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Bravely Default |OT| For the Americas


IIRC neither of those are available at that point.

But yeah, I don't recall that fight being very hard. It is weak to lightning if that helps.

You're right, my bad - although Ninja might be available by then? I forget.

Just stick with defaulting until the energy attack hits and then heal/attack as needed I guess.


Just wait until you get to chapter 8!
Scary! I feel like maybe I am a little underleveled (just hit 65). I find grinding to be a real chore but I can afford the XP egg so maybe I'll do it at some point.

Tiz never seems to not do much damage regardless of how I have him set up. Ringabel is really my only damage dealer. I have Edea set up as a performer who mostly spams One More for You on Ringabel so he can do the thief 2 BP attack. Every other attack seems to do pretty weak damage even though I've bought good weapons. A little frustrating.

Edit: Just tried a few more times.. my god, this fight is just destroying me. Don't think I can beat em in my current capacity. Not sure if it's just the party make up, the level or what.. but it's ugly.
Edit 2: After about 5 tries, I finally got them. Shifted my jobs a bit and got past the beginning which let me get into a groove. Kept losing people early in the previous attempts.


Thanks guys.

I think he was killing me through my defaults which is why I thought element resist might help.

I'll try switching to some jobs with higher HP to see if I can survive the AoE.
Boohoo, Ch. 7
Ominas fight
is just murdering me. I've gotten it down to the last dude several times but always end up being Braved to death right at the end. I guess I should just press the friggin' Start button in those cases, but I keep forgetting because the game made sure to teach me that it's a microtransaction garbage mechanic that I should avoid if I want to play the game "properly" (which I do).

I'm level 75 on Hard mode.

Job Spoiler:
Oh wow, I just got the Conjurer ability "Obliterate" which instakills all non-boss enemies at the start of combat. Ez grind ez life.


Unconfirmed Member
It doesn't quite do that. It only works on enemies 20+ levels lower than you. But eventually that becomes almost everything.


I'm shocked at how much I enjoy this game. Like I was expecting to only have small passing interest as I was playing but I was wrong. I hate random battles. I hated the job system in FFV. I hate a lot of things in most JRPGs but for some reason I'm enjoying myself. I'm so confused what is going on help.


I'm shocked at how much I enjoy this game. Like I was expecting to only have small passing interest as I was playing but I was wrong. I hate random battles. I hated the job system in FFV. I hate a lot of things in most JRPGs but for some reason I'm enjoying myself. I'm so confused what is going on help.

Shhh. No fears. Only Brave now.


Hey guys...

After beating Kingdom Hearts 3D I need a new 3DS game and I'm not sure if I should pick up Bravely Default, thinking of the comments regarding the end of chapter 5 :/
Is it really that bad? Does it get better towards the end or is it beyond salvation?

The game seems to be really fun and the demo was also really nice. It's sad that the story doesn't seem to be that way at all...


Unconfirmed Member
Hey guys...

After beating Kingdom Hearts 3D I need a new 3DS game and I'm not sure if I should pick up Bravely Default, thinking of the comments regarding the end of chapter 5 :/
Is it really that bad? Does it get better towards the end or is it beyond salvation?

The game seems to be really fun and the demo was also really nice. It's sad that the story doesn't seem to be that way at all...

I think it's exaggerated a lot. The last four chapters are basically loaded with repeated content, but doing the mandatory stuff in those chapters doesn't take all that long. The sidequests could be time consuming, but if you aren't a completionist you can just skip all or most of them.

And the sidequests in chapters 7 and 8 are really awesome if you enjoy the jobs and battle system. But if you care 90% about story and the gameplay and systems are just side things then the game is basically going to collapse on itself after chapter 4.
Holy fucking shit at the last bosses and stuff on the true path.

I gave up on the optional fights in the last chapters (at Central Command) and just felt like getting on with the story. Also skipped the optional
final dungeon

I got to the last part of the final boss and got demolished, booh. This game is actually really friggin' hard (on Hard Difficulty), probably the hardest jrpg I've ever played.


