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Breaking Bad - Season 4 - Sundays on AMC

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i think something like walt being the only (miserable) survivor when everyone he loved has died would make for a pretty great ending.
Walt Jr has to see his Dad do something really shitty. He's seen Walt be in a bad way and has always been forgiving but he has to see him do something terrible.
Well, duh. You don't need to be a philosophy major to figure out what the lyrics mean.

i think something like walt being the only (miserable) survivor when everyone he loved has died would make for a pretty great ending.

I said this weeks ago. I think Walt's family is going to leave him, his cancer comes back, and slowly dies alone. But then the camera zooms in on walt's face and just when you think he looks like shit, he gives a smile. THE END.


I was under the assumption that Walt knew the poison wouldn't kill the kid, just make him really sick. What was the poison again? Does it typically cause death?


bud said:
i think something like walt being the only (miserable) survivor when everyone he loved has died would make for a pretty great ending.

I think if nothing else his cancer will catch up with him. One way or another, though, as ami says he'll die alone. There's really no happy ending possible at this point that wouldn't be a complete lie.

LM4sure said:
I was under the assumption that Walt knew the poison wouldn't kill the kid, just make him really sick. What was the poison again? Does it typically cause death?

It's a deadly poison. Not as deadly as ricin, but it easily could have killed Brock.

And here's the thing: You can't possibly know for sure that a poison won't kill anyone, let alone a child with all that entails about variable metabolism and such. Even if the dose hadn't been large enough to put Brock on the edge of death (stated multiple times in the episode), he could have already been sick and thus have a weakend immune system, Jesse could have not noticed the lack of his cigarette and thus not notified them of the possibility of poison, etc.

At the very least, Walt deliberately endangered the life of a child, knowing it could have killed him, for a cockamany scheme to force his supposed partner into helping him kill someone.

The sigh of relief people point to as dubious evidence of Walt still having any sort of conscience is also evidence that he knew it could have killed the kid.
I think if nothing else his cancer will catch up with him. One way or another, though, as ami says he'll die alone. There's really no happy ending possible at this point that wouldn't be a complete lie.

I said it first!

Man, all I do is picture Archer reading my replies.
Amir0x said:
obvious reasons?

There are no obvious reasons. If Hank investigates and seriously begins to risk Walt being found out, I think Walt is going to cross that line. We know from this final episode he will quite literally do anything to survive. That's the whole point of this fourth season. The last few people who think he is sympathetic have been thoroughly marginalized since it's clear they are completely clueless at interpreting the writing of shows like this. He now genuinely has no problem attempting murder on an innocent child. But his excuse has always been 'b-b-but it's for my family.' Any rational, intelligent viewer knows this has been bollocks for ages, including the creator of the show. They know it, we know it. But there needs to be the final action that proves it. And that would be it, that would be the final line. That would be the equivalent of Scarface killing Manny, since Manny was basically Scarface's family besides his sister.

And remember the mantra: "Turning Mr. Chips into Scarface."

This means at some point Walt has to be the boss (that will happen this season), Walt has to systematically destroy all thats left of those who love him (Manny for Scarface, Hank for Walt... which would obviously be the final straw that isolates him from his family too) and then come to the final showdown where all the horrible choices he has made destroy him ultimately. And that is where the final jesse confrontation comes down - and everyone knows Scarface has to die in the end.

Mark this. you'll see. You guys have been misreading the show for seasons now, and I've been right on every point on Walt's decline into utter indefensible madness, I highly doubt the writers would suddenly diverge from their stated intent at this point (which has been told over and over again).

Poisoning a child is the opposite end of the extreme? I'm sorry, attemping to murder a completely innocent child (so you could manipulate someone who LOVES HIM, which is so low it defies logic) is arguably even worse than killing your brother-in-law. But, that's besides the point because the writing angle would be to destroy the illusion that Walt has ever done this for his family for seasons. Maybe it started that way, but that was over sometime mid season 2. He had his out and he failed to take it, and from that moment on every choice he has made was his self-preservation at the expense of anyone and anything else. Every choice he makes now is monstrous.

Vince Gilligan doesn't choose things for nothing. And if you saw the final song in Season 4, Black, the lyrics are EXTREMELY revealing:

1. He's a fallen soul, cast down by his own self-inflicted demons. His monstrous transformation has reached the point of no return, and he feels no guilt (no desire to repent).

2. Some day (the end of season 5) they're going to punish his crimes, and they'll know finally all the shattered dreams and ghosts (corpses) he has left behind. This will be Jesse and all those that love him finally seeing Walt for who he is, once and for all. He will lose everything.

