Sorry to barge in to the middle of a 'debate' but does anyone know if there is a re-cap episode planned or if anyone knows of a great fan made recap?
Fan made:
Sorry to barge in to the middle of a 'debate' but does anyone know if there is a re-cap episode planned or if anyone knows of a great fan made recap?
And again, marie handled it by stealing. And what Marie was upset at Hank about most of all was treating her like an asshole and not opening up to her with his feelings. Not nearly the same as Walt. not even in the same ball park. Those are regular people problems, not what Walt was doing.
You still haven't been able to explain what sky did that was handled poorly that would make her look bad. She did NONE of the things you claim. It's your own warped perspective that is making you see it that way.
And back to betty, your entire argument falls on its face because we see it completely contrasted by other women on the show, in particular Jane and Peggy who also are probably the 2 most liked characters on the show along with Ken Consgrove. I bet most people who hate Betty love Peggy.
I've listed example after example and all I get is platitudes claiming I'm wrong. Hank was dealing with PDSD and being made a cripple. Yes, Marie WAS upset about how disconnected he became, which was my point...She didn't start ignoring him and do childish things to illicit a response. She remained supportive and allowed Hank to work his problems his way without becoming a source of stress herself.
And a lot of people who dislike Skyler like Marie. I'm not sure what your point is. If you want to show misogyny it would more effective to demonstrate examples of a man being lauded for the exact same thing a woman his denigrated for...People who love Walter White and hate Nancy Botwin, for instance.
Which she was totally justified in doing. Walt was the one overreacting here because, guess what, he was doing something illegal.
This is characteristic of everything Walt did, including in business. Hell, it's more directly related to the car wash since Walt had to wash cars when he was just the cashier. Gilligan made this point clearly.
So jesse's term for any wife, someone he never had met before, is evidence?
Seriously, a joke about getting between two women in a fight?
Which is the same as your 1st point and now you're repeating shit.
Oh give me a break. And hilariously, you use the 1st comment about Walt telling her to get out his ass which he said super condescendingly. hypocrite, much?
insecurities!? She shoplifted and nearly got Skyler arrested for it. You fucking kidding me?
While obviously wrong, this has nothing to do with her douchiness to Walt. She also smoked only like 4 cigs and said she was deeply ashamed for it.
Yeah, and I just did the first 4 seasons and honestly, it's fine to not like Skyler because she is the one person who Walt cannot control but at the same time your criticisms are patently absurd and at times immature.
-No. My first point was to highlight how Walt indicates plainly that her ass riding long precedes our introduction to the characters. This is a specific example of Walt being talked down to and having his ball busted over something minor.
Hey, so I have never really participated in big discussions here.
Does everyone generally agree that Walt is schizophrenic or something? Is his Heisenberg personality the only one that exists now?
For the THIRD time you've ignored that she resorted to stealing. Furthermore, she pressed him hard and Hank yelled at her which is why she stopped pressing at that moment. Hank wouldn't talk to her about him not wanting to go to the border because he didn't want to disappoint her, but she was on board with that already.
And I already addressed your absurd examples.
it's misogynist because what you describe as a rational reaction by a woman as "ball-busting."
Hey, so I have never really participated in big discussions here.
Does everyone generally agree that Walt is schizophrenic or something? Is his Heisenberg personality the only one that exists now?
Because it's not the same. Marie's stealing is a mental illness that's she's sought help for. Even after finding out about this Sky STILL coldly labels her a klepto and complains about how no one appreciates her own problems.
And again, even if I concede it's rational to disagree with your husband making the personal choice to smoke weed, dressing him down, yelling at him, and stalking his dealer aren't how any ratibonal adult would have handled the situations.
You're arguing against positions I'm not taking. I've already admitted that Sky is often justified in her feelings, it's just how she expresses them that makes her unlikable.
I'm just going to address this because the rest of your post was just as horrible and immature.
This is exactly what illustrates my point. you assume that because Walt told Skyler to crawl out from under his ass that her "ball busting" is a common occurrence. In other words, you have taken the belief that Walt is right in this moment simply because he is Walt (a known liar, mind you).
You automatically trust the male because he is male. No way in your mind could Walt be exaggerating or simply reacting because he was just given a fucking death sentence and is emotionally a wreck. No, Skyler is the bitch wife who walks all over her man just because despite absolutely no real evidence of this at all.
You don't understand why people say your viewpoint is misogynist and it's because you don't realize it. You've assumed everything from Walt's perspective is accurate despite not a shred of credible evidence of it.
I will repeat, there is nothing wrong with not liking Skyler solely because she's the one person Walt can't overcome and you want to root for Walt despite knowing he is bad. Fine. But if you dislike Skyler because she is a bitch and a ball-buster, a conclusion you come to with zero tangible evidence or even legitimate implication, it is through a lens of misogyny.
