RaidenZR said:
Everything Vince says about subtlety in storytelling and how much ambiguity is appropriate is completely at odds with how overboard they go in the finale. The depiction of Gus' death and the overdone reveals of the "Lily of the Valley Poison Plan" are the antithesis of subtle, really.
You're conflating subtlety in storytelling with subtlety in exposition. Breaking Bad has very very very very very very very very very rarely been subtle in its story telling. Axes, hollow points, blowjobs, forty page monologues, 10 year olds shooting dudes, dudes shooting 10 year olds, getting your picture taken between boobies, planes crashing together, choking to death on vomit, throwing money into passed out dudes' mouths, throwing pizza onto the roof of a house, blowing a up a car instead of returning it, blowing up a car because a dude was mean to you, tripping on a rug and dying, trying to get your friend to get some sleep by spiking his coffee with like eight sleeping pills, trying to deal meth in a support group for drug addicts, crushing someone's head with an ATM machine, dissolving someone in acid, failing to dissolve someone in acid properly so that their remains fall through the floor itself landing in a hallway, poisoning eight drug capos with tequila, cutting someones head off and putting it on a turtle but not before loading that head with explosives, running over two drug dealers and shooting one in the head when he tries to crawl away, shooting a meth cook in the face to avoid potential discomfort, housewives stealing antique spoons, housewives stealing baby tiaras, housewives thinking baby tiaras are a suitable shower gift, wearing purple in literally every scene you've ever been in except one, changing your name to "Flynn," and ignoring God himself telling you to move to Colorado.
Exposition is something completely different.