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Breaking Bad - Season 4 - Sundays on AMC

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DeathNote said:
Alright so I guess that brings me to two questions.

1. Anyone know if other scenes are removed on netflix?
2. Are the blu-ray discs uncensored?

Not sure about the Blu-Ray discs, but on Netflix streaming, aside from words like "fuck", everything else is there I believe. Including the Ebay handjob scene.


maharg said:
It's ok, I think you jump to wacky conclusions on pretty much everything. Including this.

I don't know about that. I'd say putting Walter White below a man who SHIELD SEASON 1 SPOILER
murders a fellow cop and fellow team member in the series pilot
on the moral scale is a good deal wackier than anything I've managed to come up with.


DeathNote said:
zommmggg spoilers.

i just started season 1 on netflix and cuss words are censored?

is it censored on amc? discs?
Damn that's lame. I would have assumed Netflix had it uncensored.

I want to the scene with Walt and Gretchen at lunch to be seen in its full glory.


whelp, thanks guys.

unless someone has a good disc/netflix comparison (pm me if so) i'll probably mail in the discs i have and rent the first two discs and see what i can compare. probably just randomly selected episodes.

i'm gonna head out of here for obvious reasons


Trent Strong said:
I wouldn't like Walt either, if this show was actually meant to be a completely serious drama. But it's a least half a comedy, with a lot of that comedy coming from Walt. This show isn't The Wire, you're meant to be laughing half the time.

It's a comedy in the sense that it uses dark humor, since real life can be absurd and hilarious.

Lack of realism doesn't make Walter White any less of a horrible person.


Trent Strong said:
I wouldn't like Walt either, if this show was actually meant to be a completely serious drama. But it's a least half a comedy, with a lot of that comedy coming from Walt. This show isn't The Wire, you're meant to be laughing half the time.
Since when is The Wire not funny?


Puddles said:
I don't know about that. I'd say putting Walter White below a man who SHIELD SEASON 1 SPOILER
murders a fellow cop and fellow team member in the series pilot
on the moral scale is a good deal wackier than anything I've managed to come up with.

I feel like you have some kind of selective memory about Walt and killing. He's killed or been involved in killing plenty of people at this point, including shooting two in the latest episode.

The difference here is that I think they're both very bad people (and love their respective shows for showing them to me). I compared them pretty much entirely for the lols. You actually think Walt is a good person, though, which puts your moral scale somewhere in weirdsville.
Cohsae said:
Since when is The Wire not funny?
Herc: At this rate, we're never gonna get the desk in.
McNulty: IN?

maharg said:
I feel like you have some kind of selective memory about Walt and killing. He's killed or been involved in killing plenty of people at this point, including shooting two in the latest episode.

The difference here is that I think they're both very bad people (and love their respective shows for showing them to me). I compared them pretty much entirely for the lols. You actually think Walt is a good person, though, which puts your moral scale somewhere in weirdsville.
Shield ep 1 spoilers still.
But they weren't COPS

Note: I'm on your side, that sentence wasn't meant to be completely serious
Speevy said:
It's a comedy in the sense that it uses dark humor, since real life can be absurd and hilarious.

Lack of realism doesn't make Walter White any less of a horrible person.

Yeah, he's a horrible person, but I still like the character because of all the goofy stuff he does. But not all the humor is dark. There's a lot of physical comedy, or just sublte jokes like Walt constantly having to get his car windshield repaired every other episode in one of the seasons.

Cohsae said:
Since when is The Wire not funny?

The Wire has funny moments, but it's meant to be pretty realistic. I don't think Breaking Bad is trying to be realistic at all. It has a lot of absurd stuff in it.


Why would you be on his side?

Kills crazed dealer, two bangers who had already murdered a child, and two of Gus's henchmen.

Kills upstanding police officer.

They aren't even close to the same. It's like comparing Amir0x to Sam Fisher in home invasion ability. Different leagues.


Wickwire said:
The last shot of gus' car and the pollos hermanos emblem indicating that gus has a brother? I agree with the previous comment about walt trying to set up a new lab at the car wash.

I thought Pollos Hermanos was named for Gus and
his partner who was killed by Don Eladio several years earlier


^ Jesus it's like some people don't even pay attention to the show they're watching...

Also I'm so sick of people complaining about the Gus two-face scene. That sort of shocked reaction is totally possible, in fact I'm pretty sure I saw it on House.
xbhaskarx said:
^ Jesus it's like some people don't even pay attention to the show they're watching...

Also I'm so sick of people complaining about the Gus two-face scene. That sort of shocked reaction is totally possible, in fact I'm pretty sure I saw it on House.
Lol justifying something as plausible on tv because I saw it on tv, Lol!


I could never get into The Wire for some reason, even though I forced myself to grind through almost all of it.

