hard time seeing that though. Their raw attributes with the more rare characters were near or at the top too. I know opposites are a pain, but what ends up being worse are fights that mandate that you bring 2&mina regardless. I'd much rather take on a straight water AOE damage team vs my fire team since ore and stones last 3 turns instead of clearing an effect once per each individual character. This would be in addition to carrying 10 cures and divine lights and then argue with myself over whether gambling on not bringing a revive is preferable to fujin potions for that extra oomph later on in the fight.

It would be different if Kikuri did one small tap, then waited 3 seconds, then did a bigger hit out of no where, then sputtered out into 7 more medicore hits spaced a half second apart each. That is just on the execution level without trying to look at stats or acknowledging the mechanics of how frontier hunter calculates points.

Comparitively speaking, there are times where i'll end up killing things off faster when I bring pixie king leore as an assist against fire maps, simply because he sparks better with the rest of my team and can land the armor break status effect against an entire team. It is fairly comparable to bringing a 2nd lava. The raw damage boost is what carries it, but the spark crossover is pure garbage and I know I'm losing out a lot there. Basically I'm just measuring it on how many enemies I can put down in a round on the Ahmdal maps, since it ends up being 1-2 (if not earth enemies). 1 being a bad combination, while 2 being a good combination.
Bringing a topped out lorand is optimal for me damage wise as an assist.


Any suggestions? Here's what I have:

Burning Vargas
Lava Phoenix
Professor Lorand
Royal Elimo
Goth Kikuri

For blood woods? I'd run something like this with the bold in lead. Should burn them down fast. Yeah, elimo and kikuri don't get the damage boost, but kikuri is just good regardless and elimo isn't there for the damage dealing anyhow. Might need someone with a crystal boost item, but other than that, it should tear it up. You have a big heal /w defense out of elimo, HOT from phoenix to keep people reasonably healthy, curse from kikuri for those it sticks to and attack/armor break from lorand when required. Posion should be trivial due to regen, so it just comes down to if you want/need to bring tonics IIRC.


For blood woods? I'd run something like this with the bold in lead. Should burn them down fast. Yeah, elimo and kikuri don't get the damage boost, but kikuri is just good regardless and elimo isn't there for the damage dealing anyhow. Might need someone with a crystal boost item, but other than that, it should tear it up. You have a big heal /w defense out of elimo, HOT from phoenix to keep people reasonably healthy, curse from kikuri for those it sticks to and attack/armor break from lorand when required. Posion should be trivial due to regen, so it just comes down to if you want/need to bring tonics IIRC.
This is awesome, thank you so much! I've pretty much stuck to the same team throughout all dungeons so far, but I really need to adjust my team to the dungeon. This is great, thanks :D


Burning vargas (depending on his level) will probably be your most fragile unit. Although, I don't think you will have to baby sit him too much, but if you put a skill bracer or something similar onto one of the characters, I probably wouldn't put it on him.


Burning vargas (depending on his level) will probably be your most fragile unit. Although, I don't think you will have to baby sit him too much, but if you put a skill bracer or something similar onto one of the characters, I probably wouldn't put it on him.
Yeah, I need to level him. Thankfully, Elimo and Kikuri are the units I've focused the most on leveling so they should be very helpful.

Unfortunately, I still don't have the materials to craft a Skill Bracer :/
Don't sleep on Arena, either. Some of the spheres you get from there are amazing. Heck, I think Sacred Jewel (+15% to everything) is actually one of the earlier prizes. Also, once you get Kikuri, she should never leave your team.

Thanks for the scoop on Karl! I'll get him one day.

EDIT: ...aaaand I'm short on Zel again. Fusion and Evo are just way the hell too costly in this game. It would be nice if they would at least up the sale price of junk units or something.


Thanks for the tips, guys. Just beat the last level in Blood Forest without any trouble. I teamed up with a Fire Knight Lava with that amazing 50% attack boost to fire types ability.

Just got my fifth gem and did a pull - got Knight Aem. Cool. My first Light unit besides Atro


Glad it went well for you. Good times pulling Aem. He is certainly one that is like a swiss army knife where he can be used for a couple different things.


EDIT: ...aaaand I'm short on Zel again. Fusion and Evo are just way the hell too costly in this game. It would be nice if they would at least up the sale price of junk units or something.

More evolutions more problems. I'm considering hoarding jewel keys soon for such an occasion...

Edit: well I just burned through around 250k dragging vargas up to level 80 from level 50. So, i'll be scraping together more cash soon myself as well assuming i can clear the miracle dungeon.
Don't sleep on Arena, either. Some of the spheres you get from there are amazing. Heck, I think Sacred Jewel (+15% to everything) is actually one of the earlier prizes. Also, once you get Kikuri, she should never leave your team.

Thanks for the scoop on Karl! I'll get him one day.

