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Breaking Bad - The (Beautiful) Finale - Season 5 Part 2 - Sunday on AMC - OT3

I'm a pretty nostalgic guy and that last scene with him walking through the lab touching the equipment and the gas mask, that was pretty powerful to me. He was recapping his whole journey and realizing how proud he was of his "accomplishments".


Junior Member
It was to further prove that he was there if the watch got to the police. Bread crumbs.

To what end, I have no idea. Perhaps to prove he was still in contact with Grey Matter despite their claims?

I doubt even the writers honestly have an answer, and I think that's more than OK.

Vince talked about it in "Talking Bad" [SPOILER AHEAD]: He says...

There was an artsy and a practical reason for taking off the watch. The artsy one was that he was going to confront his nemeses, and Jesse was one of them at that point, so he didn't want to wear the watch he was given on his last birthday by Jesse, any longer (supposedly he hadn't taken it off since he first got it). The practical reason was that there were other shots which clearly show him no longer wearing the watch after that moment which had already been shot. So they had him remove it to fit continuity with the rest of the episodes.
Content Roundup - Episode 8 - Felina


- AMC Q&A: Jesse Plemons (Todd Alquist)
- Poniewozik @ Time: How Walter White Became the One Who Knocks
- The Onion: ‘Breaking Bad’ Ends With Reveal That Whole Series Was Plot of Book Marie Shoplifted
- Bad Finger - Baby Blue (closing song)
- El Paso (Full-Length Version) - Marty Robbins
- NY Times: Walter White’s Soul, and Yours (Room For Debate Editorial Feature)
- Warming Glow: ‘Breaking Bad’ Series Finale GIF Highlights: Felina
- Salon: Why Flynn is the real hero of “Breaking Bad”
- National Geographic: Things You Should Know About Ricin
- NY Mag: 11 Breaking Bad Finale Facts Revealed on Talking Bad
- NY Mag: Your Final Breaking Bad GIFs
- EW Interview: Vince Gilligan explains series finale
- EW Interview: Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul discuss ending of 'Breaking Bad' finale
- THR: 'Breaking Bad': The Meaning of the Finale's Last Song


It really was a beautiful finale. Things ended as well as they could have. Walt had to die, Jesse is finally free to live his life and make a new start, and Skylar got some closure. It certainly wasn't as shocking as Ozymandias, but for the ending of this show a lot of things were foregone conclusions, that we really just had to see play out. In terms of how dark and oppressive this show can be, I walked away feeling all was right with the world...as much as could be expected anyway.
Finally got around to watching the episode this morning. I'm so glad they were able to end the show so well. It's funny how last week Dexter ended and I felt like I had wasted so much time watching that garbage. But every minute of watching BB has been worth it. I'm so happy right now.


It didn't even feel like Walt. It felt like a whole new character or at the least, a soulless shell of Walter. Anyone feel the same? Man is a great actor.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Took a while for it to sink in, but I really liked how they ended it out. Wish Jesse and Walt would've ended as buds, but I supposed this is a tale of Walt choosing his baby blue over everyone else, including Jesse. That and that bridge was burnt too long ago and too harshly for them to reconcile in this episode.


I liked the finale. It was a suitable ending to a fantastic show. Return of badger and skinny Pete as the baddest hit men west of the Mississippi was nice. Jesse flashback or daydream about the box was a nice touch. I'm glad he made it out alive.

People complaining about the ending and saying it wrapped up the show too neatly or said it was unbelievable make me question if we were watching the same show. Realism was never bb strong suit. Fantastic character drama with strong acting performances, the best cinematography on tv, black comedy and black comedy. Walt was always pulling off absurd things.

As far as the pantheon of finales this doesn't match the shield. That's the best finale.
Vince talked about it in "Talking Bad" [SPOILER AHEAD]: He says...

There was an artsy and a practical reason for taking off the watch. The artsy one was that he was going to confront his nemeses, and Jesse was one of them at that point, so he didn't want to wear the watch he was given on his last birthday by Jesse, any longer (supposedly he hadn't taken it off since he first got it). The practical reason was that there were other shots which clearly show him no longer wearing the watch after that moment which had already been shot. So they had him remove it to fit continuity with the rest of the episodes.

