Lord Voldemort
Do you have a link to this?chaoticprout said:There's a Spotify playlist with (almost) all Breaking Bad songs on it. Pretty awesome.
Do you have a link to this?chaoticprout said:There's a Spotify playlist with (almost) all Breaking Bad songs on it. Pretty awesome.
ZAK said:Walt has definitely shown that he cares about Jesse for some reason or another. The entire shitstorm that is this season was caused, after all, because Walt went to save Jesse from his own dumb ass when we just had to go and try to kill two drug dealers. In a blink of an eye, he ran out on his family and doubled his kill count, all to save Jesse.
Now, that was a season ago. Since then, I don't recall that he's really done anything that indicates he cares about Jesse at all. At this point I would believe that he no longer cares about him, and just uses him to do his bidding when it's convenient. If he did care, though, I could believe that too. They've already had so many ridiculous ups and downs together.
Theres the old saying attributed to Billy Wilder, who said, If you give the audience two plus two, and you let them add it up so it equals four, theyll love you forever. I think what he meant by that is its always best not to spoon-feed the audience. The audience is plenty smart on their own, and theyre perfectly capable of adding two plus two. Thats something we typically like to do on Breaking Bad, to hint at things and imply things. Its not out of a desire to be unnecessarily coy or cutesy. Its just that subtle storytelling interests me more. At the end of the day my writers and I are the first viewers of the show, and we try to tell the kind of story that we ourselves would be intrigued and entertained by. I think the seven of us prefer subtle storytelling that doesnt hit you over the head, that doesnt shake you until you understand every last detail.
You can't possibly look at some of the ridiculous speculation in this thread and not understand why they have to at least come close to explicitly stating their intentions with some of this stuff. There's a huge difference between being direct and being overly obvious. Had they not shown the name of the plant, this thread would be twice as long and filled with idiotic "b...but maybe Walt didn't poison him, they could have just been showing his favorite plant!" theories. They have to play to the smart viewers as well as the ones who think the Gus death scene was bad, so not everything is going to be whisper-subtle. They showed a plant with a label on it, they didn't show a flashback of Walt laughing maniacally as he picks berries off the plant, which I think was what Gilligan's point was.SpeedingUptoStop said:The plane crash, lilly of the valley reveal...
Completely wrong. Having light moments /= comedy.Trent Strong said:I wouldn't like Walt either, if this show was actually meant to be a completely serious drama. But it's a least half a comedy, with a lot of that comedy coming from Walt. This show isn't The Wire, you're meant to be laughing half the time.
Jesse shooting Gale...wait, fuckSpeedingUptoStop said:The plane crash, lilly of the valley reveal...
RobotNinjaHornets said:Jesse shooting Gale...wait, fuck
Yeah Gilligan had to come out and say it wasn't meant to be ambiguous.TrumanBurbank said:Haha, I still remember some people wondering if Jesse did in fact shoot Gale. The internet is weird sometimes.
_dementia said:Yeah Gilligan had to come out and say it wasn't meant to be ambiguous.
I don't accept your conclusion based on just this, but that is still a good piece of evidence.Attackthebase said:This biggest factor Walt still cares for Jessie is the episode after the fight scene between the Walt and Jess. Remember when Walt was drugged up and missed Junior's birthday? Junior came over (I can't remember if he was in the room when this occurred), and Walt started to cry about how he fucked things up with Jessie and how much regret he had for screwing it up.
Hell, Walt even called Walt Jr. fucking Jessie; Walt loves Jessie more than his son.
Skinny Pete and Badger are my favorite part of Breaking Bad, bar none. They are literally your nerdy childhood friends who got addicted to meth.bud said:skinny pete's description of combo's funeral is the most accurate description of a funeral ever: "man, it was, like... emotional."
Snuggler said:I'm just a humble motherfucker with a bigass dick.
shadyspace said:Skinny Pete and Badger are my favorite part of Breaking Bad, bar none. They are literally your nerdy childhood friends who got addicted to meth.
BruceLeeRoy said:I keep waiting for the show to give us more backstory on Walt. I am still not sure what the huge falling out between him and his partners was. Why he chose the path of life that ends with him being a high school teacher and not a brilliant chemist.
http://blogs.amctv.com/breaking-bad/2011/06/season-4-music.phpbangladesh said:Anyone know the name of the track that played during the torching of the super lab?
The Taalbi Brothers, "Freestyle"bangladesh said:Anyone know the name of the track that played during the torching of the super lab?
Cornballer said:
Do what I'm doing and watch seasons 1-3 on netflix.Fry8 said:Suddenly I don't feel like watching my other shows.
Breaking Bad was the only good one anyway.
-Pyromaniac- said:Some loose ends that will definitely be part of next season:
1) Mike returning to find out what happened, but he owes Jesse one
2) Jesse cluing into the fact that Walt poisoned the kid. The kid will eventually feel better, note that he hasn't been near any plant or whatever, Jesse will ponder how his ricin got missing if Gus knew nothing about it. He'll put it all together or get close.