EDIT: ...aaaand I'm short on Zel again. Fusion and Evo are just way the hell too costly in this game. It would be nice if they would at least up the sale price of junk units or something.

Yea but Jewel Dungeon gives a shitload of Zel. I ran it last night on a full bar of stamina, near level up so I could use 2 full bars of stamina on it. That gave me 6 runs on one key, and in those 6 runs I got 500k Zel. So yea, it's expensive, but I don't think it's outrageous given how much Zel you can get from those special dungeons.
Yea but Jewel Dungeon gives a shitload of Zel. I ran it last night on a full bar of stamina, near level up so I could use 2 full bars of stamina on it. That gave me 6 runs on one key, and in those 6 runs I got 500k Zel. So yea, it's expensive, but I don't think it's outrageous given how much Zel you can get from those special dungeons.
I can get 9 runs per key now, which nets me around 600k, but I still just burn right through it, somehow. =(

I'll probably get my EXP to the threshold and run jewels again today or tomorrow.
While not exactly the best in overall stats Unholy Magress leader skill is awesome. +50% to dark unit attack and +10% to dark unit HP.

Current team is:

Lvl 54 (6*) Unholy Magress
Lvl 46 (5*) Goth Idol Kikuri
Lvl 22 (5*) Goth Idol Kikuri
Lvl 74 (5*) Death God Lodaga
Lvl 64 (5*) God Tree Eltri

Going to take a shot at Karl, but feel he will whoop my behind.
Well, I now have a 6* Breaker Magress.

His Recovery is finally getting up to a "decent" level.

Definitely a better leader now than Alice or Kikuri. Whee.
So, the goth idol groups with the magress back stage manager are going to be the new thing that wrecks me in Arena?

I'm not there yet(level 48 atm) but unless Magress' levels do better than I think they will Kikuri will still be better in all ways except for defense. And in Arena 5 Kikuri will still have the Brave Burst advantage big time.

So I assume 5x Kikuri will still rule.


I'm not there yet(level 48 atm) but unless Magress' levels do better than I think they will Kikuri will still be better in all ways except for defense. And in Arena 5 Kikuri will still have the Brave Burst advantage big time.

So I assume 5x Kikuri will still rule.

It's 50/50 that 10% hp plus a medulla gem lets one Kikuri live longer to that bb stage.

Everybody is going to switch to 5 runarith whenever she comes out. (or more like 1 Lugina and 4 runarith).

I noticed that Kikuri's titles changed. Goth Idol Kikuri is now Dark Lady Kikuri. I'm not sure about the others. I think Goth Kikuri is Lady Kikuri.

It was her original name on release, and then they changed it. People hated the change so much that they had to change it back. I wonder if Atro switched genders yet again.

Edit. Atro is a man again.
I noticed that Kikuri's titles changed. Goth Idol Kikuri is now Dark Lady Kikuri. I'm not sure about the others. I think Goth Kikuri is Lady Kikuri.

On my phone, they are now Dark Lady.

On my tablet, they are still Goth Idol.

The same thing is true with God/Goddess Atro.

I think it's just buggy, and probably related to their poor patcher.
Well, I beat the Miracle Totem. They threw in an extra Light Totem for me, too. Thanks, guys. >=(

But yeah, it cost me a Gem. I should level up some more before I attempt it again.
Demon Blade of the Dark vortex dungeon with new unit Maiden Lico is up now!

Edit: Got her on first try! Lvl 1 run to boot! o_O



is there any way to update the game if its not available in my country?
i installed the apk, because germany is not supported...

it always says "unable to connect" if i try to start the game.
Level 3 of the gunblade lady took out my 4600 health Elimo in one hit.

Elimo doesn't have the highest defense, but wow she hits hard.

Thankfully it's all single target, she doesn't have the AoEs like a lot of bosses do.


When it comes to questing, both Dark and Light have to be at the high end to survive the opposite quests. Before I had Kikuri and better leveled healers Cordellica's Light regions just demolished my dark party, and no amount of healing items could keep up with all the aoe light damage. When it comes right down to it for questing Lava and Mega are right there with Alice, and since their counter areas are easier, they are actually better for questing.

The problem with the entire Kikuri line (as they are all really good), is that content can't be challenging enough to test them without making it impossible for lesser units to play at all. As a "Special" thing Frontier Hunter did, but it also annoyed the heck out of people. I don't think people would want regular quests to be that hard.

See I'm having the same type of problem with now - the game gave me mostly Light units (I have a Champion Aem, Holy Shot Heidt, Eight Blade Sefia, Alice, and Vargas in my team) and I'm getting absolutely ANNIHILATED at the last boss of the 2nd region in Cordelica. I'm effectively stuck if I don't spend stones, because that god damn Vampire spams AoE attacks 2-3 times in a row in the fight when he gets lower on health and it's just ridiculous the amount of damage it pumps out, even if I have a friend Kikuri and I spam the defense items on my Light characters he still one-shots them in a single turn, when they're at extra defense AND full HP.

