Brazilian retailer KaBuM! sold "10 PS5 Eiffel Towers" during Black Friday (around 30k+ PS5)

People still think Brazil is the Blanka stage from SF2.
We are the most rich country in natural resources in the world.
Cities and landscapes are beautiful!

Slums, poverty we have in ALL countries.
The real issue here are the corrupt politicians.
You guys should stop destroying all your natural resources, like I dunno maybe cut back on burning down the world's largest rainforest?


We can because we all can create electricity out of our orange fur and green skins... That's how we save money for gaming.

Rolling Video Game GIF by CAPCOM
Reading this topic is odd.

Brazil has its issues but there's A LOT of people with money in there. The country has literally over 210 million people living in it. PS5 selling 30k in 3 days with discounts is not weird in any way.

Some of these comments are totally unnecessary.
Yeah, there are some weird takes and assumptions here about Brazil. The country is one of the most unequal in the world after all, which means there are a lot of people living under the poverty line but there are a bunch of people with enough money to afford anything they want. It is just that simple. And as you said, the country is fucking huge as well.
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Yeah, there are some weird takes and assumptions here about Brazil. The country is one of the most unequal in the world after all, which means there are a lot of people living under the poverty line but there are a bunch of people with enough money to afford anything they want. It is just that simple. And as you said, the country is fucking huge as well.
But i never said the country doesn't have any poverty or issues to sort out. (like many others)
I just said PS5 selling over 30k in a country with over 210M people isn't that weird when there's a lot of people living really well in there.

There's also no reason to bring those issues in here honestly...that's why i said some posts were unnecessary.
But i never said the country doesn't have any poverty or issues to sort out. (like many others)
I just said PS5 selling over 30k in a country with over 210M people isn't that weird when there's a lot of people living really well in there.

There's also no reason to bring those issues in here honestly...that's why i said some posts were unnecessary.
Yeah, it's inevitable for a country this big to not sell a good chunk of units.


People bickering over politics in a thread like this tells a lot about how fucking dreadful the discussion has been here in Brazil

Anyway, impressive number considering its only one seller

Xbox was strong-ish during the 360 era around here due to piracy. They could have retained momentum with the Xbox One, but well, Xbox One shit the bed and MS arent really doing much to change course with Series S/X

The Series S price increase was the final nail in the coffin


According to Ree, XB is the dominant platform in Brazil. I’m kinda shocked by your insights lol
Reading this topic is odd.

Brazil has its issues but there's A LOT of people with money in there. The country has literally over 210 million people living in it. PS5 selling 30k in 3 days with discounts is not weird in any way.

Some of these comments are totally unnecessary.
Yea, a lot of ignorant comments in here. Some people really need to broaden their horizons here and get more informed.



According to Ree, XB is the dominant platform in Brazil. I’m kinda shocked by your insights lol
Excuse Me Reaction GIF by One Chicago

Find better sources

I dare anyone to find a seller reporting Xbox sales during Black Friday that comes close to the numbers reported here


Excuse Me Reaction GIF by One Chicago

Find better sources

I dare anyone to find a seller reporting Xbox sales during Black Friday that comes close to the numbers reported here

I’m not disputing your info.

They’ve got a thread dedicated to misrepresenting the situation on the ground there. I’m guessing it’s like their Japan threads where and increase in 5 units sold is a big deal.
I really thought that a brazilian e-commerce shop build limited editions ps5 with an Eiffel tower flair/theme which cost 30K$ + the price of a PS5 and they managed to sold 10 of those.
I was getting real mad that OP did not include pictures of thoses "masterpieces" in his post before understanding what all of this was really about :messenger_grinning_sweat::messenger_grinning_sweat::messenger_grinning_sweat::messenger_grinning_sweat::messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy:


People still think Brazil is the Blanka stage from SF2.
We are the most rich country in natural resources in the world.
Cities and landscapes are beautiful!