I found myself fairly amazed at some individual scenes/episodes, but overall it just never did it for me. I also think its realism is overblown, with almost all of that realism concentrated on the cops while the criminals are almost cartoonish and, imo, pretty shallow. Not surprising given that it was created by cops and crime journos.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Poimandres said:
I don't want to start *this* again, but The Shield showed that a main character can be very bad but if tempered with likeable qualities or relatable traits the audience won't turn their backs in disgust. I like Walt, even if he is a terrible person.

Not a very good example, Mackey does one of the worst things he ever did in the very first episode of the series. So you knew what to expect of him. Plus he always justified himself as the buffer that keeps "better" drug dealers in power, and that he stole money or drugs from criminals, not tax payers. He saw himself as preventing even worse bad guys from being in control.

And I'm sure everybody who watched The Shield hated Mackey by the end. While Mackey has charm, Walt is to me easier to like since you get the feeling that a lot of his behavior comes down to regular human nature (caring for your family, justifying your actions depending on the people around you) and survival instincts.

Black Mamba said:
yeah, um..


I'm not saying that Walt doesn't do bad stuff, I'm saying that he justifies by comparing himself to the people around him (even worse drug dealers). The reason he's "breaking bad" is because of how he adjusts his moral attitude to that of his peers.

If the show doesn't constantly have characters on that are worse than Walt, then there would be no reason to have any interest in Walter anymore. He'd just be bad, rather than breaking bad (re: getting worse than whatever point he is at).

shadyspace said:
Agreed on all points. Particularly
Vic actually being a force of good for some people, despite his sometimes reprehensible behavior. In fact, even some of his more morally gray acts were as a result of him genuinely caring about people. Walt couldn't give exactly one shit that a good friend of Jesse's got killed dealing his product. Vic burned half of Armadillo's face off just because the guy killed a drug dealer Vic was friendly with.

It was obviously an awful thing to do but I think the difference between Vic giving up Ronnie and a hypothetical in which Walt gives up Jesse is that I have no doubt in my mind that Walt wouldn't feel one ounce of guilt in doing so. Vic was clearly and legitimately anguished over his decision. Plus, he was under the impression that he was up against a ticking clock. He tried to get Ronnie immunity the best he could given the circumstances. But of course when push came to shove he protected himself first and foremost.

Regarding Armadillo
I have to disagree there, Armadillo killed a drug dealer that Vic had a financial relationship with in order to muscle in on his territory. It felt like Vic burned his face partly because of rage and partly to intimidate him. Vic was never like Shane who would piss on a random gangbanger just for fun but I don't think Vic ever really liked any drug dealer that much.

And I'm pretty sure Combo died before Walt considered Jesse a good friend. Both Walt and Jesse made it clear to Gus that they would refuse to work if Gus did anything to hurt their partner. It's interesting that Walter has started to love Jesse more as he got worse morally.


Another strike against Walt is that he's cooking crystal meth for christ sakes. Who knows how many lives he's indirectly destroyed with his product.


If I ever 'love' someone and show it by poisoning someone they care about to convince them to risk their life for me, I hope they kick my ass and dump me out of their life.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
maharg said:
If I ever 'love' someone and show it by poisoning someone they care about to convince them to risk their life for me, I hope they kick my ass and dump me out of their life.

You can't justify what Walt does but you can't say that he doesn't care about Jesse. It's a very weird connection like I said, it seems the more he gets attached to Jesse the worse the actions he is able to justify.
About Vic Mackey,
killing the cop in the first episodes is worst than anything Walt ever did, like really.

But I still sympathize and I loved Vic and rooted for him.

@Moniker: Jesus christ almighty................ He cooks the product, he's not the one who forces it into anyone's hands, the customers make that choice, that doesn't make him responsible in any way possible.


Al-ibn Kermit said:
You can't justify what Walt does but you can't say that he doesn't care about Jesse.

I can, I did, and I continue to. Jesse is Walt's monkey. Dance, monkey, dance! Walt says, and Jesse dances.

Re The Shield and the Vic's actions in the first episode:
First, I rank poisoning a child to manipulate a third party much worse. Yes, I really do. Terry was a cop, but Brock was a fucking child. And a completely innocent one at that. And I find it really hilarious how people have backtracked from considering that something outside Walt's moral range to something to be brushed off and ignored.

Second, it's really silly to rant about moral relativism and then ignore that in Vic's own moral code, Terry was something very bad. He was a snitch, and he was threatening Vic's livelihood and that of his family. I see no reason to think Walt wouldn't have done the same.


maharg said:
I can, I did, and I continue to. Jesse is Walt's monkey. Dance, monkey, dance! Walt says, and Jesse dances.

