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Breaking Bad - Season 4 - Sundays on AMC

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I hardly ever notice product placement, except when it's intentionally noticeable (like 30 Rock) or a complete non sequitur that has nothing to do with the story (like Fringe, which is almost more like a phone or car commercial at times).


I personally loved the shot and contrast of the dark and empty carwash outside and the bright Coca-Cola vending machine within. Great shot and effective product placement.


_dementia said:
This season seems to have more product placement than usual Denny's and Sony Vaio come to mind, but I didn't find it too distracting.
now that u mention it. never noticed them at all.

unlike Fringe (still like the show)


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
I've only seen the first episode of the season. Anyway to catch up on the ones I've missed before the next one airs?

Mike is awesome. I kinda figure that Gus and Tyrus won't be around much longer, but I hope Mike makes it to S5.

Also, this sequence was amusing.




As someone already pointed out, Gus' plan to drive a wedge between the two is smart. Even though Walt may have sniffed out his scheme, it's continuing to eat away at their relationship.


Unconfirmed Member
I haven't really noticed any product placement in the show ... nor do I really care.

Yesterday's episode was great and really made me wonder what's going to happen next (like every episode does).

I was so convinced that at the end of the episode when Walt Jr. leaves, that something was going to happen to him, but it didn't - though, they never showed him come back to the house, so maybe -- but it's pretty good how they ended it off by Skyler basically saying she's going to move away to protect the family from the man who wants to protect the family.

Can't wait to watch the next episode!


Does not have twelve inches...
Haziqonfire said:
I was so convinced that at the end of the episode when Walt Jr. leaves, that something was going to happen to him, but it didn't - though, they never showed him come back to the house, so maybe -- but it's pretty good how they ended it off by Skyler basically saying she's going to move away to protect the family from the man who wants to protect the family.
That line was so fucking good, what a great script.

Cornballer said:
I lol'ed when Walt said that :p
Good episode, but how many KFC vans riddled with bullet holes, dead bodies, and possibly meth does it take before the DEA figures out Colonel Sanders is cooking more than just chicken?
D4Danger said:
did they use someones internet fan fiction for the script this week? the writing was so cheesy.

"I am the danger"
"someone has to protect this family from the man who protects this family"
"no no no, it's all about ME!"

its like something batman would say

im not exactly convinced that walt is "the danger" anyway except maybe to himself and his family, or i might have been receptive to it

also someone else mentioned this but why is it cool to buy and own a carwash with gambling winnings but not to buy a car??


brianjones said:
its like something batman would say

im not exactly convinced that walt is "the danger" anyway except maybe to himself and his family, or i might have been receptive to it

also someone else mentioned this but why is it cool to buy and own a carwash with gambling winnings but not to buy a car??

Yea, I'm not understand Skysky being all bitchy about money. It seems to me like they are using it to as a boiling pot for Walt and he's just gonna flip his shit on her after one more "don't spend money!" comments.
brianjones said:
its like something batman would say

im not exactly convinced that walt is "the danger" anyway except maybe to himself and his family, or i might have been receptive to it

also someone else mentioned this but why is it cool to buy and own a carwash with gambling winnings but not to buy a car??

they bought the carwash for a reason, clearly to launder funds. He should have waited a bit (like a year) for the carwash to pick up business again under new management and then bought the car.

Also "I am the danger"

and the door comment (don't know specifics) was pretty ridiculous for Walt to say. But if there was any doubt that Walt would be the big bad guy next season those comments pretty much rested them.
Cardigan said:
Anyone else bothered by the pretty obvious Dodge product placement last episode? Then, they only make it worse by posting Dodge promotional shit on the Breaking Bad Facebook page.

No. I don't understand why product placement is so bad? You use the products...it'd make sense that they would too. I seriously hate, hate, hate it when they censor or make up fake brands especially in a show based in a real city.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Goreomedy said:
Amazon. Itunes.

Good call. It's $1.99/episode on Amazon, and $2.99/episode on iTunes (unless I'm missing something obvious).