You do realize kleptomaniac is the appropriate term, right? That's the actual name of the mental disorder...
Also, you sound like you're 16 because that is exactly what many rational suburban middle-aged women (and even men) would do, especially so if you substitute Walt for Walter Jr.
-No, just Jesse's term for someone who goes to extremes, and someone who clearly makes Walt nervous.
Comments like these are too absurd to be worthy of responses.
You are literally arguing Jesse claiming Skyler is a ball-buster on their only meeting at the time because she approached him to have him stop selling weed to Walt (this after seeing how Jesse treated his parents like pure dogshit) is evidence she is a ball-busting wife.
Do you actually think I should take your argument seriously and respond? I've now responded more than I should have ever done. Don't cry because I ignored the absurd comments.
Ignoring all the other bullshit for a second... Do you honestly believe that if your wife caught you smoking weed(WEED!!!) the rational response would be for her to:
A. Yell at you about it like you were a child instead of a grown man with sovereignty over his own body. B. Track your dealer down online, confront them in person, and threaten to report them to the DE? Forget about trying to be right for a second, do you honestly fucking believe this is rational? Honestly?
And yes, in concert with everything else I think that Pinkman's first impressions of Skylar are valid.
No one's crying, but the way you debate is extremely immature. I like absurd points. They're easy crush, as you can obviously see.
What's strange is this is unique to Breaking Bad: LOST-GAF shat on Kate, 24 GAF shat on Kim, Mad Men GAF shits on Betty, Girls GAF shits on the entire cast, Walking Dead GAF shits on Lori. Only shitting on Skyler(even with actual thought out arguments), for whatever reason, gets your world view and character brought into to question.
Skyler was literally not written to be unlikable. Both ann gunn and Gilligan have voiced their shock at the response from skysky detractors.
Look at the context of the post you're quoting, then look at the words you decided to write down.See what I mean!? Both Vince Gilligan and Anna Gunn totally didn't intend for the Skylar character to come off as anything that could be construed as negative, so if you happen to feel that way, you're wrong! Everybody knows that characters who are written and portrayed to be likable must always turn out to be unanimously liked by all viewers who are healthy and well-adjusted to modern society! That's why Jar Jar Binks is such a beloved icon in cinema history.
Look at the context of the post you're quoting, then look at the words you decided to write down.
Because people are sick of being told they're misogynistic for not liking Skyler.
The Bottom Line: Vince Gilligan and his cast hit the ground running in the show's last eight-episode stretch.
The embargo is up...
- Tim Goodman's review for THR: 'Breaking Bad's' Final Season Premiere: TV Review *some vague, minor spoilers*
- NY Daily News:For those onboard since the beginning, Breaking Bads final batch of episodes seems destined to produce nothing less than a frenzy, a testament, in part, to how bracingly unpredictable Vince Gilligans creation has been. And while the first of these remaining hours does little to suggest whether the wrap-up will ultimately prove worthy of the journey, its breathtaking stuff, providing tour-de-force moments for the key characters. Theres no telling where Bad will wind up. But if this first hit is any indication, the audience is in very good hands.
- The Wrap: 'Breaking Bad' Review: Is This What Meth Is Like?AMCs dark and masterful drama starts its final eight episodes Aug. 11, and the first of those episodes cranks the vice, ratcheting up the pressure even on those who dont yet feel it. 4 out of 5 stars
I envy you getting to see the return episode for the first time. "Breaking Bad" is still giddily addictive, a joy to watch, a marvel.
2) Is the content link aggregation that I did in the OP of the current thread (AMC Content, Articles & Interviews, etc...) useful to people? I wasn't sure if it was too overwhelming having that much info up front. If it's something you liked, let me know and I'll do it again for the final thread. Perhaps it'll reside in a secondary post or something.
A couple of administrative items:
2) Is the content link aggregation that I did in the OP of the current thread (AMC Content, Articles & Interviews, etc...) useful to people? I wasn't sure if it was too overwhelming having that much info up front. If it's something you liked, let me know and I'll do it again for the final thread. Perhaps it'll reside in a secondary post or something.
I've been wondering on the significance of the cold open that starts with Walt in a cafe. You know, he then gets a massive machine gun at the end.
Maybe he's going to attack the Police?
Edit. I think it's the beginning of S5.
Why you so misogynistic?I rewatched some of the eps from S1, yup Skylar is still the most annoying character on the show, possibly the most annoying character to ever appear on all of AMC.
Welcome to the club![]()
I take it you haven't seen The Walking Dead.I rewatched some of the eps from S1, yup Skylar is still the most annoying character on the show, possibly the most annoying character to ever appear on all of AMC.
I take it you haven't seen The Walking Dead.