And the sidequests in chapters 7 and 8 are really awesome if you enjoy the jobs and battle system. But if you care 90% about story and the gameplay and systems are just side things then the game is basically going to collapse on itself after chapter 4.
Gameplay is very important to me. Ni no Kuni had a fantastic story but the Gameplay was kind of weak and it was way too easy (still loved the game). Tales of Xillia somehow lacked both but was still very fun.
If the Gameplay compensates the ruined story I can still enjoy a game.
probably the hardest jrpg I've ever played.
I don't know if this sounds great or off-putting xD
I remember almost crying out of frustration while playing Final Fantasy IV or beating the optional bosses in other Final Fantasy games^^
I don't know if this sounds great or off-putting xD
I remember almost crying out of frustration while playing Final Fantasy IV or beating the optional bosses in other Final Fantasy games^^

Those are nothing compared to this. The game literally throws multiple fully-powered bosses that were hard enough to fight alone at you. You better have a refined plan going in, and if you're not using guides and such, finding that plan is going to take you at least two or three proper attempts before you even realize what you need to work around.

I've been close to smashing my 2DS into the nearest wall and I never rage whatsoever in general. There's just so much random shit that can go wrong in this game that ends up making it ridiculously frustrating at times. It's the nature of the genre in a way, but rarely is a game this punishing in what it dishes out.

Or you could not be an idiot like me and stick to Normal difficulty :p


Unconfirmed Member
Even on normal difficulty, the sidequest bosses in Chapter 8 can beat a level 99 party with the best equipment in the game if you aren't well prepared. One fight can easily one turn KO you.


Quick question maybe someone can answer...

I'm in chapter 5 and
awakened all 4 crystals (again)
and I have traveled around and
defeated all the job bosses (again)
that I could find but there is still a blue ! still pointing at Eternian Central Command (where the prison is). I've been over every inch of this place twice--day and night--and can't find anything.

I'm not using a guide so I'm not sure what the mark means or if it's something I can miss for good. Anyone know what it is or how to trigger it?
Finally returned to this game, still stuck in chapter 3. Protip: when facing one of the sidequest bosses
, TAKE OFF DAMAGE DISPERSION. My god. I was wondering why no one else seemed to have a whole lot of trouble with the boss in question when Googling, and then I realized Damage Dispersion on two of my characters was basically making my life a living hell and no one else's.

Also, reading the last few pages of the thread, I almost want to stop playing again. Dear lord, how much grinding am I going to have to do in the later chapters? I just hit 40 and I thought that took a while. I already feel like I can't switch out anyone's jobs because it already takes forever to level those up as well (Agnes, for example, feels so useless as a
time mage
because she has no magic attack right now).
Haha, yeah - damage dispersion was completely horrible in my experience. Let's have your low defense characters deal extra damage to those with high defense, great idea!

Grinding is actually really fast in this game. Just find an auto-battle setup that guarantees winning in one turn, make your dudes immune to any status ailments that are relevant in that zone and just run around while watching some youtube/movie or stuff like that. I was at 99 with at least half the jobs mastered before I knew it. You won't need to go that high unless you're doing the crazy optional battles either.


Finally returned to this game, still stuck in chapter 3. Protip: when facing one of the sidequest bosses
, TAKE OFF DAMAGE DISPERSION. My god. I was wondering why no one else seemed to have a whole lot of trouble with the boss in question when Googling, and then I realized Damage Dispersion on two of my characters was basically making my life a living hell and no one else's.

Also, reading the last few pages of the thread, I almost want to stop playing again. Dear lord, how much grinding am I going to have to do in the later chapters? I just hit 40 and I thought that took a while. I already feel like I can't switch out anyone's jobs because it already takes forever to level those up as well (Agnes, for example, feels so useless as a
time mage
because she has no magic attack right now).

If you upgraded Norende to the point where you can buy a Growth Egg, then I strongly recommend throwing down for it. It doubles your exp and JP gain, but reduces GP gain to zero. If you want an easy way to get that, here's a auto money gaining trick that you can use so long as you don't mind leaving your 3DS on for long periods of time.

- Level up Merchant on one of your characters until you unlock Big Pharma at job level 11. Big Pharma heals one enemy, but forces them to pay you money for it.

- Level up Freelancer on all of your characters to job level 2 so you unlock Treat and put Freelancer skills as your secondary on all of them.