Seems like Amazon is the way to go. Anyone know what the streaming video quality is like? And do I get to keep the episodes?


brianjones said:
im not exactly convinced that walt is "the danger" anyway except maybe to himself and his family, or i might have been receptive to it

Well, that's kind of the point of it. After having Walt assert himself in the criminal world for three seasons, this season has found him pretty much struck down left and right and left more or less powerless. Walt still thinks of himself as the guy who walked into Tuco's lair with a bag full of fulminated mercury and walked out with a sack full of cash. He has yet to fully realize that he's WAY out of his league when he's dealing with Gus. He obviously knows it on some level, as evidenced by his dealings with Saul over the last few episodes. Still, in his fervor to convince Skyler that everything's under control, he basically portrayed himself as the criminal he wishes he was.

Also, this could be in part his reaction to ordering Gale's death. The fact that he got someone else to kill someone for him could have sent him on a bit of a power trip as far as how he perceives himself.
This season is going to go full circle. Tensions will lead to an absolute boiling point between Mike/Gus/Jesse/Walt, then there will be some crazy ass conclusion with Walt and Jesse coming through for each other, strengthening their bond, also making them bigger criminals.

Book that shit.


brianjones said:
its like something batman would say

im not exactly convinced that walt is "the danger" anyway except maybe to himself and his family, or i might have been receptive to it

also someone else mentioned this but why is it cool to buy and own a carwash with gambling winnings but not to buy a car??

Well, I think Walt has more than proven himself dangerous. Maybe moreso to his own family, but definitely to those he deems worthy. He's killed how many people? 3? 4? Orchestrated the murder of another, even if he didn't pull the trigger. Not to mention how many people his product kills. Walt is the epitome of dangerous. Maybe not to the same level as Gus or Mike, but in comparison to 99% of the population, Walt is VERY dangerous.


I definitely noticed the product placement, but I don't think it was done in a cheesy way. Were they at Denny's again this week? I assumed they were, but I didn't see a Denny's sign...unless maybe I glanced away at that second.

And I liked Walt's "I am the danger" line. Sure it was cheesy, but it just shows how huge Walts' ego has gotten now. He's a douche but I like the guy.


I think "I am the danger." fits Walt perfectly, because in regards to all things violent/dangerous, he's a bit of an idiot. And that was an idiotic thing to say to your WIFE, so it fits.
-Pyromaniac- said:
This season is going to go full circle. Tensions will lead to an absolute boiling point between Mike/Gus/Jesse/Walt, then there will be some crazy ass conclusion with Walt and Jesse coming through for each other, strengthening their bond, also making them bigger criminals.

Book that shit.

That would be pretty cool, but it really seems like the show is trying to drive Walt and Jesse apart to the point where we get a final season of Walt vs. Jesse.

Still, a lot can and will probably change in the last 7 episodes.
Mr. Saturn said:
That would be pretty cool, but it really seems like the show is trying to drive Walt and Jesse apart to the point where we get a final season of Walt vs. Jesse.

Still, a lot can and will probably change in the last 7 episodes.
Indeed. That's why I think something will happen between now and the season finale where Jesse realizes where his loyalties should lie, and that's with the dude who saved your life on more than one occasion, and actually values you, despite what his crazy out of his mind is saying now, lol.
Walt's cancer will return in the final season, and he'll die naturally probably before he is actually about to die from the cartel or something.


I see one of several things happening:

#1: Walt is dead/in prison, Jesse on the run, family taken care of.
#2: Jesse redeems himself but dies in the process.
#3: Walt dies of cancer, Jesse of bullets, dark edge of the show wins out.
#4: Walt and Jesse kill everybody and escape to some island, send the family money.
#5: Hank and Walter Jr. enter a wheelchair race and win the national title for their respective age groups. Saul cheers them on.


-Pyromaniac- said:
Walt's cancer will return in the final season, and he'll die naturally probably before he is actually about to die from the cartel or something.

That would be good. The show started with him dying from cancer. He should just die already from cancer.