So I don't really know what to do besides spending stones, and it pisses me off because I've been greatly enjoying the game but I'm at a point where it's
A: Impossible to get totems as I have 3 characters that I cannot evolve and who get destroyed in the Totem dungeon
B: All my characters are currently max level, so I can't gain any power
C: Even by maxing out all the defense items I can + healing potions I'm still screwed

I figure the *only* way I could make this work, maybe, is to use a friend who has a Dark Resist leader and hope for the best....
Wow, Karl totally whooped my team and it was BAD.

Then I hit a stroke of good luck and got Lico on my 2nd attempt!

Then the bad luck hit again when I found out she was Oracle type. Her DEF is bad enough and you HAD to give me the type where she loses 400-500HP to gain 100 REC? :(
whats lico's leader skill?

how tough is her lvl 3 dungeon btw?

only had enough energy to try lvl1, which was a bit harder than i thought, mifune died on trash mobs lol.


Are the level 3 of the special dungeons 100% drop rate? I just got the thunder guy from level 3 but he's oracle. I'll do it again if it's 100%
whats lico's leader skill?

how tough is her lvl 3 dungeon btw?

only had enough energy to try lvl1, which was a bit harder than i thought, mifune died on trash mobs lol.

Like I said, she did upwards of 4700 damage in a single attack in her level 3 form.

No AOEs though, but with single targets that high I'm not sure she needs them.


whats lico's leader skill?

how tough is her lvl 3 dungeon btw?

only had enough energy to try lvl1, which was a bit harder than i thought, mifune died on trash mobs lol.

seems like you need ~ around 5k hp 1100-1200 def per guy on Lico's 3rd stage (avoid bringing light for obvious reasons).


This game is an awesome way to keep me doing my speed walking on the treadmill everyday. Only play it while working out and it really works as a motivation.

When I get home I'll add my friend code. I have no friends right now so if anyone could add me that would be awesome
See I'm having the same type of problem with now - the game gave me mostly Light units (I have a Champion Aem, Holy Shot Heidt, Eight Blade Sefia, Alice, and Vargas in my team) and I'm getting absolutely ANNIHILATED at the last boss of the 2nd region in Cordelica. I'm effectively stuck if I don't spend stones, because that god damn Vampire spams AoE attacks 2-3 times in a row in the fight when he gets lower on health and it's just ridiculous the amount of damage it pumps out, even if I have a friend Kikuri and I spam the defense items on my Light characters he still one-shots them in a single turn, when they're at extra defense AND full HP.

So I don't really know what to do besides spending stones, and it pisses me off because I've been greatly enjoying the game but I'm at a point where it's
A: Impossible to get totems as I have 3 characters that I cannot evolve and who get destroyed in the Totem dungeon
B: All my characters are currently max level, so I can't gain any power
C: Even by maxing out all the defense items I can + healing potions I'm still screwed

I figure the *only* way I could make this work, maybe, is to use a friend who has a Dark Resist leader and hope for the best....

You can level up an entire team of non light guys just through regular drops that don't require rare summons. Also, How are you getting destroyed on totems with a full team of 4* guys? Are you bringing 2 healers, divine lights, and fujin potions?


Level 3 of the gunblade lady took out my 4600 health Elimo in one hit.

Elimo doesn't have the highest defense, but wow she hits hard.

Thankfully it's all single target, she doesn't have the AoEs like a lot of bosses do.

Probably had a defense break crack elimo open. I had something similar happen to me on a level 2.
From that pic, it looks like the major downside is that her BB is single target. But hot damn, 1858 attack power on Lord, with no sphere equipped!? That's freaking insane! Breaker with Medulla Gem would probably break 2500.


With attack values going that high, I'm not so sure that they really need to have AOE on the BB. Yeah sure, clearing a group of trash mobs, but against a boss? It really doesn't matter. In the arena I imagine she will hammer down just about anything that isn't sporting over 5k hp rather quickly.


You can level up an entire team of non light guys just through regular drops that don't require rare summons. Also, How are you getting destroyed on totems with a full team of 4* guys? Are you bringing 2 healers, divine lights, and fujin potions?

I don't have healers, so that might be the biggest problem...

I actually managed to beat it this morning with Seals, Ores and Divine Lights. Barely got through with a Kikuri friend that was the only alive character at the end, and pulled it off.. I was freaking out a bit :)

I think I should level my synthesis more because I can't craft Fujin Potions yet - I get Divine Lights from the daily bonus mostly - I was focuing on leveling my spheres, but I think the Synthesis is probably a better idea right now.
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