3) Ted, alive or dead. I don't think we have confirmation on that do we?
4) Someone killed Gus, that someone is who Hank will be after (Walt)
5) Cartel in some way
6) Walt's cancer
What else am I missing...there's other stuff too.
_dementia said:I thought the show had dark comedy elements but that was early on.
Well, I guess that tone returned with Ted's death and such.
I don't remember what Gretchen said, but here is my take based on what I remember.BruceLeeRoy said:I keep waiting for the show to give us more backstory on Walt. I am still not sure what the huge falling out between him and his partners was. Why he chose the path of life that ends with him being a high school teacher and not a brilliant chemist.
Its actually pretty crazy how Walt and Jesse are pretty much scotch-free after all that happened. The only evidence there could be is Gus' cameras but even then those were likely only live feeds. Lol maybe Jesse's fingerprints in Gus' house?Harry Dresden said:Gus's entire death, along with the super-lab being blown up, can be attributed to Cartel/Drug War/Revenge.
Walt doesn't factor into it.
I agree. This comes even more into play when Hank is giving credit to Gale for Heisenberg's formula, which Walt, or rather his ego, couldn't take. Which is why he single handedly reopened his own case.ZAK said:I don't remember what Gretchen said, but here is my take based on what I remember.
I think Walt needs to be the smartest, the one genius that everyone looks up to. If he worked as a brilliant chemist, it'd be among brilliant chemists. He wouldn't stand out. I think that may have also been the reason he booted Gale out in the first place: he was threatened by his intellect. He was no longer "the chemist." Gale was catching up too quickly. This kind of desire may also be the reason he became a teacher in the first place.
I'm guessing the videotape of Jesse cooking meth in Mexico will come back into play.FantasticMrFoxdie said:Its actually pretty crazy how Walt and Jesse are pretty much scotch-free after all that happened. The only evidence there could be is Gus' cameras but even then those were likely only live feeds. Lol maybe Jesse's fingerprints in Gus' house?
Wow!Cornballer said:
Stet said:Did anyone else find it hilarious and disturbing that even after Gale was dead they all continued to use his ingenius coffee maker without even blinking an eye?
_dementia said:Yeah Gilligan had to come out and say it wasn't meant to be ambiguous.
I'm pretty sure it is a broadcast thing. The DVDs have some stuff the show didn't have while it was airing. The first thing that springs to mind would be the nudity in the first episode.macuser1of5 said:quick question: the first episode on netflix is censored (fuck, shits, etc); are the dvds like this too or was this a broadcast thing?
yeah but this is Hank, he'll find a way to make more sense of it than assuming cartel did it.Harry Dresden said:Gus's entire death, along with the super-lab being blown up, can be attributed to Cartel/Drug War/Revenge.
Walt doesn't factor into it.
Good to know, thanks. I want to get the first few seasons for my wife's parents.dsister44 said:I'm pretty sure it is a broadcast thing. The DVDs have some stuff the show didn't have while it was airing. The first thing that springs to mind would be the nudity in the first episode.
Harry Dresden said:Gus's entire death, along with the super-lab being blown up, can be attributed to Cartel/Drug War/Revenge.
Walt doesn't factor into it.
WaitaminnitFantasticMrFoxdie said:The only evidence there could be is Gus' cameras but even then those were likely only live feeds.
Maybe Walt used his lunch breaks at the car wash to do some volunteer work!Exclamation-One said:Waitaminnit
Are you telling me there's no SECURITY CAMERAS at the old folks home!?
In a place where there are old folks who could croak at any moment, and nurses who serve as caretakers, there's no way a place like that doesn't have a security system in place. They'll need to cover their asses in case of any sort of malpractice.
When the investigation of the explosion takes place, Walt is as good as dead in the water.
macuser1of5 said:I can't remember, was he wearing his 'heisenberg' hat in the senior center? I wonder if that will be enough to obscure his facial features if the security cameras do come into play.
He was hatless there.macuser1of5 said:I can't remember, was he wearing his 'heisenberg' hat in the senior center? I wonder if that will be enough to obscure his facial features if the security cameras do come into play.
He wore the hat when he was walking toward Gus' house earlier in Season 4.Snuggler said:I don't think he's busted out the hat since season 2.
Exclamation-One said:Waitaminnit
Are you telling me there's no SECURITY CAMERAS at the old folks home!?
In a place where there are old folks who could croak at any moment, and nurses who serve as caretakers, there's no way a place like that doesn't have a security system in place. They'll need to cover their asses in case of any sort of malpractice.
When the investigation of the explosion takes place, Walt is as good as dead in the water.
Cornballer said:
.dave is ok said:I'd venture as far as to guess that most nursing homes do not have cameras