I don't like the idea of Walt dying from cancer, bringing that back would be a total cheat. But more than that, if Walt dies, it should be because of his actions and the kind of person he's become, not because of a disease that he has no control over. The whole series has been about the repercussions of Walt's decisions, so it has to end with all that coming back to bite Walt in the ass in the biggest way possible.
Blader5489 said:
I don't like the idea of Walt dying from cancer, bringing that back would be a total cheat. But more than that, if Walt dies, it should be because of his actions and the kind of person he's become, not because of a disease that he has no control over. The whole series has been about the repercussions of Walt's decisions, so it has to end with all that coming back to bite Walt in the ass in the biggest way possible.
that's why I say he will die of the cancer just when he is ACTUALLY about to die from someone killing him (not literally the same time, but you know what I mean). So either way he would have been murdered for what he did. I don't know, I think it would be a cool ending. We the audience will know they he was about to get killed but he doesn't know it, at least not exactly.

I'm sure they'll come up with something cooler anyway.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Blader5489 said:
I don't like the idea of Walt dying from cancer, bringing that back would be a total cheat. But more than that, if Walt dies, it should be because of his actions and the kind of person he's become, not because of a disease that he has no control over. The whole series has been about the repercussions of Walt's decisions, so it has to end with all that coming back to bite Walt in the ass in the biggest way possible.
But what if he neglects his drug treamtment because he's too busy cooking meth!


Walts hubris lets skyler to take his family away and the meth business doesn't require him anymore.

He dies taking his own drug.

Beside making obscure guesses, I think it would be fair to assume a tragic ending for walt.
Blader5489 said:
I don't like the idea of Walt dying from cancer, bringing that back would be a total cheat. But more than that, if Walt dies, it should be because of his actions and the kind of person he's become, not because of a disease that he has no control over. The whole series has been about the repercussions of Walt's decisions, so it has to end with all that coming back to bite Walt in the ass in the biggest way possible.

Yeah, but his cancer coming back isn't impossible, because remission from what I understand doesn't mean a total cure.

Vince talks about it here.

Hopefully, though the writers will manner to come up with a satisfying ending for this show.
Cornballer said:

Mike is awesome. I kinda figure that Gus and Tyrus won't be around much longer, but I hope Mike makes it to S5.

Also, this sequence was amusing.




As someone already pointed out, Gus' plan to drive a wedge between the two is smart. Even though Walt may have sniffed out his scheme, it's continuing to eat away at their relationship.

The only thing that could have made this scene better was if Jesse grabbed his crotch when saying "register this."



SpeedingUptoStop said:
Wonder if this Jessie business is a more dedicated play by Gus to get close to dat Heisenberg formula.

I dunno, I'm kind of starting to think that it's entirely possible that Gus is actually on the level with this one, and that it ISN'T about Walt in this case. This all started after Jesse made the observation about the blindfold, and Mike did seem to take note of it, so he could have relayed it to Gus, prompting Gus to set up Jesse's "entrance exam" last week.

Even though I'm sure Gus is pissed that Jesse shot Gale, he could also recognize him as someone with some level of street smarts, obsevational skills, and someone who won't budge when something he believes in is at stake. Last season, he stood up to Gus until Gus promised him that they wouldn't use kids as dealers any more, and perhaps Gus is thinking that if he can earn Jesse's loyalty, then he'd be a good soldier to have around.


Cornballer said:

Mike is awesome. I kinda figure that Gus and Tyrus won't be around much longer, but I hope Mike makes it to S5.

Also, this sequence was amusing.




As someone already pointed out, Gus' plan to drive a wedge between the two is smart. Even though Walt may have sniffed out his scheme, it's continuing to eat away at their relationship.
I don't think that is his plan at all. Gus picked up on the fact Jessie was starving for attention and someone to value him in a meaningful way. These menial tasks is Gus way of giving him a hug. Walt made him kill someone yet hardly spoke to him about it though you can tell it fucked up Jesse. Walt ego of course cant pick up on the feelings of others so he did not care until it started to affect him. He thinks and in a way wants everything to be about him thus why he thinks all the attention Jesse is now getting somehow relates back to him and has nothing to do with someone seeing worth in Jesse. He walked away convinced of this.
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