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BrazilGAF |OT| of Samba, Carnaval... and letting GAF have a sample of it all!


Ah, vocês estão dizendo que no OT teria mais visibilidade. Bom, não tenho argumentos para refutar ou concordar. Por um lado, a aba do OT é a padrão e, teoricamente, mais pessoas veriam o tópico. Por outro lado, a aba do OT é para notícias e, portanto, tem uma rotatividade de tópicos muito grande; ou seja, este tópico (BrazilGAF) seria facilmente jogado para a segunda, ou terceira página.

Além disso, a aba community existe por um motivo. É lá que ficam, ou deveriam ficar, todos os tópicos "oficiais" (inclusive, o BrazilGAF OT). Imagine se todos usassem este argumento, de "visibilidade", para que seus tópicos OT ficassem na aba padrão? Ia ser um confusão generalizada. O que vale para um, deveria valer para todos. Mas isso contraria o nosso "jeitinho brasileiro", né?

Mas... é apenas minha opinião.

That's nice and everything but you are being naive, no community has liked going to "community" because threads always die there, like my poor, beloved creepy image thread, only the huge communities keep their threads from dying.

Yeah it should be there but there is no reason to actively pursue it, mods don't do it for small communities like this one anyway, unless some junior fucks thing up
I'm kidding :p,

tl:dr let the mods do their thing, enjoy the threads!
You can make most genres sound like pure shit if you post terrible music.

I can find terrible hip-hop songs too. Doesn't mean the genre is garbage.


I don't see anything blatently wrong with the songs I posted.

The music I posted is just a funny funk I wasn't choosing a bad music. The other one you quoted was a parody. I listened to the music you posted and they sound very different than the ones that are played in my region, usually it's something like this http://youtube.com/watch?v=fjX57QNG1c8

I'm not talking all funk carioca is bad, it produced good songs like this one http://youtube.com/watch?v=MXU4Ph9zZWQ


I'm not talking all funk carioca is bad, it produced good songs like

No, it did not.



Blimey, I listened to this song when I was little (7? 8?)! It came on a CD called "Rap Brasil".

The song didn't age well, if you allow me to be this polite.

Oh man, the little me listened to so much crap.

As long you weren't twerking at age 8 to funk, all is fine.
The music I posted is just a funny funk I wasn't choosing a bad music. The other one you quoted was a parody. I listened to the music you posted and they sound very different than the ones that are played in my region, usually it's something like this http://youtube.com/watch?v=fjX57QNG1c8

...what the fuck IS this?

I'm not talking all funk carioca is bad, it produced good songs like this one http://youtube.com/watch?v=MXU4Ph9zZWQ

That's alright. I agree with some in the thread that it hasn't aged well. Much like some of the 80s and early 90s hip-hop.

But man there were so many black people living in the favelas in that video. Wikipedia says that only 7.6% of Brasil is black (less than half of America's black population). I expected a bit more diversity there.


But man there were so many black people living in the favelas in that video. Wikipedia says that only 7.6% of Brasil is black (less than half of America's black population). I expected a bit more diversity there.

It is a little bit more complicated than that because Brazilians are a pretty mixed people.

There are people who don't consider themselfs black that would instantly put in the black group if they went to the USA
It is a little bit more complicated than that because Brazilians are a pretty mixed people.

There are people who don't consider themselfs black that would instantly put in the black group if they went to the USA
I read a book for my class in which it stated that the concept of race varies widely depending where you go. It used Brazil as an example. It stated that you "work your way up to whiteness". Basically the higher your status (i.e. position or salary) the "whiter" you are.
*looks at her sun deprived skin because of freelance*

Not in a way that your skin color changes but more so that if you are wealthy or middle class people see you as white.

That's what the book said at least. I found it odd.
...what the fuck IS this?

That's alright. I agree with some in the thread that it hasn't aged well. Much like some of the 80s and early 90s hip-hop.
This is the usual funk carioca that the "funkeiros" listen to where I live.

But man there were so many black people living in the favelas in that video. Wikipedia says that only 7.6% of Brasil is black (less than half of America's black population). I expected a bit more diversity there.

It's a complicated thing in Brazil, I think many don't identifies themselves as black but as brown and because we're so mixed it tends to generate these statistics.


WHAT THE FLYING FUCK at the Uol Jogos BGS Gallery !

There are pics of Booth Babe's BUTTS there !

Like the actual focus of the pic is taking the picture of a girl's butt and nothing more !

I would link the examples but I REFUSE to give that gallery pageviews ><

Even Jornalismo Punheteiro has less ridiculous things that pass as journalism =/


That's nice and everything but you are being naive, no community has liked going to "community" because threads always die there, like my poor, beloved creepy image thread, only the huge communities keep their threads from dying.

Yeah it should be there but there is no reason to actively pursue it, mods don't do it for small communities like this one anyway, unless some junior fucks thing up
I'm kidding

tl:dr let the mods do their thing, enjoy the threads!

I'm not naive enough, to actually believe that you're kidding.


I'm pretty sure the user was talking about the old gaf joke of junior members being terrible/ruining things or something, not about you.

Nah it was about him and I was indeed kidding.

I feel dirty using bad words, I don't know how that came to be D: (too much "carioques" in my head probably).

I was kidding otherwise I would have said something before Ezalc did, I was just joining the pile on. I won't do it again.


Nah it was about him and I was indeed kidding.

