My suggestions:
Aisha: Guardian and Breaker are both good, but I would fuse away the Anima personally. Too low REC
Elimo: Anima is definitely an order of magnitude better than Breaker, it's probably his best type. Fuse the breaker into the Anima to level up BB
Logan: Tough call here, I think either breaker or Anima is best, but it's hard to decide.
Agni: Fuse away
Lava: Fuse away
Lancia: 6/10
Vishra: 6/10
Lorand: Fuse away
Phoenix: Fuse away (Lancia is same element and better, no reason to have 2 fire healers)
Loch Ness: 7/10 until you get his 6* form and unlock his SBB, then 10/10
Mega: 7/10
Dean: 7/10
Eze: Probably the second worst type IMO, only one worse is Anima. Still, he's better than nothing.
Loch: 6/10
Amy: 8/10
Rashil: 10/10
Weiss: Fuse away
Falma: Fuse away
Emilia: Fuse away
Elulu: Fuse away
Alneu: 9/10, equal to Elimo IMO, but used in different situations
Edea: 7/10
Twins: 8/10, Lord > Breaker
Dilma: 6/10
Melchio: Fuse away
Will: Fuse away
Heidt: Fuse away
Bahamut: 7/10
Alice: 6/10
Lemia: 6/10
Duel-GX: 7/10
Aw I'm sad to hear that Breaker is the worst typing for Eze, Should I not pour my lighting exp into him then? I have quite a few kings saved up to boost him from 4-star (max) to probably (5 star max) if I get the lighting totem tomorrow