Slums, poverty we have in ALL countries.
The real issue here are the corrupt politicians.
ACTHUALYYY the world's richest country in natural resources is Australia.
And although corruption really is a huge problem over here, even if we wept out every single corrupt politician overnight, Brazil would still be poor. Our GDP per capita is too low.
You guys should stop destroying all your natural resources, like I dunno maybe cut back on burning down the world's largest rainforest?
Like Leonardo DiCaprio helping with his beautiful words while flying your private plane/jet ?

You don't live here, u don't know nothing. Hypocritical.

World changed its climatic state, everything is different, and our forest are fine now.

And STILL, we have not only that also many other elements. We are rich in natural resources.

World no live without us. Research. Study.
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ACTHUALYYY the world's richest country in natural resources is Australia.
And although corruption really is a huge problem over here, even if we wept out every single corrupt politician overnight, Brazil would still be poor. Our GDP per capita is too low.
No, we have refractory bauxite, if u don't know what it is, search.
Still not as rich as Australia.
This sounds like pre-salt oil... More like political talking point than actual wealth
Ok man...I won't discuss with your lack of knowledge of our natural resources.

Take a day and watch and read about Brazil resources.

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The Series S costs as much as a PS5:

Least shocking news of the day.
Wait wait... I read that again and spit out my drink... Serie "S" not Series "X".... Cost the same as the PS5 .. Microsoft WTF are you doing?
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Kenneth Haight

Gold Member
You guys should stop destroying all your natural resources, like I dunno maybe cut back on burning down the world's largest rainforest?
wtf man 😂

Every Brazilian is out there chopping down trees in the Amazon rainforest to pay for their PS5’s, that’s exactly what they’re doing!

I’m sure it’s not their government making unpopular and corrupt decisions. It’s the populous wanting to destroy their natural resources on purpose to fund their gaming habits. So selfish.
wtf man 😂

Every Brazilian is out there chopping down trees in the Amazon rainforest to pay for their PS5’s, that’s exactly what they’re doing!

I’m sure it’s not their government making unpopular and corrupt decisions. It’s the populous wanting to destroy their natural resources on purpose to fund their gaming habits. So selfish
Other countries are not concerned with our forest, people or indigenous people, but with what Amazon can offer to them.

That's the truth.
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Just from Kabum alone is a very impressive feat. I wonder how many units Amazon Br sold since they’re also very popular.

What a shame that most will probably end up playing EA FC which won’t even have the decency of licensing Brasileirão.

Lokaum D+

You guys should stop destroying all your natural resources, like I dunno maybe cut back on burning down the world's largest rainforest?
NO, u foreigners ( US and Europe mostly ) had already explored and destroyed your own shit in order to become first world countries, now let we do whatever we want with our forest.

Also the Amazon rain forest territory is divided among 8 countries, its not like an exclusive thing of Brazil.
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People still think Brazil is the Blanka stage from SF2.
We are the most rich country in natural resources in the world.
Cities and landscapes are beautiful!

Slums, poverty we have in ALL countries.
The real issue here are the corrupt politicians.

People usually don't get the idea, but Brazil has the same size of continental US.

One of the brazilian poorest capitals close to the Amazon forest

One of the richest

You guys should stop destroying all your natural resources, like I dunno maybe cut back on burning down the world's largest rainforest?

Which country do you live in?


Just from Kabum alone is a very impressive feat. I wonder how many units Amazon Br sold since they’re also very popular.

What a shame that most will probably end up playing EA FC which won’t even have the decency of licensing Brasileirão.
Did you have this kind of supply last year or is this the first holiday season of readily available supply?
Yeah, they have no idea what they are talking about...

I don't want to get a warning, so i will stop talk offtopic or politics, but those lies and xenophobic morons are on their place now.

I also think mods should not permit xenophobic stuff or offtopic replies in threads about sales or etc etc.
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I think some of that deforestation is to clear land to raise cattle to give us cheap McDonald's/fast food hamburgers...
It's actually a serious problem that deforestation is being used to create pastoral land so cattle farmers can raise beef for export. However most of exported Brazilian beef is sent to China, which accounts for almost 50% of beef exports. Most of the rest goes to other Asian countries. The West is by and large not responsible for Brazilian beef imports which destroy the Amazon rainforest, although ultimately it doesn't matter if it's China or anyone else, the rainforest is still being destroyed.
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It's actually a serious problem that deforestation is being used to create pastoral land so cattle farmers can raise beef for export. However most of exported Brazilian beef is sent to China, which accounts for almost 50% of beef exports. Most of the rest goes to other Asian countries. The West is not responsible for Brazilian beef imports which destroy the Amazon rainforest, although ultimately it doesn't matter if it's China or anyone else, the rainforest is still being destroyed.