LOL - well that's that. For a such a detailed show - I love how practical and openly laid-back he and the crew seem to be about production. Especially their positive attitude about this really being a plot-by-committee approach to writing/direction/acting where they had no detailed "bible."

Lots of credit to go around that actually gets around on the podcasts.


It didn't even feel like Walt. It felt like a whole new character or at the least, a soulless shell of Walter. Anyone feel the same? Man is a great actor.

It was a man who actually got past much of his anger and pride.

He accepted that he had been a bastard and an asshole, and he did all these things because they made him feel alive.

The producers even said last week that last week's ending signified a new persona for Walt we hadn't quite seen yet.
Walter white went full macgyver with that machine gun, loved the finale that finale nod between Jesse and Walt was powerful it made me think to that particular scene were Jesse is crying driving like a manic if he perhaps acknowledged that maybe he initiated all this to an extent. If he had just gone to Alaska none of this would've happened. I'm not trying to sound like a Walt apologist here he did A lot of fucked up stuff but he did save jesse countless of times
Walter white went full macgyver with that machine gun, loved the finale that finale nod between Jesse and Walt was powerful it made me think to that particular scene were Jesse is crying driving like a manic if he perhaps acknowledged that maybe he initiated all this to an extent. If he had just gone to Alaska none of this would've happened. I'm not trying to sound like a Walt apologist here he did A lot of fucked up stuff but he did save jesse countless of times

Diddn't you get that by doing all that he was doing the same thing the Nazi's did, but instead of lock and chain he used lies, bullshit, and manipulation?


Ok guys n gals time to admit who cried and at what scene?

I was pretty stoic until Walt saw Jesse, then I teared up a bit. When Walt tackled Jesse it was clearly done for protection, and as the M60 blew the Nazis away I had this strange mix of tears and laughter. Not bawling or anything - just a couple tears.


I didn't cry. The episode really played to expectations, Walt was heavily forshadowingn his death throughout the episode and even then we are seeing the puzzle pieces ft themselves. I wasn't on the edge of my seat like ozymandious but it was a good episode.


My only criticism in regards to the finale was the handholding. It bothers me when shows decide to do that. Same thing that bugged me with Inception; the constant explanations and guiding the audience took a lot of screen time.

Two prime examples; Even though the camera zooms on the sweetener when she grabs the packet, and then zooms at her for a good minute while she pours it in her coffee, we still get the phone call of him explaining it to her. I didn't mind the call, but he should have just hung up the phone after he told her if she was sick. No explanation needed.

Another one is the gun. We didn't need to see him built it and make it obvious that iot will be used. The episode could have just opened with zoomed in shot on the thing he built. Don't show the gun or anything else. We would all be wondering WTF was that metal thing. And when it popped up and shoots everyone at the compound, the surprise would be 100x more powerful. It was just too obvious that it would have been used at that scene since they showed him build it and show exactly what it does.

Again, nitpicks, but I have OCD so this kind of shit bother me.

Overall a little too nice of an ending, but I respect that. NO forced twists or cliffhangers.


Vince talked about it in "Talking Bad" [SPOILER AHEAD]: He says...

There was an artsy and a practical reason for taking off the watch. The artsy one was that he was going to confront his nemeses, and Jesse was one of them at that point, so he didn't want to wear the watch he was given on his last birthday by Jesse, any longer (supposedly he hadn't taken it off since he first got it).

Except he only finds out Jesse's still alive later that night? Seems like a dumb thing to address anyway, any number of things could have happened to the watch in those months.


My only criticism in regards to the finale was the handholding. It bothers me when shows decide to do that. Same thing that bugged me with Inception; the constant explanations and guiding the audience took a lot of screen time.

Two prime examples; Even though the camera zooms on the sweetener when she grabs the packet, and then zooms at her for a good minute while she pours it in her coffee, we still get the phone call of him explaining it to her. I didn't mind the call, but he should have just hung up the phone after he told her if she was sick. No explanation needed.