- Equip everyone to have as high of a defense stat as you can manage.

- Get into a battle that has at least one weak enemy that doesn't have any status effects. Kill all other enemies.

- Set the 3 non-merchants on your team to cast Treat on themselves. For your Merchant, make him or her brave once, then cast Big Pharma and Treat on his or herself.

- Turn on auto battle by pressing Y and fast forward the actions by pressing right on the pad twice during the battle animations.

- Keep an eye on it for a few turns to make sure that the one enemy does not out-damage your characters' Treat heals.

If you have all of those steps down, then you're good to go. Just leave it running overnight for a day or two and you should have more than enough money to buy whatever the heck you want. Once you have the growth egg, grinding becomes fairly trivial. I just recommend that you don't go crazy with maxing out jobs until around chapter 5. You should be able to manage fine without doing it before then.

Finally finished it. It's a shame that second half put such a damper on the enthusiasm I had for this game.

Same for me. While the story was nothing to write home about and the writing was horrendous, I was still enjoying the game until that chapter 5-8 slog. It was still good enough that I'm excited to see where things go in Bravely Second though.
I've just started chapter five and am doing all the optional sidequests, mainly because I can't bring myself to leave them alone. I know I'm going to end up
awakening the crystals four times
. Will I have to
repeat each sidequest four times too?
. I don't think I'd be able to handle that.


I've just started chapter five and am doing all the optional sidequests, mainly because I can't bring myself to leave them alone. I know I'm going to end up
awakening the crystals four times
. Will I have to
repeat each sidequest four times too?
. I don't think I'd be able to handle that.

Chapter 7 and 8 have different side quests. Those battles are great and should not be missed. In chapter 7, if you do the side quests, be sure to steal from the bosses as they have some good stuff on them.


Chapter 7 and 8 have different side quests. Those battles are great and should not be missed. In chapter 7, if you do the side quests, be sure to steal from the bosses as they have some good stuff on them.

Chapter 6 has one differing quest chain toward the end as well, which is important to do
if you want the last job asterisk.


Quick question: why some of my support abilities that I have equipped are orange?

Also if I equip a support ability that my job already have does it stack??

Like for instance equipping M.Attack 20% Up to my Black Mage.
Quick question: why some of my support abilities that I have equipped are orange?

Also if I equip a support ability that my job already have does it stack??

Like for instance equipping M.Attack 20% Up to my Black Mage.

Orange abilities are abilities that you haven't personally unlocked, but obtained through Abilink.

Even though the M. Attack 20% ability is unlocked through the black mage job, a black mage will still have to "equip" that ability to actually enjoy the benefit. In that sense, there is no "stacking." In addition, specialty skills like "master thief" will be removed/greyed out when you play as a thief.
Probably old, or been posted here, but whatever...

I decided to listen to the vocal soundtrack on YouTube for the first time. So I started the playlist, and let it play while I drive. And then this little track pops up:

At first I had no clue what was happening, but then I realized that it was still BD music!!! Yeah, not really gonna say anything else. Just listen to it and have fun!
Just beat the game and almost choked up! I had a few questions that I probably missed explanations for...

So the Tiz thing is supposed to be mysterious and maybe it implies YOU are the celestial inside of him.

But why are Edeas parents alive? Did she go to a different world than the first one? And did Ringabel go back to his world, but ten minutes earlier? Does the chasm let you travel through time as well?

There are two Ringabels in your first world because Ringabel went through the pillar, but everytime you go through the pillar, should your party already exist in that world?

Good good though, that is an incredible final fight though. I didn't catch the 3DS using the camera until the last few seconds, ha!

Maybe the best rpg ending outside the Mother series. And now I get to crack open my Design Works art book!
So I'm into Chapter 3 and now everything, while complicated at first, has really clicked. I've built up Norende quite a bit (Blessed Shields are practically broken especially in that one Keep). I only hate that Jobs take forever to level up compared to games like FFV and Tactics. I feel that having a cap around 7 or 8 would've been the best. Sounds like I've still got a ways to go.

Just one question though, those blue chests that are locked. Should I expect an item, or is it an ability I need from a certain job like the thief (i took a peek at a job guide on GameFAQs, but I didn't notice anything mentioning an ability to unlock chests). No need to provide spoilerific details, just want to get an idea of what I need.