I agree with you partially. Up to this point Jesse was of value to Walt. He may not have necessarily cared about Jesse's well being but his existence was important. It gave Walt leverage against Gus, etc. Now, Walt doesn't need Jesse at all, so no reason to manipulate him either.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Think Jesse is my favorite character in the show.. Just started season 4
Alright, even I think The Shield discussion is getting out of hand now (you guys who haven't really should start a watch through thread) but Re: SHIELD EP 1 SPOILERS
Fuck Terry Crowley. Guy was a rat, I don't look at it as any different than Tony Soprano offing some random informant. I don't think being a cop automatically makes you more "valuable" of a person either.


Al-ibn Kermit said:
You can't justify what Walt does but you can't say that he doesn't care about Jesse. It's a very weird connection like I said, it seems the more he gets attached to Jesse the worse the actions he is able to justify.

I think there's a distinction to be made. Jesse is valuable to Walt. So Walt does go out of his way to save him on multiple occasions. That does not mean he actually cares about Jesse though.

Blackace said:
Think Jesse is my favorite character in the show.. Just started season 4

This thread has spoilers everywhere, finish Season 4 before you come back in here!


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
RobotNinjaHornets said:
I've never wanted to hug a TV character as much as I have Jesse, especially after the Jame and Gale incidents

I just like how he calls everyone bitch...
SalsaShark said:
Vince Gilligan on the final shot:

pretty funny considering how they added a fucking sign saying the name of the plant. So unnecesary.
What on earth is this shit. The plant did more than just reveal it was Walt who poisoned the kid. Almost all potted garden plants I see have a tag on them.
biggersmaller said:
I predict Walt will spend a good 3 eps in the next season just clearing-up loose ends. With another set of eps rebuilding the empire. He will become an ass in the process. Ultimately the tape of Walt confessing from season one will be the shocking end of it all, but I think he will go down not incriminating Jesse/Skyler.

Either way, Walt will go down. Probably in court.

dave is ok said:
He destroyed it

blahblah...blah said:
Which is a shame, as I'd love the gas mask or that tape to be the thing that got him!

See that's the thing, guys. The tape was not destroyed completely, as the actual 'tape' inside the cartridge was intact. Pulled out? Yes. Broken in places? Yes. Repairable by the DEA? I say yes. It's just sitting there waiting to be found by Hank at the end.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
ColonialRaptor said:
Wasnt it badger who died, not combo? Or are they the same person

Badger is the big white dude..

Combo was the latin fellow


THE-Pink-Dagger said:
@Moniker: Jesus christ almighty................ He cooks the product, he's not the one who forces it into anyone's hands, the customers make that choice, that doesn't make him responsible in any way possible.

I guess that's why cooking meth is legal then. Wait, no, it isn't. The quantity Walt's pushing would land him in prison for a very long time.

I think filling up the supply chains for broken, addicted and often criminal people with illegal hard drugs is immoral, and I don't think that's a controversial stand point.
ColonialRaptor said:
Wasnt it badger who died, not combo? Or are they the same person




...you have been watching Breaking Bad right? :p


TheBranca18 said:
Combo was shot by the kid on the bike, Tomas, who is the brother of the girl Jesse is dating.

That's what I get for watching seasons a year apart. I never noticed it was him. I assumed that kid went to juvie for a longer time than that.


skinny pete's description of combo's funeral is the most accurate description of a funeral ever: "man, it was, like... emotional."

dave is ok

aztek is ok
biggersmaller said:
See that's the thing, guys. The tape was not destroyed completely, as the actual 'tape' inside the cartridge was intact. Pulled out? Yes. Broken in places? Yes. Repairable by the DEA? I say yes. It's just sitting there waiting to be found by Hank at the end.
It's been in the desert for a year at this point without the plastic case protecting it. I don't think it's coming back
xbhaskarx said:
^ Jesus it's like some people don't even pay attention to the show they're watching...

stephen08 is right though, unless you're saying that the guy he quoted is wrong.

I think we can all agree to disagree, by the way, on whether Walt is redeemable or not. I find the suggestion that as a producer of meth he is excused from our outrage to be utterly ridiculous, but I also think he's done so many worse things since he started manufacturing meth that it's almost irrelevant now.

Almost every bad act perpetrated by a TV character, protagonist or antagonist, has been justified in some way or another, just as we excuse Walt's behaviour as self-preservation and protecting his family. But face it, pretty much every Bond villain has had a reason for what they were doing, every killer in your bog standard crime procedural had a reason, etc.

The fact is, Walt's family wouldn't have been in any danger if he had cast his pride aside and taken Elliot's offer of financial security in the first season. Walt exposed his family to the problems they now face in the first place, and his desperate scrambling to protect them is only necessary because he cooked meth, killed people and manipulated those closest to him.

And I still fucking love watching him triumph.....
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