Another one is the gun. We didn't need to see him built it and make it obvious that iot will be used. The episode could have just opened with zoomed in shot on the thing he built. Don't show the gun or anything else. We would all be wondering WTF was that metal thing. And when it popped up and shoots everyone at the compound, the surprise would be 100x more powerful. It was just too obvious that it would have been used at that scene since they showed him build it and show exactly what it does.

Again, nitpicks, but I have OCD so this kind of shit bother me.

Overall a little too nice of an ending, but I respect that. NO forced twists or cliffhangers.
Yeah I agree. :/


It was a man who actually got past much of his anger and pride.

He accepted that he had been a bastard and an asshole, and he did all these things because they made him feel alive.

The producers even said last week that last week's ending signified a new persona for Walt we hadn't quite seen yet.

I really loved this episode. Somehow, when it was all said and done, I wasn't mad at Walt anymore. Not that he redeemed himself or anything, there is no reversing the thing that he's done, but he wasn't a heartless monster. That scene with Skylar and him looking at Walt Jr, knowing that it's the last time he's going to see him, that was heart breaking.


Will "Better Call Saul" take place before or after BB? I assume before? Would be cool if they ended BCS with the scene where Walt and Jesse show up in his office for the first time.

I'm kinda hoping it's after, we see saul in nebraska trying to make a new start, but falling back into his old shtick.

Plus it wont tread on BB's origins.


Walter white went full macgyver with that machine gun, loved the finale that finale nod between Jesse and Walt was powerful it made me think to that particular scene were Jesse is crying driving like a manic if he perhaps acknowledged that maybe he initiated all this to an extent. If he had just gone to Alaska none of this would've happened. I'm not trying to sound like a Walt apologist here he did A lot of fucked up stuff but he did save jesse countless of times
Yeah' I think that car scene went over your head.


Was I the only one that thought that when Walt was telling Lydia about the ricinthat Jesse was gonna overhear the conversation, flip out, and run him over with the car?


I liked the finale. It was a suitable ending to a fantastic show. Return of badger and skinny Pete as the baddest hit men west of the Mississippi was nice. Jesse flashback or daydream about the box was a nice touch. I'm glad he made it out alive.

People complaining about the ending and saying it wrapped up the show too neatly or said it was unbelievable make me question if we were watching the same show. Realism was never bb strong suit. Fantastic character drama with strong acting performances, the best cinematography on tv, black comedy and black comedy. Walt was always pulling off absurd things.

As far as the pantheon of finales this doesn't match the shield. That's the best finale.

Another one is the gun. We didn't need to see him built it and make it obvious that iot will be used. The episode could have just opened with zoomed in shot on the thing he built. Don't show the gun or anything else. We would all be wondering WTF was that metal thing. And when it popped up and shoots everyone at the compound, the surprise would be 100x more powerful. It was just too obvious that it would have been used at that scene since they showed him build it and show exactly what it does.

No, it would have felt completely out of nowhere if he just had it and the whole scene with him trying to reach his keys would have been completely random and without any sort of tension. It's the type of thing we had to know about beforehand or him going to the nazi hideout and everything until he reached his keys wouldn't have meant anything
My only criticism in regards to the finale was the handholding. It bothers me when shows decide to do that. Same thing that bugged me with Inception; the constant explanations and guiding the audience took a lot of screen time.

Two prime examples; Even though the camera zooms on the sweetener when she grabs the packet, and then zooms at her for a good minute while she pours it in her coffee, we still get the phone call of him explaining it to her. I didn't mind the call, but he should have just hung up the phone after he told her if she was sick. No explanation needed.

Another one is the gun. We didn't need to see him built it and make it obvious that iot will be used. The episode could have just opened with zoomed in shot on the thing he built. Don't show the gun or anything else. We would all be wondering WTF was that metal thing. And when it popped up and shoots everyone at the compound, the surprise would be 100x more powerful. It was just too obvious that it would have been used at that scene since they showed him build it and show exactly what it does.

Again, nitpicks, but I have OCD so this kind of shit bother me.

