Game-Biz said:I like how the show has made "gambling" the cover up of Walt's double life, because it's pretty close to the truth. Everything Walt does is a gamble, be it with his life, or the lives of others. Gambling problem indeed.
Anyway, there's only one way this show can end and that is with Walt dying - not of cancer, but something that he could have prevented, but did not, because of his short-sighted selfishness. I think that, ironically, Jesse, the jerkoff kid from Walt's class, the dumbass from the beginning making idiotic mistakes one after the other who Walt looked down upon so condescendingly, will be the one who survives the series and subsequently learns the most about what it means to be a selfless person who can cherish and be happy with what they have and not be angry and bitter about what they don't.
I will say, even though i think Walt is definitely going to die and I thinK jesse will be the one who does it, I think it is a plausible scenario that he dies of cancer... completely alone, without any family.
Or even more bizarrely, with only Jesse by his side, bitterly pulling the plug on Walt's life support, in revenge for what he did to Jane.
"You did this for your family. For the ones you cared for. Well this is for the ones I cared for, bitch."
Walt will be comatose and he won't be able to hear it, but Jesse walks away down the hospital hallway and the show ends...silence...