I feel dirty using bad words, I don't know how that came to be D: (too much "carioques" in my head probably).

I was kidding otherwise I would have said something before Ezalc did, I was just joining the pile on. I won't do it again.

It's the funk. It corrupts, it destroys. No one is safe.


I'm not naive enough, to actually believe that you're kidding.

The whole rankism thing is a joke here on GAF. Anybody who seriously does it has actually been banned or at least juniored again. You don't have to take it so hard, he meant nothing by it.

What's done is done. Just move on and let's continue to talk about how awful funk carioca is.


Alguém aqui é fã de quadrinhos ou mangás?

Eu até acho interessantes os quadrinhos da Marvel, e até pensei em acompanhar uma vez, mas sinceramente eu fiquei meio perdido, não sabia nem por onde começar, já existe um trilhão de revistas e se eu quisesse entender tudo ia ter que gastar muito, então vou continuar com o video-game como hobby mesmo, já é caro o suficiente. Hahaha
Alguém aqui é fã de quadrinhos ou mangás?

leio assiduamente alguns mangás(Toriko, One Piece, dentre outros) mas online. Comics eu acabo enveredando mais pra Graphic Novels. sempre que posso, compro essas mais aclamadas, como Cavaleiro das Trevas ou Ano Um. Querendo agora comprar algumas do Superman.


Alguém aqui é fã de quadrinhos ou mangás?

Mangás, aye - acompanho um punhado de séries. Tudo online, porque as coisas que eu leio ou são muito extensas (tipo Naruto, Toriko) ou não saíram por aqui, que eu saiba (tipo JoJo, Vinland Saga).

Fora a de MLP, acompanho nenhuma hq - eu sempre lia as dos meus amigos, daí eventualmente eles pararam de comprar e eu fiquei sem material.

This is beautiful.

I find it nice that this ENEM was more related to what students (supposedly) learn at school - back in my time, it was a bunch of graphs and text interpretation and maybe a math question to put some more numbers on the test. Made the entire ensino médio look pointless.

Almost searched for the test to take a look, but then decided to play some games instead.


Eu até acho interessantes os quadrinhos da Marvel, e até pensei em acompanhar uma vez, mas sinceramente eu fiquei meio perdido, não sabia nem por onde começar, já existe um trilhão de revistas e se eu quisesse entender tudo ia ter que gastar muito, então vou continuar com o video-game como hobby mesmo, já é caro o suficiente. Hahaha

Eu também estava nessa de não saber por onde começar, aí quando começou os novos 52 pouco menos de 2 anos atrás resolvi assinar o pacote da DC, e até agora não me arrependi!

leio assiduamente alguns mangás(Toriko, One Piece, dentre outros) mas online. Comics eu acabo enveredando mais pra Graphic Novels. sempre que posso, compro essas mais aclamadas, como Cavaleiro das Trevas ou Ano Um. Querendo agora comprar algumas do Superman.

Superman Grandes Astros é indispensável. Disparado a melhor história dele. "Superman Terra Um" e "Superman Origem Secreta" também são ótimos.

My TCC was about comic strips =D

That's awsome!!!


My city has a law against hearing loud music on the buss ... which is almost the same as forbiding funk =P

I just remembered my city forces our buses to play classic music (I think it still does at least). Honestly I don't think it works that well, because basically people just turn their volume even louder. :lol It has been quite a long time since I used a bus though, so maybe it worked overtime...

Pessoal vocês costumam visitar algum site de notícias de games nacional? Estou aceitando recomendações
não me venham com o gamevicio D:
normalmente eu acesso o Gamesfoda o Arena IG e eventualmente o Kotaku BR.

Eu sinceramente nem uso sites brazukas pra games, na verdade nem estrangeiros eu uso muito, tudo chega antes aqui no GAF. Mas pelo o que eu vi o Kotaku BR é "decentezinho".

Eu também estava nessa de não saber por onde começar, aí quando começou os novos 52 pouco menos de 2 anos atrás resolvi assinar o pacote da DC, e até agora não me arrependi!

Cara, o problema é que eu sou "completionist" (aquele momento que você não sabe se a palavra existe, e muito menos a tradução pro português, lol). Basicamente, me irrita ter coisas incompletas, tipo começar uma série pela segunda temporada, ou começar algo e nunca terminar. Me irrita mesmo. Então me conhecendo, eu achei melhor deixar pra lá mesmo. É melhor assim. :p


Cara, o problema é que eu sou "completionist" (aquele momento que você não sabe se a palavra existe, e muito menos a tradução pro português, lol). Basicamente, me irrita ter coisas incompletas, tipo começar uma série pela segunda temporada, ou começar algo e nunca terminar. Me irrita mesmo. Então me conhecendo, eu achei melhor deixar pra lá mesmo. É melhor assim. :p

O que acontece quando você descobre que uma série que você assistiu tem um episódio "perdido"?


O que acontece quando você descobre que uma série que você assistiu tem um episódio "perdido"?

Não aconteceu comigo ainda, mas acho que eu me desesperaria. Haha

GamesFoda ?

I use Gaf and "that banned site that you go for nintendo news" for news =P
It is hard for any news that interests me to escape those 2 sites

Never heard of GamesFoda before either. Going by the name I thought it was going to be one of those gaming sites, but it actually looks cool, and the more ironic/satirical approach is kind of funny imo.
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