Overall a little too nice of an ending, but I respect that. NO forced twists or cliffhangers.
While I agree hand holding is bad in television immediately after the finale ended people started asking

How was walt shot
How did walt get the ricin in the stevia
Can Lydia still live ?
Why did Walt call her if he wanted her to die
Why didnt Walt shoot Jesse
Why didnt Jesse shoot walt
How did he get into skylers condo without getting noticed


Killing becomes so much easier for Walter as the seasons go on. There was a time he almost let Krazy 8 go because of his conscience until he realizes Krazy 8 planned on killing him. I don't really count his first kill of Emilio. He had to think quick to survive in the RV.

Hmmmmm, he really saves Jesse a lot in Breaking Bad thinking back through the series.


Another one is the gun. We didn't need to see him built it and make it obvious that iot will be used. The episode could have just opened with zoomed in shot on the thing he built. Don't show the gun or anything else. We would all be wondering WTF was that metal thing. And when it popped up and shoots everyone at the compound, the surprise would be 100x more powerful. It was just too obvious that it would have been used at that scene since they showed him build it and show exactly what it does.

I think that scene would have played out terribly if we hadn't had the establishing scene of Walt building the contraption in the first place. An assault rifle randomly popping out of the trunk and firing off like that would have seemed totally ridiculous if we weren't already expecting it.


I liked the finale. It was defiantly a little "too neat" but I think that was the point. This was Walts final scheme and it played out perfectly, just like the death of Gus.

I would agree that The Shield still holds the title for best finale. But this is up there.

I can't decide if Season 4 or Season 5 was superior. I think I still prefer Season 4, if only because Gus was such a timeless villain


While I agree hand holding is bad in television immediately after the finale ended people started asking

How was walt shot
How did walt get the ricin in the stevia
Can Lydia still live ?
Why did Walt call her if he wanted her to die
Why didnt Walt shoot Jesse
Why didnt Jesse shoot walt
How did he get into skylers condo without getting noticed

Don't forget "since when were Badger and Skinny Pete regarded as the best hitmen in the west?" :lol


No, it would have felt completely out of nowhere if he just had it and the whole scene with him trying to reach his keys would have been completely random and without any sort of tension. It's the type of thing we had to know about beforehand or him going to the nazi hideout and everything until he reached his keys wouldn't have meant anything

Huh? Him constantly trying to reach his keys would be the perfect tension. Everyone wondering 'What is he trying to do???" and then BOOM.

And how would that have affected him going to the nazi hideout? He already met with Todd and Lydia to meet them, and found out that Jesse is alive. If we had only gotten a glimpse of the machine at the beginning, it would be the perfection suspense maker.


You know I'm going to miss reading your reaction posts to each episode. I always download it after it runs so I never get to watch at the same time.

But every Monday morning I go back 30 pages or so and read each one of you freaking out, so awesome.

Shame that has to end.

Content Roundup - Episode 8 - Felina


- AMC Q&A: Jesse Plemons (Todd Alquist)
- Poniewozik @ Time: How Walter White Became the One Who Knocks
- The Onion: ‘Breaking Bad’ Ends With Reveal That Whole Series Was Plot of Book Marie Shoplifted
- Bad Finger - Baby Blue (closing song)
- El Paso (Full-Length Version) - Marty Robbins
- NY Times: Walter White’s Soul, and Yours (Room For Debate Editorial Feature)
- Warming Glow: ‘Breaking Bad’ Series Finale GIF Highlights: Felina
- Salon: Why Flynn is the real hero of “Breaking Bad”
- National Geographic: Things You Should Know About Ricin
- NY Mag: 11 Breaking Bad Finale Facts Revealed on Talking Bad
- NY Mag: Your Final Breaking Bad GIFs
- EW Interview: Vince Gilligan explains series finale
- EW Interview: Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul discuss ending of 'Breaking Bad' finale
- THR: 'Breaking Bad': The Meaning of the Finale's Last Song
- Forbes: Working Bad: Exclusive Interviews With the Brains Behind 'Breaking Bad' (set of interview links)
- Rolling Stone: Lessons of the 'Breaking Bad' Series Finale
- Andy Greenwald answers a few BB questions in his September Mail Bag for Grantland
- The Week: Breaking Bad: An interview with the show's science advisor
I wonder. Walt's plan was for Jesse to shoot him at the end. Jesse didn't. If Walt didn't get hit by the ricochet, was Walt going to shoot himself as his plan B? Part of me says yes...
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