Unconfirmed Member
You will know when you can open the blue chests, it isn't until around the end of the game.

And leveling up the jobs isn't really that bad, if you're having to grind a whole lot to level it up further you are probably taking the jobs further than the game expects you to at that point. JP increases between chapters are pretty significant and make what was once a lengthy grind into a relatively short one. 7-8 sounds like it should be the upper range based on where you are at, because 9 is more or less the reasonable cap for chapter 4 unless you are insane (or just really, really like grinding).

Also, IIRC, chapter 3 is kind of the worst place for leveling jobs.

I haven't actually grinded all that much. I mostly did it when I decided to turn Tiz into a Red Mage and I spent a little under an hour to boost his levels up. I guess it isn't too bad, but like I said, compared to V and Tactics, it's a little disheartening when you get all these jobs I want to give a try, yet I feel too OCD to give up leveling a job unless it's absolutely necessary. Like you said though, I guess I'm still very early to really worry.


Unconfirmed Member
I found it better than FFV in that regard (haven't played Tactics yet), if only because if you are late to the party with a job you fly through the earlier levels of the job very, very quickly thanks to JP scaling. FFVs ABP don't scale throughout the game so if you decide you want to stick someone in a new job it's a bigger grind (Bal Castle, ho!). But there are also less jobs and job levels in that game, so it kind of evens out in the end.
I found it better than FFV in that regard (haven't played Tactics yet), if only because if you are late to the party with a job you fly through the earlier levels of the job very, very quickly thanks to JP scaling. FFVs ABP don't scale throughout the game so if you decide you want to stick someone in a new job it's a bigger grind (Bal Castle, ho!). But there are also less jobs and job levels in that game, so it kind of evens out in the end.

Definitely agreed there.

I'd say the thing with Tactics is that the game requires you to grind a least a little bit at the beginning of the game. There you have ALL the jobs accessible (you unlock certain jobs by leveling up others, but compared to FFV's crystals and BD's asterisks, they're pretty much yours from the get go). Only downside is the story battles have opponents at set levels, while the random battles have enemies that level up with you. So, if you grind levels too much, most of the game becomes too much of a cake walk. But on the upside of job leveling, you can "buy" the abilities you want with JP, which definitely encourages more experimentation and ability mixing. Just want the support abilities of a Summoner? Just save your points and forgo learning all the summons. And one of the fun things to do with Tactics is make "themed" character parties with generic units making them resemble RPG characters which is easy with a system like this.

It's not perfect, but I hope for the sequel, they can make the job system a little more fun like that. Don't make me go through hours of grinding just so I can have a character proficient in axes.

But like I said, still kind of early in the game, so I can't really criticize the Job system in this too much.
So it turns out I fucked up and didn't get the Pirate asterisk in Chapter 3. Do I have any recourse now that I've started Chapter 4, or am I screwed for the rest of the game? Never mind, turns out you can still
get onto the pirate ship in Chapter 4
. Though that might just be because I'm at the very start of Chapter 4, other stuff might happen later that locks you out somehow. Anyways, game on!


Just finished, whew. I feel weird about finishing it. It was great having the tenacity to finish it, but I also feel cheated in some obscure way.

The complaints about the second half are completely, without any doubt whatsoever warranted. It was a fun experience, but one I'm not over-eager to repeat. I really hope the sequel doesn't pull what this game did.
Just finished, whew. I feel weird about finishing it. It was great having the tenacity to finish it, but I also feel cheated in some obscure way.

The complaints about the second half are completely, without any doubt whatsoever warranted. It was a fun experience, but one I'm not over-eager to repeat. I really hope the sequel doesn't pull what this game did.

Agreed. I just got to the final boss. I was ok with the way the second half started out, but I was tired of it by Chapter 7. I let it sit after I got there and just picked it back up again this weekend.

Speaking of the final boss...

What the hell? I've got two level 98 characters and two level 97 characters and Airy kicks my ass. My party is 2x dark knight / spell fencer combos, 1x spritmaster / white mage, and 1x arcanist / black mage.

