Sobre gramática:
não cara, isso não é gramatica.
isso que o cara falou é PURA linguistica.
e é tudo verdade.
Sobre gramática:
Why are people celebrating Valentine's day in Brasil today? That shit is only in June here damn it.
Why are people celebrating Valentine's day in Brasil today? That shit is only in June here damn it.
Eu comprei BD no eShop mesmo, mas mal consegui jogar (apesar de o pouco que eu joguei me parecer excelente). Ultimamente tenho me procupado tanto com outras coisas na minha vida que "colecionar mídias físicas" dentre outras coisas gamísticas simplesmente não são mais tão importantes como antes.Acho que video game como um hobby para mim meio que está ficando para escanteio com o passar do tempo. Eu jogo tão pouco comparado com o que eu jogava antes... Não sei se é uma coisa boa ou ruim pra ser sincero. É uma questão de prioridades I think.
Quero Bravely Default, mas o lançamento aqui é só dia 21 :/
Yep, that's true. Felizmente, estou gastanto mais tempo aprendendo a fazer jogos do que jogando. Infelizmente, também estou gastando mais tempo trabalhando do que jogando![]()
E eu que comprei no lançamento e até agora minha ordem não foi processada![]()
But to be honest, I don't think that's a bad thing. The liking for games won't simply disappear. If we truly have it as a hobby it will always be there, even if we set it aside for some time. Like any other hobby it won't earn you any money (unless its related to the area you work with), it will actually make you lose some lol, so studying and working are certainly going to be more important at some point. All you gotta do is adapt to it... Like buying only the games you really know you will enjoy and actually play (hi, Steam Sales)... things like that.
That sucks. Where did you buy it from?
I have a similar sentiment. The kinds of games that I like (quirky Japanese games, stuff like Okami, W101, Xenoblade, Bravely Default, Kid Icarus, etc.) are dying slowly, because Japanese devs are either bleeding, or going mobile (or both). Nintendo, the one who appeals to the types of games I like, are having troubles with Wii U, and because of their relationship with thirds is bad, people are going away from them. So gaming is pretty much dying for me. However, I came to terms with this, and I found retro gaming more appealing right now, so I will probably move to play older games as my main hobby.
My favorite games are also the weird japanese ones and while I don't think they will disappear, I'm pretty sure I will have to learn Japanese to actually be able to play them if things keep going like that. Actually, there are already games that made me wish that I knew Japanese and I'm seriously considering importing Jump Vs.
My gaming habits are weird nowadays but I'm never letting go of the pleasure of owning physical copies of my games. One thing that I'm noticing though is that my patience is much lower. For example, after I had finished GT6 last championship I just stopped playing the game and I didn't even bother trying the S class events (I plan to do that someday though).
Have you sent an e-mail to them about it? Did you pre-order it or just bought on release date? I'm asking that because I noticed that they can't see to actually be able to ship new games on the release date if it's not a pre-order.
My friend bought animal crossing from them last year and it never arrived. Then after some months he complained, and they only gave him a refund for the cost of the game (shipping not included) and that went to store credit. He tried buying Golden Sun from them in December and all it says for the package is that it got to Brasil and nothing else.
He told me that if he gets GS he's never buying from there again.
Called the correios right now. Apparently my game is already in my city but it's in a sede da alfandega. When I asked when I could be receiving it the guy said that he really can't say but if I haven't heard anything with 45 to 60 FUCKING DAYS I should call back.
45 to 60 goddamn fucking days. Lesson learned, the one time I order something delivered straight to Brasil this happens. Never again. Fuck this country's bullshit.
My copy of BD should be here tomorrow. 140 reais but worth the convenience.
FNAC. I was surprised with the speed. The tracking says that it was posted near 22h on friday, but it still got to my city this morning. Too bad they didn't deliver today...Where did you buy it?
I am sure you all have seen it already, but I seriously can't stop laughing at this video.
I am sure you all have seen it already, but I seriously can't stop laughing at this video.
Oi gente, comecei a ler o livro O Papagaio e o Doutor e confisso que to tendo a maior dificuldade entender o que esta acontecendo nele. A linguagem parece muito mais dificil do que esperava de um livro muito mais moderno do que Iracema.
lol wut. Some people are amazing lol
Olha, sinceramente nunca tinha ouvido falar deste livro, tive que dar uma pesquisada no Google. E, pelo que eu vi, o livro realmente usa uma linguagem estranha, a maneira que ele formula as frases é bem "antiga". É um livro difícil de entender até mesmo para brasileiros.
Oi gente, comecei a ler o livro O Papagaio e o Doutor e confisso que to tendo a maior dificuldade entender o que esta acontecendo nele. A linguagem parece muito mais dificil do que esperava de um livro muito mais moderno do que Iracema.
What are the chances of the Skylanders box being taxed in the same way as the inner box since they are both WiiU boxes ?
Ok .... Receita Federal question time !!!!
I heard you like WiiU because there is a WiiU inside this WiiU
My question is....
What are the chances of the Skylanders box being taxed in the same way as the inner box since they are both WiiU boxes ?
Charge at the MSRP instead of the price you payed? I believe they wouldn't do it unless the declared value for the bundle is much lower than the WiiU MSRP/street price.
My question was more on the fact that :
If my friend ships the WiiU simple box, it will be taxed less than the WiiU skylander box with the wiiu in it ?
....what if I put a random Mario there ? xD
The 2000 reais that you find on fnac or the 300 dolars on the USA ?
Because I payed 200 dolars....
The 2000 reais that you find on fnac or the 300 dolars on the USA ?
Because I payed 200 dolars....
300 dollars, if they think the value is wrong. May happen, may not.
A explicação da Sonopress para a recusa de Azul... é que Microsoft e Disney exigem que seus fornecedores não trabalhem com conteúdo de sexo explícito.
Ninfomaníaca também não vai sair em blu-ray no Brasil.
Da reportagem.
Então o motivo pelo qual "Azul é a Cor Mais Quente” não saiu no Brasil são a cenas de sexo ao invés de homofobia...
Bizarro que o Brasil não tenha nenhuma distribuidora que possa fazer Blu-Ray de filme tão nicho como esses .