What exactly has that got to do with this thread....????
Every country is exploiting something whether it's resources, or people, or it's history or whatever.
If you have some weird crusade against deforestation, or brazil, go make some thread in off-topic.

Anyway: Good job brazil for the numbers.


Did you have this kind of supply last year or is this the first holiday season of readily available supply?
Good question. I don't think there are any official numbers, but I recall seeing PS5s at a discount during 2022 Black Friday.

It was out of order basically the whole of 2021 though.

According to Ree, XB is the dominant platform in Brazil. I’m kinda shocked by your insights lol
There was also the fact that Xbox consoles were much cheaper in Brazil because they were locally produced and thus avoid the 100% luxury goods tax. But that was a long time ago and I don't remember if this changed...

Okay, I was out of date, the tax had long since reduced to 20%. THAT explains why Playstations are now affordable there. And thus Xbox lost it s advantage.


You guys should stop destroying all your natural resources, like I dunno maybe cut back on burning down the world's largest rainforest?
Keep complaining and we will burn it to the ground just to piss you off, seriously though, there are people there who need to survive, and when you need to eat they won't bother with the rainforest, they do what they have to.

Where are all the Hollywood and the International community now? The rainforest is still burning under Lula, and with a new record too! We don't see a single comment from the caviar left, where is DiCaprio and Greta and their lackeys? Oh no they don't have the Trump of the trophics anymore, they have a compassionate leftist progressist corrupt president now so the burning is allowed!

The international community should be honest with their desire, they don't care about the rainforest, they care about the untaped resources, and with Lula they can explore it.
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It's actually a serious problem that deforestation is being used to create pastoral land so cattle farmers can raise beef for export. However most of exported Brazilian beef is sent to China, which accounts for almost 50% of beef exports. Most of the rest goes to other Asian countries. The West is by and large not responsible for Brazilian beef imports which destroy the Amazon rainforest, although ultimately it doesn't matter if it's China or anyone else, the rainforest is still being destroyed.
Are We Live Fx GIF by BasketsFX

Lokaum D+


According to Ree, XB is the dominant platform in Brazil. I’m kinda shocked by your insights lol
it absolutely was in X360 era due piracy, piracy was huge on Xbox console and Nintendo Wii, PS3 was too expensive to buy it ( it released over here around U$ 4000 ) and it was too expensive to jail break at that time, with the PS4 launch and Xbox One bad pr, games and focus on Tv, Xbox brand took a nose dive over here, since PS4 had better games and our economy was a little better, a lot ppl just bought a PS4.

With the release of this Gen, i can say that Xbox Series S was the best for your buck over here, but now that cost the same as a PS5 and XSX it just dead.

In short i think Xbox brand its not huge as it once was here. PS and Xbox share the market at 50% - 40% with the last 10% for the Nintendo console.
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Yeah, they have no idea what they are talking about...

I don't want to get a warning, so i will stop talk offtopic or politics, but those lies and xenophobic morons are on their place now.

I also think mods should not permit xenophobic stuff or offtopic replies in threads about sales or etc etc.

They always allow it. It's been that way for over a year or two.

Lokaum D+

Yeah, they have no idea what they are talking about...

I don't want to get a warning, so i will stop talk offtopic or politics, but those lies and xenophobic morons are on their place now.

I also think mods should not permit xenophobic stuff or offtopic replies in threads about sales or etc etc.
i don't know if people are too sensitive, but as a brazilian i didnt get offended by anything that was said is this thread, if some ppl are been stupid, just educate them or ignore it and don't get offended by everything on the internet, maybe i m too old to get all fired up because someone that i never ever have seeing in my life made a wrong asumption or is talking trash about my country, there is a lot of more important things in this world to get upset for.
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