I can last through two of the heals she gets, but by the third one it just seems like my healer is out of gas. My dark knights are hitting the damage cap 4 or 5 times per rage, and my arcanist hits for about 3k per action.


Agreed. I just got to the final boss. I was ok with the way the second half started out, but I was tired of it by Chapter 7. I let it sit after I got there and just picked it back up again this weekend.

Speaking of the final boss...

What the hell? I've got two level 98 characters and two level 97 characters and Airy kicks my ass. My party is 2x dark knight / spell fencer combos, 1x spritmaster / white mage, and 1x arcanist / black mage.

I can last through two of the heals she gets, but by the third one it just seems like my healer is out of gas. My dark knights are hitting the damage cap 4 or 5 times per rage, and my arcanist hits for about 3k per action.

Not sure about specifically for the final boss
(es), but I've found that Epic Group-Cast plus Steady MP Recover gives me a pretty solid mana pool and healing distribution for my Spiritmaster/White Mage. If you're still running low on MP, slap on a Gold Hairpin and I wouldn't think you'd run low at all.

Unless it's BP you're short on, which would mean finding other ways of staying on top. Not sure what you're attacking with on the Arcanist, but maybe you could switch one of those two jobs out with Dancer to boost healer BP if that's an issue.
Unless it's BP you're short on, which would mean finding other ways of staying on top. Not sure what you're attacking with on the Arcanist, but maybe you could switch one of those two jobs out with Dancer to boost healer BP if that's an issue.

Yeah, it's BP... and I don't know why I didn't think of that. I don't really NEED the minor damage from the Arcanist, but the Performer would definitely help keep the fairy guard / stillness going. Thanks!


Yeah, it's BP... and I don't know why I didn't think of that. I don't really NEED the minor damage from the Arcanist, but the Performer would definitely help keep the fairy guard / stillness going. Thanks!

Glad to help! And ARGH at me calling Performer "Dancer". I should know this isn't FFV.
Just beat the game and almost choked up! I had a few questions that I probably missed explanations for...

So the Tiz thing is supposed to be mysterious and maybe it implies YOU are the celestial inside of him.

But why are Edeas parents alive? Did she go to a different world than the first one? And did Ringabel go back to his world, but ten minutes earlier? Does the chasm let you travel through time as well?

There are two Ringabels in your first world because Ringabel went through the pillar, but everytime you go through the pillar, should your party already exist in that world?

Good good though, that is an incredible final fight though. I didn't catch the 3DS using the camera until the last few seconds, ha!

Maybe the best rpg ending outside the Mother series. And now I get to crack open my Design Works art book!

I don't think either of Edea's parents died in the world she started in. After beating Oroboros everyone goes back to the world you started the game in. According to the novels Ringabel decides to go back to HIS original world, although I'm not sure if they're considered canon. Your party should exist in the other worlds you visit, but I think everyone's dead for one reason or another in all of them. Pretty sure it's true for Chapter 6.
Thank you for answering! That helps a little, but let me get this straight.


"Our" Edea, Agnes and Tiz come from let's call it "World 5." Ringabel comes from World 6.

In World 5, they kill Edea's dad the templar.

In World 6, everyone but Ringabel died.

But in the normal ending, Ringabel goes back to World 6 and puts a flower on the death site of the rest of the party. In the true ending, he goes back "to the world he came from" and they are still alive and he gets another chance to fight that fucking flying fairy.

Similarly, Edea goes back to her World 5 and her dad the templar is still alive?

And then in world 4 through 1, nobody knows who they are, but there isn't a World 4 Tiz/Agnes/Edea. I do like the idea that coincidentally, maybe Airy killed them all really early in their adventures (Tiz in particular is easy to kill off without Arternis to rescue him from the canyon), but wouldn't the templar or arternis say "Hey by the way, you're still alive Edea?"

So… what?

In short



Unconfirmed Member
I just purchased the game but never went through the demo. Is it worth going through the demo before I jump in?

You get a handful of beginning-game tier items and equipment for completing stuff in the demo. You can also abuse an oversight and get 20 early villagers for Norende which is probably the best demo "reward." Gives you a really good head start on that.

Demo has a few hours worth of content, you might not feel like it's worthwhile if you already have the full game sitting in front of you.
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