3. He spent months lying to everybody he has loved, motivated by nothing but evil and greed (ego and narcissism). Heisenberg is NOT the mask - Walter White is now the mask he wears to hide his true self. But they'll no longer be able to ignore the corrosive disease that Walt is to everyone that loves him, especially when everyone finds out the scopes of his horrific crimes. He will die alone.

I really think you're reading too much into it. Walt is already at the top of the evil ladder, he won't kill Hank, I stand by it, and you will all (those who believe in Walt killing Hank) be proven wrong in next season.

And do you even know that Walt is ready to do anything?! He hasn't proven that he could be capable of killing someone from his family. He tells Saul immediately to warn Hank that there's a hit on him. He may be thinking only about himself (which I dont believe) but he's been trying to protect Hank for so many times.

I've rewatched Season 1 and 2 two weeks ago, and am nearly through the end of Season 3, so I know my facts, when Walt says "My brother in law, he won't be a problem", he's fearing for Hank, there is no sub text or whatever.

Nor will he kill Jesse, that's preposterous. Hey, let's say he'll kill Walt Jr!


LM4sure said:
I was under the assumption that Walt knew the poison wouldn't kill the kid, just make him really sick. What was the poison again? Does it typically cause death?

The poison is Lily of the Valley.

Here is the thing about poisons in general, but ESPECIALLY Lily of the Valley. No matter how brilliant you are, there is absolutely no way you would be able to scientifically measure an amount that would effect a small child safely enough to seriously hospitalize them (to near death, as the show implies) with a guarantee of him coming out at the end alive.

1. You must remember, it was Jesse's Ricin clue that started Doctors even searching for types of poisons. Without that tip, the kid literally could have died altogether.

2. Every person reacts differently to poison. You could have a severe allergic reaction that kills you much faster - this is true of Lily of the Valley as well. It's even more difficult to gauge how such poison would react in a child.

3. He got perilously close to killing the kid anyway. That's why Walt had some sense of relief, however remote such relief can be for a monster of his calibre, because HE KNEW he rolled the dice.

He essentially played russian roulette with the life of a child. There is zero percent chance, no matter how brilliant you are, that you could always determine a proper 'dosage' amount that'd bring someone sick enough to be near enough to death to fool Jesse into thinking Gus made the poison. It'd have to be quite a significant hospitalization indeed.

He rolled the dice and that means by definition he did it knowing that the risk included a child dying. The mere fact that the child didn't die is completely besides the point. In any court of law on Earth, this is attempted murder on an innocent child.

The-Pink-Dagger said:
I really think you're reading too much into it. Walt is already at the top of the evil ladder, he won't kill Hank, I stand by it, and you will all (those who believe in Walt killing Hank) be proven wrong in next season.

And do you even know that Walt is ready to do anything?! He hasn't proven that he could be capable of killing someone from his family. He tells Saul immediately to warn Hank that there's a hit on him. He may be thinking only about himself (which I dont believe) but he's been trying to protect Hank for so many times.

I've rewatched Season 1 and 2 two weeks ago, and am nearly through the end of Season 3, so I know my facts, when Walt says "My brother in law, he won't be a problem", he's fearing for Hank, there is no sub text or whatever.

Nor will he kill Jesse, that's preposterous. Hey, let's say he'll kill Walt Jr!

I'm not even remotely reading too much into it at all. Most of this stuff about the direction of Walt has been confirmed by the creator of the show, about the lines Walt has crossed.

Again, the man attempted murder on an innocent child. For the chance of saving his ass. It's one of the most indefensible acts one can possibly think of. Killing his brother-in-law by comparison is almost fucking cake on the evil scale compared to that.

When Hank starts closing in on him, exactly how do you think this irredeemable monster is going to react? And Hank IS going to close in on him. Do you think this show is written by pussy writers who don't know exactly how far they've taken their character? No. They know now Walt will do ANYTHING - literally anything - if it means he survives at the end. And with Hank closing in, his desperation will be such that he will cross that line.

I don't know if he'd kill Jesse (my feeling is Jesse is going to kill Walt), but that is also almost undoubtedly not beyond Walt's evil range. People love to pretend that Walt thinks of Jesse like a son, but a more absurd misreading of the show I have not seen yet. Walt thinks of Jesse as a means to an end, a punching bag he uses to feel better about his position of power and a tool to manipulate to meet his ends. If killing Jesse became necessary, he would kill Jesse.

I really have no clue what show you guys are watching at this point.


Cornballer said:

Where is this from? Link to the original video?


Nicely said, Amir0x. Yeah, Walt is a douchebag. He is fun to watch, but I hope he gets his comeuppance in the end. I'd prefer Hank to be the one to bring him down, but I could very easily seeing Walt kill Hank. That'll be a sad episode.


