I read through Tim Goodman's thoughts on Jesse earlier. Speculation from him:
I think we're going to find, in Ep. 5 and beyond (which I haven't seen and I never watch promos) that Mike/Gus or some other force will shake Jesse back to some semblance of normality. Partly because, as the bullet-riddled chicken truck will attest, Gus' territorial drug expansion has caught the attention of a major rival. To further that storyline, it will be difficult to have Jesse in this state of emotional implosion. And too early in the series to kill him off, though I think Gilligan is unafraid to do anything to any character (plus, I believe Jesse, conventional wisdom's most likey to die first, could eventually be the last person standing, relative to impact, when the series ends; Walt Jr. being, in my mind, the chess piece of death that Gilligan will use to hurt Walt and Skyler when the story demands it).