I'm terrified of reading anything in this thread, but I've seen the first 3 seasons thanks to netflix, and was wondering if there's anywhere to watch s4 yet?


batbeg said:
I'm terrified of reading anything in this thread, but I've seen the first 3 seasons thanks to netflix, and was wondering if there's anywhere to watch s4 yet?

not yet for sure... season 4 wont be on blu-ray until like May or July...
There is no way Walt is gonna kill Hank. Blackmail maybe but if he was capable of killing Hank he would have just let Gus do it for him.

He's apparently some super plan making evil genius now so it would have crossed his mind.
If Hank gets close, Walt will do what he has been doing for the last 2 seasons: throwing him off track. Can you really imagine a scene with the two, and Walt just shoots him?! Come the fuck on.

This is too big, if he ever does this, he'll be a psychopath, even more since he likes Hank even if they had their ups and downs. Even when Hank kept pushing for Walt to take him on his little ventures, Walt is still trying to protect him by asking Saul to call the DEA right away about the possible hit on Hank.

If he really didnt give a shit, he wouldnt make the call, but one could argue that he knows he has to do that, or Skylar would know that he could have done something and didnt, bla bla bla.

Walt dying from cancer is a hundred times more plausible than this, but he won't and will probably come out on top, victorious, which would be an awesome ending.
THE-Pink-Dagger said:
If Hank gets close, Walt will do what he has been doing for the last 2 seasons: throwing him off track.

You mean like when he totally let Hank think Gail was Heisenberg and had that be the end of his investigations into the case? Oh wait.

This is too big, if he ever does this, he'll be a psychopath

He's already a psychopath. The right combo of personal danger, bruising of ego and even perceived slight will lead him to do anything. The man has no boundaries at this point.
batbeg said:
I'm terrified of reading anything in this thread, but I've seen the first 3 seasons thanks to netflix, and was wondering if there's anywhere to watch s4 yet?

You can buy individual episodes ($2-$3) on Amazon, iTunes, or Zune Marketplace.

I don't think there's any place to stream them yet.


_dementia said:
None of my friends have even attempted to watch this show.
I think it's time to kill your friends.

Do you know how to make a bomb out of instant freeze packs? I hear it can be done over lunch.
There have to be security cameras at the nursing home right? Or around there? I mean, an explosion happens with what they might find to be a homemade pipe bomb and I'm sure Walt will find himself in a bit of a mess that he may not be able to come out of.
Given how coyly Gilligan speaks about Walt's cancer returning, I think we can safely assume that it'll be back next season. I still think it'll be great to have the show end as it began, with the threat of cancer firmly over Walt's head.

Plus, it'll be poetic to have Walt's ultimate demise be from something he's completely unable to control, despite however much he wants to. He's accomplished so much, yet he'll still die an ignominious death (as he'd see it). No everlasting glory for Heisenberg, he'll die as Walter White, a nobody. And I think that thought is terrifying to someone as proud as Walt.
I kind of want them to kill off Walt half way through the next series, just because it'd be such a total shock. I have no idea where they'd go after that, but can you imagine the insanity it'd cause?


THE-Pink-Dagger said:
If Hank gets close, Walt will do what he has been doing for the last 2 seasons: throwing him off track. Can you really imagine a scene with the two, and Walt just shoots him?! Come the fuck on.

Throw him off his trail? This is the final season. That means finality. There is no amount of trail throwing off that is going to work this season. Hank IS going to find out Walt did it, and he IS going to close in on Walt and Walt IS going to have to make the decision he always ends up having to do: it's either him or me. And we know what he chooses in every single occasion this comes up. He outsmarts his opponent and kills him or something close to it.

THE-Pink-Dagger said:
This is too big, if he ever does this, he'll be a psychopath, even more since he likes Hank even if they had their ups and downs. Even when Hank kept pushing for Walt to take him on his little ventures, Walt is still trying to protect him by asking Saul to call the DEA right away about the possible hit on Hank.

He is already a psychopath. Only psychopaths attempt to murder innocent children, period. Let me tell you what else Walt did to try to 'protect himself.' He intentionally let a man who was ALREADY crippled due to the danger Walt put him in in the first place get into an accident for the sole purpose of avoiding Hanks ability to find the laundry mat. He could have died right there, for fucks sake, or been even more seriously injured.

The man. Does. not. Care. I don't know what fucking thing Walt is going to have to to drill this shit into your heads, because attempting to murder an innocent child CLEARLY wasn't enough to show you even with Vince Gilligan screaming the point from the top of all hills. He does not give a shit. If it is Walt vs. Hank, and it will be, Walt will do what it takes to kill him.

To say nothing of the fact that Walt had the chance to completely throw Hank off the trail. Remember? He let his ego get the best of him so that Hank kept investigating rather than let someone else take the credit for his formula. THAT is the type of monster Walt is. If he would have let Hank accept that it was Gale, his life wouldn't have been threatened by Gus that last time in the first place.

Once again, every choice Walt makes is monstrous. Walt is not going to throw Hank off the trail. He's going to maybe FUMBLE at the idea early on, but this final season is clearly playing for keeps. Hank is going to find out. Walt is going to realize it's him or Hank. Walt is going to do something that takes Hank out of the picture, and to me it's going to result in Hank's death.

THE-Pink-Dagger said:
If he really didnt give a shit, he wouldnt make the call, but one could argue that he knows he has to do that, or Skylar would know that he could have done something and didnt, bla bla bla.

Walt dying from cancer is a hundred times more plausible than this, but he won't and will probably come out on top, victorious, which would be an awesome ending.

He will come out on top, victorious, which would be an "awesome ending."

If I had to mold a person out of clay, and the only purpose this clay being I breathed life into would be to become the essence of misinterpreting a show's intent, it would likely be you.
I was just thinking, if Tyrus didn't die he could have turned out to be a main character in the fifth season and teamed up with Mike to go against Walt and Jesse. How badass would that be? Four baldies against each other. Wait, was Tyrus bald? I can't remember. I should watch the video I made again to refresh my memory.

soul creator said:
*watches skylar in mirror scene*

I have the weirdest boner right now

Prepare to stroke that weird boner with the season 3 gag reel, featuring Skyler's asscheeks.
Or were they Walt's? I have such a bad memory...


I'm not sure killing Hank is the best strategy. I'm also not sure getting outed as Heisenberg is equivalent to death, if it's survival Walt's after. Maybe he can become an infamous drug lord! I dunno. I just think "Walt kills somebody" is played out at this point. <_<


Hank would be torn apart if he figures out Walt is Heisenberg. He has grown attached to him over the course of the show. It would be such a difficult decision to him. Though he has pride in his work, so he would pull the trigger.
I think we're getting a little ahead of ourselves. We should discuss what we have available to watch, not what's one year away. A lot can change in 16 episodes, we don't know shit at this point. I'm probably gonna rewatch season 4 soon, now that it's all done and I can enjoy it for what it is and not based on expectations. Anyone else?


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Puddles said:
Hey, where is that "Yo, Mr. Jesse!" picture? I thought someone posted it recently, but I can't find it.
It's from Best Week Ever's recap


Also, thinking about it, after all the things Walt has done to survive, the perfect ending to the series would be if Walt put a gun in his mouth and killed himself. The why is up in the air, but that'd be pretty fitting - for all of his destruction in the name of out running his death sentence, it turns out the only thing that could kill him was him. Plus it would slide right into Gilligan's love of graphic head explosions.


Walt is not going to kill himself, jeebus. That's so out of character I'd be all "wtf"

The man is a survivor. Only way he'd resort to that MAYBE is if something he did caused the death of everyone in his family, wife, kids, infant. That's the only way I could even conceivably think of such a scenario, and even then... it'd be a stretch


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Amir0x said:
Walt is not going to kill himself, jeebus. That's so out of character I'd be all "wtf"

The man is a survivor. Only way he'd resort to that MAYBE is if something he did caused the death of everyone in his family, wife, kids, infant. That's the only way I could even conceivably think of such a scenario, and even then... it'd be a stretch
'ey man, never said it was predictable.


Your move, Gilligan.


Persona7 said:
I was just thinking about this.

Did Gus make tyrus sit outside the DEA everyday? Or do they have a DEA agent in their pockets?
They may have had him watching Hank's place, so when he left to go see Tio, Tyrus followed.


Water is not wet!
Persona7 said:
I was just thinking about this.

Did Gus make tyrus sit outside the DEA everyday? Or do they have a DEA agent in their pockets?
im almost positive that during the phone call to Gus Tyrus mentioned someone watching the DEA for him.


I like how the show has made "gambling" the cover up of Walt's double life, because it's pretty close to the truth. Everything Walt does is a gamble, be it with his life, or the lives of others. Gambling problem indeed.

Anyway, there's only one way this show can end and that is with Walt dying - not of cancer, but something that he could have prevented, but did not, because of his short-sighted selfishness. I think that, ironically, Jesse, the jerkoff kid from Walt's class, the dumbass from the beginning making idiotic mistakes one after the other who Walt looked down upon so condescendingly, will be the one who survives the series and subsequently learns the most about what it means to be a selfless person who can cherish and be happy with what they have and not be angry and bitter about what they don't.


Persona7 said:
I was just thinking about this.

Did Gus make tyrus sit outside the DEA everyday? Or do they have a DEA agent in their pockets?
Tyrus was watching Hank, thats why Tio specifically asked for Hank.
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